Thursday, October 4, 2012

Musings: Conflicts and Corporate Cronyism

Out beneath a well-whittled moon that was cozying up to Jupiter directly overhead as Venus tagged along in the east, I reveled in the contrast between the refreshing cool of the dawn and the snug warmth of the bed I'd just left.

The contrast between President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney wasn't quite so marked in yesterday's debate, with one Facebooker likening it to a debate between McDonald's and Burger King.

As the candidates droned on about arcane tax rates and Romney promised the world — higher wages, more jobs, beefed up military, no cuts in Medicare or Social Security, no tax increase, no deficit spending, check's in the mail, I'll still love you in the morning — I thought of all the missed opportunities for questions that would have interested the voters.

Like when Romney said the federal government was all about ensuring life and liberty, that was the perfect time to ask, exactly when, Mitt, does that life begin, and how come we don't hold Muslim lives and liberty in such high regard?

And when Romney was making like he was the friend of the working man and small businesses, well, that was a natural segue to say, hey, how many jobs and companies did you and Bain Capital destroy with your predatory practices?

As for Obama, well, right off it would've been, yo dude, what's up with your personal assassination list and all those civilians killed by drones?  And how come you're so keen to make sure Americans are covered by the National Defense Authorization Act? Who are you planning to lock up, and why?

I think my 30-something nephew had it right when he posted: If this debate helps you decide who to vote for, you shouldn't be voting.

And the audience, well, you could see human heads in the darkness, but they were eerily silent — no coughs, no sneezes, nobody booing, applauding or screaming out “liar!”

Shoots, the County Council hash-out of Keiki POHAKU was a lot more entertaining, though I was troubled by the 14 cops sitting on their duffs in the audience for a few hours, all on the county dime. Not to mention Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho's six-figure-salaried personal blogger, who started to live blog the proceedings, then apparently thought better of his foolishness and disappeared the post.

So how come regular people have to take time off from their jobs to attend Council meeting, but cops and other county workers get paid to simply sit and show support for an agenda item? Heck, the cops didn't even testify. They left that to their fearless leader, Assistant Chief Ale Quibilan, who came off looking like a dolt, as did school superintendent Bill Arakaki: “Uh, duh, yeah, we love Keiki POHAKU. We don't know nuttin' about it, but we love it.”

My ears pricked when Councilman Mel Rapozo got all high and mighty about the sunshine law, and what could and couldn't be discussed by the Council. He then pronounced: “The OIP [Office of Information Practices] is the governing authority.” Yeah, that's what I always thought, too. So right then I sent him an email, asking how he feels about Shay repeatedly blowing off OIP directives to release public records that I requested.

I'd really like to hear your views on this,” I wrote. But he didn't reply.

I especially liked the part where Council Chair Jay Furfaro made a point of noting that he had not leaked an email to The Garden Island — an email that other Council members also received, an email that is almost certainly a public record. That later prompted Mel — not to pick on you, guy, but you keep putting your foot in it — to huff about confidentiality issues.

Some of the communication that came to us ended up in the media,” he said. “Why? This is our workplace, not the media.”

Apparently it is OK, though, for certain Council members to leak confidential, as in executive session, stuff to Shay.

Things got a little heated when a citizen called upon Councilman Tim Bynum to recuse himself now that he's filed suit against Shay. After questioning from Tim, and a bit of lawyerly dodging, Shay finally came right out and said, “I believe you have a conflict of interest.” OK. So Shay thinks Tim has a conflict whether she's charged him, or he's suing her. And since he's suing partly because he believes she impinged upon his First Amendment rights, well, just keep digging the hole deeper, girl. Cause you ain't gonna pick up the tab for his settlement.

Though the Board of Ethics previously found that Tim did not, in fact, have a conflict of interest concerning the Office of Prosecuting Attorney (OPA) when Shay filed those bogus zoning charges against him, it might not hurt for him to check in again now that he's suing her.

Which reminds me to check on that BOE opinion regarding Councilman KipuKai Kualii's conflict with the OPA, which gives money to his employer, the YWCA. As I reported back in August, until we see the actual advisory opinion, it's a little unclear exactly what the conflict covers.

While we're at it, maybe Mel should also check in with BOE and see if it's a conflict for him to be the Council's Pavlovian supporter of all things Shay, considering he also gets paid who knows how much – oh, I feel a public records request coming on — by her office.

And I wonder if Bryson Ponce, spokesman for SHOPO, the cop's union, had a conflict in his pro-POHAKU testimony, considering they endorsed Shay for re-election, and some cops might end up getting paid big bucks for OT once the program is up and running.

Cause ya know, conflicts suck, just like corporate cronyism.

Seeing as how both are rampant in government, how's about we scratch this set-up, and come up with something new?


  1. The Rats are starting to come out of their Holes and expose themselves for what? Shayme!

    The Keiki Pohaku program will only benefit the benefactors for these programs were made to protect the cabal and the other programs are made for the average joe.

    What Shay is doing is duplicating programs to create jobs for her inner circle. THIS IS ANOTHER example of FRAUD,WASTE, AND ABUSE.

    I demand for Charlie to get another 45 percent pay raise for blogging while on county dime at a council meeting. He surely has earned his DPA pay and I think it has been over 30 days from his last pay raise, seeing that he had his first pay raise within 60 days of getting hired in the OPA. Another example of fraud, waste, and abuse.

    We are starting to see more and more players come out and Show Force and Dictate what they want to occur. Ainokea I do what I like! Kauai is still living in the times of the Wild West.

    If these guys actually worked in a functioning Gov body, these fools would be with Big Bird standing in the unemployment line.

  2. Mel and KipuKai are the biggest hypocrites and grandstanders around. They continuously think that they are above everyone else. I hope everyone sees through their arrogance and disregard for the laws and rules. It only applies to everyone else in their eyes. KipuKai, don't fool yourself. You couldn't even get elected two times around. They shoul have at least appointed someone the public had chosen even if that meant Asing or Kaneshiro or better yet Kawahara. 8th place means the people didn't choose you and I hope they don't choose you again because you are great at finding fault in others but you really don't have any solutions. And resolutions are totally worthless. Basically passing the buck. Out with KipuKai in with anyone else.

    1. Tim, Gary, Joann and possibly Jay are good picks for Kauai. Mel, Kipu, Ross, and Dickie should not voted as councilmen. Why is Mel not recusing himself in anything dealing with the OPA, Shay stuffs his pockets.

  3. You guys got a lot o shit to talk about but why wasnʻt your ugly mug over there to testify against everything you obviously canʻt stand?

    1. Some people have jobs or multiple jobs, oh yeah an we have to protect our families from you criminals who support a help support a criminal program.

  4. 9:24 AM

    Itʻs clear you do not understand keiki POHAKU.

    1. TGI reported that this program is for Teens that commit Felony offenses and commit the same misdemeanor crimes over and over again.

      Example a 17 yr shoots and kills someone, he/she is not accepted in juvenile court but has a shot at getting picked up by the PA and sent into the keiki pohaku program.

      I gurantee if that's a haole, that haole has no chance of getting into the program.

      There's already reports of the abuse in the system of the pohaku program. The choosen ones did not have to do community service, which is part of the pohakus strict obligations. So why should the public put any trust in a program that was created by a PA that has no morals and has no integrity to speak to the council and bring proof to her program claims.

    2. Sounds like something similar to the MURDER trial that has been extended for 2 yrs on Kauai.

  5. Keiki Pohaku is for kids that commit felony crimes and are repeat offenders, so just like the adult pohaku that helped career criminals get away with their crimes, this prgram is to help lead these kids into a life of crime because they will be protected by their family in office. If the OPA released the names of the adults in pohaku program then all will see that these people who was choosen to be in the program were felons are repeat and I mean REPEAT offenders as in stealing ATM's, robberies, and drug crimes. The crimes that were commited by these people now have a system that protects them and allows them to do the same crimes over and over again with any justice. These programs is to protect the syndicates and their kids who will become their criminal slaves. These Kids are going to have a free pass to sell drugs that kill in schools to your kids that have money to by drugs, once the parents stop giving them money no these kids will commit crimes o support their addictive habits. The Keiki Pohaku program is a sinister program filled with greed from the Powers. Right now perscription drugs is a destructive tool that is killing our kids and making people rich, these criminals will be able to hide under the POHAKU AND KEIKI POHAKU. Our officials should vote no for these program we arlready have programs in place. Shayme wants power and control to protect her family and friends who live the life of crime.

  6. "Like when Romney said the federal government was all about ensuring life and liberty, that was the perfect time to ask, exactly when, Mitt, does that life begin, and how come we don't hold Muslim lives and liberty in such high regard?"

    Ahhh, it is Obama who is bombing Muslims.

  7. If POHAKU is a duplication of a program then the OPA should release the names of the people who participated in the Pohaku program. Drug court and other programs pride themselves on the graduating participants of their program with press releases and the police pride themselves on arrests by posting arrest logs. So why has the OPA kept Pohaku participants and graduates names secret. I think that there's proof in the pudding that people just might like and others that do.

    The fortunates were even given immunity from doing community service, which pohaku prides itself as giving back to the community. I call your BS Shayme!

    Why is this program significant? Ask yourselves and then find out who benefits from these programs and why.

    Fool me once (pohaku) Shayme on you! Fool me twice (keiki pohaku) Shayme on Me!

  8. TO: 10:49 AM

    I donʻt feel that wasting too much of my time responding to your ignorant argument is worth it so all I can say again is:
    Obviously you do not understand keiki POHAKU NOR the concept behind it.

    1. Yes we understand that you want your kids to be able to commit felony crimes or misdemeanors crimes over and over again without a judicial reprecussions. Kind of like stealing atm machines over and over again, or selling drugs at every elementary or high school on Kauai without any real punishment.

  9. Joan,
    I have come to the conclusion that a significant number of your posters are racist and not too bright.

    They make knee jerk comments and refuse to do a little keyboard research on this program. They are predators and leeches that wait for you to do all the work and fact finding.

    Therefore I am coming to the conclusion that since this program (KP) is also integrated with a cultural foundation, it forms the basis for these low-lifesʻ comments.

    It is apparent that the issue is NOT keiki POHAKU so much (and the sacrifice of it is OK) but the attack on the OPA.

    I really thought there was a little decency in people but see that is not the case and I am getting pretty sick to my stomach.

    Thereʻs a lot of lecherous people that post here. And them being here in Hawaii has contributed greatly for the need of KP; the children are just the consequence of them. I know far too many young local girls that have raped by the likes of them.

    I figure it would obvious but one of the idiots here wants names of program participants published. Well, I say then letʻs get the requestors to submit their (probably very dirty) profiles first. Besides there are laws of confidentiality...ʻeven though theyʻre childrenʻ.

    Yes, idiots, they have rights.

    1. This is about the about pohaku names you troll.

      There are programs and people already in place for girls who have gotten rapped and such. There is teen court and diversion progrmas already.

      What is so special that pohaku or keiki pohaku has to be imbedded in our judicial system? Who is to benefit? Remember the OPa chooses who qualifies to participate in these program. Does favortism work, well we've seen that kinds of abuses that has ccost the county hundreds of thousands of tax payers monies and the total is still rising.

      Bring forth supporting evidence as what Kauai Drug Court does with graduates and articles.

      No Be Shayme!

  10. TO 11:35 AM:

    You got one word right: fool.
    You are one.

    1. 11:58 am

      Are they getting close to the truth?

      Are you spooked by being infilitrated?

  11. To: 11:49 AM

    How can we when the PA refuses to answer any questions and forth supporting evidence and testimony from particiants.

    The public is made to have faith in believing what the PA says as being the truth, now we all know that's a matter of fact that is being processed through civil court not once but twice in the immediate future.

    We have known that the EEOC has validated 4 complaints against the OPA in Shay's reign as the top law enforcement official on Kauai.

    We also know that the first Pohaku program violated the states procurement process. Trying to copy the No Bid contracts as her friends and other family has done before just didn't quite work this time around.

    I say the Keiki Pohaku is another example how fraud, wast, and abuse for duplicating programs to help friends and family. Mel investigator, Kipu YWCA take over of the CVW program, and the original ohaku program serves as evidence that what is going on here is a mirrored image of decepting the community to circumvent funds to family, friends, and supporters of the al mighty POWERS.


    1. I certainly agree with everything that has gone on with the OPA during the PA's tenure. I think its fair to say her programs are questionable and the intentions are probably tainted.

  13. TO: 12:20 PM

    I mentioned the rapes, not to do with KP, but the type of people on this blog.

    1. The type of people that are on this Blog in searching for Justice against the Powers! They were victims who now fight to expose Kauai's Corruption!

    2. The Rapes in the North Shore area are Drug related. Can you imagine a rapist being able to rape over and over again because the pohaku or keiki pohaku program protects them.

  14. "Who is to benefit?"

    I canʻt believe you asked that question.
    Score one for me.

  15. TO 12:23 PM:

    Who cares what you think?

  16. Pohaku reminds of the McDonalds Monopoly game. When the FEDS investigated them and the public found out that the executives were cheating by giving the winning pieces to family and freinds.

    Does the Pohaku program resemble anything that is deceptive to you? Who will get the winning tickets into the programs? Does the adult pohaku program prove this theory right or wrong?

  17. I want to see if any of the names in Pohaku were the ones that was robbing the homes in Hanalei, Kapaa, Wailua, Lihue, Koloa, Kalaheo, and Robbed Larry Rivera and his Wife in daylight!

    Larry Rivera and his wife was Robbed at their home in daylight!

  18. Pohaku program is like a program created to protect the people who was involved in the countless unsolved murders on Kauai.

  19. "Pohaku program is like a program created to protect the people who was involved in the countless unsolved murders on Kauai."

    Sure it was. There, there. You and your friends just stay here where good aunt Joanie can protect you and take care of you. You and she know the truth. Everyone else is lying. Now take your meds and dream sweet dreams of when uncle Al has his good children in charge of all the county. It will be a special time then.

    1. Everyone knows that Al is a pawn so don't try to play people and say Al is a shot caller.

  20. Since everyoneʻs on the family syndicate roll and protecting the Shay hui, how bout an opinion on Nakamura and Nakamura?
    Peter and Nadine?
    Any takes on that or are they ok cause they vote with Bynumm?

    Letʻs be consistent. Too much to ask, huh?

    Peter gave that vote to Baptiste BECAUSE he counted the votes. Nadine is a dummy and tries to look real studious hiding behind shuffling papers and eyeglasses.

    1. Part of the reason Shay went after Tim is because Tim exposed Kaipo and Peter the Good Ol Boys!

  21. Too much hatred and self righteousness… disgusting

  22. I'm having a hard time understanding why some of you are against the prosecutor working out different methods of working with the troubled people. Kauai's kids have lost their place, and so much more. Incarceration is proven to set kids and people on a worse track, and you pay for the "care".I 'm in favor of all the programs the county can have to divert troubled people out of standard incarceration.

    1. I have a better program that will help these kids. First have a school and education corordinator that mentors these troubled kids. Then have a work program cleaning county parks or doing projects to get them interested in careers and help them build pride in their work and community. Also what needs to be incorporated is services in the police, fire, hospital, churches, and other places that will instill some morals. It will also build networks for the kids to turn to and have people who are willing to also mentor these kids in need.

  23. "Tim, Gary, Joann and possibly Jay are good picks for Kauai. Mel, Kipu, Ross, and Dickie should not voted as councilmen."

    It's hard to believe there are people who actually think this way.

    1. Is it hard for you to believe that the PA has 4 EEOC paid claims that has cost the county tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

      Is it hard for you to believe that Mel receives money from the PA as a private investigator, when the OPA has 2 competent or incompentent investigators.

      Is it hard for you to believe that the PA got rid of jobs a few months ago that she is now requesting positions for. The CVW was wrongfully dismantled to provide a ywca funded high salaried position that is being held by Kipu Kai campaign manager.

      Is it hard for you to believe Tim Bynum was targeted for having a rice cooker?

      Is it hard for you to believe that the KHS was threatened by the PA through email that if they did not terminate a employee that pissed her relative off?

      Is it hard for you to go to your job with your knee pads and brown nose all day long?

  24. Did anyone see the first lady's testimony? Is she a drug addict? Or recovering drug addict? Does her children or friends sell drugs?

  25. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and infinite time offenders are diverted from first time offenders diverted from teen court to the Keiki Pohaku program. A person who commits a crime over and over and over again-speaks for itself. They don't learn!

  26. To save on over time pay, KPD should have a reserve force.

  27. Is it hard for you to believe that the PA has 4 EEOC paid claims that has cost the county tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Yes it is. Isn't she supposed to uphold the law?

    Is it hard for you to believe that Mel receives money from the PA as a private investigator, when the OPA has 2 competent or incompentent investigators.

    Yes it is. Mel thinks the Sunshine Law and fiscal responsibility don't apply to Shaylene.

    Is it hard for you to believe that the PA got rid of jobs a few months ago that she is now requesting positions for. The CVW was wrongfully dismantled to provide a ywca funded high salaried position that is being held by Kipu Kai campaign manager.

    Yes it is. Kipu Kai is a big disappointment.

    Is it hard for you to believe Tim Bynum was targeted for having a rice cooker?

    Yes it is. A rice cooker?

    Is it hard for you to believe that the KHS was threatened by the PA through email that if they did not terminate a employee that pissed her relative off?

    Yes it is. Strong arm prosecutor. Nice.

    Is it hard for you to go to your job with your knee pads and brown nose all day long?

    Not if you're Charley Foster or Jake Delaplane or Mel Rapozo.

    1. Charley got a hefty pay raise so I guess eating shit might not taste that bad.

      Jake is a first DPA after just graduating, taking the Hi state board, breath smelling like similac, and white sheets folded from his midnight burning rituals.

      Mel having Shay's dinner on his nose from getting dessert.

  28. "I'm having a hard time understanding why some of you are against the prosecutor working out different methods of working with the troubled people."

    The last time Shaylene got money to run a diversion program she spent it on orange and black goodies that resemble something a candidate would use in campaigning. Only an idiot would give her more money to blow on her campaign. Unfortunately, we have several on the Council.

  29. Are you done posting over and over pretending to be different people?

    1. Are you done tracking my IP and listening to my phone calls? thanks for giving your spies a day off today, they really needed it!

      Now back to work on how we gonna set this guy up! The bar, club, drinking DWI thing hasn't worked so far so let's try something new! oh I know

  30. Remove your nose from the sphincter before you comment. It will set you free.

  31. Keiki Pohaku is like the Gas Theft Ring, only the choosen few will able to reap the spoils.

  32. Except there's lots of public and civic support for Keiki POHAKU. For the mayor stealing county gasoline, not so much.

  33. Jake was a felony prosecutor who tried murder trials before moving here, but don't let the facts get in the way of your uninformed bias.

    1. So the case that he lost because of prosecutorial misconduct show what a professional and law abiding attorney he is. Wait let me get a tape recorder for this reply!

    2. No way Jake tried murder cases. Name one do we can look it up.

    3. That Murder case is set up for FAILURE!

      We have heard the rumors and who is all involved and its the same people who raised their right hand and swore an oath.

  34. Diversion of money to the favored few keep them in line.

  35. The OPA 3 member board for the Keiki Pohaku has no experts to review specific criterias for which a trouble kid would need for a proper evaluation. This means the blind will be leading the blind and we will have to front the bill for outside experts to do this diversion program. A Lenny Rapozo situation! No expertise in the area appointed and now the county has to spend tax payers monies to get an experts opinion that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why don't they learn?

  36. Sure. Accuse him falsely. Dumbass.

  37. Shay's statement that the military won't take people who have criminal records is horse shit. Let's have a Oahu military recruiter educate the couty council about the truth about who they accept into the military.

  38. To: 8:10 PM

    Yeah that statement by Shay was BS! There was a male from Kauai who was a felon and was able to join the military and serve in the military.

  39. Shay will win. You can't put a good woman down.

  40. A dysfunctional workplace, that is the county. If you are weak, you are bullied by the power-that be. Shay is tough. No one can dare bully her, not even the mayor and his well-paid cohorts.

  41. "Example a 17 yr shoots and kills someone, he/she is not accepted in juvenile court but has a shot at getting picked up by the PA and sent into the keiki pohaku program."

    See, if you knew anything about the program you would know this type of offender DOES NOT qualify.

    1. Unless you are will probably never know that for sure either. .. Cuz it will be up to the OPA's office and there would be no way for you to get that i that information our completion list. Have you been watch the council meetings? Are you not seeing the big picture???

  42. It's really amazing to see how some of our county council members operate. Did they forget who they are Supposed to be representIng? What happen to looking after all community members best Interest for the betterment of Kauai's future? And as for our youth why did OPA stop referrals to TC? if they care about Kauai's keki? If we want our youth to have a brighter future it starts with each of us (especially those of us I'n public office) we should be role models and examples of good old fashion values that really make a difference. RESPECT, HONESTY , WORKING TOGETHER, and CARING FOR EACHOTHER. Haven't seen much of that lately concerning OPA's council meetings just alot of avoiding questions, passing blame and bullying. These are the role models who want to instill another diversionaire program on youth who struggling.???? Time to make your vote count concerning the OPA's and county council level. We need true democracy and transparency if not for ourselves FOR ALL THE KEIKI'S OF THIS 'Aina

    1. But the OPA stresses that its a cultural thang! So what cultures apply and what cultures are screwed over? Isn't Kauai apart of America and aren't we Americans that follow American rules and Justices?

  43. Ok just got finished watching the whole Keiki Pohaku council meeting agenda to accept federal funding. which is tax payers money and well all pay federal taxes so don't be fooled into believing its not even our money.

    Not one of the speakers had any knowledge of how the program worked. It was like a bunch of air heads saying yeah I like how it sounds and I am for it because its hot and cool.

    The OPA was even more confusing as they went up and said that it was going through them for funding then going to another company to be implemented. Then they had budget issues of 35k and 17K, then there was a coordinator position or assistant that had a 3 person board to divert the felon or multiple offender kids to this program but nobody has any experience in evaluating a criteria that is suppose to be created by these 3 non experts.

    Nadine and Joann asked the tough questions that curve balled the OPA and they looked because evrytime they spoke it was contradictary of each statement. They Key words was that we need this just to start up and then we will come back and ask for money as we did for the crime victim witness scheme. The OPA will give people jobs who aren't qualified and if you don't believe that then all you have to do is ask Charlie how long has he worked for the OPA and how much does he get paid.

    I kind of find it hard to believe that the boyfriend of a person who ran the adult pohaku program as a coordinator without it being a county approved salaried position would show up testify and not know any answers to any questions. I guess that if the whole shabang showed up, the council would just rubber stamp the grant.

    I believe the future scenarios of this program has already be proven as a false hope. The adult pohaku and the crime victim witness debacles are factual events that will also occur to keep the program running. The Nepotism will continue and the EEO, and lawsuits will continue also. Its going to be a replay of what went wrong and that being said the tax payers are set up for failure yet again.

    I support teen court and the many state and county diversion programs already in place for the kids of Kauai. I cannot support Keiki Pohaku because as you have seen on hoike, these people don't know what they're talking about and are just as confused as you and I.

  44. To...9:38 PM

    I would gladly agree with you but you are guilty of the same thing you say.

    You canʻt put the blinders on and criticize the other side.
    And donʻt use the keiki when you need a sincerity ploy.

    You donʻt think both sides are bad?

    Bynum is a piece of work. Ever see how cocky that guy can get.

    But I caought that last part of your post: "FOR ALL THE KEIKIʻS (SP WRONG) OF THIS ʻAina" ----- bothers you that itʻs culturally based doesnʻt it?

  45. The first 17 K will get Shay thru the election. Imagine the cool promotional material they can get for Keiki Pohaku with Halloween right around the corner. Orange and black trick or treat bags, plastic Keiki Pohaku pumpkins, orange and black wrapped candies, it's endless. Yeah, give her the money.

    1. Didn't the PA and 1stDPA say that they were no county expenditures on pohaku? What have we found out after this was said?

      What was found out after someone posted that the OPA had cost the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars on EEO complaints?

      What was found out after someone posted about how the pohaku program was a scam?

      What was found out after someone posted Tim Bynum was being targeted for retaliation?

      Trust me there's more to follow- they keep asking people how do they know so much.

      Because victims/targets should always stand their ground and fight back!

  46. This is America and we indiscriminately screw over different cultures.

  47. Having a culturally based diversion program is not the problem, so to suggest this is ridiculous. This is an insult to insinuate this to the former poster that made the comment. I am kanaka, and I don't feel this way at all. This concept is not the first of its kind. In fact there are awesome programs out there with this this type of diversion, the only question I have is, who will be implementing this program? This is an art. You don't just create a program, base it on cultural relativity and say there. What is the kauna behind the program, we don't even have a program in place that we can critique, up or down.
    We are also forgetting that the prosecutors job is to prosecute a case to the fullest extent of the law, you are charged with that sole responsibility of making our community as safe as possible. The bullshit about wanting to create a program that focuses on the gap criminal is not your responsibililty. Leave that to the professionals. The day you decide to think outside of "your" box, is the day you need to get the hell out, your priorities are getting screwed up. You cannot be prosecuting them, and making it your kuleana as to how to rehabilitate them. Leave it to the experts. Of which obviously, you're not!

  48. I stress... pay attention to the county council, Mel, KipuKai, Dickie Chang (dumb dumb one), and Ross Kagawa (dumb dumb two) will be the 4 horsemen if they are FORTUNATE to sit at the table on the council. Don't let these guys fool you, we need to get to the poles and make our statement of ZERO tolerance to the bullshit and break up this monopoly. If you think the OPA is bad now, watch what'll happen when this bunch gets in. Stop them by gettting out and vote people. Take back our government!

  49. Mel 8th, Kipu 9th. (I know. That means Dickie gets back in but he's entirely harmless.) Mel, you have a conflict of interest re: Shay. Shay, do you have any dignity left? Then, step down. You have disgraced the office, the profession and the great community of Kauai. You've exposed the racism inherent in the county government and Mel, Kipu, Mrs. Chief of Polic and SHOPO are all racists by association.

  50. Hawaiian people and kids have the highest incarceration rates. Are they Bad people, or highly frustrated? Should we lock em up forever or help them to be better citizens?
    The difference between white kids in trouble and local kids is the white kids parents hire good attorney's(like Mr. Hempey, but the Hawaiian kids get sent to jail.

  51. Someone stayed up all night posting and reposting

  52. I wonder if Shay Jake and Charley actuallly believe the BS they feed the rest of us. They have taken us all for fools.

  53. Honestly, I'm haveing a lot of trouble understanding why anyone would even want a promotional trinket or item, or tote bag or whatever with the name of any diversionary justice program on it anyway. It's baffling to me that any county money at all was spent on giveaway items for a program like this and justified in any manner.
    Just absolutely ridiculous on every level, but not the least is the folks who are indignant why someone would question this.
    It's being questioned because it looks impropper, and there's certianly a lot of evidence that it IS impropper. It looks like it's county funded campaign advertising. It's good county money spent on literally, crap. Junk. more throwaway plastic stuff for Kekaha landfill.

    1. It was total abuse of tax payers monies but if you took into account what the wailua bridge estimated cost and what the final cost came out to, then people would start to keep an eye on No Bid Contracts.

      The PA was wrong for purchasing pohaku products without prior approval and should pay the full expense of that program expenditures.

  54. The PA will probably ask for funding for a medical center in the OPA so when ppeople get tased or assaulted by brute cops that they hav a board inplace that will have a coordinator to evaluate the victim and make suggestions to what kind of medical treatment that they should receive. The PA will have staff in place that has no experts in the field but since not everything should be included in a grant then its still ok because the PA is gonna use an outside agency to do all the work.

    Wait a minute! WTF are you saying? Everything is hypothetically speaking.

  55. The most harmless ones are the silent ones. Don't count out Mr.Dickie, that's his platform. Silence, I'm listening, observing, and and am stradegizing in my brain, how can this situation help ME! He doesn't know which side of the fence to jump over. The approach he is now taking is, Administration or OPA. He's just trying to figure it out by the people's response to OPA's scrutiny, now that they're trying to drag the mayor in to this! As to the person that claims someone is staying up all night. Think agaion, the people are catching on. Watch closely, something else is gonna happen soon, and then you'll realize it's more than one person staying up all night. Another shibai, that's gonna rock Kaua'i. Because of fools that wish to run this government, not with the people's heart in mind, but their own egos! To even suggest that "you'd buy the guy a lawnmower because the county didn't provide poor Mr. Soares one." Get a fucking grip! That's why he's driving around a brand new one...and no, it wasn't because you bought the concern to the department, so take no credit there. It was an in progress equipment coming. He just couldn't wait, and had shit to talk about. So stupid you, who is another, hang around the park and suck 'um up type of guy revels in the petty bullshit, nothing better to do. So Mr. Hero, sit back and relax, we'll be going for a ride shortly!

    P.S- Good of you to think it's just one person typing the comments. How unprepared you'll be when the poles tell you otherwise! We're taking back what is the peoples! Fuck the politicians, even the wannabe's!

  56. Feelin nasty from being up all night?

  57. This is not comparable to construction contracts, no bid or not. Construction estimate overruns happen because construction cost estimating is not a precise science, and public works, especially, are quite subject to changing environmental conditions that can not always be understood in the estimating process. Estimating is just that: estimating. Couple that with the fact that no one ever wants to hear that a project will cost more than they think it will, or want it to, and you wind up with constant low-ball estimates, best-case assumptions, and the impetus to only accept the lowest, or second lowest bid, so as to puch the default action to try and come in lowest to drum-up work. The contracts should always be bid, and it is a requirement of the law that they are, but people often have very unrealistic expecations in this matter.

    Prior approval aside for POHAKU products, purchasing them, for the sake of promoting this program to the general public is a waste in any and every regard. The items are junk. They will be thrown away. they were a waste of money, and soley used for shameless self-promotion on behalf of the OPA, regardless of the election year.

    1. The thing about the wailua bridge no bid contract is that a mainland company who built bridges all over Kauai put in a bid 9x lower than. Winning bid of 9 million. The total cost was nearly 40 million so now you get the fraud waste and abuse part of it or do we have to retrain you and speak in lamer man terminology. Plain and simple-Ripped Off by No Bid Contracts!

  58. So Joan, do you get a position with the county only if Justin wins, or whether he wins or not?

  59. TO 10:48 PM:

    Wouldnʻt you agree that cases have to be analyzed to qualify for this program and you canʻt just have anybody and everybody looking into a childʻs criminal file!!!!

    That the prosecutorʻs office retains this information so it is coming from the source without traveling to a bunch of non-lawyer eyes.

    1. That was very key in their decision to create this program. The adult pohaku, EEOC and precursors to what the keiki pohaku rogram is to be. Power and control for the PA to receive votes for office by the locals and when all is said and done if your childs name does not favor the PA liking no matter if you local or not she not going pick you to get accepted in the get out of jail for free.

      She is a racist and sexist that will abuse her power and position!


  60. Anonymous said: " You guys got a lot o shit to talk about...but why wasn't your ugly mug over there to testify against everything.....etc."

    Because: some of us have to work!
    .....and pay the bills and do not get paid for sitting on their asses on our tax money.

    These meetings should be after work then more would show up.

  61. Be there to support the nobody''ll look as idiodic as they are!

  62. No, just good that it'll be known shortly!

  63. I think that the ACLU needs to be involved in this - what kind of justice system is this really? You have to pay to get your record esponged? some 1st time offenders are eligible, some are not?

    Teen Court was SUCCESSFULLY run for 10 years before OPA interceded? Then for several months this year did NOT refer clients to the program(s)?

    1. They were held hostage ending the PA demands! It's insane on Kauai, like the book Animal Farm- by George Orwell

    2. The ACLU only wants big cases that will get them some recognition! They are a full of crap extention of the beauracrats!

  64. Regarding your disappointment in the issues covered-- and avoided-- in the Presidential debate, you and some of your readers might be interested in watching Democracy Now's "Expanded Presidential Debate." They "expanded" it by allowing third party candidates Jill Stein, of the Green Party, and Rocky Anderson, of the newly formed Justice Party to respond on an equal basis to the questions posed to Romney and Obama.

    (They had invited the Libertarian candidate as well, but his people reported a "scheduling conflict.")

    Here is a link for the streaming video:

  65. "It's good county money spent on literally, crap. Junk. more throwaway plastic stuff for Kekaha landfill."

    Right on.

    That's $9,000 worth of the worst kind of unsustainable plastic crap, bought by the PA with your money.

  66. Interesting, 9:08 AM.

    "Because: some of us have to work!
    .....and pay the bills and do not get paid for sitting on their asses on our tax money.
    These meetings should be after work then more would show up."

    I see you are blogging. Is this on work time? Like Charlie Foster?

    I watched the hearing and did not hear of any testimony submitted by anyone "because they were too busy working".

    I put my name on the Petition. Otherwise I would have submitted testimony. There is always the opportunity to do that, you know.

    Youʻre another whiner.

  67. It's ridiculous that SHaylene talks about needing this program for the KEIKI. Gee what we could do for the keiki with $223,000 that the County recently had to pay out to plaintiffs from the Prosecutor's Office. Really Shaylene - who do you think you are kidding? Maybe that money could have paid for a good portion of a new skatepark in Lihue.

  68. Shay has brought in tons more money in outside grants than the county attorney settled for in cases against her. So despite the county attorney's best efforts, she's still a bargain.

  69. If that's even true the grants only benefit Shay and her world. The settlements affect the entire county because they come from the general fund.

  70. "If that's even true the grants only benefit Shay and her world."

    WRONG! They benefit the whole county. None of the grants go to Shay personally. They go to programs that benefit the county. And Shay is a master at obtaining those grants.

  71. Shay is masterful at ferreting out and obtaining federal and state grant funds. Do you think Justin could hold a candle? Snort!

  72. Shay - a bargain? Hilarious!

  73. Shay can't even manage her office. What makes anyone think that she is capable of setting up and overseeing a diversion program of any kind? Stick to prosecuting criminals. Those Law and Order prosecutors don't waste their time and manpower on diversion programs.

  74. If Shaylene is spending her time ferreting out grants, she should step aside and let someone prosecute criminals.

  75. Shay has an employee who finds and writes the grants. Shay just takes the credit.

    1. True. Soong hired first grant person. Position has been there for at least a decade. All Kauai prosecutors brought in grant money. Iseri just self-promotes the loudest.

  76. I'm watching the Council Meeting on television re: the Keiki Pohaku Diversion Program. In concept, it appears to be a great program. But the Prosecutor can't answer simple questions about the implementation of the program. For that matter, neither could any of the gentlemen she had step up and try to attest.
    I think the general consensus is that there is a need for programs that address the issues of as Mel Rapozo said, "troubled kids." But, given her track record, how can we be assured that she won't be using the $35,000 for her and Jake to attend more trainings. There was no concrete discussion as to exactly what that $35,000 is going to be used for. Keep asking the questions Joann and Nadine. Don't back down now.

  77. How dare you Joan to attack the representatives of the Police Department and Department of Education calling them stupid! You have no respect! You have no aloha! I watched the council meeting and they spoke about their own experience working with troubled youth, which is valuable and we should appreciate their support for all diversion programs. Don't attack their character and call them names! They are good people... Joan, you are horrible to spread hatred on Kauai!!!

  78. They were unprepared and endorsed a program they knew little about. That made them look silly.

  79. I am sure Justin Kollar will keep a grant writer on staff.

  80. I'd venture to say that a majority of the OPA grants are renewable grants. They've probably been in place for years--even before the arrival of Shay. It's great to have those grants if they're being used appropriately. From the press releases coming out of OPA about Shay and Jake attending mainland their attending necessary and beneficial to the community they're paid to serve, or is it only beneficial to them as an all-expense paid vacation?Training is a wonderful component to enhancing services. But how many mainland and outer island trainings does Shay need to attend? And calling them "meetings" doesn't make it right.


  82. Charley is earning his 45% raise. Blogging about OPA like his job depended on it.

  83. What is Joan's obsession with Charley?

  84. It's not Joan and it's not an obsession. It's disturbing, to put it mildly, that someone who just happens to be a blogger and who just happened to start blogging favorably about his boss and unfavorably about people who would dare to question her got a 45% raise to $101,000 in just six weeks. You have to be a total kiss ass or an imbecile to entrust Shaylene with more money.

  85. Joan went after Charley before he ever blogged about Shay. Check the timelines. It's an obsession.

  86. Joan went after Charley because he apparently had very little interest in blogging about Shaylene until he started working for her. Then he denied getting a fat raise and feigned shock when Joan proved it. Now he be posting like a mofo because his $101,000 job depends on it.

  87. "Joan went after Charley because he apparently had very little interest in blogging about Shaylene until he started working for her."

    You aren't listening. Joan went after Charley before he blogged about shay. Check the timeline. It's an obsession.

  88. Charley is the one who is obsessed about Joan.

  89. I am a regular reader here, and have seen no such obsession. Please, post the timeline you have.

  90. And while you're at it, give us the names of the defendants in the murder cases that Jake tried while he was a rookie prosecutor in Alabama. I saw him in action during the Bynum hearing. No way he tried murder cases.

  91. Why the top dog prosecutor obsessing on the rice cooker case when should be obsessing over murder cases? Thats messed up office priorities.
    Deputy prosecutors is sending out resumes these days. No one like work there. They all get health problems from boss stress. Craig DeCosta tried murders cases, without all the hype.

  92. "Deputy prosecutors is sending out resumes these days. No one like work there. They all get health problems from boss stress."

    That's total bullshit. Most of us are voting for her.

  93. What ever happened to Traci Murakami? If she got fired or was forced into resignation, that's fucked up! Anyone who knows Traci knows that she was the most sweetest, honest, and one of the most ethical staff members there. What's the job specs to be hired by the PA's officec, or the actions one must make to retain employment there? Watch out you don't contract that disease all you kissers!That's what it sounds like to me thus far. This blog stuff is say the least. Anyone knows where and why Traci left?


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