Sunday, September 13, 2009

Musings; The Gamut

The moon, shrinking, was still bright white, although the dark sky was turning crimson around the edges, when I pulled up at my former neighbor Andy’s house for our walk this fine Sunday morning.

The clouds drifted to the south and north of us, and we could see them dropping rain, but not on us, as we headed for the mountain trail where Koko and Momi could run free through mud puddles and pastures and fingers sticky from snacking on three kinds of guava could be wiped clean on wet fern fronds and gauzy tendrils clung to jagged green peaks.

Last week when we walked we were so busy talking about other things that we didn’t get into politics until the very end, when we just briefly touched on the debacle that is Afghanistan and had a conversation that went something like this:

“Why did we even get involved there?” I asked.

“Well, if we pull out now, the terrorists might be emboldened and go after the Golden Gate Bridge,” replied Andy.

“Assuming they're even in Afghanistan,” I countered.

“That’s where Al-Qaeda was.”

"That’s where they said it was."

"No, I’m pretty sure that’s where they were."

“Oh, that’s right. And Iraq had the weapons of mass destruction.”

Then I came home and turned on the radio and lo and behold, two knowledgeable people who have traveled extensively in Afghanistan and produced a documentary and wrote a book, “Invisible History: Afghanitan’s Untold Story,” were talking about that very subject on New Dimensions.

You can listen free to the broadcast through Sept. 16, and I highly recommend it. I learned a lot about America’s manipulations of the situation there, including the way we baited the Soviets into the same quicksand where we’re now floundering, and also that the Taliban did not evolve from a tribal group, but is a security force started by Pakistan.

Anyway, to make sure we didn’t miss our political discussion this week, I launched right in by asking Andy if he’d seen former Councilman and unsuccessful mayoral candidate Mel Rapozo’s new blog, Straight From the Heart.

I hadn’t realized he’d started blogging again until he left a comment with a link on my last post, and when I checked it out, I found in his first six posts he’d covered TVRs on ag land, the planning department’s dismal performance and the bike path on Wailua Beach, among other topics.

“And he shares our views on all those topics,” I told Andy, which caused us to agree that perhaps we should have voted for him instead of JoAnn. I imagine he’s eying another run, and that she is, too.

Mel’s blog got us talking about why the county continues to hang on to Ian Costa, an architect who is as poorly suited to the planning department as he was to engineering, where former Mayor Maryanne Kusaka first got him on the county payroll.

Andy said he’d heard that Ian was the only qualified applicant for the planning director post, adding, “whatever qualified means,” to which I replied, “maybe he was the only one could speak pidgin.” Or as Andy noted, “could bring in a thousand votes.”

Who knows, maybe one of these days when the Planning Commissioners get tired of being sued and taking the fall they’ll remember that they have the power to hire and fire the director and they’ll use one of those executive sessions they adjourn to so frequently to discuss personnel matters.

Until then, we’ve got him, and obviously we’re not the only ones who are frustrated, as evidenced by this paragraph in Mel’s most recent post:

Take a look around. Planning Department trying to allow unregistered vacation rentals outside of the VDA. Unlawful structures being permitted. Shoreline certifications being waived in the interest of rich landowners. Council considering legalizing an illegal activity. TVRs on ag land are illegal. Why are we doing these things? Why are we not fighting for the PEOPLE OF KAUAI? Why so much effort to assist the transplants at the expense of our LOCAL PEOPLE? Let's try to help the local people for once. You know, the guy that wants to build an extension but gets hammered along the way? The guy that wants to build a family room for a homeless family member but gets denied right out of the chute. What about the local residents that have been told, for decades, that vacation rentals are illegal on ag land so they never rented out their homes as vacation rentals. THEY FOLLOWED THE LAW and now are being punished because they were law abiding citizens. The transplants that disregarded the laws are now allowed to continue the illegal operations. Come on County, WAKE UP!!!

It is hard to understand why the county bends over backwards to accommodate the Joe Brescias and Nicky Michaels of this island. Then Andy mentioned he had enjoyed the link to the Maui News editorial raking Gov. Lingle over the coals for dissing that island’s business community.

“She’s shooting herself in the foot and alienating everybody, even the business community,” I said.

“Oh, I’m sure she still has her supporters,” said Andy, referring to all the rich white conservatives that have been flocking to the Islands in recent years. He noted that former Gov. Ben Cayetano, in the final chapter of his autobiography, talks at length about the changing demographics of Hawaii.

“I wonder how Turk Tokita and those other staunch Democrats and old-time liberals who worked so hard to expand tourism and development feel about all the conservatives moving in,” Andy said. “Do you suppose they even realize that it was their policies that attracted their nemeses?”

“What do they care?” I replied. “They’re old now and they’ll be dead before these guys get firmly entrenched. And they profited hugely in the meantime.”

Then somehow we got to talking about state and county workers, and the widely held view that they’re all lazy slackers, even though most people would have been right there feeding at that trough, too, given the chance.

Andy, a retired state worker, said he thought most government workers do work hard, and we’ll realize that when we furlough and or fire them. But that some jobs, like the demoralizing task of cleaning the park bathrooms, could probably be privatized, and then if the guys weren’t doing their jobs, they’d be fired. Net result: cleaner bathrooms.

I’m not so sure. I went to the county recycling center near the Kapaa armory on Labor Day evening and it was so packed with materials — as it is at the end of weekends that are two days, much less three — that folks had piled their stuff up outside the bins. I returned the next day to drop my load and while the bins had been emptied, through what I believe is a private contract, the broken glass crunched so heavily underfoot that I wished I wasn’t wearing slippers and lots of loose trash was blowing in the wind. It looked like hell.

So whose job is it to clean that site? Ideally, the recycling public shouldn’t make such a mess, but since it does, somebody’s got to tidy up. You’d think it would be the guys picking up the bins, since they're right there. As Andy and I agreed, if there’s no oversight, it doesn’t matter whether the public or private sector is doing the work.

We also touched on NASA’s plans to fire a rocket at the moon, which prompted a friend of mine to email:

That made me sad. It isn't right or necessary. The comments that were for it saddened me too. Humans deserve every bad thing coming towards us. The rest of the critters don't but we do.

Andy didn’t think it was such a big deal, and I said, "Yes, because you’re a man. All these rockets and bombs and missiles are part of the patriarchal mindset characterized by the constant need to dominate and penetrate. Just look at the shape of these things."

“That’s the shape that’s the most aerodynamic,” he argued. “You wouldn’t made an arrow shaped like a feather.”

“No, feathers are not aerodynamic at all,” I replied, and we both got to laughing as he acknowledged that was a bad example.

All too soon we were back at Andy's and he was dispensing biscuits to the dogs and as we said our goodbyes, I thought again of how I miss living right down the street from Andy. But it makes me appreciate our weekly walks all that much more, and besides, it’s a beautiful day and I’m happy as a clam — not that clams probably are all that happy, what with the heavy metals and other crap we’ve dumped on their homes — because for the first time in nine years I have a washing machine at my home, thanks to my transfer station-scavenging landlord, who discovered this cast-off works just fine.


  1. Joan said: “And he shares our views on all those topics,” I told Andy, which caused us to agree that perhaps we should have voted for him instead of JoAnn. I imagine he’s eying another run, and that she is, too.

    You mean vote for the guy who stood by and "did nothing" while the police officers under his command sexually assaulted Monica Alves?

  2. didin't he take pictures?

  3. "Just look at the shape of these things."

    Come on don't really believe that, do you?

    As Freud once said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  4. If you don't mind me asking, how is it that an apparently accomplished professional journalist and general writer such as yourself comes to live in such humble surroundings?

    No home ownership, having to (I assume) rent very down-scale digs, no typical modern appliances that most take for granted, no TV, etc.

    Austerity choice or living with a bad hand of cards, as they say? IF so, why?

    Just wondering.

  5. "including the way we baited the Soviet’s"

    -- yes it would be good if more people knew about that. a divisive strategy, even among reasonable people (as where all such people agree we wrongly left those folks high and dry after the russians left). but to pretend the russians were on "their side of the border" in '79 just playing cards or whatever with no intention of messin with afgan...c'mon

    "the Taliban did not evolve from a tribal group, but is a security force started by Pakistan."

    -- also too bad historical paki funding of boarding fighting against india was/is also under reported. i would suggest also noting that the tali morphed some after battling the soviets...there was internal fighting, and one faction gained control of afg....then the gulf war happened...bla bla bla ... and osama's role in the group brought a good number of them to focus on "new" items (international cell expansion, egypt, bombing the infidels, etc)

    as to the NASA rocket - you know that the moon takes far larger impacts all the time, right? but it is not hard to see how the symbolism of it rubs some the wrong way, regardless of the science of it. might get more traction if can show the rocket impact could be so much bigger than naturally occurs so as to run some risk

    and good ND broadcast, thanks

    PS: September 13, 2009 5:04 PM, your "humble surroundings" and other comments come across as tacky cheap shots fyi, in my view at least


  6. Maybe some people donʻt live and breath for the next lawsuit to come their way, strut around their home naked for a year with multiple camera lens for internet viewing or align themselves to receive inheritances; because basically thatʻs how the majority of the mighty whiteys acquired their little ʻfortunesʻ.

    Itʻs also called a lack of larceny in the heart.

    Did I say all that right??

  7. "didin't he take pictures?"

    No that was another cop. Mel just watched. Here is the audio of the entire trial in 3 parts. You be the judge.

  8. Oh get off it already.
    Kind of got to wonder what you and a few others would have done in same circumstance...probably worse or ur probably jealous.
    Donʻt get me wrong - it was wrong but itʻs over already.

  9. "If you don't mind me asking, how is it that an apparently accomplished professional journalist and general writer such as yourself comes to live in such humble surroundings?"

    What possible business is of some coward that is using the constitutionally protected anonymous speech not to safeguard oneself or a source, but to pry into the private affairs of another?

    The wise person owns nothing except perhaps a few toiletries.

    If you don't mind my asking where did you get that horrible asshat, but it looks good on you.

  10. "Donʻt get me wrong - it was wrong but itʻs over already."

    Yeah because Chief Perry said it was not like "KPD Blue anymore" simultaneously admitting it once was and asking us to believe it is not now.

    Lets get it behind us and "Make Mel Mayor". Hey that could be his bumper sticker.

  11. Yeah because Chief Perry said it was not like "KPD Blue anymore"

    When did he say that?

  12. had mel ran against bernard the result would've been the same but it would've been closer. if mel had endorsed joann it would've been closer as well but he did not and we have BC as mayor.
    the fact that the ethics commission can't clarify it's conflict of interest issue, the charter review commission does not understand it's importance and the planning commission is a facet of the dysfunctional permitting not planning department;its no wonder we're not in worse shape. i guess things could get worse.

  13. "The wise person owns nothing except perhaps a few toiletries."

    That's the most grabasstic, assholic philosophy I've ever heard.

    Idiots...unwise to the max...

  14. ""The wise person owns nothing except perhaps a few toiletries."

    That's the most grabasstic, assholic philosophy I've ever heard."

    Hmmmm..... I think Buddha said that. Lucky Buddhism doesn't have fatwās.

  15. Just because the officer in charge stands by and waches someone being sexually assaulted by other cops does not mean he is not an upstanding individual that wouldmake an excellent mayor.

  16. Just because the officer in charge stands by and waches someone being sexually assaulted by other cops does not mean he is not an upstanding individual that wouldmake an excellent mayor.

    Hey, that was...some time ago. Let it rest already. Just because he's a vicious sexpoiter looker-the-other-way doesn't mean he won't make a super duper mayor, as long as he's paying lip service to my pet issues I mean.

  17. "Hey, that was...some time ago. Let it rest already."

    No can do citizen. Memory has no statute of limitation. Now thanks to the internet everything old is new again. Now the past can be resurrected refreshing faded memories on demand.

  18. Mel said: "Why are we not fighting for the PEOPLE OF KAUAI? Let's try to help the local people for once."

    Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have. - nuf said.

  19. The opinions expressed above do not reflect who Mel is today. Have you never made a bad mistake in your past? That is not the only moment in life we should be judging him. As a council person, he had the gutts to address the issues truthfully, and speak his mind. He has taken a vocal stand on issues that are important to the community. Hope he runs for council again

  20. I agree with this last comment.
    For awhile there I was beginning to think we were surrounded by anonymous saints.
    But I know that isnʻt true. Fact is: only difference between Mel and most of you that wallow is, he got caught...what is it you havenʻt been caught for yet? Molesting your child? Or something like that which you probably think is acceptable.
    Itʻs all about conscience. Some have some donʻt.

    So, get over it know, just like you tell the Hawaiians?

  21. Mel Rapozo narrowly escaped jail time for what could have been a felony conviction of aiding and abetting sexual assault. It amazes me that the people of Kauai can "forget" such a transgression and "forgive", and even vote for, the type of man who was involved in such a debacle. At times like these, it is easy to conclude that the people of Kauai deserve what they get.

    Now Mel is up on his soapbox, spouting diatribes about "outsiders" and "supporting locals" and "obeying the law(!)"and more about "locals", reducing his arguments to the lowest common denominator of appealing to localism for future votes.

    He reduces the argument against vacation rentals to a simple one of "outsiders" wanting to rip off the people and steal the land. No consideration is given to the jobs created, the income generated to the island and the additional taxes paid. Let's face it, like it or not, tourism, either through direct payment or trickle down money, pays Kauai's bills. Attempting to stuff every paying tourist into the "VDAs" alienates tourists and fosters the "us against them" attitudes.

    I have another vision. Allow and encourage MORE B&Bs and cottage rentals and farmstays and agricultural tourism, as long as an owner resides here. Teach classes about hospitality at the college. Empower the local people by allowing them a direct cut of the tourist dollars, not a job from a mainland corporation which pockets the lion's share. Show visitors who want it the real local-style Kauai. Open your hearts and your homes as your new friends open their wallets. When localized tourism takes off, the hotels will have to compete to keep their occupancies, which will discourage the construction of more hotels.

    I only wish that the powers that be in 1970 had thought to consider making Kauai a "less hotels and more homestays destination". Just imagine how much nicer Kauai might be and how much happier the local population would have been...working one job from home, close to family.

  22. Mel is from freaking San Diego. Who the hell is he kidding?

  23. I would invite you all to listen to KKCR's telephone interview with KPD Blue author, Tony Summer. It is posted on the KKCR website under the Audio Archives, dated May 14, 2009. You will hear me confront Tony on his falsehoods in his book, and you will hear his very weak responses. The most telling response by Tony was that not everything that he wrote in his book actually happened. Only that somebody said that it did. He failed to verify any of his statements about me in his book. I offered to clarify his wrong information but he refused my invitation. He only wanted to print dirt, even if it was untrue. Listen to the interview and judge for yourself.

    I WAS NOT present at the time of the incident. I was vindicated and reinstated. Please don't use KPD Blue to judge my character. In fact, KPD Blue should be used to judge the character of the author who knowingly stated untrue facts, hiding behind the "someone said it" defense.

    Thank you.

  24. "So long as we are full of self we are shocked at the faults of others."

    François Fénelon


  25. TO: September 14, 2009 9:01 AM

    What part of ILLEGAL donʻt you get?
    I guess itʻs hard to accept not getting your way. How about getting out of the way and go home?

    ps just cause you live here does not denote ʻhomeʻ.

  26. To Mel:

    I would not even give them the time of day. If it isnʻt one thing it will be another, or person, they can never be satisfied.

    S high and mighty they are. Hereʻs some dirt for you dirt suckers: remember one your own ilk named DR. John Vain Cleeve? The pervert ʻthat got acquittedʻ. That pig managed to get cops to alter police reports for him because he was such an upstanding citizen...probably like you, huh?

    I would bet my bottom dollar these rock throwers would still stand by the pig Von Cleeve.
    Because heʻs white. Like them.

  27. Mel Said, "I WAS NOT present at the time of the incident. I was vindicated and reinstated. Please don't use KPD Blue to judge my character. In fact, KPD Blue should be used to judge the character of the author who knowingly stated untrue facts, hiding behind the "someone said it" defense."

    I agree do not rely on KPD Listen to the court transcript esp the State Attorney General lawyer's closing remarks about Mel and you be the judge. Charging anonymous critics of having the same or worse character flaws devoid of proof is without merit. Listen to the court transcript.

  28. "Listen to the court transcript esp the State Attorney General lawyer's closing remarks about Mel"

    Attorneys can say anything.

    Like Tony. His book is crap.

  29. "the State Attorney General lawyer's closing remarks"

    Why would anyone use this as credence of anything. Do you listen to anything Mark Bennet has to say?

    I hope not.

  30. nowondertheyhateus said...

    "the State Attorney General lawyer's closing remarks"

    Why would anyone use this as credence of anything. Do you listen to anything Mark Bennet has to say?

    Do your homework and listen to the court transcript. The AG lawyer was not Mark Bennett. The photos were destroyed to cover a felony. Other witness testified.

    nowondertheyhateYOU, cause you move your mouth without even looking or listening to inform yourself. Might help reading TGI archives for the whole sad episode of Cops Gone Wrong

    PS notice Mel did not refer you to the court transcripts, but what he said on a talk show.

  31. Mel said " Mel Said, "I WAS NOT present"

    Others under oath say otherwise.

  32. TO: September 14, 2009 5:31 PM

    Wowsa. Getting a little steamy under the crew neck?
    I was using an AG such as the likes of Mark Bennet not knowing WHO the AG was in that case (and personally not giving a s--t)
    Because ʻmostʻ are aware of the utter incompetence and mediocrity with the legal hires of this so-called state.

    What did ya have a thing for Monica?? Had ya called her in the past??

    And...hate is a very very strong word. I am just some typed words on a computer screen. chill out.

  33. Dang. Just had a suspicion: are you one of the ILLEGAL TVR whiners that Mel is arguing against?

  34. nowondertheyhateus said...

    "And...hate is a very very strong word. I am just some typed words on a computer screen. chill out."

    You used the strong word hate in your signature? You just admitted you don't know what you are talking about and making implications without any foundational facts to back them up You see corruption in the AG but not the KPD but you know very little about either. If you don't mind my asking are you a rampaging bag of gas looking for an ear?

  35. Wow. You going full steam ahead. LOL.
    And believe you me they do hate us with good reason. Not for typed words you idiot but for good cause.
    You never had your arms and legs blown off right? Then shut up.

  36. "You never had your arms and legs blown off right? Then shut up."

    Whaaaat???? Does lack of body parts confer the right to speak on any subject regardless of ones knowledge? A you typing with a mouth stick? What are you talking about????

  37. Youʻre lost.
    And this is getting boring.
    Iʻve had enough cheap thrills on this already.

    No Wonder They HATE Us.

  38. Please stop "supporting" Mel nowondertheyhateus. You are embarrassing him.


  39. "The pervert ʻthat got acquittedʻ. That pig managed to get cops to alter police reports for him because he was such an upstanding citizen."

    Another example of police corruption? Must be "just a few bad apples". Yeah! That's the ticket.

  40. "Yeah because Chief Perry said it was not like "KPD Blue anymore"

    "When did he say that?"

    Before the Council Parks and Transportation Committee while testifying about the need for the drinking curfew.

  41. How funny to see the intelligence of all of you that cite KPD Blue as a reference.


  43. Are you questioning Chief Perry's intelligence? Evidently Chief Perry believes KPD Blue or he would not have said "it was not like "KPD Blue anymore" (emphasis added).

    Anymore means that what once was is not now. Of course now someone is questioning the Chief's intelligence leading to the suspicion that perhaps it is still like KPD Blue said it was!

  44. "I have another vision. Allow and encourage MORE B&Bs and cottage rentals and farmstays and agricultural tourism, as long as an owner resides here. Teach classes about hospitality at the college. Empower the local people by allowing them a direct cut of the tourist dollars, not a job from a mainland corporation which pockets the lion's share. "

    I had been somewhat anti-TVR, but this is an interesting comment that deserves thought.

    p.s. I typed this with a mouth stick.

  45. KPD Blue is like a blog that people paid for. Citing to it is like citing to an episode of South Park.

    Mel Rapozo prevailed in court after a judge heard all of the evidence. That's good enough support for his denial. But he's too cop-like on the TVR issue. What about old retired farmers like the guy who commented? The whole "its always been illegal and there are no exceptions thing" is too harsh and dogmatic.

    Why not make the existing ones build farms or cancel their TVR permits, and be done with it? - and demand that they can never expand the existing TVR use - not even a deck.


  46. All I'm saying is that the State law prohibits overnight accommodations on ag land. Chapter 205-5 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes states:

    "Each county shall adopt ordinances setting forth procedures and requirements, including provisions for enforcement, penalties, and administrative oversight, for the review and permitting of agricultural tourism uses and activities as an accessory use on a working farm, or farming operation as defined in section 165‑2; provided that agricultural tourism activities shall not be permissible in the absence of a bona fide farming operation. Ordinances shall include but not be limited to:

    (1) Requirements for access to a farm, including road width, road surface, and parking;
    (2) Requirements and restrictions for accessory facilities connected with the farming operation, including gift shops and restaurants; provided that overnight accommodations shall not be permitted;
    (3) Activities that may be offered by the farming operation for visitors;
    (4) Days and hours of operation; and
    (5) Automatic termination of the accessory use upon the cessation of the farming operation."

    As you can see, subsection (2) is very clear. This law needs to be changed before any TVR is approved on ag land. Also, the Hawaii Revised Statutes provide the County the ability to create ag-tourism ordinances. Kauai still does not have one. The County should be working on an ag-tourism ordinance to deal with many of the issues that face farmers today. And yes, I mean farmers of agricultural crops, not vacation rentals.

  47. "Mel Rapozo prevailed in court after a judge heard all of the evidence. That's good enough support for his denial."

    The judge did not see all the evidence. Some of it was destroyed by a fellow police officer. This destruction of evidence was a misdemeanor offense which covered up the possible felonies. Not being convicted does not mean not guilty and in this case does not support Mel's denial that he was not there.

  48. For my unfortunate friends.

    Clamp-On Mouth Stick Clamp-On Mouth Stick

    Securely holds pen, pencil, paintbrush, chalk or similar tools, which are then controlled by the mouth. Adjusts with thumbscrew locknut at distal end to vary angle and diameter up to 1/2". Material: Anodized gold colored aluminum shaft, white rubber end and thermoplastic rubber sleeve. Weighs 1 oz. Pencil not included. Not returnable if package seal is broken. Latex free.
    This is a non-returnable hygienic item.

  49. Joan,

    Once Mel posted the State law, not much discussed about Joann Yukimura's (through the current Council) attempt to legalize an illegal activity. I wonder why?

    Of course, they will continue to try and discredit Mel.

  50. "Of course, they will continue to try and discredit Mel."

    Try? Mel has done that job himself through his past non-action violating his oath of office. Joann's biggest crime is ineffective blundering and calling for endless "studies" as a substitute for action.

  51. Hmmm . . . what agricultural product can be easily and organically grown on Kauai and has a ready made market? I know of one, but unfortunately, some of the strains are products of "genetic engineering".


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