Thursday, April 5, 2012

Musings: Dark and Light

It was dark, when it should have been light, so I knew it was cloudy, and it was, with dawn arriving as a a smear of scarlet sandwiched between gray.

It's dark, when it should be light, which is why cops lied to get a search warrant in the April 2010 alleged drug trafficking case involving employees for Young Brothers and The Gas Co., prompting Circuit Judge Kathleen Watanabe on Tuesday to suppress the evidence they seized.

It's dark, when it should be light, which is why Grove Farm is moving ahead with its plans to boot the Koloa Camp tenants, despite urgings from the County Council and state Senate to find another way. Ironically, when Grove Farm gave the tenants a one-month reprieve, it set the new eviction date for April 8 — Easter Sunday. So much for awakening and transcendence.

It's dark, when it should be light, which is why Harper's magazine is running a feature on Blackwater this month, replete with videos that show the private security force out of control in Iraq, shooting wildly, smashing civilian cars, even running down a woman who attempts to cross the street. Is it any surprise that we're so hated in the Middle East?

It's dark, when it should be light, which is why Hillary Clinton is loudly rattling America's sabers, saying time is running out for diplomacy with Iran, even as Sen. Jay Rockefeller urges the President to speed up our withdrawal from the hellhole we've created in Afghanistan.

It's dark, but it's getting a little light, which is why our electric utility has finally buried the wires at Kealia, some 20 years after scientists first urged that such steps be taken to help protect the Newell's shearwaters, whose numbers have drastically plummeted in the interim.

It's dark, and starting to get light, which is why the state Legislature is finally moving to recognize Hawaiian Nationals as an authentic population and body politic, some 119 years after the overthrow, with House Resolution 68:

This measure also urges the State to uphold the laws regarding nationality-based discrimination, and to encourage the courts and law enforcement agencies in the State to cease all nationality-based harassment and prosecution of Hawaiian Nationals.

Yes, it's dark, but we can always look, and move, toward the light.


  1. Joan,
    Thanks for bringing the Light to the dark!

    Dr Shibai

  2. Cops lying? WTF?

  3. Light/dark: both are necessary to complete the whole. Yin/yang: both are necessary in the cycle of life. Right/wrong: now here is where lines can be drawn and here is where your insight can bring us closer to ola pono.


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