Thursday, September 27, 2012

Musings: Terrible Words

“Look, Sheila, get one rice cooker,” county planning inspector Patrick Henriques said as he peered through a gap in the drapes that covered a sliding glass door at Councilman Tim Bynum's house.

His boss, planning supervisor Sheila Miyake, looked, too, and saw a refrigerator: “That, to me, is an installed appliance.” Patrick pressed his camera up to the glass and took pictures of the room. Then, spotting a broken window, “I tried to peek through that thing.”

The two county workers were describing their unannounced “exterior inspection” after receiving an “anonymous” complaint that Tim had converted his Wailua Homesteads house into a multi-family dwelling. Their words were caught on tape by First Deputy Prosecutor Jake Delaplane, who was secretly recording their Nov. 30, 2010 conversation.

The two-hour recording — evidence improperly withheld from Tim's defense attorney — was later turned over to Special Attorney General Richard Minatoya, who conducted an independent investigation after Judge Watanabe removed the county prosecutor's office from the case. In May, Minatoya dismissed the misdemeanor charges against Tim and gave the tape to his attorney.

County Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho released the tape yesterday, falsely claiming it “surfaced last week” when Tim sued her, Sheila and the county. Shay also issued a press release claiming the tape showed county attorneys had barred planning inspectors from taking actions against Tim so as to “influence Bynum's vote on Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr's. TVR [transient vacation rental] bill.”

The tape fails to support that allegation because, in fact, no special treatment was needed to gain Tim's vote on the bill, which he introduced and championed.

The tape also fails to help Sheila achieve her stated goal: “I want to be lily white. I want people to say, 'there she goes, Miss Perfect.'”

But it does raise questions about the role of former Council Chair Kaipo Asing, who is bitter enemies with Tim. The tape ends with Sheila endorsing efforts to prosecute Tim, saying, “And poor Kaipo needs justice on this, I think.”

The tape also offers a disturbing look into the planning department under the reign of Director Ian Costa and Deputy Director Imai Aiu, both of whom were due to be replaced the next day by Deputy County Attorney Mike Dahilig and former Planning Director Dee Crowell, respectively.

Sheila describes a planning department where “there's no policies. There's no directives. I make my own directives.” She also bemoans the arrival of “two new bosses tomorrow,” saying, “I only can do, I only have until tomorrow, 12 noon. That's all you have of me. That's all the powers I have. And after 12:01 I lost all powers. The diva is gone.” Near the end of the tape, Sheila characterizes the TVR inspectors as “lazy” and at several points, she talks stink about Dee.

The recording, which begins like a cheesy detective film with the rustle of Jake's pants as walks, already wired, to his meeting with Sheila and Patrick, lays out the dispute between county attorneys and planners over the case.

Sheila repeatedly asserts that she and Patrick had the right to walk around Tim's house, look in his windows and take photographs — Patrick says they “called out,” but didn't knock upon arriving at the residence — because Tim had gotten a use permit to build an addition onto his house. But Sheila also tells Jake “the issue of trespassing came up” — a concern raised by Imai and county attorneys.

Sheila then goes on to describe how county attorneys told her that a rice cooker and refrigerator did not meet the definition of a kitchen under the county zoning ordinance. “They look at it differently and to today it's hard to change our mind...because our director Ian believes in that code that preparation of food is a rice cooker. The planning attorney Ian does not believe that.”

“And neither does Mike,” Jake says, to which Sheila replies, “right.”

Jake repeatedly asks Sheila and Patrick whether county attorneys ever said, “Let's just make it go away.” Sheila replies, “No, not make it go away. They know they can't ask that from me.” Jake then asks whether they were directed to deviate at all from standard procedure, to which Sheila replies she was questioned about why they served Tim with the zoning violation notice at the Council Chambers. She defended her actions, saying, “That's his normal place of employment.”

Sheila and Patrick also say that Tim refused to allow an inspection, claiming he'd done nothing wrong, and instead met with Imai.

As Jake presses for details on whether Sheila believes politics played any part, Sheila claims that Mike “made a comment that stays here and I'm gonna forget it if you ever ask me again. It had to do with politics and that's why Imai had to take it over. I'm never on the stand gonna say that because he is gonna be my boss, and he would never say that on Shaylene, too, yeah, you understand... because our lives...” At that point, Jake, Shay and Patrick all start laughing.

Sheila then chides Patrick for relying on his memory of conversations with Bynum, rather than taking notes. “I should just tape his conversation, illegally,” Patrick says. “And then write it all down,” Sheila adds. Jake, who is secretly taping them, laughs.

Sheila also repeats a conversation with Ian Costa, in which he reportedly says, “I don't care. I'm going to send it to [unintelligble] because Kaipo Asing was asking. Kaipo Asing needs to know. And I gotta answer at that time to the Council Chair. That's what happened.”

“Was it something the Council was asking about?” Jake asks.

“Only Kaipo Asing, as a private citizen,” she replies.

At about the 1:43:00 mark on the tape, Jake begins pressing Sheila for more details — “Was there anything going on, besides the election, that ...coincided with some of the timing of this stuff? Not just general political stuff, but was there something specific going on at that time?”

“It's political,” she replies. “Everything is political.”

“But was there anything with planning going on, any votes?” Jake asks.

“Yes, I said it's political. Yes, yes.”

So you think that directly influenced...”

Yes," she says. "I’m never going to say it (unintelligible) because it will be my demise. Not yours, because you weren't there. It will be my demise. Do you need to know about all that?”

Sheila then sends Patrick out of the room and tells Jake, “When Imai took it over, there had to be a delay. … Dahilig said hold it up until after the vote. We need his vote for the TVR. I said, oh, you mean, the TVRs you guys screwed up on? No problem. You saw what happened. My bosses got fired because my new bosses screwed up. This is all off the record. They kind of catered to him because it was their screw up on the TVR.”

At the end, as Sheila and Jake are chatting, she brings up Patrick's assertion that Tim had said, “let make it go away.” (Actually, Patrick had said he heard Tim tell Imai, “let's settle this.”)

“Make it go away. Those are terrible words,” she says. “They can be misconstrued, but that man will never forget those words.”

Here's a link to the entire tape. If you can't quite stomach the whole thing, here's a link to some of the juiciest quotes.


  1. A swing and a miss Joan. I couldn't believe this when I read the prosecutor release, so I listened last night. Surprisingly, the pros. release is far more accurate in its summary - never would have guessed that.

    So you're telling us Bynum didn't try to get special treatment? That Sheila was lying about Dahilig telling her to hold off on the investigation? What possible motive would she have to lie about it when she kept insisting it was all off the record, hush hush, confidential. It doesn't add up, no matter how hard u try. I can't believe you can't acknowledge the corruption by Dahilig here, didn't u write about him going over to Dickie's to spread some of that tvr bill aloha?

  2. If Shay thought this tape was a "smoking gun," why didn't she release it earlier? It's nearly two years old!!!

  3. No, I'm not saying Tim didn't try to get special treatment. I don't know whether he did or not. I'm saying Sheila/Shay's claim doesn't make sense, because Tim was already solidly on board with the TVR bill. Dickie, on the other hand, was a swing vote.

    As for "What possible motive would she have to lie about it..."

    How about she was pissed that Ian Costa, who let her do whatever, had been fired and Dahilig, who "doesn't know anything," was taking his place and she wanted to burn him?

  4. It would have come up at trial if the Maui GOB didnt dismiss the charges against Bynum.

  5. " I'm saying Sheila/Shay's claim doesn't make sense, because Tim was already solidly on board with the TVR bill"

    Joan, why do you turn off your journalistic curiosity whenever Tim Bynum is the subject? Maybe Tim was threatening Imai and or the mayor that he would withhold his vote for the TVR bill if they didn't back off.

  6. You must be a new reader or you would know that I have repeatedly blasted Tim, especially on the subject of the TVR bill. One example:

  7. This all reminds me of pulling on a little thread which then unravels the whole costume. Is there anyone not at fault here? More importantly, in the Biblical tradition, who will cast the first stone? Love Kauai, but commentors on this blog (as well as the blog itself) sometimes seem very mean spirited and vindictive, and that's Again, gather your stones oh ye without fault. Imua.

  8. Sheila knows all about politics. She got her job from Mayor Kusaka.

  9. "Is there anyone not at fault here?"

    Uh, yes. Not at fault are the planning inspectors and the prosecutors who handled the complaint exactly like they handle all such complaints until Bynum starting pulling strings.

  10. " Not at fault are the planning inspectors"

    Uh, you mean the peeping tom trespassers? They should be thrown in jail.

  11. Why is Shay paying Charley Foster $101,000 a year to pass out brochures and orange campaign tote bags to seniors?

  12. "Why is Shay paying Charley Foster $101,000 a year to pass out brochures and orange campaign tote bags to seniors?"

    Uh oh. Joan's mad!

  13. The tape proves nothing. It is all Sheila's conjecture.

  14. Tim was already solidly on board with the TVR bill

    That is what is so irksome about this and reveals Bynum as the worst sort of hypoctrite. It's clear now from the tape that Tim did not merely "have a rice cooker in his family room" but that he had something that looks all the world to normal reasonable people like a kitchen.

    I heard a new Bynum ad on the radio this morning that repeats the now exposed lie that he was "wrongly prosecuted for having a rice cooker in his family room."

  15. So Sheila was lying about Dahilig because she was pissed that he was going to be her new boss???? Why would she be so evasive? Just doesn't sound like someone lying to burn him.

  16. Conjecture

    1. the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.
    2. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.
    3. the interpretation of signs or omens

    Hearsay sure, but conjecture - nah.

    Dahilig TOLD her that. Again, I don't see the motive to lie about Dahilig. If you know about the Beer Summit, then you know this behavior is typical for him. He probably wouldn't admit this one as readily though, there's no room to try say this was on the up-and-up.

  17. Sheila SAID he told her that. BIG difference.

  18. Well maybe Jake had the right idea, you gotta hit record!!!!!

  19. Anybody got a good explanation on that, why lie? Why say you'll never tell? Why not cooperate with Minatoya?

  20. "Sheila SAID he told her that. BIG difference."

    So now it's Sheila's turn to get viciously smeared and defamed for the greater good of getting Kollar elected. She better brace herself for the jeers of joan and her torch and pitchfork wielding Salem witch hunters who know nothing about her but are willing and eager to follow joan's lead in dehumanizing her and making her a villian. Their message is "If you aren't with us, then shut up!"

  21. I listened to most of it, Where is Shay on the tape?

  22. Sounds like Sheila is going to be the next big winner on Wheel-of-Lawsuits, Kauai edition. You heard it here first, I bet she gets 3 million.

  23. I just read about the Fireman lawsuit, are you gonna write about that? Or is it only news when it happens to shay?

  24. Didnt Al say he would make himself available to the press on this? Where is he? Or did he shut up quick when he heard the tape was gonna be released?

  25. If planning is stupid enough too fire her then they WILL get one whistle blower law suit.

  26. There is a list of planning department employees that should be fired, building division as well.

  27. Did I just hear that Mike Dahilig told a planning inspector to lay off Bynum's violation because they need his vote on the TVR bill??? That's outrageous!!!

  28. Check out 1:44:00 to 1:50:00

  29. County suits will be lining up at the door since the County Attny’s office has made it clear that no case will go to trial due to the added expense vs a settlement.

  30. If Bynum did rent a portion of his property legally or illegally.... I hope he paid the taxes on that income.

  31. What law is it against to rent out a room in my house?

  32. cannot have two kitchens without have a permit

  33. no stove, no kitchen per Planing Department.

  34. This secretly recorded tape is just another prosecutorial misconduct, this time in the form of withholding exculpatory evidence.

  35. "no stove, no kitchen per Planing Department"

    not true at all.

  36. Well, yeah, actually since that's what the planning department attornies said, yea. You need an installed cooking appliance, I.E. stove, for a second kitchen.

  37. Who would Shelia blow the whistle on?

    What kind of racism has she experienced? was she sexually harassed? Or is someone telling her she is old? Does she have a disability?

  38. Sounds like she blew the whistle on Dahilig for protecting Bynum

  39. 3:11 PM

    sounds like you need to read more about what a whistle blower status under the EEOC is actually - you seem confused.

  40. Who said anything about EEOC whistle blower? EEOC is not the only kind.

  41. Its so obvious the same people are commenting over and over. Boring!

    What I want to know is why was Jake secretly taping? Why are inspectors looking thru curtains? Pretty creepy

  42. From Joan's blog on January 8, 2009:

    "None (referring to TVRs), so far, are in the ag district, although I imagine that will change if Councilman Tim Bynum has his way. It seems Tim wants to introduce a bill that would allow TVRs on ag land to be grandfathered in just like the other ones.

    According to an article in today’s Garden Island:

    “In my opinion, the laws about what you can and cannot do on ag land are not clear,” he [Bynum] said. “It wasn’t fair to say ‘if you’re on ag land, you can’t continue.’ It’s still very controversial what’s legal and what’s illegal on ag land. The county needs time to figure it out.”

    Bynum said the Important Ag Land study could take years, and clarified that the grandfather clause — which applies to any vacation rentals that were created “appropriately” before the law was passed — could extend to ag land rentals even beyond the conclusion of that study.

    “Fairness is a big important issue to me. (Landowners) had ordered their economic life around the status quo, which was at that point to do vacation rentals (on ag land),” Bynum said. “To take that away without good reason would be devastating for some people. They’d lose their property on Kaua‘i.”

    Bynum said he voted against the original law, the only member to do so, because of the ag land issue.

    “Now it looks like there is a will, at least from some people, to correct that mistake,” he said.

    Just where is that will coming from, Tim? The real estate industry, which fattened up selling overpriced ag land to folks on the promise that they could make their mortgages by doing a vacation rental on the side?

    And there is a good reason to take that use away. It's called the state law that prohibits anything but farm dwellings on ag land."

    In other words, Tim was the guy pushing for TVRs on ag land more than a year before he was being investigated for his rice cooker. This establishes two things: First, Sheila Miyake didn't know what she was talking about when she said that the Mayor wanted Tim's vote because Tim was already in favor of TVRs on ag land. Second, there was no need for Mike Dahilig or anyone else to "protect" Tim in order to get his vote. The whole "theory" is beyond stupid. If this is the best Shay has as a defense against Tim's lawsuit, she's toast.

  43. Was there a thorough, case by case analysis or did the county just jack the value on some ag owners who, knowingly or not, bought ag land with no intention of farming?

  44. Nice try 5:43, but what you say does not make Sheila a liar.

    Perhaps you're right, maybe they didn't need to try to influence Tim's vote...but they did anyway! They tried to influence him just like they did with Dickie Chang.

  45. a theory? you call sheila's recounting of Mike Dahilig telling her to hold off on the investigation a theory? doesnt really sound like a theory to me, sounds like she's remembering a conversation she had.

  46. Can someone let us know if Shay is on the tape or not? I'm confused

  47. Shay is an absolute idiot. Kipu and Mel, strong supporters of a corrupt and racist <> need to step down or be kicked out by the voters. The county is filled with corrupt and morally bankrupt individuals. Let's do our part and remove them one by one. And, note to Mrs. Chief of Police, before you openly endorse someone, make sure you know their character. You may be judged by the company you keep, or in this case, the ones you endorse.

  48. does anyone else feel like they just wasted 2 + hours of their life that they'll never get back?

    and for what? to tell us what we already knew: the county attorneys are dirty and timmy thinks he's better than the rest of us...

    the only real shocker here is that now it looks like opa was on the up and up

    1. This one's spinning so hard it might actually have the power to leave earth's gravitational field.

  49. corrupt - al castillo, mike dahilig, maybe even timbo

    racist - timbo for sure, and everyone else that backed the tvr junk bill, who did that help?? haoles that could keep renting out their mcmansions to other rich haoles

  50. Tim introduced the bill, it was said at the time for the administration to avoid lawsuits from Jonathon Chun and the rest of the salivating attorneys.The county gave in to the threatening landowners and lawyers rather than enforce the zoning laws.Now we have 2 classes of property, Agriculture and Agresort .Tim was getting a lot of flack for doing so, and it is perfectly reasonable to think they needed to continue to give Tim special treatment.

    The Beer fest was an undisputed fact, so it shows the county attorneys were working overtime to influence legislation. Rather than enforce the signed farm dwelling agreements, they gave permits to those that donated to their campaigns.

    Seen the prices these AG resorts are fetching?

  51. When they told Sheila to lay off was the investigation over? I thought she saw the rice cooker and refrigerator by then.

  52. Isn't Mike Kollars little buddy?

  53. Wait a minute here! I went to TVR meetings where Tim told us to vote for the bill. But when I was applying for my TVR permit Mike Laureta told me if I had anything in my house even partly resembling a kitchen it was illegal I had to tear it out or I would not get my permit. I spent over $10,000 ripping my bar sink and cabinets out of my den because the planning inspector Bambi told me it was no good.

    If Tim Bynum gets to have his everything-but-a-stove kitchen free and clear but I had to do a total tear out, I AM going to sue the county.

    I know plenty of people who spent a hell of a lot of money tearing out cabinets and sinks to get a permit from the planning department. If you are telling me that Mike Dahilig was telling planning that Tim's kitchen was OK? I'm going to sue.

    I'm mad as hell!

  54. Charley Foster was one of those salivating attorneys. He posted a whole lot of blogs about why TVRs should be allowed on ag land. It was the usual protect the rights of the poor property owner who bought ag land and built mini resorts in reliance on the county attorney opinion that didn't even address ag land. C'mon. These rich assholes took advantage of Ian's whatevahs approach (and it was by no means unique to Ian as far as government officials go) to ag land. Now Charley can earn some of the $101,000 that he makes and explain this to his boss. And he can also explain that Tim's devotion to the rights of the off island corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies predates her investigation into this major crime. Really? A rice cooker and full sized fridge is a kitchen? None of the ads in magazines show kitchens without stoves and if you can't believe an ad in a magazine, what has this world come to? And you send Undercover Narc Delaplane into the Planning Department to tape Sheila? Should have asked Charley. He could have told you that Tim was all in for TVRs on ag land a long time ago. I mean, if you're going to allege corruption, at least have Tim getting a trip to Vegas or New York or any one of the off island destinations that you and Jake have been to in the last four years. And at least go to a better source than Sheila Miyake, because this tape shows what everyone in County already knows: you can tell Sheila anything and she'll keep it secret. Hahahaha. Baboozes!

  55. ""This secretly recorded tape is just another prosecutorial misconduct, this time in the form of withholding exculpatory evidence.""

    You are delusional. Name one thing on this tape that is exculpatory for Tim.

  56. And you fucking weasel complaining about having to rip something out so you can do your resort on ag land business, screw you. Fucking asshole. Bynum helped you out and you bitch. You should be licking Bynum's balls.

  57. September 27, 2012 7:40 PM

    Why is Joan posting on her own blog anonymously?

  58. "You should be licking Bynum's balls."

    That venue is already too crowded by you Joan guys!

  59. hey guys, you are invited to a beer fest with Al C, Marc G, Mike D, Marc G, and Wally R at the latter's abode. Who knows what you find out...!

  60. Let's not talk about the sex lives of the players. Yecchhh.

  61. What kind of prosecutor secretly tapes people and prods them into saying stuff that the person wouldn't say in front of her coworker? Eh, KPD, watch what you say around Jake and who knows who else. Nothing is off the record.

  62. Joan kicks Bynum's balls. And as for drinking, the deputies in the prosecutor's office could tell you some wild ones. Shannon's EEOC complaint began with one such wild night. Ask Jake if he ever used the County car to be the designated driver.

  63. What's exculpatory? Just the planning inspector saying that the county attorneys saying that the search was illegal and that a rice cooker and fridge don't amount to being a kitchen. Is that you, Jake? Somebody tell him what it means, please.

  64. 7:26 PM

    Did he write your TVR application for you? Or was that just that Mr. Ferhing?

    I hope you do sue them.

  65. The problem with this power group is that they will use people to do their dirty work and when these people act illegally then the powers have them where they want them.

    If you want to break this group down then all you have to do is flip the pawns and this will lead to the Ring leaders. The dominoes will fall into place because people on Kauai are willing to give others up to save their own arse.

    1. Yes and if the FEDS would review ES 177, this would reveal some of the underlining problems in KPD and the connections to corruption.

    2. The other connections are the Kauai national guard and the other criminal militias.

  66. Why was Justin not included in the beer fest? He's Al's pawn.

  67. The Garden Island has a photo of Shay's campaign treasurer and Deputy Blogging Attorney Charley Foster earning his $101,000 by passing out orange bags to the seniors. Wonder who paid for the bags? We did.

  68. Justin wasn't at the beer summit because he wasn't in planning. Ian Jung and Dahilig were.

    Justin And Guyot were at the Fire-the-chief confab.

    Just imagine when Al gets his oompa Loompas installed at the OPA as well. Then he'll have all the chips!

  69. I guess we all agree that the recording doesn't say what Bronster says it does. Is she stupid, or did she just let someone else write that complaint without checking the work?

  70. Which deputy prosecutors were out drinking at some bar when something outrageous was said that eventually led to a $120,000 payout by the County?

  71. At least Jake used the Prius when he drove Shay home from the bars, so it wasn't like he was using a gas guzzling county vehicle.

  72. Shay has two investigators and one process server. Why does she need Mel Rapozo to serve papers?

    1. GREASING PALMS: when has Mel recused himself from anything to do with the OPA? The fact that he collects checks from the OPA would already be identified as a conflict of interest. Ainokea I do what I like. Cause wethe untouchables here on Kauai is Plantation Mentality Politics with the Abuse of Powers.

  73. Why is the first deputy, the second highest paid attorney in the office, spending his valuable time on these "black and white" cases?

  74. He wasn't first deputy yet duh.

    1. Well, duh, it's so hard to keep track of the revolving door!

  75. That came a few months later after he proved himself. Like Charley.

  76. It's just too much to believe. And, I thought alot happened on my night shift.

    If Shaylene is re-elected, go ahead and hire the para-prostitute. Didn't someone comment a kauai prostitute is gettng a law degree?

    What is ES 177?

    1. Executive Session 177 is when Mel Rapozo went off on the corruption in KPD and others. This tape that the Powers want to forever keep secret from the public also has to do with the prostitute paralegal and some dirty cops on Kauai.

  77. Anyone want to bet that Bronster withdraws from representing Tim on this after listening to the tape?

    Wait, nevermind, she already got the sweet taste of Al's specialty dish - quick settlement on a frivilous claim to help get his boy Justin elected (She represented Erin Wilson).

    On the other hand, after reading today's paper, looks like the county might get some effective representation since special counsel is being requested. Sorry Margery Andrew and Dan, it might not be so easy to pick the county's pocket this time.

  78. How much is Shaylene going to cost the taxpayers?

  79. Sure, how about bet your life? Then one less idiot on the planet when you lose. Bronster has ALREADY listened to the tape.

  80. 6:35 Give her another four years and it could be millions.

  81. Anyone want to bet that if this case goes to trial the defense won't rely on the "Tim got special treatment in exchange for his tvr vote" argument? The dumbasses promoting that one didn't bother to read the Garden Island, Kauai Eclectic or Charley's blog

  82. Don't you just love the Kollar camp's strategy on this?

    Let's join forces, we'll file as much ridiculous crap against Shay and the County as we possibly can, then use it as our campaign battlecry! Hey everyone!!! look at all that money for special counsel!!!! look at all that money that my boss (and biggest supporter) settled on!!! that must mean there's a problem right??!!?

  83. you're right 6:57, those dumbasses just listened to the tape and heard that he got special treatment from the people closest to the investigation

  84. Kollar has nothing to do with the dirty tactics performed by Shaymen and company.

    She brought this on herself and refuses to own up to her mistakes.

  85. I'm sorry. Prosecuting a county council member for having an illegal kitchen after the council member steadfastly refused to cooperate with normal procedures is NOT dirty tactics.

  86. I'm sorry, but continuing to try him in the media long after the charges were dismissed IS dirty tactics. Very dirty and unethical. Maybe even defamatory and libelous. But what does she care? It's taxpayer $. Make Shay pay and maybe she'll clean up her ways.

  87. Kollar doesn't seem to have much to do with anything. Can anyone say what this clown does all day? If he'd accomplished anything significant I'm sure we would hear about it over and over, but all I hear is that he isn't Shay.

    And isn't he assigned to Kpd? Says a lot that Shopo and the police chief aren't backing their own attorney.

  88. Trying him in the media...wasnt it Tim's attorneys who filed suit and along with it put out a distorted press release? Maybe they didn't think she had the kukui's to release the tape

  89. "all I hear is that he isn't Shay.."

    good nuff.

  90. Shay made own her bed.

  91. Dear 8:48 -- I just have to interject here and say I was in the process of getting a copy of the tape to post online from Bynum's attorneys, so it's not like they were trying to hide it.

  92. The tape of Sheila is her angry hearsay about others, its what she said they said. But what she says herself is meaningful, its what she said for all to here.

    And what did she say? Kaipo told me to do it. Kaipo wanted it I have to do what he says. The attorneys who advise me told me I was wrong but I did it anyway. There are not policies or procedures I just do what I want. I’m the Diva. I’m upset that my new boss will supervise me and make me care about the law. Jake, I’ll tell you what you seem to want to here. It’s all political (like putting violations forward because Kaipo wants it isn’t political) but if I'm in court under oath I will forget or lie.

    Boy planning your perjury in advance that sure increases her credibility.

  93. @ 8:42
    HGEA DID endorse him though, and they actually have employees that work in the Prosecutor's office.

  94. "all I hear is that he isn't Shay.."

    good nuff.


  95. Of course they endorsed him, wouldn't you want a boss you could walk all over?

  96. No, but maybe a boss who didn't make your job a living hell, or harass you because of your skin color, or gender, or for any other federally protected reason. Maybe a boss that can actually prosecute other criminals without breaking the law in the process, or getting sued, or using county money for campaigning, or giving profanity laced tirades to the newspaper in the guise of a news story, or issuing mis-leading, self serving press releases as 'news', or making a complete ass of themself at county council meetings, or not lawyering up when being asked questions regarding their budget, or being a rumored belligerent-public drunk,or not blaming everyone else in the county for controversies surrounding their tenure in office...
    Really makes ya think, huh?

  97. Planning perjury?

    You're still buying that after hearing the tape? You must be Bynum, Bronster, Pepper, Hempey, or just plain twisted.

  98. Nope, an independent thinker.

  99. "Dear 8:48 -- I just have to interject here and say I was in the process of getting a copy of the tape to post online from Bynum's attorneys, so it's not like they were trying to hide it."

    Too bad you didn't get the defense version earlier. I bet they were busy editing it before release.

  100. 9:44, sounds like you're the champion of the "anyone but shay" movement.

    We've heard all this before, the twisted take on the events of the OPA over the past few years. You know the flaws in your bloated and misleading statements, or maybe you believe them - don't really care.

    Let's hear about Kollar...let's hear about his accomplishments, his experience, his relationship with KPD - the agency he's supposed to be working with instead of spending every waking hour campaigning. Again I ask, what has he accomplished as KPD's legal adviser?

    Why not give us someone to vote for rather than someone to vote against? The answer - you can't. He has no new ideas, almost no experience as a prosecutor (less than 2 years right? no jury trial wins), and most importantly - no backbone. All you can do is try to attack Shay as much as possible and hope that's enough to put the puppet over the top.

    But what happens when the puppet comes to town and owes vindictive people like you, Bynum, the Mayor, Al, and all the defense attorneys this extraordinary political debt? After all, there has to be some kind of return on your investment of all this time and effort in attacking Shay.

    Makes you think huh? (well not really you, you're blinded by some kind of personal vendetta, but you get the idea)

  101. So your position is essentially "Why don't you stop accusing Shay of doing the things there's actual evidence of her doing, while I speculate on Kollar's accomplishments, of which there's no real news reports of..."
    ok, gotcha... passing the blame again.

  102. Sheila says "I'm gonna forget it if you ever ask me again.... I'm never on the stand gonna say that" and ""I’m never going to say it on the stand because it will be my demise"

    How is that not planning perjury?

  103. Sounded to me like she wasn't gonna answer, not make up a fake answer.

  104. Joan Conrow said...
    Dear 8:48 -- I just have to interject here and say I was in the process of getting a copy of the tape to post online from Bynum's attorneys, so it's not like they were trying to hide it.

    September 28, 2012 8:58 AM

    Joan, are you going to post Tim's version of the tape? I can't wait to hear it. Maybe you can ask Bronster for it. I'm sure she will be willing to let your 18 viewers listen to it. And with email, you can have it within minutes.

  105. Anyone who has ever had the distinct pleasure of working to correct a violation with Shelia - will tell you she is a nut bag - an old nut bag who didn't seem to actually know the zoning laws.

  106. Hilarious that SHOPO endorsed Shaylene. Makes you wonder about the integrity of SHOPO's leadership.

  107. Sheilah's comments about other people = hearsay. I want to hear an actual recording of any of these people she mentions saying what she purports they said until I start calling Beer Summit II. Joan, any further evidence you can dig on this?

  108. "there has to be some kind of return on your investment of all this time and effort in attacking Shay."

    That's exactly the kind of thinking that screws up politics and why so many people want to get rid of Shay and the other corrupt ones. How about the satisfaction of knowing you rooted out an evil force, shone a light into the darkness?

  109. Could it be that shopo is the only organization that works directly with both candidates, and having done so was in the best position to make an informed assessment? No, couldn't be that, it wouldn't give you the opportunity to question their integrity.

  110. Someone will quickly respond that hgea also works with both candidates. So should someone question hgea's integrity for supporting a puppet of a corrupt administration?

    1. You all put HGEA, SHOPO, Sollette Perry and other unions and orgs as if their endorsements really matter. These groups are just as corrupt as Banks and their Executives. Who do they think that their fooling? They bank on the notion that the average citizen on Kauai is a FOOL and they are correct in their analysis.

  111. Did you need a recording of Beer summit 1 before you believed it? Seems like you haters are pretty selective about when you need something other than rumor to jump on

  112. Really, and this spineless county attorney is the light in the darkness?

  113. 3:17 --- Dickie and Dahilig acknowledged beer summit. On this we just have Sheila claiming Dahilig made a comment.

  114. The light in the darkness is the people rising up against Shay. First you get rid of the weeds. Then the garden grows.

    1. You cannot STOP at Shay, the cancer will continue to grow. We must go after all of them and all of their assets.

  115. Justin, al, bernard, Marc g, mike d, tim....weeds

    Shay...maybe a prickly cactus, not a weed

  116. Delaplane issues this "press release" and has hearsay claims riddled throughout it. If this is the type of evidence he's bringing to court, no wonder prosecutors have done a crappy job at protecting us.

  117. "Someone will quickly respond that hgea also works with both candidates. So should someone question hgea's integrity for supporting a puppet of a corrupt administration?"

    Mel and Kipukai got HGEA's endorsement?

  118. "Again I ask, what has he accomplished as KPD's legal adviser?"

    KPD has not been sued, so there's that.

    1. KPD would have been sued many times but the attorneys are scared to go up against KPD syndicates and Corrupt Kauai Judges.

  119. "you're right 6:57, those dumbasses just listened to the tape and heard that he got special treatment from the people closest to the investigation"

    No, those dumbasses continue to repeat Sheila's claim that Bernard was protecting Tim so that Tim would vote for the TVR bill. But, as Charley Foster could tell these dumbasses, Tim not only supported the TVR bill, he introduced it. Jake is too stupid to figure it out so he puts it into a press release. Pathetic and another reason not to vote for Shay.

    1. This could be true, maybe Tim would support it no matter what. But this doesn't mean that mike didn't protect him anyway. He admitted to influencing Chang, we know there was pressure, it was right before the election. Of course they were doing everything imaginable to make sure that garbage passed. Mike doing it makes way more sense than Sheila lying.

  120. Try again, some guy just got a settlement for Kpd tasing him in nov. 2009...and don't get me started on all the employment problems they've had, and the mayor/police chief standoff, and the begley barriga fiasco. Just watch a police commission meeting and it'll be very clear how badly Kpd needs competent representation.

    1. Syndicates Vs Syndicates, who cares! Let them take each other out!

  121. Tim gets the legislation he wants and his zoning violation tossed?

    "Eh, Tim, if you vote for the bill you introduced, your problems disappear. If you don't, look out".

    "Hmmmm. Can I think about it for a few days?"

    "Uh, no. No act stupid."


  122. " as Charley Foster could tell these dumbasses, Tim not only supported the TVR bill, he introduced it"

    Charley Foster could also tell you that even if Bynum did introduce and support the TVR bill, nothing in his character indicates that he would not hold the TVR bill hostage if his personal interests were at stake.

    Charley Foster might even go so far as wonder what encouraged Bynum to support and introduce the TVR bill in the first instance.

  123. " as Charley Foster could tell these dumbasses, Tim not only supported the TVR bill, he introduced it"

    Charley Foster could also tell you that even if Bynum did introduce and support the TVR bill, nothing in his character indicates that he would not hold the TVR bill hostage if his personal interests were at stake.

    Charley Foster might even go so far as wonder what encouraged Bynum to support and introduce the TVR bill in the first instance.

  124. The main point in releasing the recording is that it completely failed to support what Marjory Bronster claimed in her complaint claimed it said.

  125. "Charley Foster might even go so far as wonder what encouraged Bynum to support and introduce the TVR bill in the first instance."

    It's in his blog. Maybe he forgot what he wrote back then. Charley posted this twice:

    I’m going to predict, then, that those arguing that single-family TVRs in operation before the ordinance are by law grandfathered in have the upper hand, legally speaking, anyway, and that it will be an expensive prospect for the county to try to enforce the prohibition of single-family TVRs on ag land against those in existence before the ordinance was passed.

    Bynum must have agreed with Charley. Mel and Shay don't and here we are.

  126. "Charley Foster could also tell you that even if Bynum did introduce and support the TVR bill, nothing in his character indicates that he would not hold the TVR bill hostage if his personal interests were at stake."

    Then Charlie could be proving why he should stick to press releases.

  127. "He admitted to influencing Chang, we know there was pressure, it was right before the election. Of course they were doing everything imaginable to make sure that garbage passed."

    First class legal advice from a beer bottle.

  128. "and don't get me started on all the employment problems they've had, and the mayor/police chief standoff, and the begley barriga fiasco"

    Yeah, KPD has never, ever had employment problems before. Place was cleaner than a convent until Justin showed up.

  129. Bynum agreed with Bernard who earned big donations supporting the TVR bill.

  130. This blog is too boring. It has been all about Shay. What about the police chief vs. the mayor? That would be exciting to read.

  131. What's the chief doing about the syndicates?

  132. Joan Conrow said...
    You must be a new reader or you would know that I have repeatedly blasted Tim, especially on the subject of the TVR bill. One example:

    September 27, 2012 11:06 AM

    Interesting, Joan,"repeatedly blasted."

    Curious choice of words for a person who also is constantly "blasting" the US Military, and who claims to be about peace--"No War."

    Would you agree that using the such a term is quite a violent reference around another person--right up there with like "unleashing the fury of hell?"

    "Blasted," is this a term associated with military artillary?

    Darned shadow--rearing its ugly head, again.

  133. Yes, Joan, quit offending your more delicate readers. Perhaps "repeatedly criticized" would be less traumatizing. Personally, I like "repeatedly pounded the shit out of him".

  134. So they all agreed FU to the North Shore. Wow and just for a few Beers !

  135. Dickie will tell you that it was Heineken, not just Coors Light.

  136. Anonymous said...
    Yes, Joan, quit offending your more delicate readers. Perhaps "repeatedly criticized" would be less traumatizing. Personally, I like "repeatedly pounded the shit out of him".

    September 29, 2012 7:26 AM

    I have to agree with comment that "blasting" a person says a good deal.

    None related to someone's delacate sensibilities being offended as you write.

    Yea...if you don't get it, there's a dark corner to consider cleaning out.

  137. Poor Charley should sue Shaylene for not telling him that he was getting a $31,000 raise which caused Charley to deny it, thereby making him look like an imbecile when Joan got the records proving that he got a 45% raise. Charley, don't stand for that kind of mistreatment. File a claim with the EEOC for being portrayed as someone totally undeserving of max pay for blogging, press releases and bag distribution. It's not your fault that the others actually have caseloads and are earning their money for prosecuting criminals.

  138. That ain't Joan. And if you're a taxpayer you should be outraged by Charley's pay.

  139. How much should the OPA appellate counsel make?

  140. Considering that it used to be a half time position, surely not $101,000. Go ask the real deputies about Charley.

  141. Poor Charley. Relegated to haunting Joan's comments as an "Anonymous."

  142. In fact, poll the entire legal community, including the judges. Ask them if they would pay Charley Foster $101,000 or Jake Delaplane $105,000. Those two decisions tell you all you need to know about Shaylene's mismanagement of the OPA.

  143. How much should the OPA blogging attorney make?

  144. "The main point in releasing the recording is that it completely failed to support what Marjory Bronster claimed in her complaint claimed it said.

    September 28, 2012 7:09 PM"

    Not so fast... the planning supervisor tells a top law-enformcement prosecutor that she not gonna tell whole truth on witness stand, and the prosecutor responds with "I understand completely." Then they laugh about it.

  145. They're not laughing as in, isn't this funny. She's saying if I testify truthfully that Dahilig told me to back off Bynum because they need his vote, I'll lose my job just like Costa did.

    It's "hyperbole."

  146. I wonder if Joan is being paid by the Bynum and/or Kollar campaigns?

  147. No, but Charley Foster makes $101,000 and his pro Shay blogging really took off after he started working at the prosecutor's office. Coincidence?

  148. Pay raises for appointees in the county are usually higher than civil service employees. If Joan cares to investigate, she will be surprise. She should start with the mayor's appointees - -and it will blow her mind away. Hint: $90,000 plus with no experience is the norm.

  149. Charley Foster's 45% ($31,000) pay raise after working for Shaylene for 6 weeks surely can't be beat!

  150. Yo, Shaylene ----

    Alcohol is not a defense, and you are ultimately responsible for your actions, Valenciano said.

  151. "She's saying if I testify truthfully that Dahilig told me to back off Bynum because they need his vote, I'll lose my job just like Costa did."

    Like Ian got fired for telling the truth! hahahaha

  152. To be honest with you new readers, Joan was never really into what the POWERS were doing in the beginning. Andy Parx and Anthony Sommers were the leaders in the exposure of the Corruption on Kauai. Comments on Joan's Blog finally made her investigate if they were true and low and behold the skeletons in the POWERS closets started to flood the Blog and breach Kauai like the Koloko Dam.

    1. And now Kauai has a Blog that exposes Corruption. No be Shayme, bring the dirty laundry and leave it on the lanai for all to see. The coconut wireless has made it's way on to the internet.

  153. Sheila the Hairdresser turned Deputy Planning Director turned Chief Planning Inspector. All based on her education and experience.

    1. Are you effing kidding me? We are paying a wig whacker how much tax dollas as an unqualified planning inspector? I am tired of this effing Nepotism on Kauai! All of these crooks needs to be criminally prosecuted by the FEDS. What happened to the County GAS THEFT RING investigation? Oh yeah Kauai Tax Payers will front the bill, The rising cost to defend the PA crimminal actions is rising faster than the most stupid Bike Path known to mankind. The teamsters are the ones that's gonna get all the dough, all you have to do is find out who and how much kick backs are given.

  154. Ha, but she had greenpeace on her checks! Remember? Was supossed to have environmental experience, but da Minatoaur pushed her thru

  155. Discovery is going to be a bitch for Bynum when it shows he had obviously created a separate apartment in his house on ag land.

  156. Shaylene's defense is based upon the testimony of Sheila? That's a case worth taking to trial.

  157. Wow, its just too much to believe, but most people know these things that people are commenting are actually happening.

    No wonder some prostitute, with probably a lot of felony charges, thinks she can get a job on Kauai as a lawyer.

    Who in their right mind that was busted as a prostitute and felon ever think she could pass a background check to be employed with a judicial system in any way whatsover. It's too much to think about.

    The prostitute knows something, and she's doing some "manifestation."

    Bet ya she's got names. There goes whats left of courts.

  158. Nobody is saying much about Kaipo's role in all this even tho he is obviously a player.

    1. Kaipo the OG Godfather of the other GOB.

  159. Shelia also controls all of the approvals of maps for CPRs...

  160. That Iseri-Carvalho posted that long a$$ tape online, instead of saving it for the court case, says that she is trying to influence the election. Her goal is to unseat Tim. People should vote for Tim just to spite that law breaking biotch.

  161. BTW, Joan, does this post set a record for number of comments? Beat all the Superferry posts?

  162. VOTE NO TO LAW BREAKING Iseri-Carvalho!!!

  163. Tim's own actions are enuf to get me to not vote for him


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