Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Musings: Questionable Alliances

The County Council unanimously decided to retain Jay Furfaro as its chair in a straw vote taken yesterday. And though no decision was made on vice chair, newly-elected Councilman Ross Kagawa made it clear that he is aligning himself with Mel Rapozo and the two of them want Nadine Nakamura.

Ross nominated Nadine to serve as vice chair, a post currently held by JoAnn Yukimura. When JoAnn asked Nadine if she wanted the position, Nadine said she hadn't sought it, but would would serve if the majority voted her in. Then, in her characteristic good girl style, she replied, “But I'm also happy to serve as a Councilperson. Both ways work for me.”

JoAnn said she was glad Nadine was interested, “though I wish I would've been told that beforehand.” JoAnn also noted that she made the Council her fulltime job, an apparent dig at Nadine, who works as a planner.

At that point, Ross, who had previously fawned over Jay, said he thought it would be OK to reveal the contents of an email sent by Mel, who had been detained while traveling. “If we have a tie, he plans to vote for her [Nadine],” Ross said.

Gary Hooser and Tim Bynum voted for JoAnn. Jay, while lauding JoAnn's “courage,” said he was supporting Nadine as a “vote in future continuity.” Or in other words, he's grooming her as his successor. The final vote will be taken after the Council is sworn in on Dec. 3. 

Eleele School, meanwhile, has formed a questionable alliance with chemical giant DuPont Pioneer. In exchange for $25 per third-grader, the kids are fully indoctrinated in the glories of genetically modified seed production. They're even taught to pledge their undying allegiance to the corporation:

Thank you for your tremendous donation,” the students chorused. “We’ll promise to work hard every day. Then one day we’ll come back and say that you were the ones who believed in us. And because of you, we’ll be strong enough to work on Kaua‘i and take the lead, knowing you were the ones who planted our seeds.”

Kinda makes you want to puke.

I understand the teacher was trying to find support for the savings account project after the University of Hawaii cut funding, and I'm not knocking her efforts to do more for the kids. Nor am I criticizing the financial literacy program, which is a great idea, though having the kids work to earn the money might have been a more realistic scenario.

But those who are naive to the ways of "public relations" need to realize there's a reason why big multinational corporations like DuPont have these grant programs. It's to gain access to kids for propaganda purposes while generating the kind of "feel good" publicity in the local paper that it couldn't buy, even if it spent 10  times what it "donated" to Eleele School. And it gets a tax write-off to boot.

It's just another example of the pernicious and insidious effects of corporatization, which now infests every aspect of modern life in America. And we'll be seeing more, not less, as government tightens its purse strings and the corporations grow fatter. Parents, beware. If you even care, that is.


  1. I have to agree with you on this one re the "grant" to Eleele school. It was a blatant propaganda move, and I know a number of parents of students at the school who feel the same way...but they're torn by the old "Thumper Principle" (...if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nuthin' at all...) and the fact that a significant number of their families are tied to the company for a job. Hence, they will not speak out.

    Kids at this age mostly don't have a clue as to the implications of the corporation's actions. They were used, and they don't even know it.

  2. KauaiEclectic. Where no good deed goes unpunished.

  3. >KauaiEclectic. Where no good deed goes unpunished.<

    Anonymous 9:45 a.m., for whom no history is applicable and no handwriting on the wall is visible.

  4. If my kid was a third grader at Eleele school, I would be in the principal's office right now demanding an end to the pledge for Du Pont.

  5. "To advance their interests, powerhouses like DuPont invest heavily in political and social influence. Some of DuPont’s efforts to influence policy and public opinion" .....see this link for more info:

    Many companies manipulate children....just watch the TV Ads for fast food. Its a common marketing strategy. Its up to the parents to "get educated" themselves on the hazards of chemicals.

    Dr Shibai

  6. So there you have it. As I thought, Kagawa has quickly shown his true colors as a good-ol-boy. No surprise. Mel - can't wait 'til the good folks of Kauai wise up and boot your okole out of office.

  7. Thumper is another corporate propaganda tool. Never say the emperor has no clothes, kiddies. It's not polite to tell the truth.

  8. I am disgusted that eleele school and DuPont would stoop this low to brainwash the children to become slaves to the seed masters. This violates the federal and state of Hawaii constitution and is in direct violation of the children civil rights. This is child abuse!!!

  9. I for one thank DuPont. You white liberals make me sick. You are the brainwashed ones. You are the ones full of propaganda.

  10. > I for one thank DuPont. You white liberals make me sick. You are the brainwashed ones. You are the ones full of propaganda. <

    Sycophants of international chemical corporations would do well to read Gerard Colby's Du Pont: Behind the Nylon Curtain, and research the recent history of Monsanto. If what you learn doesn't outrage and frighten you for the future of your children, there's something definitely wrong.

  11. I can see already the council lining up 3 against 3 and jay the deciding vote on all issues. I knew Ross was one of the good old boys. How does this relatively unknown finish in the middle of the pack with very little to any substance in his platform. Why does Joann get the shaft when she was 2nd highest vote getter. Nadine instead of being accomodating should of gone for the chair instead of letting Jay (3rd place finisher) have it. Seems like a sexist thing...a man has to be in charge.

    1. He answered questions worse than Dickie Chang, Oprah is pissed that Kagawa will be on the obstruction team.

  12. The parents of these children should sue The school, the teacher and DuPont Pioneer for what they are doing. Parents sued to stop the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the USA. First they poison the food, the land, the water, the ocean, the air, now they want to poison the minds of these children. No Good!

  13. It was obvious Kagawa would be on obstruction team. Too bad Nadine is selling out to Mel and the dark side, Is vice chair worth it?

  14. "I for one thank DuPont"

    Ignorance is Bliss....whether you are white, brown or black... DuPont chemicals will give you free cancer.

    Dr Shibai

  15. Wow am impressed by Jay. He convinced Joann to nominate him and support him to be Chair of the Council all the while knowing he was not going to support her for the Vice Chair position. He actually got her to make the motion and Nadine to second it and then stuck it to her only minutes later. A move worthy of major political figures of our time.

  16. If JoAnn was chair, meetings would last for weeks.

  17. True. But Jay is a longwinded blow hard who drags meetings out. I don't see why Nadine to be trained to be chair. Running a council meeting is not rocket science. I agree with 2:08 -- top 2 vote getters should be chair and vice chair. Let a woman run the show for a change. Jay, be a gentleman and step aside for the people's choice.

  18. Jay can be a pompous ass and I never voted for him, let alone wanted to see him Chair. I say it's time to let a wahine run the show, meaning our two top vote getters. This sly manuvering on Jay's part is exactly why I don't trust him. Mel, do us a favor and stay off island! Sucks that you're still on the council and that Kipukai took the fall where you should've. Wonder how much shit you'll be giving Justin when he comes before the council. You'll probably interogate him the way you refused to allow Tim or Joann to interogate Shay. F#@king soap opera. Brought the same lack of professionalism to the council that you exhibited as a cop. Can't keep your personal biases in check.

  19. "it kinda makes you want to puke."

  20. Joan, do you know the teacher's name at Eleele?

  21. " 2 vote getters should be chair and vice chair. Let a woman run the show for a change. Jay, be a gentleman and step aside for the people's choice."

    Totally agree!

  22. There's an article on Island Breath about Kaiser Permanente telling its policy holders to avoid GMO products.

  23. Sorry but Nadine really hasn't accomplished anything. She seems to just avoided any conflict and was more concerned about being the top vote getter. Once people get to know her they will find she is stiff cold and not very likeable

  24. Remember there were like 20 kids that got a bloody nose on the west side of Kauai. I believe that DuPont Pioneer chemicals was the culprit. Thank you for planting the seeds of destruction and DuPont Pioneer response is your welcome for your business you silly gullible fools!

  25. Nadine doesn't posture and pose. She gets to the point.

  26. No she doesn't. I agree with the post that she hasn't done much. She takes the safe route. Worthless.

  27. Still can't believe Kagawa is on and Kipukai is off... Also I was hoping Bynum would be gone...

  28. Sad, no Hawaiians on this council ... Kualii should have been on... Goes to show if you have a Japanese last name your a lock to get in... Wish more Hawaiians would care to vote and vote for the Akamai Hawaiian who cares about hs people and the aina.

  29. I hope Kagawa keeps quiet during the meetings cause I cringe every time I hear him speak. I'm like how da hell did this guy come in 5th place...

  30. Bynum, Furfaro, Rapozo and Yukimura should keep quiet. They have the "I did this" and "I know that" disease. And Glenn Mickens and Ken Taylor should keep quiet too.

  31. It's a fact: The majority of voters cast their precious vote based on family name / recognition. Unfortunately, and for that reason, there are few qualified people in elected offices and, as a result, very few department heads and "number 2s" that are qualified. What is their qualification? They are loyal and will keep their mouths shut. But, that's clearly how Kauai wants it. (At least the majority of voters.) To add insult to injury, many of the 'thinking' voters are so disgusted with the process that they choose not to vote. This is unacceptable. On the other hand, who in their right mind would even want to be part of the dysfunctional and borderline corrupt council / mayor / etc? At least we don't have to put up with Kaipo any longer. Kualii and Chang are out so maybe there is hope. Time for this mayor to wise up or get the heck out. The power has gone to his head and he's no longer working for the people. He's working for himself and those that worked behind the scenes for him.

  32. Very cynicall comments about our Council. Ross is an unknown that deserves latitude to prove himself. The other members are all experienced and serious. A real eclectic group. Bynum has been successful without "family name and connections" and the same is mostly true about Hooser. They are both sincere and independant. Mel is the naysayer and clearly some people value that. Jay although full of himself is a vast improvement over Kaipo. JoAnn and Nadine are both strong educated women that have a lot to offer. It is an interesting group that should be fascinating to watch.

  33. Thank you 9:39 from bringing thoughtful discussion to this group. Was starting to give up on the rest of the commenters. I agree with your perspective 100%.

  34. "Bynum, Furfaro, Rapozo and Yukimura should keep quiet. They have the "I did this" and "I know that" disease. And Glenn Mickens and Ken Taylor should keep quiet too.

    November 22, 2012 7:10 AM"

    And you too, should keep quiet.
    Maybe open your ears because I, for one, am grateful that Ken and Glenn are there keeping things in check when "most of us are too busy to get off our asses".

    If not for them Yukimura, Nakamuras and the rest of them would have turned the council into a geovernment extension for their families and friends businesses.

    Thereʻs an awful lot of hypocrisy here when itʻs rarely mentioned about the familial ties with the Yukimuras and Nakamuras.

    What gives with that? Personally I am sick of their faces and pretentiousness. They are not terribly bright but conniving they are.

  35. Thank you!!!! 12:16 AM.

    I agree and my last post alludes just to that.
    The majority of Japanese in Hawaii government are NO friend to the kanaka.

    Haoles are always blamed for the land theft. Maybe because they do it in such an obvious and assaulting manner....Now the Japanese, thatʻs what you call insidiousness. Sneaking around behind everyoneʻs back FOR DECADES. And still implanting themselves in government to maintain control.

    Inouye has been the most evil corrupt bastard to ever affect policy of Hawaii. Righteousness and honor? Give me a break. These guys have been milking that story line for too long.

  36. Oh darn. I forgot the 3rd one: K A G A W A.

  37. Who are you kidding? Glenn and Ken don't keep anything in check.

  38. Glen and ken do keep things in check... I wish more would speak up... I know I'm starting to...

  39. Glenn: "fix the roads, stop the bike path, stop the marathon and leave Shaylene alone."
    Ken: "where I come from, they know how to run a government. That's why I'm here. To show you how it's done. And leave Shaylene alone"

    Enough already.

  40. So easy to criticize.
    But, they are both right.

    So I guess it would be better without them or anyone else going to the Council or Pl. Comm. Is that what you are saying, 4:06 PM?

    Because that is exactly how this county is positioning the public: Stay out of OUR business. This is OUR council to run the way we want and donʻt need any pesky public.

    They have turned off most of the community already and Ken and Glenn are pretty much the only members of the public that actually take part in the process. MAybe they like Mel because heʻs the only one that actually listens to the testifier.

    But I imagine that eventually both of them will get tired of it too. Then the Council and Pl. Comm. will have achieved their mission. And you will be happy.

    Joanne can just posture and pose for the camera all day without having to think about what to say.

    But, then that leaves Nakamura...who will she have to pretend to that she is actually ʻthinkingʻ about anything.

  41. There are many thoughtful people who testify before the Council. They just don't testify every week whether they have something to say or not.

  42. GMO: another poison courtesy of our occupier.

  43. Ken and Glenn are morons, period! How can they have something relevant to each and every council meeting on each and every topic! They can't! That's why theyr'e morons. You want further proof? Who makes a confidential ethics complaint then publishes it? Morons, period.

  44. Yes, 12:16 AM, sad no Hawaiians on this council. Kipukai seemed like a good guy but he cut his own throat siding with Shaylene. (We can only hope that Mel is next...) Kaua'i has plenty smart, talented Hawaiians with the mana to lead and get elected but sad they don't run. Let's face facts: Hawaiian candidates have a big advantage. Being Hawaiian is in, very cool. When I was in school most of my friends would say they were portagee or pake or japanee or anything but Hawaiian even if they were part Hawaiian. Hawaiian was shame. Now any kid that's dipped a finger in a poi bowl like say dey "get part Hawaiian". I knew something changed big time when our oldest daughter came home from school saying she wished she were Hawaiian [she's standard Kauai mutt mix but no Hawaiian...] Now our grandchildren think the Hawaiian kids are rock stars--especially if they surf and play music, not so hard for Hawaiians! We are in a Hawaiian culture revival and all things Hawaiian are COOL. Time for Kauai's bright, talented Hawaiians to reclaim their birthright! Kamehameha kids come home! Lead our separate kingdom!!!

  45. If they're bright and talented they know the Council is not for them.


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