Sunday, December 23, 2012

Musings: Bright Spot

Walking through air heavily perfumed by mock orange, past snow bush ablaze in white and Kapahi mango trees curiously bearing both fruit and flowers, I watch the scarlet snakeskin sky go gray and then there is a blaze of gold in the east, a bright spot before the always-welcome rain descends.

Well, there's one bright spot in the case of that wacko tossing the Japanese tourist off the cliff at Kalalau. Kee was closed for a few days, and the Kalalau Trail still is, giving those intensively used sites a teeny tiny bit of a break during the holiday visitor crush.

And the one bright spot to emerge from the massacre of school kids and teachers in Connecticut is a renewed public debate on gun control, though it's kind of a double-edged sword, since every time the words “gun control” are uttered it sets off a buying frenzy of weapons and ammo.

A friend was attempting to explain the rationale behind the Second Amendment, and I said yes, I understand that it was drafted to ensure that people could rise up against a tyrannical government. So my question is, where were all the tyranny-hating gun owners when the government was passing bills that curtailed civil liberties, like the Patriot Act and the NDAA, with its indefinite detention clause?

Why aren't they screaming over the steady erosion of privacy, the expansion of government surveillance? As in stuff like cellphone tracking:

Law enforcement is more and more deploying International Mobile Subscriber Identity locators that masquerade as cell towers and enable government agents to suck down data from thousands of subscribers as they hunt for an individual’s cell signal. This “Stingray” technology can detect and precisely triangulate cellphone signals with an accuracy of up to 6 feet—even inside your house or office where warrants have been traditionally required for a legal police search.

The SkyWatch command tower is elevated 30 feet above ground level to give police a panoramic view of the streets and is fitted with sophisticated surveillance equipment. The manufacturer of the device boasts that the tower can be used for "civilian security operations" and "crowd control".

What would it take to get these liberty-loving gun-owners riled up enough to actually resist the tyrannical actions of their government? A ban on beer? A prohibition on junk food or the NFL?

It's going to be tough to enact any kind of meaningful gun control because Americans already own so many guns. Plus now we're looking at sick stuff like printable, downloadable guns — as in the Wiki Weapon.

It might be more useful to spend some time and money delving into why some people feel compelled to destroy their own lives and the lives of others. Could it have anything to do with prescription drugs that can make users violent, even homicidal and suicidal? You know, popular antidepressants like Pristiq, Paxil and Prozac, the sleeping aid Halcion and the anti-smoking drug Chantix.

Isn't it time to investigate the possible link between certain psychotropic drugs and violent behavior, seeing as how so many shooters are on this stuff? I mean, either these meds aren't working, or they're  working the wrong way.

But when you're a gun-maker or big Pharma, the only bright spot is profit. It doesn't really matter if you have to slip and slid through bloody carnage if you're on your way to the bank.


  1. "where were all the tyranny-hating gun owners when the government was passing bills that curtailed civil liberties, like the Patriot Act and the NDAA"

  2. They sit home drunk and pill popping and obsessing over 2nd amendment freedoms. But its only "gun freedom" they care about - they just watch while the rest of of freedoms are eviscerated.

    I'd rather have the freedom to buy a line of coke once in a while than to buy a kid-killing machine.

  3. Not yet having read this article, I was just thinking about this subject this morning.

    I feel that nation-wide gun control could happen, but it will take 50 years...2-3 generations...IF we start now.

    Even then, it might not work. The "national psyche" is too far ingrained. There is no hope for us or our kids generation...maybe later...maybe...

  4. NRA = Not relevant anymore. Like the Republican party, it is a bunch of old haole guys with $2.00 haircut (to paraphrase Tina Fey) that are completely out of touch with most Americans who are sick of being dictated to. So the rebillion against tyranny, is a rebellion against guns and the bullying of Republicans. My right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is taken away by guns.

    I heard on NPR a interview with John Kerry as he was talking about how we (American military) are "stared at" by the people in those countries where we "liberated them" and how everything went wrong. I thought for a moment he was talking about our cities (Nawiliwili Harbor) with SWAT teams.

    And to think, the guy at the Post Office was arrested with what 47 guns?,some semi-automatic and 20,000 bullets (stop calling them rounds, they are not round they are bullet shaped). Ban bulltets and only allow "rounds" and the muzzle- loading muskets they were fired from. That is original intent of 2 Amendment.

  5. From NPR (comments in parenthesis)

    KELEMEN: Kerry didn't speak during that White House announcement, but a day earlier he chaired a hearing on Benghazi, and of the scathing report about the security failings the night the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three others were killed.

    Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, says diplomats (students) need to be safe but can't be walled off in fortress embassies (schools).

    SENATOR JOHN KERRY: I distinctly remember feeling and seeing the difficulty of this in Vietnam where villagers would examine us suspiciously and give us a stare, an unmistakable stare. (Same here in US)

    KELEMEN: And he says he has seen that stare more recently in (US) Iraq and Afghanistan, where U.S. officials rumble through villages in Humvees with heavily armed guards.

    KERRY: I'll tell you, every diplomat worth their salt feels this tension and worries about the misimpression our security footprint can create in the minds of the very people that we're trying to reach; an impression that is starkly revealed on their faces when you're surrounded by gun-toting security personnel.

  6. Anti-depressants are second only to anti-acids in sales of drugs in the USA making billions for drug companies that are based in Europe and Britain.

    What's wrong with this picture?

    For one, legal drugs do not solve a person's problems and why they are depressed, have anger issues and violent behaviors.

    We are a nation of upset,uptight and depressed people.

    When the drugs suppress certain functions in the brain, chemically and artificially.....there will be a "rebound" reaction if the medication is discontinued, mixed with alcohol,other drugs or guns.

    Prescription and over the counter legal drugs kill more people than guns......over 100,000 people per the USA

    Dr Shibai

  7. Welcome to 'Merica.

    Don't check your guns at the door.

    Have a nice day.

  8. Each day in the US, 5 children are shot by a firearm.

    After the Sandy Hook Elementary School carnage, in three days there were more magazines sold for the high powered weapon used in the shooting than sold in the last 3.5 years.

    Since the Sandy Hook tragedy, several violent random homicides/suicides reported in the news.

    Most recent and prominent, arson--the killer sets the house ablaze, killing his sister who was found dead in what was left of the fire destroyed house.

    This after the killer ambushed and killed 3 responding firefighter responding to the fire.

    The US has gone off the cliff. Sheer insanity.

    Witnessed on Kauai, one elementary school age boy pretending to take aim and shoot his teacher--sound effects and commentary. Another middle school male student, with another boy in tow, pretending to shoot his teacher in the back of the head (execution), sound effects, then running away laughing. This is at an after school program where staff allow students (many at high risk) to play violent, virtual games w/ gun play on the computers.

    Teacher in Kauai, DOE elementary school assaulted and seriously injured protecting kindergarten age students. The teacher? A "Thank you" from the then Superintendent Daniel Hamada? Or, "How do we express our gratitude to you for putting yourself in harm's way to keep our students safe?" No. Staff was chastised by Hamada for calling police and the teacher injured never allowed to return to work with the DOE--no matter how many positions the teacher applied for.

    Is it any wonder so many children have gone mad and others have so many behavior problems and mental health issues.


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