Friday, October 18, 2013

PIKO on Bill 2491's Midnight Morph

Folks have been asking, so what changed in Bill 2491 draft 2 during those cranky hours between midnight and 3 a.m. when all the amendments were hashed out?

Check out a new post on PIKO for the specifics.


  1. Thank you for the link to the bill that passed.The amendments made the bill meaningless and the chemical company's must be rejoicing. Note how the addition of one word single changes everything. Classic Jo Ann
    Sec. 22-22.4 Mandatory Disclosure of Pesticides, and
    Genetically Modified Organisms.
    (a) It shall be mandatory for all commercial agricultural entities that
    purchased or used in excess of five (5) pounds or fifteen (15) gallons of any single restricted use pesticide during the prior calendar year to disclose the use of all
    pesticides of any kind during the following calendar year.

  2. Joann and Nadine killed the bill. It is classic GOBAG covering up genocide by the chem/bio companies. They covered up the serial killer, the unsolved murders and the deaths from the Koloko Dam breach.

    Kauai's Home Grown Terrorists ( Da GOBAG) must be brought to justice.

  3. Did the people outside chanting away really understand how gutted this bill was? Are we all that stupid to think we got something when in fact we got nothing? Was this just a show? A scam to make us happy? What's next, business as usual?

  4. Gary and Tim forced this bill to pass without a public hearing on the amendment. Now you know why.

  5. Joan, wasn't Tim the champion for releasing ALL county attorney opinions in the past? I remember him bashing his colleagues during the Asing era, and even during the Furfaro terms, about keeping the opinions secret. I remember Tim and Lani creating a website that whined about the lack of transparency in the county. Isn't it a little hypocritical of him to keep the 2491 opinion secret? Maybe it went against his position? Pretty surprising.

  6. Joanne's actions were despicable. She changed her position midstream. She caved in to the disrespectful and downright threatening behavior from the crowd. Leader? I think not.

  7. I know Joanne must have been felt disconcerted from the angry crowd. But she was also probably afraid of the metamorphosis inside her - that cathartic conversion where she actually felt the people and decided to vote truth to power. Better late than never Joanne.

    The people were at a tipping point. A further delay was it. It reminds of slave owners being critical that the slaves were too aggressive in their uprisings. Well, if you try poison my daughter at school, it might get aggressive.

  8. Yeah, it's no biggie that the State, County, resorts, golf courses and the public spray pesticides and herbicides around the parks, schools and roads because, hey, they're not toxic. No point in getting aggressive about that.

    A further delay that would allow people to study major amendments that were introduced at 3 in the morning? How unreasonable!

  9. "I remember Tim and Lani creating a website that whined about the lack of transparency in the county."

    But revamp the bill with an amendment that had absolutely no opportunity for public input because of Gary and Tim's histrionics at the mere mention of a deferral? No problem. Pass the bill! Pass the bill! Pass the bill! What did the amendment do? Who knows and who cares? Certainly not Gary or Tim.

  10. "that cathartic conversion where she actually felt the people and decided to vote truth to power"

    That must have been the catharsis Gary had when he told Joan it doesn't even matter if it's enforced. All that matters is getting it passed. Instead of voting truth to power, he told Joan the truth. Kabuki indeed, Mr. Hooser.

  11. Kauai has hit a low mark. The early morning screaming nutjobs and threatening kookooberries hit a threshold of intelligent discourse. Shameful and embarrassing.
    Y'all cheered for a little grain of sand, there is NOTHING in this bill of any substance. Whatever the new found anti-Yukimura sentiment is, her former minions should understand that she (and the other council members) have to look out for all of Kauai. Everyone on the council (especially Gary and his Baba Louie, Tim)and others knew that the only way this bill could be passed is if it had as much strength as hummingbird feather. When everything is said and done and the reality of much ado about nothing becomes reality, Kauai will be stuck with the high cost of the enforcement provisions of this new new law, but will also be "on the hook" if the County enforces incorrectly or is suspected of poor enforcement (ala Baba Louie Bynum's lawsuit on poor or selective enforcement). It will cost and Kauai taxpayers (renters and owners) will pay, not the here today gone tomorrow stragglers and not the off island psuedo-intellgensia, it will be you and me, you will see, much ado about nothing. Oh, I am so happy to be one of the million tiny l'il fists.

  12. In my many decades, mostly spent in Hawaii where I was born except for education, military service and some work years, I have never witnessed a more disgraceful political spectacle than the one that unfolded in the Hysterical Old County Building in the early hours of the 16th. It was quintessential Council Kabuki with screaming, groaning, stomping, furious threats from the wings and high bloviating drama on the main stage. In the middle of all this, only one person could lucidly stake out his position. The rest was all gish, gabble and garbage. We will have to wait for November of next year to see how things shake out and whether what seems to me to be a predominantly haole-driven agenda much abetted by offshore activist organizations has the clout they claim. I’m sorry, I know white people when I see them, and I can count. While it was quite entertaining to have a regular side show put some of the more outrĂ© regulars like the Babe Against Biotech with her really interesting research and some nice music by Iz, the monotony of the on-message Euroblather went on much too long. It brings to mind a quote of Oliver Crowell to the Rump Parliament: “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”

  13. 7:40
    Yes. This Hooser Bill has revealed a big white elephant. Hooser and Bynam by instigating the public, manipulating the process and promoting all of the theatrics has increased Local-Haole tensions. Big time. The old style of understanding has been pushed further away, thank you Gary and Tim, you two are groovy.
    I support the Bill, but not you.

  14. This white versus local discourse propaganda is settled on dividing and conquering.

    The chem/bio companies are knows what the studies and samples will produce. They are already in a legal battle with the poisongate of waimea canyon students and faculty.

    These chem/bio companies has lost billions to lawsuits for toxic poisoning communities.

    The Joann and Nadine Kill Bill was to poison the bill with toxic deceiving words and let it slowly die like the people on the west side of Kauai.

    If there is a real study and investigation done by specialized and trained individuals from the USA and abroad and not the mayors cronies (Unqualified family, friends, and drug addicts) Then the flood gates for civil lawsuits and criminal charges should breach the walls of these toxic chem/bio companies.

    Sadly a new bill has to be drafted in order for this to take place.

    Joann and Nadine EVILLY CHANGED Bill 2491, so now the county of Kauai and it's people are sacrificial goats to these chem/bio companies.

    Nadine got hers? So the question is what is Joann going to receive??

  15. Gary and Tim let the bill get evilly changed so now the county and it's people are sacrificial goats?

  16. Why celebrate a crappy bill? Me thinks something stinks with the GMO free crowd. Posers, or not capable of reading what the bill that passed says. Or are the leaders really on the other side? One must wonder.

  17. Check out this article:

    It may be a weakened bill, but we are the first

  18. the first for what? The first to ban crops instead of pesticide? Great work.

  19. Thank you for posting the final version of the bill. The original bill and second version are also on several websites if you google Bill 2491. You really have to read them side by side and know that a bracket means the language is removed to know how the bill changed since the beginning of the process. Shouldn't there be more of an opportunity to study what is being proposed? Sorry for my simple minded comment. I learned my civics from School House Rocks.

  20. So the race-baiters are out again. "Ooh the protesters are soooo Haole..."

    Well fellas and gals, so is DuPont and Syngenta management.

    You see, it's ALL Haole. You think you're picking a team, but it's all the same team.

    Personally, I think the keiki do better without pesticide - regardless of the skin color of activists and seed execs.

  21. Well, let’s talk about rats if you don’t like race baiters. Here’s a link to the comment by six of the French National Academies of Science on the Seralini rat study much ballyhooed in the commentary of the red shirts. Take a good look at the recommendations at the end- particularly the items relating to government and parliamentary responsibility. Wow. It’s voodoo science, bad statistics and ethical compromise- but good enough for 2491. It’s in English- but their translation.

  22. I don't know what race baiting is. But I do know that there are plenty locals who agree that that these loud mouthed haoles have proven the stereotype. Typical haole, no class.
    But then, there are some good haoles.

  23. Let's skip the generalizing of the end of the day, you have lost your point. Can we just move out of that box?

  24. I read the press release about the Seralini study and its kindofa a "so what".

    So some French industry groups got together and criticized the Seralini study and complained about it getting published in an important journal.

    Still does not make me want them spraying pesticides next to my hospital room or kid's school.

  25. what passed out of committee was a good bill, jo ann was pure evil, oozing out of her while making the last minute changes that undermined the bill in so many ways that the people and protection of health did not occur. An astounding performance showing she has become a dangerous woman. Cindy Goldstein herself couldn't have made better changes for the industry. Should never have been voted on that night. It was a set up.

  26. Anne Punuho is a loud-mouthed b***h.

  27. I read Andy Park's "analysis" of what happened at the end of the meeting and as usual 20he's off again. In her guest editorial she said "Unless a majority of the County Council and Mayor Carvalho commit to passing and enforcing Bill 2491 in two months, I will not vote for a deferral." At the end of the meeting, she was trying to explain that she couldn't get that commitment so she wouldn't vote to defer. She didn't "pivot", unlike Andy, who's for transparency and sunshine unless it's one of his idols that railroads a bill through.

  28. "Still does not make me want them spraying pesticides next to my hospital room or kid's school."

    The study was about roundup, which is liberally applied by the State, the County, resorts, golf courses and people who buy it over the counter. It's far more likely that one of the above will apply roundup "next to a hospital room or school" than one of the seed companies.

  29. "Should never have been voted on that night. It was a set up."

    Perpetrated by the sponsors of 2491. Pass the bill!

  30. So who is this Phoebe Eng that Joann thanks at the end of the meeting?


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