Friday, July 11, 2014

Musings: First Filings II

Kauai mayoral candidate and political newcomer Dustin Barca has reported $42,536.99 in donations, much of it from Kauai Realtors and off-island sources. 

Dustin received $4,000 from Donato “Danny” Errico, the Equinox Gym co-founder and New York land developer who in 2011 purchased $22 million in Hanalei property. Errico's wife, Vera, donated another $4,000.

Dustin also received $4,000 from Jess Bianchi and $2,000 each from Helen Schwab, Michael Schwab and Jesse Moya, all California residents. 

Locally, Dustin's largest donors are Hawaii Life Real Estate agents, with Winston Welborn and Matt Beall each giving $1,050; Kahealani Zietz, KarenMarie Bellavita and Justin Britt each donating $1,000 and Joanna Zietz giving $200, for a total of $5,300.

North Shore Kauai residents Elif Beall, Charlie Cowden and Aamion Goodwin each donated $500.

Curiously, Dustin lists a $2,000 expenditure to Tamba Surf for prizes, as well as a $2,000 donation from Tamba Surf for prizes. He also shows a $1,000 expenditure to Hanalei Surf for prizes, as well as $1,000 donation from that company for prizes. Similarly, Southern California-based Generator Skateboard Distribution made a $4,000 donation for tee-shirts, while a $4,000 expenditure was made to the same company for tee-shirts. Expressive Designs is shown making a $2,006.66 contribution for stickers, and being paid $2,006.66 for stickers. And Regal Media Solutions of California is shown making a $552 donation for banners and being paid $552 for banners.

Dustin also paid $2,415 to Hoku Cabebe and $500 to Elijah Frank for “campaign coordination,” and spent $408 for travel and lodging in Honolulu for “media training,” though no expense was listed for the training itself. He ends the period with $12,876.

Mayor Bernard Carvalho, meanwhile, received just $13,800 in contributions this period. However, he started with a hefty campaign chest and has $158,483 on hand.

Bernard took in $4,000 from KZ DevCo, a California commercial real estate company, and $2,000 from a Calfornia-based operating engineers union. The Hawaii Laborers PAC gave $2,000, while the Ironworkers Local contributed $1,000 this period. Syngenta donated $1,000 last August.

Major individual donors were Louis Abrams, a sharpei kennel owner and Kauai realtor who gave $1,000, and attorney Kurt Bosshard, who donated $850.

Also of interest is the state house race between incumbent Jimmy Tokioka and political newcomer Dylan Hooser, with the winner in the Democratic primary going on to face Republican Steve Yoder.

Dylan took in contributions of $14,097, and ends the period with $9,582. He's pretty evenly matched with Jimmy, who reports no contributions this period and $10,817 in cash on hand. 

Jimmy has been portrayed as in the pocket of GMO companies, but he's received nothing in recent years. Records show Monsanto twice gave $500, in August 2012 and April 2011, while Syngenta donated $750 in 2010.


  1. The Campaign Spending Commission has in-kind donations reported as both "donations" and outgoing expenditures. That's to show the value of the item for reporting purposes. But obviously the candidate hasn't received any money, so it's reported out as an expenditure.

    A clumsy way to handle it, but . . . .

  2. . . . but the donor gets a tax deduction?

  3. Political donations are not tax deductible.

  4. Does that mean that Tokioka made no money off his $1000 plated dinner in Kahala last month?

  5. Interesting that there's no accounting in Barca's report for his very professionally done website.

  6. Most people go into politics because they feel they can do greater good and are encouraged by peers to run. Usually the candidates have a history of community service, government service, business back ground and education.
    Carvalho had all elements when he was selected for Bryan's seat. This choice was a fine selection as the Mayor works tirelessly for the benefit of all of Kauai. All of it.
    Barca has no business experience, no community service, no education, but the antis needed a shill candidate and Barca fit the bill. He is mildly well known (as a professional Fighter and Surfer) and has an ego big enough to handle the slings and arrows of a campaign. He must have swallowed a bill of goods from his handlers who thought that the GMO deal was the only issue on Kauai's mind. Forget about fiscal management, roads, housing etc. I feel sorry for Dustin, a local kid taken to the carnival by some greedy evil people, probably North Shore Realtors.
    Jimmy Tokioka, another local kid, came from community service and business. He worked hard with many business/community groups and was SURPRISED when a few people asked him to run for office. He won and since then has built solid relationships that bring money and services to Kauai. Part of any political service is compromise and Jimmy has proven to be a good leader. He gets money and services to Kauai.

    Dylan has no business experience, except for diving and HARVESTING lots of shells in which Daddy, Mommy and another person do the actual business. Dylan has no education or community service.
    But he do have Daddy Hoos name (which Gary in Gary's shameless humility thinks is enough to elect his boy). "So Sonny, get a haircut, shave and go to some rallies. Don't say much, listen and pretend to have some sense. The GMO issue will get you elected." " But Daddy, what if those mean people ask me about my arrests?" "Oh that, well Sonny, you were never convicted and most people don't really care. Lots of Kauai families have had kids that were in trouble, besides, the Hooser name is all you need." "Plus Sonny, we will use Local Roots as your slogan" "But Daddy, I don't got no local roots" "Well Sonny, I got here in 1979 or 1980 that is Local, ask anyone"
    Out of the ten million slick anti-GMOers on Kauai and the Antis could only find these two intellects to schtick their necks out. What a movement. Oh Daddy, Oh Mommy, please help me.

  7. And Tokioka has a $7,500 loan to the campaign? Who is that from? hmmm think this report deserves some digging into.

  8. Danny Errico was recently literally run out of town. He burned too many people. As he did in Malibu and Jersey. Neil Norman is now listing his Hanalei property. Thats what happens when you fuck around with too many heavy hitters here. he wanted to spear head Ohana realties Kauakahiunu development, approaching the VP on Oahu unannounced to strike a deal. He was repeatedly turned down as Omidyar has his own game. Sir Errico decided to play opposition by sending money to sponsor classrooms in Hanalei school,donating to anyone he felt was able to honor his wrath. he a peice of work. His wife had the balls to try and speak at the hanalei school testimonial when Ohana did their french impressionist "we're green and pono" sales pitch. She pulled out last minute. Keep digging Joan…nicely done

  9. We know where Bynum & Hooser stand (along with their shill boy Chock) but to me the real question is Yukimura. Will she stand with the wealthy north shore malahine retirees who she'd really like to be hobnobbing with as they're so wealthy and green and good friends with their big estate Realtor friends? Or...will she stand with the people of her roots, the hard working people of Kauai who don’t come out and express their feelings and thoughts and just keep their heads down hoping that their elected officials will go the right thing, honor Kauai’s traditions and promote farming; Kauai’s most important and longest term industry. We know with her Nukoli'i protest background that she hates hotel development, and she tries to write bills that would promote housing for the kama’aina and their children, but it's funny how she seems to stand today more with the landed gentry. Which will it be, Joanne? Which will it be?

  10. 3:21 Joann Yukimura is the most anti-housing person on the island. Her BS housing extortion fees coupled with her anti- any subdivision has stopped most projects. She wants to push locals into rental Apartments subsidized by the State.
    Joann is a nice person, but many years ago she forgot about the local people. She forgot that the island's heritage is in the land. Not the Million dollar estates her friends own and that she used to own. She CPR'd Kalihiwai makai of the bridge.
    Joann might have an ecclesiastical enlightenment someday and remember that Kauai is mostly made up of regular working folks...but for right now, she is purely in the hands of wealthy sophisticates. Hopefully she will see by the disrespect Tim Bynum shows her that the Bynum/Hooser fistees are fickle by design.
    The Chockster is a tool of the elites and was only appointed to the Council to carry Gary's water, what kind of water it is that Gary wants carried is out for speculation, but I wouldn't drink it. Unless Chock stands on his own, he should be sent back to begging for donations to help the five or so kids in his "clinics"...

  11. Anyone who talks to Mason for five minutes can see that he is a smart and in-touch guy who is genuinely thoughtful and intelligent, contrary to the one oddly-fixated commenter's opinion. And if you think Joann's housing policies are bad, wait 'til you see Barca's. There's a reason all his money comes from realtors and wealthy newbies.

  12. @ 4:46 PM
    I agree! Joanne thought she was doing a good thing with her workforce housing bill, but because she lacks an understanding of economics, finance and business, all she succeeded in doing was halting any possibility for housing with her 40% affordable requirement. She was warned of this in advance and it had already been proven out on Oahu and elsewhere, but she refused to accept the proof. That's a prime reason why she is scary. I have no idea why she thought it would work on Kauai when it failed everywhere else. Addled.

  13. 853 -Chock was anointed because he would do as Gary said...PERIOD. He has to break free or a Gary water boy, forever he shall be.

  14. We have so many "smart" people with comments on this blog who love to criticize and recommend as potato couch should all try running for office with your "perfect" ideas and concepts.

    Politics is a game. It takes money to play poker and politics....gotta come from somewhere? Jesus?

    The shill is the concept "for the people" or,
    "for the children"....its all BS.

    Pick the best from your nest.

    Zero Seven

  15. KZ DevCo is the Developer/Project Manager responsible for the new Longs/CVS monstrosity being built in the Waipouli Coconut grove. Explains how that project was inappropriately allowed in the Resort District.

  16. Mainlanders and realtors. Go, Barca. We need more people moving here.

  17. How about Ellison hosting an Abercrombie fund raiser in San Francisco for $ 6000 a head, of which $174,000 was raised. Isn't Ellison a Republican. Lanai must be special.

  18. Barca is our next mayor. He is gaining the big momentum.

  19. Thanks for posting the link. Glad to hear Jimmy's going to amend his filing, which he obviously needs to do.

    I'll be very interested to see how much his fundraisers brought in, and from whom.


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