Thursday, May 21, 2015

Musings: Hit and Myth

Testimony at Tuesday's homestay/B&B hearing exposed as myth the idea that small farms can be self-supporting on Kauai.

One self-described farmer after another said they can't make a go of agriculture without income from their visitor accommodations.

Bruce Ferhring, a former Realtor who previously owned a TVR, first said he would have a difficult time keeping his “farm” afloat without income from his guest cottage. Then he urged the Council “to help us to continue to create local food security on Kauai.”

But if that “food security” is dependent on tourism, is it truly secure?

Larry Ruddell said it probably costs $30 to produce a dozen eggs that he can sell for $6, while his wife, Mervyn, said they're trying to grow coconut trees to sell, but it will be a while before they can show revenue.

Others said their ag land was unusable. In short, many of those operating accommodations on ag land can't really show any significant farm income.

Which prompted Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura to note: “We're trying to distinguish commercial ag versus ag that's for a homestead.”

Farmer Jerry Ornellas urged caution in allowing B&Bs on ag land. He spoke of the disparity between income derived from farming and tourism — on a good week, he clears $500 while B&Bs can make $2,000 — and said a proliferation of these uses will cause problems for farmers. “These are the guys that are gonna complain when I start my tractor at 7 o'clock in the morning.”

Jerry also reminded the Council about the farm dwelling agreement, noting that the last time he brought it up at a meeting, one of the Councilmembers “laughed out loud.” The agreement requires any house built on ag land to be occupied by a family who derives income from ag activity.

“That's pretty straight-forward,” Jerry said.

Yeah, it is. But the Council decided to ignore it completely when they allowed vacation rentals on ag land.

“The county has chosen to ignore enforcement of this, which is a state law, as have other counties in the state,” Jerry continued. “I think we're seeing the results of that today.”

Indeed. Which is why we've got a lady saying her neighbor from California got a TVR permit for his five-bedroom mansion on ag land, so she's quite rightly wondering why she, as a resident, can't get a B&B permit.

We warned the Council about opening that can of worms. But JoAnn, former Councilman Tim Bynum and others just ignored us and pushed ahead. And now we're seeing the ramifications of those ill-conceived actions.

Another woman testified that planning inspector Bambi Emayo told her that the County Council had made the department write the cease and desist letters.  It's true. Rather than investigate the department after it bungled the TVRs, the Council told the department to go after the low-hanging fruit, e.g., those without any permits at all.

So that's what's going down. And yes, B&Bs were caught in the net along with illegal TVRs, since it's really hard to tell some of them apart.

The testimony also exposed as myth the claim that locals are doing B&Bs to keep their homes. Though I guess it depends on how you define that term, with Bruce Fehring declaring: “I consider myself both a local and a kamaaina.” 

Based on those who spoke, the homestay/B&B gig, like TVRs, is largely a haole thing. Pretty much the only locals who testified in support are working for the ag homestays.

As Kukuiula resident Julie Souza observed of the B&B owners: “Most are just trying to pay their mortgages. Do you see our local families trying to do this? I don't think so.”

Giving haoles a bad name was Sean Tesla — aka “crazy” Suzy Brown— who claimed that as a tenant, she'd been running a TVR in Anahola until she was shut down, and is now facing eviction at the behest of the planning department. Though upon questioning by the Council, she didn't think she actually had anything in writing.

“There is nowhere more — pardon my French — fucked up on this planet than the Kauai County planning department,” Sean/Suzy barked.

The testimony also provided insight into how some of these places operate. Lorna Hoff, whose kids CPRd the 10-acre family parcel, was renting out five bedrooms, each with a separate entrance, and a room she described as “like a closet,” until the planning department told her it was functioning as a hotel, prompting her to stop renting the closet. Since they were renting all the bedrooms, she and her husband sleep in the kitchen.

Which leads us to testimony from Tina Sakamoto, who said the permit should include annual “inspections for health and safety.”

Joann Allen objected to the requirement that owners must live in the unit, “which means they can never expand to the property next door.” Uh, that's the idea. To discourage these things from growing like the Blob and devouring all in their wake.

She thinks the 10-per-year limit on applications is the  planning department's “tactic used to wean out those pre-judged as violators”

Yes, it is, and that's good, because some of them are clearly illegal vacation rentals.

Sam Lee, whose Poipu neighborhood has been consumed by TVRs, urged the Council to stick with the 10, saying it represented “a compromise under very difficult circumstances.”

Barbara Robeson and Caren Diamond testified against granting any of the 10 permits in the Hanalei district, which extends all the way to Kee. They said it already has nearly the same percentage of TVRs/B&Bs — many of them illegal — as the visitor destination area.

I do feel a tiny bit sorry for the Cowerns. They've been operating for 25 years and as Bill noted, their first guest was the former planning director and his wife, who stayed for two months. It's true, as he said, that nobody used to care abut B&Bs/TVRs. And now we do, because they got out of control. But still, why did Cathy tell JoAnn she only has two units, when her website (now taken down) advertised five?

And is it really appropriate for JoAnn to publicly apologize to Cathy, but no one else, “for what you've had to go through?”

I wish the Council good luck in unraveling this mess.

Meanwhile, a bit of real ag died yesterday when Pioneer closed down its Kekaha parent seed facility, which has been in business there for 47 years. No doubt all the anti-GMO TVR-owning faux-farming folks in Kilauea, which advertises some 39 tourist properties on VRBO alone (with 1,012 – yikes— on the North Shore), will be celebrating this blow against their foe. Sadly, 34 people lost their jobs.  

The Garden Island inexplicably failed to report this bit of important news, though it gives front page coverage to any press release issued by the anti-dairy folks. I guess it was too busy covering a T-ball tournament or KIFB fundraiser.

Pioneer's Waimea facility, which employs about 100 residents — far more than those working for the ag TVRs — will remain open.

And no, the closure didn't have anything to do with the dust lawsuit. Pioneer, like other ag operations, is tightening its belt in the wake of softening corn prices by consolidating parent seed activities at its Waialua facility on Oahu, where it owns the land.

Maybe it should plead hardship to the county, and put up some B&Bs/TVRs to help subsidize its Kauai operations before they go belly up, too.


  1. Jerry is the real deal. He is a farmer, through and through - all his life, in fact. Listen to what he is saying . He's been there, done that. He knows what he is talking about.

    sincerely, Sam

  2. I had to laugh at Bruce Fehring’s declaration, “I consider myself both a local and a kamaaina.” Sorry Bruce but that’s right out of south Park’s “Going Native” (234th) episode where Butters and Kenny travel to Kauai. When the two boys arrive at Kauai, they are greeted by a group of "native Hawaiians" (who turn out to be simply White Americans owning timeshares there), who take them to their chief, David. They are acquainted with Butters' parents, and use the Mahalo Rewards Card to receive discounts as native Hawaiians. They call Butters Keiki, and introduce him to their drink, chi chi. Butters' hapanoa (coming of age ceremony) is interrupted, however, by the news that the Mahalo Rewards Card is being eliminated, and that their points will no longer be accepted. The "natives" fear this will eliminate any distinction between them and the mainlanders, or "haoles"….

  3. Sam - but he's NOT a politician. They are the one's who've messed up everything. JoAnn, Tim, & Gary who make like they care for their communities, but really have ulterior motives.

    1. It was also Kaneshiro who conflictingly testified "my kids need a place to live". Now what, look what happen.

      Asing had it right and testified against AG development.

      Tim, Joann, and Gary cater to their rich friends. F da locals to them.

      Now the haoles want to complain for circumventing the laws which the county turned a blind eye to.

      Get rid of the families that want to keep all the power, control and money in their hands and pockets.

      Why didn't the county hire Mr Jerry Ornellas as a consultant to tell them how to do their high salaries jobs that they aren't qualified or incompetent to do?


  5. Thanks for the information about Pioneer closing!! Had no clue. Wow, and 34 people lost their jobs =(

  6. I gotta laugh at people putting down long time residents who have given a lot to the community because they themselves do not have that track record since those people are usually new here.

    When people are into the second third fourth or fifth generation here the kids are born and raised here ect they ar considered Local Haole, or "Kama'aina" and no longer considered malihini.

    These were labels granted by Hawaiians themselves to Missionary families who married mostly Ali'i women, and were thus also considered "hapa", such as the Princess Kaiulani whose father was Scottish.

    The first hotel or B and B was run by the Queen Deborah Kapule on the Wailua river.

    Most of the large missionary families hosted families from all over in the larger main plantation homes.

    This isn't about any of that. This is about being a jerk an thinking they get to do whatever u want no matter what anyone says

    I heard that one of the people at that meeting is going to continue and not desist because he says this government has no control over what he does.

    That was the same ideology used against Hawaiians during the overthrow. Americans refused to honor the law of a "colored Queen". I think some of these people actually feel that way. Also heard they don't want to rent to locals because they would rather they be housecleaners for them instead.

    This is why we need this ordinance passed.

  7. Aloha all.

    If you were at the meeting, it would be crystal clear why passing the ordinance is so important. Do not miss the chance to see and hear what happened. Tune in to Hoike and decide for yourself. The hearing was nearly an identical repeat of what down before the Council in 2008, when the subject was TVRs.

    I hope we don't let that happen again.

    Respectfully, Sam

  8. Jerry is right....everybody on Ag land that isn't "really" farming is in violation. Why not enforce the farm dwelling agreement? Can you imagine that!!!???
    But then again...Jerry has a valid point but don't limit it to only B&B and TVR guys.

  9. We've heard some incredible versions of how BnB/farmers meet the "farming" requirement on their "farms". Tune in to Hoike and be prepared to laugh.

  10. Gary Hooset made a complete ass of himself at the NACo conference last night by standing up at a gathering of 500+ government officials and announcing that all of Kauai's streams and rivers are polluted with chemicals. That's just great for the visitor industry not to mention a liablous statement to make. What did the citizens of Kauai do to get stuck with this moron? Oh yeah we voted him in. Glad to know he's now an expert in water testing and chemical engineering.

  11. Sleeping in the kitchen on 242.00 of social security a month was my personal favorite but the ef-u lady was something else.

  12. awww. come on. The Hoffs sleep in their kitchen so they can max out on rent? You gotta be kidding! Do they do the food bank too?

  13. There were maybe 40 people in the room and the big fist said every stream on Kauai has tested positive for pesticides. Isn't that the truth? Pretty sure that is what recent stream testing report said.

  14. Jerry Ornalles is the real deal. And a good man, as well.
    However to suggest the County do the State's job of enforcing "ag income" is a joke. Anyone can pull a GET license and sell a papaya or two.
    The County can't even enforce it's own one driveway PER LOT and the Council holds their EXTRAVAGANZA (helicopter flower drops and all) yesterday on Darryl Kaneshiro's GIANT CPR (not a subdivision) and Darryl must have ten driveways. But I guess if you party on an obvious illegal property it is OK. Darryll farms and some of his CPR owners also farm....but for the Council to go after BnB owners stemming from a flimsy rule...and then let driveways all going on to County roads, a real honest law-breaking activity..past muster. What a world.
    Gimme a beer, I wish I knew the powerful politicians who turn a blind eye as they please....and to shut down enough BnBs, that it is like closing the Hyatt, Sheraton and Lihue Marriott in one fell swoop.
    Over 2,000 daily visitor accommodations will be wiped out, if the County pursues this BnB BS.
    It should have been enforced on a "complaint" basis...most people didn't even know their neighbor had a BnB...The AG CPR "farming" rule will never be enforced, it derives too much income for the County....and even JoAnn and the other hypocrite Gary Hooser have dabbled extensively in the Ag CPR real estate development business and made F*cking MILLIONS of dollahs. And Kaipo Asing should keep his little yapper shut...especially since he GOT a full blown spot zoning on his property (among other very questionable commercial activity at his Haena property). Spot zoning at its finest, right Kaipo?
    Total BS...there is a whole lot of preferential enforcement going on.
    Maybe if the BnB owners had a giant Luau at their BnB the Council will let 'em go free.
    You don't have to dig to deep to find the sh*t.

  15. More than 700 listing on Air BnB?

  16. @5:38. no one has tested all the streams for pesticides

  17. 700? is that for kauai?

  18. 5:38 ... Your version of what happened seems more credible as I can't imagine 500 people actually listening to Gary Hooser. Perhaps 40 unlucky people had to listen to his schtick because his GMO-filled gut prevented them from leaving.

  19. @6:56 but all the streams that have been tested show presence of pesticides?

  20. Kaipo does not have an commercial activity , idiot

  21. to Ms.or Mr. who wrote "BnBs, that it is like closing the Hyatt, Sheraton and Lihue Marriott in one fell swoop.
    Over 2,000 daily visitor accommodations will be wiped out, if the County pursues this BnB BS."
    Are you saying there are 2000 illegal units? Are you saying the hyatt, sheraton and Marriot opened their businesses without permits, or in the wrong zoned area? No, Hyatt appled for a zoning change before operating and the others got permits , not to mention they are in the areas zoned for that use. You think there are 500 people renting 4 rooms each or do you think there are 2000 people renting 1 poor little room or do you think the estates on secret beach are really being farmed for anything other than friggin visitors?You and your attitude are why we need enforcement on the perps right away.

  22. Joan. Catch the irony of Hoosiers quote in the Garden Island today regarding lost Pioneer jobs. Unbelievable.

  23. Unbelievable for all but the Hoos.

    He wasn't too concerned about jobs when he was trying to shut them down and drive up their property taxes.

    And 8:17, you might want to review this poston the state's pesticide sampling, which found "None of these levels present a risk to human health or the environment,"

  24. My name is Sean Tesla. It's not my real name but f you for messing up my gig. Does anyone have a couple of million to lend me until this blows over? I'm good for it.

  25. It is amazing that the Garden Island did not report the significant event of Pioneer closing their Kekaha fields for hybrid seed production. I did Facebook post this event two days ago with a conscious framework to not have what is difficult for those who lost their jobs to see others jumping for joy over their hardship. I am pleased that there has continued to be grace in the presentation, as far as I have seen. The big agriculture companies have been forcing the markets to buy their commodities rather than following the desires of the market. As long as this is their strategy, they will continue to see a decline as people work to have food that feeds their bellies with nutrition and better fuel for their cars. The hog market has also shown fertility collapse due to the gmo-corn feed impacts. It is the oil market that closed those Kekaha fields not the best efforts of the people fighting the pesticides. If it was the anti-gmo movement, the research fields of Waimea would be the ones going fallow.

    Seemingly, farming is very difficult financially across the country as we see more and more family farms and subsistence agriculture close. They do not get the tax exemptions, forced markets and crop subsidies of industrial agricultural. The playing field is not equal. Allowing home-stays on farmland is a double-edged sword. Without this financial shot-in-the-arm on million dollar properties, many people cannot hold on to their land. Those who can afford to purchase it from them won't care about producing food for Kaua`i, especially if they are not allowed to house farm workers. Yet, true farming is harder work than housing guests; people are likely to lose motivation if there is an easy income option of vacation rentals.

    What is the right path? My suggestion is to start with a hard look at our Real Property Tax structure, and our priorities. An easy solution is not evident. Our enchanted land is being offered to a global market in which local people cannot compete. On the ethnic end, the demographics with large extended families can pile on top of each other in a relatively small house with un-permitted rooms added on. Planning looks the other way. For the white community with small families, they make up the difference by renting out a room at whatever level they can arrange it; sometimes to visitors. If they rent to a lower priced long-term tenant, they lose the least expensive homestead tax rate. So they then need to jump to the higher yielding tenant of home-stay.

    Beginning the dialogue by recognizing we are all in the same canoe is step one. Better than a slagging match...

  26. Can't believe what Hooser said. What an ass.

    I'd already decided that when Dick Cheney finally goes off-line, I will hold a party every year on that date to celebrate the event. Now I will have to do that for Hooser as well.

  27. Yeah I love that Gary "hopes the company will demonstrate they are good neighbors by taking care of the laid-off employees." -He wanted them gone and now he wants them to pay for people they're not employing? Why would they do that? You can't have it both ways Gary. They're either here employing residents, or they're not.

    Now 34 people are without full time jobs and Kauai's job market is pretty scarce. There just aren't that many full time decent paying jobs here. Maybe Gary can find them jobs and be part of a solution for a change.

    Hawaii Business had a great article a few months ago which talks about the agricultural industry on Molokai, "What happens to Molokai if GMOS are Banned?" -It's worth reading for those who don't think driving the seed companies out is going to affect the livelihood of many in the State:

  28. 8:24 Kaipos Haena property was the base point for Napali tours for years. Not zoned but openly used.
    His Nawiwili property was spot zoned years ago......history hurts, but some of us have memories and know many tricks that the powerful have pulled.
    the spot zoning, easy permit process, friends and family first attitude of Planning and the County are legendary.

    SURELY, at their is someone who can pull a full blown FBI investigation on past practices, current preferential enforcement, waste of funds etc....this would be a big one.
    8:24..get your facts straight, you are not an idiot, but are just another mis-informed mere person trying to find your way in this hard world. Dig a little deeper, newbie.

  29. Now it's time for the county of Kauai to send inspection teams to evaluate if soil is contaminated on Dupont's site.

    Chem/Bio companies high tail it as soon as the courts rule against them.

    It's a sign that there might be a bigger problem than what is being said.

    The same thing happened to the city of Anniston Alabama in 1999. The city won $700 million against Monsanto for contaminating the city with toxic cocktails.

    The same could be happening here in Kauai.

    The county of Kauai and the state of Hawaii has to do their due diligence in this matter.

  30. Sounds like Felicia is running for office and mixing metaphors. What the hell does she know about the global ag market?

  31. I guess you missed the Civil Beat discussion, Felicia, where your anti-GMO compatriots showed no "grace" or compassion for the workers.
    Aldo, could you please site a legit reference for your contention that hog fertility is down due to GMO feed?
    You may also be surprised to learn that many family farms do indeed receive subsidies and would fit your definition of "industrial ag."

  32. A recent study revealed that there has been no impact on livestock health and productivity due to GMO feed. Felicia and others who are interested can read about it here:

  33. Hmmm. I wonder what kind of severance package Gary offered his workers when he shuttered his printing business?

  34. Changing from GMO to Non-GMO Natural Soy, Experiences from Denmark


  36. 9:25 all the County has to do is hire some chemists to do the job.

    1. NO!!!!! There is already universities and private org's that has done this kind of work.

      NO MORE CRONIES. Kauai does not need the Mayor to hire more friends and family that is not qualified for those positions that Kauai is in dire needs.

  37. Felicia -- There's nothing wrong with the tax structure as far as ag land is concerned if you actually farm and your land is dedicated. We also have an ordnance that permits worker housing on real farms, the stipulation being that the farm has to gross $35 thousand a year, anyone not grossing that wouldn't be able to afford employees any way.

    Farm stays may keep some people afloat for a while but in the end it'll destroy our ability to survive as true farmers.

  38. You have to excuse Felicia. She reads all the wrong studies and thinks that blabbing on KKCR prepares her for a higher calling. She rode the caboose to defeat in the 2014 Council train along with Tim Bynum and has done, considering this vapid post, nothing to improve her mind or chances for the next choo choo ride. Hearing from her is like listening to someone scratch a blackboard and about as tolerable or informative. Ditto (on informative) to the person supplying the ISIS study link- not a respectable journal and a waste of time.

  39. I just read someones post to the effect that there are nearly 700 places (BnBs?) posted on AirBnB for rent on Kauai. Can this be true? Even if its only a fraction of that, we're in deeper trouble than I thought. Pass the ordinance, QUICK.

    Thoughtfully, Sam

  40. Gotta watch out what you wish for !

  41. Ordinanace or moratorium.

    And as for Kaipo the property he spot zoned was a large piece surrounded by all residential zoned properties. He gave all of the properties to his children. They have all lived on the property since. It was never used as a TVR or homestay property. I have no problemwith that. Family First. Everything else is secondary.

  42. If we allow B&B 's , the 700 illegal b&b's to opperate on Kauai then what's the problem with a few hundred new residential homes in Kapaa.

  43. I heard a little of everything watching the meeting on Homestay B’nB’s the other day. For those of you from away, who, because “visitors don’t want to stay in the crowded noisy VDA’s”, feel that you are entitled to drag tourists into our residential neighborhoods to make a buck destroying places created for our peaceful enjoyment, you need to appreciate the irony of your selfish motivation to do this. What we call home, you see as a return on investment. You flat out don’t fit in our neighborhoods and should “invest” in the VDA’s where you are permitted and presumably welcome. To talk of “price points” about this is pure mainland realtor doublespeak. Should’ve used the H word, but bit my fingers. Potemkin Farms with mini-hotels attached aren’t going to save agriculture or deliver food security by any stretch of the imagination. Hardly any of them are attached to real farms run by real farmers to begin with; a very rare few are. We are saturated with more quibbling opportunists who are willing to flout the norms and law chasing a buck on this island than we need. Tourism in residential neighborhoods erodes the quality of life for people who can only escape it in their homes; turn the neighborhoods over to “innkeepers” and turn Kauai into Coney Island.

  44. FYI

    Noted a couple of Homestay applications listed for action on the May 26th Planning Commission agenda. one in Kapaa, another in Wailua. Roll up your pants - the wave is coming.

    Sincerely, Sam

  45. Cowden said, “The big agriculture companies have been forcing the markets to buy their commodities rather than following the desires of the market.”

    That has got to be the most asinine statement I have read in a long time. Even more than Sean Telsa’s embarrassing substance-induced rantings. I would love to know how the seed companies “have been forcing the markets to buy their commodities”!! What a trick! Must be magic!

    Cowden continues, “The hog market has also shown fertility collapse due to the gmo-corn feed impacts.” So this is why the hog farmers continue to use GE corn to feed their hogs because it helps them screw up their pigs, operations and profits??? Thank GAWD this woman wasn’t elected to office!! This woman and logic have never met. But I bet I could sell her a bridge in Brooklyn.

    “They do not get the tax exemptions, forced markets and crop subsidies of industrial agricultural.” Ahhhh…yes they do. It just that many small farmers don’t have the capital to get through bad years. They get into debt (not wise) which raises their costs even more and then fail. Felicia! Study some economics and finance first before repeating what you’ve read and don’t understand on other idiot’s websites. Embarrassing.

    ”Our enchanted land…” Felicia….IT’S NOT YOUR LAND!!! And I am certainly not in any canoe with you!

    PS – What’s really funny how both sides of the GMO debate are trying to use Pioneer’s belt-tightening action to support their arguments? Guess the glass is too opaque from the outside.

  46. Markets are made by the consumers of those markets products, ie what people find convenient and economical to purchase. If americans by and large have chosen to not educate themselves on nutrition through critical reading and simple observation of how fit and healthy people live, it merely shows the effectiveness of modern advertising.

  47. And how 11:22 AM is GE corn different nutritionally from organic?

  48. Re 7:23 Aloha Sam Lee,

    An update on your comment. The Wailua Homesteads B&B applications new Public Hearing by the Planning Commision has been moved to June 23 at 9:00 a.m. with 10 other new B&B/ Homestays.

    Listed are the locations

    Wailua Homesteads
    Hanalei Town
    Weliweli Tract
    Lawai Valley
    Kilauea/Kalihiwai Road
    Kalihiwai Ridge
    Wailua Homesteads

    Roll up your pants and underpants - the tsunami is coming.

  49. WOW anonymous.

    Thanks for letting us know. Applications from many parts of the island. Maybe from a neighborhood where you live. This is like a dozen Homestay operations seeking permits. Considering that the County found 10/15 in their sweep, Are there only be another 2 or 3 out here waiting to apply? Don't think so.

    So the question is. What are you/we going to do about this?

    Again I say; we better get the ordinance passed quick or risk being drowned by the tsunami.



  50. On May 26th there is still one new B&B application schedule for 9:00 am. The property is on Pelehu Rd in Kapaa.

  51. Thanks anonymous. Whoever you are you got access. People living in these locations oughta keep their eyes and ears open. Unless you are happy with a homestay next door.

  52. 11:22 can back off Manawai...

    I mentioned nothing about GMO and personally have nothing against the way they're mostly used and can't see why there would be any nutritional difference.

  53. i'd be happy with a homestay next door.

  54. People who live anywhere near any property seeking a permit received notices sent to them in the mail. It is part of the process. In many cases the neighbors support a small B&B nearby.

    I'm begging my neighbor to rent to tourists instead of the current meth addicts and weed dealers. Please let me get such a notice in the mail.

  55. so tourists can't be meth addicts and weed dealers? You are aware that pakalolo was introduced by hippie tourists in the 70'saqnd that meth was introduced here from somewhere else right? Right?

  56. @4:26

    Your bluff doesn't work anymore. We know you are a B&B opperator. How obvious can you be. Too funny.

  57. Here's one for you 6:15 PM

    The first B&B application on your list that's in Wailua Homesteads is Gary Hooser's neighbor. I wonder what Gary's stance will be.


  58. Isn't that Wailua one Tim and Summer Bynam?

  59. you gotta be kidding

  60. If Jerry Ornellas clears $500 on a good week, that would be about $20,000 over the period of a year, considering the bad weeks as well. How is it possible for him to survive on that amount? Do you suppose he must have some form of supplemental income? Would it be so very terrible if his wife ran a homestay? And can we count on Jerry to create any measure of food security here on Kauai?

    Joan, you write "Testimony at Tuesday's homestay/B&B hearing exposed as myth the idea that small farms can be self-supporting on Kauai."That's the point exactly. There is no myth about that that I've heard. If you want small farmers to create more food for local consumption, they need to supplement their income. One teaches at KCC and does physical therapy on the side. Another gives farm tours, god forbid. If it does not bother the neighbors, why shouldn't a small farmer be able to supplement their income by extending hospitality to visitors? If and when the day comes that the barges stop running and the National Guard can't get here with "meals-ready-to-eat", we will be very glad to have the produce from small Kauai farms, and to have those with the experience and knowledge of how to grow successfully ready to step up their production to help their neighbors. After all, we cannot count on the BIG "seed farmers" here to help us out when ffod becomes scarce...they do not grow any food for local consumption. And that is no myth.

  61. Jerry worked fulltime-plus in outside jobs all his life to pay off his farm and support his family. He is now retired and farming. There's nothing wrong with supplemental income. Farmers all over the country depend on it. But when they start mixing tourism with farming, it skews the value of ag land and creates potential conflicts between visitors and farming activities.

    And if times got tough, I'd put my money on the seed companies to produce substantial food over the fantasy farmers in Kalaheo-Kilauea. That's because they have the land, the skilled labor, the equipment, the irrigation systems and the expertise. They are doing far more to ensure the longterm viability of agriculture on Kauai than any ag TVR/B&B operator.

  62. 8:54

    Jerry Ornellas has more integrity in his little finger than most people. Jerrry would never think not renting illegally nor imposing on his neighbors, because of the kind of person he is. Doing something contrary to zoning would never enter his mind. Jerry and people like him understand that laws are in place to avoid chaos and disruption. Apparently there are many who don't understand that concept, especially when it is inconvenient for them.

    Sadly, Sam

  63. @ 8:54 Your assumption is incorrect if you think that a B&B will actually strengthen a farming operation. In time the will to make it farming will atrophy because easy money wins over hard work unless you're like some of us crazy farmers who like to scratch out an existence.

  64. 2cents:

    I like staying in B&B vs large resorts. I do not like the resorts in Poipu at all. Too much Disneyland.

    We have a B&B about a block from our home. I don't notice any problems. This was just my experience. I can imagine others who might have problems. I can understand how someone who wants a "nice neighborhood" (which I see on TV sometimes) would be unhappy being surrounded by B&Bs. I would not like to see that anywhere on the island.

    However, I've looked for the ordinance covering homestays. I cannot find it. I'd appreciate a pointer.

    I believe a homestay is very different from a TVR. If the homeowner is renting out a room, I support him. OTOH, renting out 5 bedrooms and sleeping in the kitchen is not my interpretation of a homestay. This is getting really messy.

    In the end, it seems to me that the county has made an effort to regulate things it can't really control. (The ADU vs guesthouse fiasco for example.) How do we get out of this mess? How do we avoid another red/blue conflict that only has both sides yelling at each other and at times using the same words with totally different meanings?

    While I"m at it, anyone know who these guys are? They were prominently mentioned in some TGI articles on TVR/B&B.

    Lastly, this is the home granted a B&B use permit 26 May 2015. That it cost $6000 in legal fees and took years seems ridiculous.

  65. If you want to have any say about the proposed Hokua Place Development plans to build 769 housing units near the Kapaa Middle School, you need to speak up now.

  66. well johnny boy. you'd better book time at your favorite BnB right quick. because the next time you try, it might be closed down.

  67. got a news lash for all of you lawn cutter housekeeping food server fans out there expect your hula, drinks, garden and lawn cleaning and bed making to be done by mostly blonde haired blue eyed Californians and Mexicans as Filipinos return to the motherland and Hawaiians and locals leave for jobs on other islands where they can get housing easier or to the mainland. I myself have a child born and raised who sees the writing on the wall. Oh she is Hawaiian BTW. Too bad this island is gonna loose her. No opportunities but mostly no housing. This child is considering the mainland as many of her friends have already moved there. Oh you will prolly lose me too as I consider opportunities and housing elsewhere in the state. I could never move to the mainland.

    Guess where all those local last named graduates are going? I personally know of two born and raised, old Hawaiian famiy who will be gracing another state with their presence and formidable talents. I hear dozens of these stories lately as the mass exodus of locals that started 15 years ago will continue to drain this island of the very people you all want to cozy up too.

    So how do yu market a Band B that says"Hey be in the neighborhood with the locals" but the locals are all from Cali man, like radical dudes.

    Wake up and smell the patchouli. Da culchah just took on a whole new meaning. And oh yeah I almost forgot. If you don't get "No more Hawaiians No More Aloha', realize that Japan is wild for this culture, this culture is being spread wordwide from this exodus no one will need to come here to get it as there will be a local around the corner from you. Guarantee they ll have a business, a house and land and plenty of food to eat every month.

    Because the local is under-appreciated treated like slave labor and like a dumb beast of burden with no other capacity but racist fantasies such as laying belly up under a coconut tree passed out drunk. I was appalled to see a series of paintings in Kapaa a while ago obviously from a new comer painter and this was what was depicted. Ugly, hugely obese and stereotypically strumming a three string ukulele under a coconut tree filled with coconuts and a goofy grin.

    This is how you see the people here. But you want to go and live in he neighborhoods so you can be like national geographic explorers and hang with the natives. You are prolly out there with telescopes documenting what you see. I can here you all now.

    "The male local now goes to prostrate himself under a tree while raising his middle finger towards our hidden location. One can only wonder: Do they really know sign language?"

    Film at 11. Yeap. Have it your way. Enjoy. We outta hea. Last one out shut the lights will ya?

    If you do not see this as hewa and shameful well I hooe you reap what you sew.

  68. The industry that depends on sandy beaches and the aloha spirit will see rapid declines in the quality of both in the coming years.

  69. decline is already here. we're just not being told.


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