Friday, August 21, 2015

Musings: Crackpots and Cranks

Why does The Garden Island keep giving valuable space and credence to people who don't know WTF they're talking about?

First we had the kayak operators speculating wildly about some mad diversion project surreptiously siphoning water from their “Secret Falls” tourist attraction, and absolutely refusing to believe the falls dried up to drought.

Now we have the same reporter, Brittany Lyte, treating Hanalei crackpot Terry Lilley as a credible source even when he's been repeatedly proven wrong.

Yesterday, Brittany gave us the “news flash”  that Hanalei River was full of dirty water and there was a brown water advisory issued for the Bay. While this may be a revelation to that newbie reporter, it's old hat for the North Shore after a rain.

Brittany quoted Lilley as blaming a Hanalei River restoration project for the dirt. Yet even after state officials checked out the site, found no wrongdoing and determined “[s]heeting piling installed prior to the recent rainstorms appears to have prevented the flooding of Hanalei River from eroding a soil stockpile and other features at the work site,” today she  gives Lilley space to repudiate those findings, without offering any evidence of his own:

At least one environmentalist — Hanalei biologist and videographer Terry Lilley — isn’t buying what the state is saying, however.

Who cares whether Terry buys it? The guy's a total flake, which his own words confirm:

Lilley, who compared the sediment event to the Ka Loko Dam break that killed seven people in 2006 when a wall of water washed them out to sea, said he plans to file a complaint for violation of the Clean Water Act.

Really? Comparable to the dam break? What an idiot.

Yet TGI gives his rantings the same credibility as two inspectors from the state's Clean Water Branch and civil engineers. Just as it gave speculations by kayak operators full weight, without even attempting to contact the folks who actually operate the water system.

Is it any wonder that Kauai residents are so horribly misinformed? They may as well get all their "news" from Facebook or Andy Parx's blog.

As a friend observed:

For all the money these rich guys piss away on dairies and other hobbies in this town, what a great thing it would be to buy TGI and install a professional staff. I guarantee the paper would flourish.


  1. Joan, why do you diminish your journalistic reputation by resorting to name calling? I agree Terry is not a credible source of information but calling him or anyone an "idiot" only makes you look like a raving and ranting two bit blogger, when you can be so much more than that.

  2. I believe in choosing words that best convey my message. Idiot is a very good and descriptive word.

    1. Idiot is a very suitable description of Mr. Lilley.

  3. Thank god for idiots! Such a blessing in a world so full of normal know-it-alls.

  4. Just a thought Joan please don't judge what Terry Lilley says about this recent episode @ hanalie river in total disregard. I will totally agree with you drawing comparisons to Kaloko are absurd no doubt but the sediment that I personally saw myself was definitely not "normal" under any summer tropical storm rainstorm. Something was going on upriver,let me tell you something please normally as part of paddling practice we always go up river to work on our stroke, get warmed up etc. but no way after the night rain, pilaua'a smelly kine water. I've paddled this rivers for 30+ years seen plenty bad things, this was very bad. Also please understand make no mistake we folk of Hanalie admirer & respect what Terry does for no/low pay at his own expense document what is happening in Hanalie, but unfortunately we know with passion sometimes comes with embellishment. Some of his claims may be dubious for sure but his intentions are clear as they are with your intentions with your blog....
    expose the truth as best you know how. Again Mahalonui for all your work educating us all about pesticides,gmo ge,bioscience,etc.
    Bravo please keep up the good work you are Kauai's only real news source.

  5. Joan, you've gone bat shit crazy.. I think you have a brain tumor and hope you resolve your health issues. You used to be a nice person. Reputable. Terry Lilly is a marine biologist that has been doing more work than any state "official".
    Secret falls and other water ways have been drying up for the past two years, even during good rains.
    And what the hell are you talking about with regards to Hanalei river? I've NEVER seen it that brown. NEVER.

    It's due to construction and hey wait a minute...HMMM...the thot plickens...
    you're a very calculating idiot. shut down your blog, get some help before you do even more damage to this island.

    1. We need critical and objective reporting far more thn niceness. Joan provides a valuable service to our state.
      -Dave Smith

    2. It was pounding mauka yesterday. Every river mouth from kealia north was pilau nasty after and still is.

    3. This guy must believe everything on Instagram and Facebook. Gee I wonder who he follows

    4. Ya and you've been here all of two years.

  6. Thank you Joan. It is important to publicly expose frauds like Terry Lilly, otherwise copy cats will be inspired to spread fear and call the newspapers everyday invoking false claims and false credentials too.

    I saw on his FB page that he said that while out on a "research" dive, the military shocked him with a shock device, which gave him a heart attack, and when he swam a half mile back to shore and drove ( yes, drove) to Wilcox Hospital, the stunned medical team said he had a massive heart attack and should have died.

    Idiot is indeed a very strong word, but it really does apply to this fear mongering paranoid megalomaniac. All winter he is constantly harassing whales with his "research" boat, and always getting dangerously close to injuring them. All summer he is harassing other huggable forms of marine life. Why doesn't he get fined.

  7. @4:52- Terry is working with state and federal groups, National Geographic, NASA, and international marine scientists to determine why corals on Northshore and other select locations on Kauaʻi and Oahu are dying at an alarming rate that vastly supercedes the slower death rate at other locations. People who know him greatly value his work and dedication to all ocean life, in spite of his tendency to state hypothesis as fact. He is aware of that shortcoming and is working in collaboration with great international groups of people and individuals in scientifically recording the facts so that the problem can be addressed. My question to you (4:52) is this- what are you doing to help solve this problem? Belittling Terry does nothing at all to help. Do you even have any understanding of the magnitude of this problem we are all facing together here on Kauaʻi? What is your theory about what is causing the immune system breakdown of coral in certain areas but not in others. Please enlighten us about your knowledge of the problem and what you are doing to solve it. Only then can we compare what you have to say with what Terry is finding through his research. Bernie Sanders says it well when asked about Hillaryʻs hair- this election is about real issues that affect all of us, it is not about hair styles or personalities. Same for the coral issue. Facts please?

    1. How much diving do you do? Surfing, fishing? Where exactly? Lets' talk truth here. What reef experience do you know about?

  8. Terry is a publicity hound who cares more about getting his name in the paper than resolving any problems. He's not actually doing any research to help the corals. Credibility isn't like a hairstyle and it doesn't rub off on him by being around Nat a Geographic.

  9. 6:37- Please enlighten us all by explaining how Terry is doing no research to help the corals. Where are the facts to back up your assertion? Your comment reflects exactly what 6:14 us saying- you speak of Terryʻs personality and ignore the facts. Please tell us what you know about the issue, not about Terry?

    1. The long term studies of reefs in the area show no change in coral counts or health infected vs live. Also what is your personal knowledge of these reefs? How much do you dive, surf, fish? Are you just regurgitating bullshit?

  10. 6:14-- Where are the facts to back your assertions?

  11. Where has Terry published his "research"?

  12. @3:53 Sounds like you're the one with a brain tumor or maybe just a bad case of the nasties.

  13. Geesh, how hard can it be to figure out all the cesspools along the oceanfront and more than a million sunscreen and pesticide laden(mosquito repellent) tourists weaken the corals, inviting disease.Hanalei river and every other river ran brown lately

    1. Common sense, simple observation. Thank you.

  14. @3:49 If you are going to use Hawaiian words, at least honor the language with correct spelling. 30+ years? Pronunciation....Ha-na-lei....Pi-lau will tell you how to spell the words!

  15. Hey @ 3:04 am wtf have you done besides nitpick the use of language? If you had any credibility on the condition of the Hanalei river or bay you could contribute something meaningful.So please shut the fuck up, you're a waste of time stick with the issues not minutiae. Again Mahalonui Joan for your efforts

  16. I've noticed that TGI waits until Saturday's to print Meth busts and other crimes on Kauai. They are also always several months behind on arrest blogs because they don't want the people or tourist to know that the person(s) is out and about committing the same or other crimes under Kauai's criminal protection program.

  17. IRT 6:14 PM who said, "Please enlighten us about your knowledge of the problem and what you are doing to solve it....Facts please?"

    Here are the facts: 1) The coral bleaching disease is largely on the northshore reefs. 2) Way too many mainland haoles have moved into the northshore. 3) There is no industrial agriculture on the northshore. 4) Little or no GMO ag there either. THEREFORE, in true Terry form, it is the mainland haoles that are causing the reefs to die. SOLUTION: Make them all leave.

    How's that for Terry Lilley-style facts? If not true, at lease it feels good. Pretty much how the Anti-GMO Fistees approach a problem.

  18. IRT 8:40 PM - Exactly! Even Mexico...MEXICO(!!!) won't let tourists in the water wearing suntan lotion/oil.

  19. 6:14&6:59. Still waiting for your facts on where Terry has publlished his research.

  20. You pick and chose statements to criticize people who have the real spotlight on island news. It casts you in a light of jealousy. TGI reported:

    "As a result of Wednesday’s inspection, Wong said the project managers will, however, need to implement additional erosion and sediment controls to reduce the risk of future polluted discharges."

    So something good did come out of the report and it sounds like the controls in place weren't adequate.

    And it would be interesting to hear more about this passing comment about the falls:

    "There is another stream that feeds the falls only when the water level is high enough to travel through a tunnel that sends water to the pool at the top of the falls. The water level is currently being kept low for dam safety reasons, she said."

    "she" being Rebecca Alakai, hydrologist for DLNR’s Commission of Water Resource Management.

    It is so easy to sit back and be critical of people trying to find some solutions or causes to problems.

  21. 9:52 -- You're the one who picks and chooses statements. Seems like you missed the part where Rebecca Alakai confirmed yes, it was the drought, there are no diversions affecting Uluwehi Falls and people were mixing up watersheds.

    And while it may sound to YOU, a Terry defender, like the controls in place weren't adequate, Wong already determined there was no runoff. They're just putting in more controls to placate perennial cranks like Terry.

    I'm not critical of people who are trying to find solutions or causes to problems. I'm criticizing people who make accusations and lay blame when they don't know they're talking about, and even when they're shown to be wrong, they still cling to their false beliefs. Like you.

  22. Where is the meaningful dialogue in the comments here? A very sad but true reflection of how mass media and individuals avoid facts and focus instead on personalities. Why are people so quick to accuse but so slow to provide facts. Oh well, the truth will unfold regardless. I suggest that Terry and Joan (or Terry and 6:37) agree to have a public discussion videotaped and moderated. That would cut through all of this avoidance of the real issues we are facing.

    1. Yeah and you can watch terry get drunk and come unglued! That would be epic! Have you ever met this douche?

  23. Regarding the prevent further pollution, Hawaii DOH is proposing new rules that would ban new cesspool installations and reimburse folks up to $10,000 if they upgrade/convert to septic systems, if their cesspools are within 200 feet of surface water, shoreline, and other sensitive areas:

  24. 10 am wrote: "Why are people so quick to accuse but so slow to provide facts."

    Yes, I've been wondering that myself. Like Terry, and his accusations. Where are his facts to back up his claim that the restoration project dirtied the river? Where were the kayak operators facts that the falls were being diverted? Where are the anti-GMO activists facts that there's pesticide drift and runoff from the seed fields, and that it's actually harming people? They cause all kinds of drama and actual harm and expense, but they never actually provide any facts to back up their claims. Yet they think state and county officials should hop to and check out every hare-brained conspiracy theory they dream up.

    Misinformed people causing serious pilikia is the real issue here, and I'm certainly not avoiding it!

  25. On Wednesday evening I went to a video and slide presentation by Terry. Diseased coral, eyeless turtles, fish and turtles with strange shredded fins and flippers, white fish with black dots turning all black. And timelines and locations and dates for coral disease advancement. Thousands of hours of filmed documentation. Photos of a slew of military microwave towers around Kauaʻi which are being developed as weapons and tested here on Kauaʻi. Their microwave output is incredibly massive and no research has been done to determine safety on the surrounding environment. These are the issues we are facing. Kudos to Terry for bringing all of this to the attention of the public. Anyone who has little or no knowledge of what is happening should at the least research what Terry has found so far and speak about that research. The research shows that all of the areas on Kauaʻi where coral immune systems have been compromised and are succumbing to the coral disease at rates much higher than other areas where the disease exists are located near these microwave towers where military exercises have taken place. Terry is working hard with a huge group of scientists from around the world to determine what is happening. It would be nice if Joan would investigate what is happening with the coral and share with us readers.

    1. Yes all turtles and fish should live forever. Disease and injury are only purposefully caused by rich white land owners. Lilley is a moron.

  26. The research shows that all of the areas on Kauaʻi where coral immune systems have been compromised and are succumbing to the coral disease at rates much higher than other areas where the disease exists are located near these microwave towers where military exercises have taken place.

    Really? Where are the microwave towers at Anini and Hanalei, or Makua?

  27. The shredded fins and flippers and missing eyes are just as likely a result of Dr. Terry's research boat engine blades and fuel discharge while trying to get that perfect photo, verses secretly embedded war making microwave towers.

    I am far from having any expertise in coral disease, but for many years it seemed to be common knowledge that the North Shore reefs are the most northerly in the islands, thus the lack of more colorful varieties seen in the warmer waters of Maui or BI, and the North Shore of Kauai has many more long rivers and streams than other coral reefs throughout the islands, hence more runoff and discoloration.

    I think that makes much more sense than the death ray microwave towers, but nobody gets rave write ups from novice reporters and nobody is bestowed the honor of alpha crank status.

    I'm so jealous! I wish I had the courage to go around getting so much attention and adulation from so many transplants, and all the while terrifying the bejesus out of them into thinking there's poising and death rays everywhere.

  28. Towers in Kokeʻe, Anahola, Kilauea, Kauaʻi coffee and maybe another southside location (salt pond?)- this is not factual but based upon my memory. The majority of the towers are in Kokeʻe. I would really like to know more about these towers- their purpose, what they do, how powerful they are, their exact locations. Can anyone help provide more info?

  29. @10:52 You are mixing up cell phone towers and military communications towers.

  30. No worries on not being factual, all that matters is your passion is with Dr T...

    Let me help you here: with the tower thingy;

    The lit Kokee Towers are used to transmit remote control messages to the robot pilots who fly the chemtrails planes from 40,000 ft above, since too many human pilots would spill the beans. The unlit Kokee Towers monitor the GMO fields to let them know when nobody is watching and it's safe to spray tons and tons of pesticides all over the GMO fields to make the plants stop mooing and clucking.

    All of the other towers are used to zap: coral, seals, whales, ahi, ono, mahi, spinner dolphins, and overly curious people,

  31. These towers are not really towers- they look like huge round white geodesic domes. Perhaps we need to ask the mayor and county what these domes are used for? Are there any experts reading this blog who can clarify the function of these domes?

    1. Doppler Radar, they are used to read your minds and guide the chemtrail planes

  32. Yes, 11:51 - They are golf balls made to attract the alien giants who are creating the chem-trails. These giants love our game of golf which is the only reason they haven't taken over Earth and killed us all.

  33. "the "Kōkeʻe Park Geophysical Observatory" (KPGO), the KPGO joined several other observatories around the world in making precise position determination of the Earth's crust using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR). By receiving signals from extra-galactic quasar radio sources, the VLBI observatories can compute the difference in path lengths to each observatory within one trillionth of a second to provide relative position measurements better than 1 centimeter. Continuing these ultra-precise measurements over many years allows for tracking the tectonic plate motions, determining the Earth's absolute orientation in space, and detecting variations in the Earth's spin rate. Before the advent of GPS satellites, this allowed scientists to know that the Hawaiian islands on the Pacific Plate are moving 9 centimeters per year in a northwesterly direction relative to North America. It also provides crucial insights into the forces driving the Earth's rotation and its interior properties. " -@11:51, just do a little research on the Internet. Take some responsibility for your own education and don't rely on being spoon fed by blog comment sections.

  34. Where's the study that links pot smoking to mild hysteria regarding everyday life in the 21st century.

  35. no study needed, its well documented effects on a small percentage of peep get paranoid


  37. Neat info about the tech plate movements. I wonder.... Since we're slowly moving northwest will this help offset the warming of the seas and cool the reefs off a bit? Let's ask Terry Lilly to do a study.

  38. "Kokee consists of radar units, buildings and microwave towers." "At approximately the 9-mi marker, there is a microwave dish antenna that is approximately 30.5m (100ft) high and clearly visible as it is approached from a downhill direction." "Between the 14-mi and 15-mi markers, two antennas, one a 26-m (85-ft)collimation tower for the USB receiving dish at Kokee Geophysical Observatory and the second a 57.9-m (190-ft) microwave antenna operated for PMRF, are clearly visible from the highway as one travels uphill, including those of parcel A." "On the return drive toward Waimea, the USB receiving dish antenna is only occasionally visible through the trees between the 15-mi and 16 -mi markers…." "In addition, the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescope at Kokee Geophysical Observatory is also visible along this portion of Highway 550." This is the source of the previous information-

  39. The GI keeps losing reporters. How can they afford to live on Kauai with the salaries they're paid? Meanwhile, no trade winds again. It's 87 but feels like 100. That's a story waiting to be told.

  40. Here are Google photos and technical information collected by Terry Lilly showing locations of towers on Kauaʻi and Oahu. I hope those with scientific knowledge will respond to the info at this site-!The-SHOCKING-Truth-The-Navy-in-Kauai/c32e/55b69b8e0cf26fc16f2fefa2

  41. You mean you just discovered the Air National Guard has a radar station in Kokee? That there is a microwave tower and antenna for telephone service? That there is a comprehensive geophysical data station? And Makaha Ridge has numerous radar and more classified observational facilities and towers to assist in the PMRF multidimensional war training? These have been there since I was a child. They all have signs explaining what they are.

  42. @ 11:49- Would you please explain the purpose and use of the "57.9-m (190-ft) microwave antenna operated for PMRF" and the three giant microwave towers at Turtle Bay Resort on Oahuʻs northshore? And also the one at Kauaʻi Coffee? Terry claims these massive microwave towers are also "popping up like mushrooms all over Hawaii including Niihau, Yokahama Bay and even on Lanai." And that they are capable of emitting 6 million watts- sounds like a little more powerful than a smart meter or a microwave oven or a cell phone tower, donʻt you think. Please educate us.

  43. 11:14 The Hanalei river mud has saturated the reefs, the reefs sent an unheard cry to Kilauea where the unicorns live and the unicorns flew to the rainbows and got caught in the National guard radar systems and fell to the earth and on their way down they ate some Waimea GMO dust that made them telekinetically turn off the wind and turn up the humidity, because when it is hot and sweaty people are cranky. Unicorns are not really nice.

  44. !!:49- You mention "towers to assist in the PMRF multidimensional war training? " Are these microwave towers? And if so, what is their purpose? How are they used to assist in war training?

  45. U.S. military sees more use of laser, microwave weapons–sector.html

    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military has made strides in developing lasers, microwaves and other directed energy weapons, and could soon use them more widely, top armed forces officials and U.S. lawmakers told an industry conference on Tuesday.

    The officials described weapons that are in various stages of development and testing by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Army, but said more work was needed to scale up the technology for larger weapons, develop tactics for their use, and ensure sufficient funding.

    “Directed energy brings the dawn of an entirely new era in defense,” Lieutenant General William Etter, Commander, Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, told a conference hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment.

    Directed energy refers to weapons that emit focused energy in the form of lasers, microwaves, electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, sound or particle beams. Lasers are already widely use to guide bombs to their target, but the next step would be to use the lasers as weapons themselves.

    The military has been working on such weapons for decades, but says many technology challenges have finally been addressed.

    Etter and other officials said such weapons could lower the cost of current weapons, speed up responses to enemy attacks and cut deaths of civilians in the battlefield.

    Defense Undersecretary Frank Kendall, the top U.S. arms buyer, said Pentagon funding for directed energy programs would remain steady at about $300 million a year for now, with larger-scale demonstrations to start in about five years.

    Kendall said directed energy offered a less expensive way to counter ballistic and cruise missile threats than the expensive interceptors used now, and urged industry to focus development efforts on those threats.

    Navy Secretary Ray Mabus told the conference the Navy was encouraged by testing of a laser deployed on the USS Ponce in the Gulf, which can destroy small boats and unmanned aerial vehicles, and can also be used as a telescope.

    Mabus said the Navy was extending deployment of the laser on the Ponce, and using lessons learned to help produce a 100-150 kilowatt laser prototype for testing at sea in 2018 or sooner.

    He said a powerful new railgun that could hit targets 100 miles away would also be tested at sea next year. A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher.

    He said the Navy would release a comprehensive road map for these sort of weapons this fall and could initiate a full-scale acquisition program in fiscal 2018.

    Mabus said Iran and other countries were already using lasers to target ships and commercial airliners, and the U.S. military needed to accelerate often cumbersome acquisition processes to ensure that it stayed ahead of potential foes.

    Major General Jerry Harris, vice commander of Air Combat Command, said the Air Force had developed a high-power microwave weapon that could disperse crowds without killing people by rapidly raising body temperature, and the system could be put to use immediately on drones or other aircraft.”

  46. Wow! I looked at11:20ʻs link. So much information I was totally unaware of. This looks like a good opportunity for Joan to do some deep digging and journalistic investigation?

  47. It appears we have a choice of two answers for what the towers are: 1) Communications towers, or 2) Death ray directors. I'll bet I know which one Terry Lilly thinks they are.

  48. Looks like the Guardian got snookered!

  49. Yes, we demand to know everything about everything! We have A RIGHT TO KNOW!

    Unfortunately, we don't even know the basics about anything so we'll have the context we need to interpret and understand the information we're demanding. And we're too damn lazy, self-important, and under-educated to do the research to bring us up to the point where we can hold a reasonable conversation with those who are experts in the particular field and ask appropriate questions. Furthermore we lack even the most basic civility to have that conversation.

  50. Joan, Do you think there is any possibility at all that the military on Kauaʻi may be testing microwave weaponry? And if so, do you think ther is any possibility of that testing having any effects at all upon nearby coral and reef systems?

  51. They sure did. And Chris Pala too.

  52. 3:24 PM Yes, absolutely! We need transparency, facts, facts and more facts- not secrecy. Only when we become educated about issues will our opinions have any real worth. And praying for civil comments on a blog such as this is like praying for mosquitos to go away. Basic civility is so needed in this modern world, maybe it could be taught in schools. Churches teach it, but many members do not follow it. I wonder how many commenters will understand the true value of having civil conversations, without blame, innuendo, vitriol, or snarkiness. Mahalo for your insight and inspiration.

  53. Itʻs hard to trust the US military. How many years did they deny using depleted uranium in the island of Hawaiʻi, then finally admit to using it after all those years? I agree with 2:13, we definitely could use some good investigative reporting into the military-microwave weaponry link and if it is connected to Kauaʻi or not. Do we really want the military testing secret weapons on our beautiful island?

  54. Thank your lucky stars for the US military.
    The Military is responsible for you having the rights you possess in the Constitution.
    Easy to criticize, but there is no better way, God Bless the USA.
    Look at the big picture. Where ever the US military has been IE Europe and Japan enjoy basic human rights, as we see them.
    Try go to the Middle East, most of Africa, Russia, China or even Zimbabwe or Fiji, then you might appreciate the sacrifices made and the commitment the military has in the protection of our country and our allies.

  55. 7:17 Do you condone the military lying to the public about their use of depleted uranium om the Big Island? Do you think this is the only time the military has lied to us? Do you think lying is the best way to protect our rights? Do you think lying like this is pono? Do you think depleted uranium is healthy for people and the environment? Sorry for so many questions, but I am truly interested as to how you will answer each of them.

  56. 2:40 Can you explain what kind of communication a 197 foot microwave tower is engaged in? What is its purpose and how is it used? A million watts is a very powerful microwave transmission. Thank you.

  57. Definitely death rays! The same ones they use in the chemtrail jets.

  58. Joan, It is obvious commenters such as 9:32 are completely unable to provide educational information in response to questions by commenters. Many good questions in these comments but very little info in response. Even you yourself failed to answer a very good question by 5:17. Whatʻs up?

  59. Theiir EIS for the entire Hawaii range calls for microwave weapons testing. I'm not sure if they're doing it at PMRF right now or not. I think the reef and coral problems are due more to land-based pollution, like cesspools, siltation and golf course runoff, as scientists have suggested. And just to be clear, I'm under no obligation to respond to every question or comment, or every request for an investigation.

  60. Of course Joan has no obligation to answer questions. But if the questions are about facts which the public needs to know to begin to form educated opinions, and the questions are directly related to the post topic, then who else is better at seeking out these facts than a true investigative reporter. Joan,y ou would be doing our whole community a great service by investigating the facts to determine if asking about the relationship between military microwave weaponry testing on Kauaʻi and extreme rapid decline of reefs and coral in the past few years are related. Is Terry really such a crackpot or crank? Or are his questions valid and worth investigating? Seems to me that we should know these answers before claiming Terry or anyone else is a crackpot or crank. The truth is what we seek. Joan chose the topic of the post and I hope she does more research and shares with us, This problem is one of the most serious we face today on Kauaʻi- the 100% total destruction of our fragile reef and coral system.

    1. You have no Idea what you are talking about. How much time do hou sprnd in and around our reefs, and where?

  61. "Their EIS for the entire Hawaii range calls for microwave weapons testing." Mahalo, Joan, for this info. I did not know.

  62. Actually, I'm not sure that's correct. I may have mistaken that for the hypersonic weapons, and I don't have time at the moment to re-read the EIS. Here are links to the 2-volume EIS. If you read through it, you'll get a better idea what they're doing out there.

  63. It is important to understand character assessment as a means for credibility. It is ysually allowed in a court of law. For those of us long term north shore Kaua'i residents who have had the misfortune of dealing with Terry Lilley, we have civic responsibility to warn others of how dangerous this narcissist is. Please research Terry Lilley. He was a failed herpetologist in California who was deemed a poacher by the feds and had his "zoo" seized for trafficking endangered species without a permit. He has a history of burning people royally. Fast forward to Kaua'i, trying to make a name for himself, he aligns himself as a reference for James Pflueger to play down the damage to the mudslide at Pila'a. Read the court documents. He has stuck around trying to scam donations for years now. How many lies of his can I print here, I will be up all night. As far as the rivers go, all the rivers are muddy now and have been for about 2 weeks. I think sime if the commentators on here don't leave their computers and actually go outside.


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