Friday, January 15, 2016

Musings: What Were They Thinking?

After hearing rumors for years that the FBI was investigating the Kauai Police Department, the federal agency yesterday did actually arrest a former vice squad lieutenant on theft, money laundering and embezzlement charges.

Lt. Karen Kapua, who was fired from KPD last December, was charged with stealing $75,000 in federal grant money intended for undercover drug buys, and laundering part of the dough to pay off personal debts.

You have to wonder what the hell she was thinking. According to Hawaii News Now, which broke the story:

Law enforcement experts say the theft of money used for evidence is usually easy to detect. "Whenever there's an expenditure, there has to be a voucher for that expenditure and given two officers or agents sign for that money," [Hawaii News Now law enforcement expert Tommy] Aiu said.

As the Kauai Humane Society pinches pennies to keep its doors open, and struggles with a never-ending wave of unwanted dogs and cats facing near certain euthanasia, the Kauai County Council has adopted a barking dog law that places an additional burden on the beleaguered agency.

KHS Director Penny Cistaro estimates she will need to hire additional staff and buy a vehicle to enforce the law, which amounts to an annual cost of at leat $18,000 and a one-time cost of $20,000 and $36,000. This, at a time when the agency is struggling to reduce the unwanted pet population through spay-neuter and education programs that should have first priority.

And really, does the county want to start spending its precious resources to sort out squabbles between neighbors? As a friend noted, this is the sort of law that represents the changing population on Kauai — people with little tolerance, and less ability to work things out amongst themselves.

What's more, the Council adopted this crummy law with no clear idea of where the money will come from. What the hell were they thinking? Let's hope Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. has the sense to veto this bad bill.

Of course, this isn't the first time the Council has adopted a law with enforcement problems. Case in point: transient vacation rentals.

Though the county can impose a $10,000 per day fine on people who are illegally running such operations, and pursue criminal charges, it hasn't done so aggressively or consistently. Right now, there's no financial incentive to shut down.

Why isn't the county slapping serious fines on illegal TVR operators, especially those who reopen after being closed down? The money could fund more enforcement efforts and it would end what planning director Mike Dahilig describes as a cat and mouse game.

This powerful tool is available to the county, but it's not using it. What the hell are they thinking?

It really makes you wonder if the county is indeed serious about addressing this ongoing problem period, much less in an effective manner.

And finally, after years of claiming that Navy sonar and radar is killing the reefs, Terry Lilley is seeking money to actually try and prove his allegations. Oh, and take down the farms, too.
Donate $100,000 to Terry and his crazy theories? What the hell was he thinking?


  1. From KPD'so Officer of the Year to federal defendant. And head vice cop? After all that scandal with her husband? Fire all of them.

  2. No wonder the dirty pigs had a hard on for me. Whenever there's a huge bust on Kauai, the dirty pigs use their evil force to stalk me.

    They had undercovers, unmarked police vehicles, patrol vehicles, county and state workers in vehicles stage and stalk me.

    Great Job FEDS!!!

    Destroy the Kauai Home Grown Terrorists The Kauai Syndicate Pig Mafia and all their slaves.

    Wangsters (wanna be gangstas).

  3. Joan, So you think that the possibility of military microwave use having a negative effect on coral is a "crazy" theory? And it also seems you think geo-engineering is a "crazy" theory, too? "Crazy" theory is the term government, military and big corporations use when they donʻt want the public to search for the truth. 9/11- "crazy" theory. Martin Luther King government assassination conspiracy- "crazy" theory. One of the main reasons for using the term "crazy theory" is to discourage people from investigating and researching themselves such "theories"- nobody wants to be considered a "crazy conspiracy theorist". Yes, "crazy theorist" is a very good way of completely avoiding intelligent discussions of real issues. At least Capt. Hay from PMRF has agreed to get together with Terry and a group of scientists to get to the bottom of what is happening to local coral and sea life. That is a sane approach.

    1. Not all conspiracy theories are fact. They are not called conspiracy facts. It is ok to question everything, it is also very much ok to question Terry's motives, and taking into account his track record of lies and false allegations, it is a great service that Joan points out bullshit when she sees it. She is doing you a favor so be grateful.

  4. Why should I have to tolerate your dog barking all of the time? Your right to own a dog is no greater that my law/right to quiet enjoyment of my land.

    Only fines will give dog owners the impetus they need to bring them inside, (which is what most dogs want) or get a muzzle/ electric dog collar.

    dogs bark for a reason; the owners should find the reason and remedy itself. There is no "working it out with the neighbor".

  5. 9:54 -- Hey, if you want to donate to Terry' cause, go for it! Everyone is free to tamp their money down a rat hole. I have no problem with people using science to get to the bottom of an environmental problem. But when you start with a conspiracy theory that isn't grounded in fact, you won't get far.

    And 10:34 -- Thank you for underscoring the point my friend made: This is the sort of law that represents the changing population on Kauai — people with little tolerance, and less ability to work things out amongst themselves.

  6. Dear Joan:

    How do you "work out" the fact that your neighbors dog is barking incessantly?

    Don't give me the: kindly ask them "spiel"; because Joan it has not worked and when it does not work, every law abiding and tax paying citizen should have the right to enforcement.

  7. Dear 11:14,

    If you have asked your neighbor, in a conciliatory way, to deal with the barking, and/or offered suggestions on how it might be resolved, and you still gain no satisfaction or relief, you can always file a civil nuisance suit against the neighbor. This way, those who are directly impacted by the problem pay for the cost of its resolution, rather than imposing that cost on either KHS or every tax payer.

  8. Just curious, but are you aware of Mr. Lilley's history of scams and shady activity?
    Have you ever met Mr. Lilley?
    Have you a rough chronological understanding of his chicken little antics, bogus claims, and his reputation?
    Are you aware of his alcohol and drug abuse?

  9. The issue has nothing to do with Terryʻs history or personality. It has to do with our sea life and coral dying off at an alarming rate. Only with the cooperation of the military will the public be able to learn about and decide for themselves if military practices are affecting sea life and how. Mahalo to Captain Bruce Hay for agreeing to work with Terry and the public investigating this issue! Mahalo to Terry for bringing this important issue to the publicʻs awareness! No mahalos to those who avoid the real issues and instead focus on one human being who is only trying to help because of his deep love for the ocean. Mahalo to KKCR for bringing Terry and Capt. Hay together on air!

    1. You should study the reefs yourself. those of us who spend every day in the ocean see a very different picture than the propaganda being spread. Don't confuse people's Aloha to warn against crazy people, with their concern for the environment. Hopefully you can see his facebook post for what it is.

    2. That makes no sense, telling people to focus on the issues not the person? Where does the message come from? Right. And the message is...send me money!

  10. Our dogs bark and our neighbors dogs bark because they alert us.

    We have wild boar and syndicate pigs threatening our safety and the guy in charge is the same guy in charge of the armed militia that threatened the hippies on the north shore and has ties and connections to the you know what.

    The other guys are related to the Kauai serial killer are retired or working as dirty Kpd pigs.

    That extra second gives us time to chamber a round and put a sight on the threat and disable it with proper use of force.

    I swore an oath to protect and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    No one has relieved from my post.

  11. Who did you swear the oath to? The pigs don't sound like a threat to the Constitution.

  12. 11:14. You feel so strongly that you have a good case? File a civil suit you idiot? Your case probably sucks because your tolerance is low. You hear the neighbors dogs but your dogs don't bark, right? There's a simple solution, move back to the mainland!

  13. Sing like a bird Kapua and RAT all your Patnahs out.

    Yeah Yah CheeeHu

    Hanabatah chillipepa watah yah

  14. It's not hard to discern the many reason our reefs are dying. Makua, known as Tunnels to tourists, receives over 1 million visitors a year, most go snorkeling or swimming there despite being slathered with sunscreen, a known product that smothers coral reefs. Many of those same tourists have sprayed themselves with pesticides better known as mosquito repellent, which is also toxic to the reef. People stand on the coral , breaking it, and all the development on and near the beaches causes runoff into the ocean, further degrading the coral reef. Many of the homes along the ocean use insecticides and herbicides on their lawns and landscaping in addition to fertilizer. Many of the beachfront landscapers have filled the sandy yards with dirt so the plants grow better and the dirt runs off into the ocean and reef smothering the corals. It is no longer a pristine setting in any way. One more obvious cause is the cesspools all along the beach still in use and the increased population of people who now stay in those places . There really is no mystery why our coral reefs are dying.

  15. Yes, neighbors speaking with each other can resolve incessant barking problems. We do it in our neighborhood, except for a recent retiree to Kauai who prefers to call the police. When one neighbor brought home a rescued dog from KHS, he didn't know that the dog barked and howled throughout the day when he was working. When he was informed, he apologized and took steps to calm the frightened dog. Like occasionally going home on his lunch break to visit with his dog and leaving the dog inside for all or part of the workday. He invited the closest neighbors to meet the dog, who then stopped barking at us as intruders. The problem improved and eventually resolved. OK, the dog still barks sometimes because it's a dog. He likes to run up to the fence to bark hello at me sometimes, but that's because he's hoping for some pats.

    More recently, another neighbor was hospitalized, and the person caring for her dogs didn't spend enough time with them. Sure, we could have complained, but after the learning what the problem was, several neighbors jumped in and took turns taking the dogs for walks or just hanging out with them. They mellowed out pretty fast.

    That's what neighbors do - help each other out. And not just over barking dogs.

  16. 1:51 sounds like he is worth a look by Homeland security.
    He says his "post" with suggests former military. That would also explain the oath.
    The threat to use a gun and the increasingly schizophrenic tone of his rants suggest this is a person to watch.
    What is his name?

  17. The Humane Society should get money from the Council.

    The Planning Department will NEVER be able to enforce the TVR or BnB law. That pesky 4th amendment gets in the way. ya know that old search warrant thang. Velly velly tricky.
    Of course if the lack luster Prosecutor was handed softballs he might go for it. But any big boy TVR will take the County down unless a search warrant is neat and tidy.
    And as the TVRs turn into Corporations...this will be increasingly difficult to do. Each case would take years and if the County stuck a "lien" on the property that jeopardized a real estate sale...the million bucks spent on Bynum's rice cooker will be peanuts in comparison.
    Sorry about Lt. Kapua...and then there's Darla, she sues the County twice, gets well over a million and lo and she is police of the month. Only on Kauai. Darla is a good lady, but gosh willickers. The County is a cornucopia of big dough for its employees.

  18. I dunno Joan, as regards the dog barking issue, you advocate "working it out with your neighbor", yet some of our neighbors are people posting comments here on this blog telling their own neighbors to "go back to the mainland if you don't like it".

    And advocating a civil suit - which costs plenty of one's time -dozens of hours at least, not to mention court filing fees, and at least six months to get any kind of resolution - on the grounds that it would avoid laying the cost of enforcement at the feet of every taxpayer...well, that's often the price all taxpayers pay for law enforcement. I mean, why not ask the person whose home was broken into to work that out with their neighbor instead of "laying it at the feet" of all taxpayers?

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think that for you, so many things come down to 'if the local is doing it, and a mainlander moves here and doesn't like it, then it's the mainlanders problem caused by the mainlanders "lack of tolerance" -always. I mean, if the locals didn't own dogs, and the mainlanders brought barking dogs to the island, would you really be telling the locals to "work it out with their new neighbors?" Well, we all have our prejudices and biases that affect our views, and we mask our biases with what appear to be principled views? I know I do.

  19. Ok Joan

    So your solution after asking your neighbor to quiet their dogs and they don't is sue them.


    Publish this quote

  20. We'll see how tolerant you are when your neighbors dog is barking at 2 am

  21. Tie up or lock up all cats. Nobody goes out walking before 8 in the morning and after 6 in the evening. Pen all the loose chickens in the neighborhood. Everyone go to bed before 10 at night.(No lights and TV) Dogs have a keen sense of smell and they also have great eyesight and great hearing.

    One thing great with the Humane Society is that when they respond to the complaint of the barking dogs. The homeowner will have to have his dog registered. Great way to fund the HS. Police will have to be on hand as witnesses, yes the dogs were barking and record what they saw with their bodycams as proof. And to prevent any type of retaliation from the homeowner.

    1. All because of the white Devils. Fucking haoles

  22. 10:34 most ridiculous post ever. You need to go find a bubble to live in that way you can have peace and quiet 24/7. No it is not governments role to ensure that neighborly squabbles are attended to by law enforcement. Sometimes maybe, not all the time. Like making sure you get your peace and quiet 24/7. Give me a break you old fart.

  23. 8:23 -- No, a civil suit is not my solution. It's one option. I think what people really need to do is get to know their neighbors and their neighbor's dogs. One neighbor had a hunting dog pup in a pen and its whining was irritating me. I talked to the neighbor in a nice way, and found they were keeping it like that because the mother dog had previously killed her pups. Suddenly, the puppy's noises no longer bothered me, because I had compassion for the dog and understood the people were doing their best. I've lived near hunting dogs, barking dogs, rooster farms, people with loud cars, people who used a leaf blower almost daily and people who blared music. I managed to survive without calling the cops on any of them, though truly, the absolute worst were the rooster farms, the blowers and the blaring music. I found that when I fixated on the sound, it was unbearable. But when I distracted myself, or sent loving thoughts toward the source, it was tolerable.

  24. Give Lilley money??? HAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's a good one!! It's like asking Lukens not to lie.

  25. Joan - I think the problem with fining the heck out of illegal TVR's is that these huge fines would most likely be contested in court using up limited staff and financial resources the County cannot well afford. Passing new laws when the County doesn't have the finances or staff to implement them is not only misleading to the public but frustrating to everyone and an example of poor County leadership.

    1. So write it into the rules that the loser has to pay the costs of the proceeding, just like in civil court. Heck, to contest a traffic ticket the person has to post a bond in the amount of the fine that is then discharged if they prevail. Why we can't do this with civil enforcement is beyond me.

  26. They could shut down the TVR's with $50 per day fines. The problem is there is NO enforcement, and it looks like there is no will by OPA to prosecute anyway. Every TVR owner knows that. If the County would appropriate one full time investigator to find illegal TVRs, and if that person could prepare a case against one illegal TVR every 3 days (which should not be that hard), we could get rid of 100 per year and others would start folding as word spread. They could let the ones that get caught off the hook in exchange for cease and desist agreements with stipulated penalties for future violations.
    Its one thing to punish people. Its another thing to actually fix the problem.

  27. Enforcement is a problem for the barkers, the smoking chimneys and TVRs.
    A limp wrist Prosecutor and unclear laws will provoke mucho lawsuits.
    No one from the county is allowed on your property without permission (except cops in health/safety).
    Some court cases have even said that the City/County can NOT even photograph your property by lifting a camera over a fence. They definitely are not permitted to go on your driveway etc.
    If 300 BnBs need search warrants Shazaam...the expectation of privacy will prevail in any lawsuit. On Kauai we have been used to every Tom Dick and Harry, assessor, appraiser, surveyor, Planning Department etc walking all over the place. We are pretty accommodating. We even had the Bynum/Hooser brigades trespassing looking for illegal grading. Not too long ago Da Hoos and Bynum were asking peope to turn in their neighbor for a little Dozer work. Our Cpunty is out of control as they try to control out citizen's behavior.
    But when the cops, planning department or Humane Society go a snooping..for alleged illegal activities in bedrooms, renting out to your kid's college friends or a yipping dog...welp, we have a problem. A huge carcass of unenforceable laws and a bottomless pit of legal expense.
    But the great violator (and maybe the Genesis of the TVR mess) Ben-Dor's house in Hanalei is "for sale".
    Who needs Cops and a Police State Planning Department..when One Woman and One Pen can move mountains.
    Joan, please focus your pen on other County problems. The TVR mess is done, your pen has worked......
    ...maybe focus on "Why Mel's Council is so flaccid and why the County's payroll is so engorged".....The enormous size of our Government certainly doe not satisfy. Size really doesn't matter.

    1. Any Bradah, Titan, Aunty and uncle know that Bernard made sure he hired as much people he can because when he is gone no can.

      Very welfare fraud, drug addict, family member is imon county payroll.

      I guarantee 50% would not pass a drug test but they get connects so they going get notice when drug test happens. Ask the former Kauai bus driver that had 3 DUI convictions and was still working as a bus driver when person was facing the 4th DUI charge.

      You, I and everyone else on Kauai should know this is the biggest scam in island and it's bigger than the gas theft. The gas theft was manini compares to how much they really stole and keep in stealing county, state and federal grants.

      Karen Kapua's theft of 75K is nothing. 1 million dollars went missing in the county of kauai and was miracously found after cooking the books. Many more examples but you people wouldn't believe just like the county said a new Wailua bridge would cost 1 Billion Dollars. Who you think going get some of that. 75K for each bus shelter? 2 million for the Kilauea Gym's roof? 10 million for planting trees in the middle of the road? 150 million for a bike path? 45 million for the wailua bridge when the said original cost was 9 million. Etc etc etc

  28. OPA asked the council for resources to do TVR enforcement three years ago and was denied. The fact is that as long as there is no investigation or civil enforcement there will be little in the way of criminal enforcement.

  29. You do realize that the county and state are collecting taxes for the vacation rentals which makes them coconspiritors

  30. Who is the crazy guy with the make believe pidgin English that keeps writing about this mafia?

    1. You say it's a guy; how do you know its not a girl or a hermaphrodite.

  31. What was Kapua thinking?
    Envy, Hate, Jealousy.
    That damn Darla got hers. Where is mine?

    Walk in the light people. C'mon. Be nice. Don't steal. Don't envy. Don't hate. Your mother should, have taught that.

  32. Well heck, Joan, if all the problems of barking dogs can be so easily solved by taking your approach and getting to know the neighbor and seeing it from their point of view and sending a little love their way, why not take the same approach with b&b owners, instead of depending on law enforcement that forces all taxpayers to foot the bill? Just not seeing why one type of "nuisance" is so amenable to the love thy neighbor approach, and the nuisance isn't. Thanks.

  33. I'll take a dog over a TVR or BNB any day, where can I go for trade ins?

  34. Dear Joan at 11:18

    Do you think it's fair that a 85 year old lady should have to pay for an attorney and whatever else just so she can have a peaceful day and a good nights sleep. She called to the neighbor in the afternoon and asked nicely if she could please control her dogs barking. The response from a 30 year old woman was to mind her own f--- ing business and that her dog can bark whenever and however long it wants. Ask my grandmother. I was there to hear the conversations.

    @9:14 Joan

    I myself had a neighbor who was never home. His dog would bark continuously from evening to midnight and beyond. True story ... I finally got so tired of the barking that I made it a point to speak to the dog daily over my fence. I threw him a Scooby snack on every encounter. I even named him browny after his brown color of course. One night he began barking excessively at about 1:00 am. I called to him softly from my window " browny you need to be quiet". He stopped barking from and all of the neighbors sleep well from then on.True story.

    The moral of the stories are some people or animals can be reasoned with and some not. Rules should be in place for residential districts or subdivisions where homes are in a close proximity to others.

  35. 5:52

    because dogs are more reasonable than people who break the law while cashing in while they are doing it.

  36. 5:52 People break laws for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes it's to make a buck, and sometimes its because they think they have a god-given right to make as much noise, or be as much of a nuisance, as they want to. In either case, most municipalities have laws to protect others from the unreasonableness of their neighbors, and nearly all municipalities have dog-barking ordinances for a reason, and that reason is that simply sending some love your neighbors way just doesn't quite do the trick sometimes.

  37. We could skip the political correctness here and just state the obvious. Barking dogs are much more likely to be owned by non-white locals, and the people complaining about it are much more likely to be white "mainland transplants" And TVR's and B&B's are much more likely to be owned by whites than by non-white locals. And the blogger and many readers here are proposing two different standards of how to deal with offenders, depending on whether the offender is a mainland transplant, with all the racial animosity that entails. Apparently, if the offender is non-white, skip passing laws and just send a lot of love their way. If the offender is white, pass a whole lot of laws, send the cops, and shut the bastards down. I like a lot of things about this blog, but I don't like the way the blogger comes down on the side of "locals" every time - gmo, b&b\tvr, and now barking dogs.

  38. @ 12:49 pm

    Dog Crap. Quit the local / mainlanders attitude. I wrote the 9:37 pm post and my family has been here for well over a 130 years. Ignorance comes in all colors and shapes.

    Aloha my friend

  39. A rank of LT in KPD is administrator position that is below Cpt and assistant chief positions.

    Remember the Major in HPD that was stealing Drugs (meth) from the evidence room?

    HPD Chief of police being investigated. Several Maui, Big Island, and Oahu policemen being fired, investigated and also doing prison time.

    Looks like the Feds is moving up the ranks in KPD and other depts.

    Who's Next?

    Inquiring minds would like to know.

    How's the rapist Tare Low a retired KPD officer and DLNR director TRIAL coming?

  40. KPD is not the only Dept getting investigated.

    Ask the Kauai Army National Guard.

  41. Joan, re: your take on the dog barking issue & the newly approved law: this isn't about people with little tolerance & little ability to work things out amongst themselves (as your 'friend' stated).
    Believe me, this is a growing problem due to the rapid growth of the island's population (quickly becoming more urbanized), the absence of any dog barking laws & the enforcement of such (which I believe would keep a lot more people accountable for their problem dogs), combined with the lax attitude towards dog ownership from *many of these dog owners--locals AND non-locals alike.
    Your view to not "fixate on the problem and to send loving thoughts towards the source" doesn't make it tolerable when it's a chronic and LOUD robo-barker(s!) a few feet away from one's bedroom while the neighbor does nothing to curb the problem barking. Talk to a lot of people on this island (and afar) and you will soon realize that it's typically not about the occasional barker and/or a dog and its owner that just needs your understanding and your patience. And most of us do not have the good fortune to have some distance from these barkers.
    You can donate your kidney to some of these neighbors and they still wouldn't budge when it comes to working things out with you re: their problem dog(s). Please do not minimize this issue by viewing it from a very limited lens.

  42. 12:59pm We've had no barking dog law for 100 plus years until 2014, Joan is right, it ain't gonna be easy and all the complainers are not in your same situation. Barking dog laws ain't easy to enforce and convict, period. So don't seem so high and mighty to think you're some kinda expert on this issue. No other island has success with this law, why? This is not a law enforcement and State Court priority! Figure it out, less dogs barking = more crime! So your neighbor loses his security because you cannot tolerate his dog barking occasionally. Don't expect much help. You will be complaining about the same thing until you Ma-Ke. Just watch. This law will not fix your problem long-term, maybe temporary, then Hana Hou.

  43. The really asinine part of the council barking dog drama is that the disorderly conduct law already gives the cops a perfectly good way to cite neighbors who let their little bundles of furry joy make noise at all hours.

  44. Ahh, if it were only so easy. The disorderly conduct seems to apply to people, not dogs. I know, man's best friend and all, but seriously:

    §711-1101 Disorderly conduct. (1) A person commits the offense of disorderly conduct if, with intent to cause physical inconvenience or alarm by a member or members of the public, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, the person:
    (a) Engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior;
    (b) Makes unreasonable noise;
    (c) Subjects another person to offensively coarse behavior or abusive language which is likely to provoke a violent response;
    (d) Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which is not performed under any authorized license or permit; or
    (e) Impedes or obstructs, for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms, any person in any public place or in any place open to the public.
    (2) Noise is unreasonable, within the meaning of subsection (1)(b), if considering the nature and purpose of the person's conduct and the circumstances known to the person, including the nature of the location and the time of the day or night, the person's conduct involves a gross deviation from the standard of conduct that a law-abiding citizen would follow in the same situation; or the failure to heed the admonition of a police officer that the noise is unreasonable and should be stopped or reduced.
    The renter, resident, or owner-occupant of the premises who knowingly or negligently consents to unreasonable noise on the premises shall be guilty of a noise violation.
    (3) Disorderly conduct is a petty misdemeanor if it is the defendant's intention to cause substantial harm or serious inconvenience, or if the defendant persists in disorderly conduct after reasonable warning or request to desist. Otherwise disorderly conduct is a violation.

  45. 12:59 it's a "growing problem" because of the growth of transplants on this island who "only complain" about everything. It's really an "elitist" mentality that is ruining our paradise. We used to live in harmony. Now we live with anger towards these newcomers who refuse to accept us locals as equal.

    1. The local elitist are even worse because they let this happen and continue to panhandle for handouts and votes, and on Kauai there's more transplants than locals.

  46. 1:55 we are talking about barking dog complainers, Mostly "haole transplants" sorry but true. What are you talking about, GMO's?

  47. "The renter, resident, or owner-occupant of the premises who knowingly or negligently consents to unreasonable noise on the premises shall be guilty of a noise violation."

    Then if ya look at the definition of "unreasonable noise" it could apply to a person's negligent failure to stop their precious Fido from barking.

    1. Ah, but the definition of unreasonable noise refers to a "person's conduct", not a dog's conduct.

  48. @1:55 pm and 2:54pm wrong

    There are more locals than transplants hand s down, but there are less vocal locals than transplants. BUT , the locals also want peaceful nights and dog barking control.

    Aloha Bradah.

  49. @7:50. 'Ae! From one kanaka maoli
    E hana me ka ha`aha`a Let us work (together) with humbleness. Me getting no moi moi

  50. The person's conduct is letting the dog bark.

  51. 3:33 good luck convincing a judge with that argument.

  52. Problem with the theory that electronic emissions from PMRF are affecting coral/sea life is that there appears to be no correlation. I'm in the water all over the island, surfing, snorkeling, and spear fishing and the areas around PMRF are relatively healthy. I honestly don't know what is causing the damage, but I suspect its a combination of things - polluted run off as well as possibly sun tan lotion coupled with areas that get much less circulation - bays like inside Hanalei, Hanamaulu, PKs, Pakala, etc. You don't have to believe me though, get an MWR pass to go on the base yourself and get in the water. Compare that with other places. This Terry Lilley guy comes off as a bit of a huckster, trying to sell crisis for his own personal gain imo.

    Now if certain people/groups just have a beef with PMRF and want it gone, they should expose the amounts of fraud the place engages in - defrauding other government agencies and ultimately our tax dollars with hundreds of very well paid do nothing jobs. It makes the county numbers look small time.

  53. what bullshit to say you are using your dogs for security. In this day and age we have enough security technology. Why dont you install cameras instead of abusing your dogs? that's exactly what it is... animal abuse!


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