Sunday, March 27, 2016

Musings: Listen UP

Hear that, Super Delegates? It's Hooser talking. No, not Hoosier. That's a resident of Indiana. You know, Gary Hooser, the guy who turned to fear-mongering, the last bastion of every failed politician. Oh, never heard of him? Well, then, never mind.

Where did the concept of superdelegates come from?

Democrats first introduced superdelegates in 1984 as a safety net — they wanted to give the party elders a voice in choosing the nominee. The goal: to prevent the Democrats from repeating what many viewed as a mistake when they nominated Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota in 1972. McGovern went on to lose 49 states that year.

Similarly, former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter won the nomination in 1976, against the wishes of many in the party establishment. We should note, however, that their support for former Vice President Walter Mondale, the choice of the Democratic establishment, in 1984 is widely credited with putting him over the top against challenger Gary Hart. Mondale went on to lose 49 states that November.

Like I said, listen up.

Hey, while I've got your attention, check this out. Those Cornell scientists are at it again, with our "last, best hope":

In an ambitious attempt to revive a population long considered to be on the brink of extinction, scientists announced Friday they have slowly begun to reintroduce normal, well-adjusted human beings back into society.
“There are a lot of unknown variables, and we realize we’re taking a big risk here. But this program is our last, best hope of ensuring that people who are willing to go out of their way to help someone who can’t immediately offer them anything in return remain a part of our world.”

Top researchers confirmed that it was already far too late to halt the country’s dominant breed of humans—assholes—from spreading uncontrollably to every region on earth."

Spose we could get a few of those endangered humans released on Kauai? In some safe spot far from the North Shore....


  1. Go Tulsi! Anti-war. Pro-GMO labelling. Protections for female soldiers and more help for veterans.

    1. She is not going to be reelected,or Sanders' VP. No way Tulsi.

    2. She is not going to be reelected,or Sanders' VP. No way Tulsi.

  2. Yes! Let's go for another 8 years of false promises to woo the ignorant! That's what progressives do best! Meanwhile, Europe, whom the progressives idolize, burns!

  3. If the Republican Party had superdelegates, we might rest assured that Trump would not enjoy what Hillary now enjoys -- a substantial and likely insurmountable lead. This is something for the Clan of the Bern to ponder. Be careful what you wish for.

  4. It amazes me that Sanders acolytes don't understand why the super delegates (party faithful) won't back a candidate who only carpetbagged onto the Democratic Party apparatus to run for prez. You wanna make a revolution, go ahead, run as an indie, but don't expect the party to give you the keys to the castle just cause you show up in 2016 with big promises.

  5. There is no money in the "indie" party.


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