A reader recently sent me a very nice
email, in which he wrote, among other things:
I know you have previously mentioned
you're not excited about any of the presidential candidates. Can you
let me (or "us", if you're willing to put more on your
blog) know more about your perspective on Bernie Sanders -
specifically, what you don't (and do) like about him? I'm hoping your
insights will help temper my current (uncomfortably high) level of
enthusiasm for him.
Hmm. I hope that doesn't mean I'm
viewed as one of those people who's good at popping balloons.
Euphoria is a wonderful sensation, and let's face facts: it's damn
rare in politics. So believe me, I understand the enthusiasm that
folks feel toward Bernie.
Still, it does rather astound me that
he's so popular with young people. Like Grampa is going to fix
I support a lot of what Bernie stands
for: peace, greater economic equality, environmental protection,
health care, decent-paying jobs, women's rights, election reform,
cleaning up Wall Street, taking care of veterans.
Heck, what's not to like in that
But things get kind of fuzzy when we
start talking about delivering on those promises. And that's where I
find it impossible, from a practical perspective, to support
Bernie. It's all well and good to “demand” this and that, but
exactly how will he get his proposals through Congress, especially if
it's under Republican control?
Bernie seems somewhat oblivious to this
dilemma, paying scant attention to helping like-minded “down
ballot” politicians in their own bids for the House and Senate. So
who is going to help him bring his promises to fruition? As the
Boston Globe noted:
As Sanders, who has been in Washington
for decades surely must know, Congress today is a dysfunctional mess,
one in which Republicans block pretty much every single reform effort
proposed by Democrats. Why would President Sanders be successful in
overcoming Republican obstructionism? If he believes the key to
creating a political revolution would come through overturning
Citizen United or ending the influence of super PACS or moving toward
public funding of elections or ending redistricting, how exactly
would he accomplish that?
If, by some outside chance, Sanders
became president, his agenda would be dead on arrival. We’d see
four more years of gridlock and four more years of dysfunction.
Now that does not sound good.
![]() |
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis |
Speaking of super PACs, Civil Beat/Ebay
founder Pierre Omidyar has contributed $100,000 to one that is
seeking to defeat Donald Trump. I guess those bad super PACs become
good when they fit your ideological bent.
I was rather amused by this comment
from Omidyar spokeswoman Sarah Steven, who told Civil Beat:
“Pierre donated to #NeverTrump
because he wanted to support the courage of a small group of people,
who are standing up to the demagoguery and dangerous rhetoric
currently happening in the presidential election.”
Meanwhile, Pierre is funding Center for
Food Safety, a group known for its demagoguery and dangerous rhetoric
in fighting against GMOs.
Guess those bad demagogues become good
when they fit your ideological bent.
Turning to local elections, Kauai Sen.
Ron Kouchi told me this morning that he has had no conversation with
Jan Kimura regarding a run for the 14th District House. I incorrectly wrote last Friday that Ron and Rep. Jimmy Tokioka had been pushing Jan to run
against Nadine Nakamura. Ron said Nadine is amply-qualified, and
likely to win the election.
Ron also said that he, state Agriculture Director Scott Enright and Health Director Dr. Virginia Pressler had decided to pursue additional air quality monitoring on the westside following a March 1 meeting that all three attended in Waimea.
Though Peter Adler, facilitator of the Joint Fact Finding Group recently credited his panel's draft recommendations with securing a funding commitment from the Kauai delegation for more studies, Ron said he, Enright and Pressler were "moving in that direction long before the fact-finding report came out."
If the air-monitoring studies indicate more research is needed, they'll have the evidence to justify it, Ron said. If they find no elevated levels of pesticide in the air, "then hopefully we can ease the concerns of west Kauai residents," he said. "Information is the best thing you can give them."
Yep, Nadine is smart, like able, can get things done, knows how to handle people, knows how to handle herself and caring, she is a great choice to represent us in place of Derrick
I share your disappointment with the presidential field. I had held out hope for a while that a candidate I could support enthusiastically--Elizabeth Warren--would run. But, alas. You're right about Sanders and his inability or unwillingness to see reality for what it is. He's been saying the same things for 40 years and though the validity of most of his rhetoric is undeniable, why should anyone believe he can deliver on this platform today after four decades of failure? Clinton is right that the diagnosis part of this is easy, but the treatment challenge is far different and Sanders hasn't even completed his internship on that front, much less become an attending physician. But more important, "break up the banks and share the wealth" is his ENTIRE platform, when the presidency today demands far greater depth than Sanders can muster. Finally, as a practical matter, Sanders is a Democrat of convenience, aligning with the party now because he wants the nomination. Our two party system is in very bad shape (why does it have to be THESE TWO parties?), but to be real about change, he's got to be able to move things along all down the ticket and be less of an outsider within the leadership. Obama has had only moderate success in that, unfortunately, but Sanders can't hold a candle to Obama in that regard. Finally, I'll vote for him if he's the nominee. But the number of people who say they won't vote for Clinton no matter what and that Trump would be a better alternative is frightening.
Yep, Council dream team: Mel, Arryl, Derek, Darryl, Arthur, Ross, Kipukai.
I am glad Ron Kouchi made the clarifications--hopefully someone informed him about what was on the blog and he made the corrections. We have been in contact with Ron about the dilemma we face of the westside and he has been very helpful. BIG MAHALO to Ron. We tried with our council members who have westside history, but no help came so we went to Ron!!!!!
Good ol bitch boy slave club.
The story that Ron and Jimmy were pressing Jan to run is so widespread it came from somewhere, maybe Jan himself? Oops!
I wonder... Will Omidyar's milk qualify as being organic?
The county of Kauai should have gone this route in the first place. Instead of wasting hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars on a report that is opinion based.
(1) county goes to state and ask for investigations and studies from the university of Hawaii.
**Let it be known that county and state has risen to the level of incompetence that it doesn't have anyone qualified to do the job it is willing to do it unbiased.
If not satisfied or takes too long then...
(2) The county of Kauai goes federal: EPA and other alphabet dept's and if still does not satisfy then you do the independent studies and bring forth evidence to substantiate your claim.
The county could have used nonprofits to do the studies for a period of 1,2,3,4,5 years of studies and so on.
This kind of grandstanding is just a way to pandhandle for one's own secret agendas.
**Manipulate the mass (mob) to believe that you're doing the greater good but in all actuality you're dividing to conquer the weak in order to successfully accomplish evil deeds.
They prey on the same individuals and groups of individuals that are poor, undereducated and gullible; just like big corporations do.
11:00 am Yes Ron the savior? Always there to help, that's why he got smashed in his bid for Mayor? That's why he lost a County Council race? Good ol' Ron?
11:00 AM - when did you move here? Westside history? Ron grew up on the westside when nobody really monitored the plantations.
anyone but ron.....remember those bumper stickers?
Nobody said Ron was a savior. He is a very smart man who learned from his mistakes and is now one of the most powerful men in Hawaii. And he cares very much about the west side because his roots are there. We should be so lucky that all our leaders spend time working to fix things instead of wasting all their time blathering on social media like the activists do.
Bernie's the kind of guy you want to meet to meet on a park bench with a bag of peanuts to feed the squirrels. You just know that sooner or later the conversation will turn to the last days of Leon Trotsky.
"So ... Mexico. That must have been rough, eh? I mean, Trotsky, Mexico. There's no way that could have turned out well."
"I suppose so."
"Hey, toss one to that squirrel over there! He's not getting any nuts."
"Some squirrels are faster than others. It's unequal, I tell ya."
"Kinda drives you nuts, eh Bernie?"
"It drives me crazy!"
12:39 Born, raised in Waimea, went off to college, returned home to Waimea! Saw Ron grow up in Waimea. You think that because we are concerned about dust, pesticides,(i don't give a damn about the gmo bit---people want to eat gmos, it's okay with me--i will do what i gotta do with that subject) we gotta come from somewhere else or be haole?! You are wrong, the people in Waimea have been fighting for clean air for over l6 years----no state, county agency or politicians gave a damn, so we went out and got a law firm to help with the fight! Don't forget we won the lawsuit----so go figure! So who are the people in the lawsuit---they are the locals who won't give up the land they were on for generations.
And what about the plantations!? The plantations didn't cause misery as the seed companies have. The biotechs have improved their practices since 2014 due to the lawsuit, but the damage was already done for a lot of the residents in Waimea.
OMG Alan, let us give up now. Let us roll over and play dead so the Republicans can play their "feasibility" card.
Sanders hasn't changed in 40 years. He is a prophet waiting for his "flock" to recognize reality. Sanders was against Trickle Down since forever. But no one took him seriously, but now they are loaded with College Debt and no prospects for a good job. The fact that the 1% is getting richer while the rest-of-us can't keep our head out of the water is finally becoming clear.
The idea that Clinton can work with Congress is laughable on its face. Sure, she can work with them to implement the next crime bill (as her husband did); to ensure that "Welfare as we know it is finished"; to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Seriously, how is that all that much different from Trump's positions?
The claim that there is a huge difference between Clinton and Trump is a canard. Sure, there is a difference, but mostly for anyone reading this blog it is nothing but "more of the same".
So what if gays can marry (I support it, that isn't the point). So what if Clinton supports a woman's right to choose (again, I support it, but that is yet so minor in the issues I care about...)
If Clinton is president, she will have more or less the same Republican dominated congress that Obama is facing. And what is happening there? Nothing.
If Sanders is president, either his coattails will sweep into office representatives like Lucy Flores or he will be able to make the case in 2018 that nothing is going to happen unless progressives are elected to Congress.
@1:39 pm There were never any bumper stickers like that.
Ron never lost a Council race. He ran for Mayor, lost, then stayed out of politics until he was appointed to the Senate after Gary Hooser resigned.
What's with Shaylene Iseri's full frontal assault on Mel Rapozo? She's blasting him on social media, posting embarrassing letters on Facebook, threatening ethics violations, and showing up at Council meetings to make him feel uncomfortable. Is this just a case of a woman scorned or is there more to the story? Is Mel going be the next Billy Kenoi or will he be the Teflon man that was able to rebound from the Monica Alves scandal? Only time will tell. Joan, please dig into this as it's just too juicy for us loyal Kauai Eclectic followers not to know what's behind this unfolding drama.
11:00 a.m. Really??? Please share with us how Ron has been helpful with the dilemna you speak of?
You are thinking of the "Anyone But Yukimura" campaign
2:53 sorry to burst your know it all bubble but Ron did lose the 2008 Council race. Unless did we have 8 council members in 2008?
National? International?
Shucks Ma'am, as Mikee from the Westside once said "Its all horsesh*t".
All politics is local. Ron has a heart, but somehow, he has been so immersed in the Council and the Lege, that he has forgotten about those l'il brown folks on the island.
So Mikee, what are we supposed to do when everyone on the Council and the Lege is only concerned about pensions and power?
If Kauai produces 13 Bus-stops whilst spending 200 million per year and is so proud of this BS, where are we? Can't we do more?
We are much more. Shucks man, give me 200 million and I would fire half of the do-nothing workers, make road repair, make re-habs, make zoning for for housing and have everything under an audit.
And the ABBY, "Any Body But Yukimura" failed 17 1/2 years ago and it will fail today. She be one Japanee y'know, and tho' some of us know she be one person that is against Kauai values,and tho' she be a real hard Hooser fluffer,(fluffer, in the true sense, y'know like mike things big and Da Hoos, don't even know, he gots one hose)) we still vote her in.
Great Gawd All Mighty, we have Da Hoos, Mason and JoAnn......... a threesome that only a true menage et trois could respect....and we elect them. Year after year.
Let the Westside rule, or else we will be dominions of the NS elites, AKA Da Hoos, Mason and JoAnn......and that douche-bag, Fern.
Go out and vote you poor brown people, lest you become l'l mini JoAnn's or worse yet, lil Gary's minions.
Anyone but Joanne...and Gary...and maybe a couple others. Vote...remember...and then go Vote.
Actually Ron did lose a Council race, not that it matters. What is going on with Mel and Shay? That letter to Kipukai from Shay threatening to expose an unethical councilmember is all over the island by now. Beware the screen shot that will catch you every time. Heard there were cops at the last council meeting guarding Mel from Shaylene. What goes around comes around.
Must be nice to not have to care about a woman's right to choose. Good to know that fundamental rights of more than half the world's population not important to you.
from 2008 general election
FURFARO, Jay 12,838 9.44%
KAWAKAMI, Derek S.K. 12,638 9.29%
BYNUM, Tim 12,171 8.95%
ASING, Bill (Kaipo) 12,018 8.83%
KAWAHARA, Lani T. 11,806 8.68%
CHANG, Dickie (Walaau) 10,967 8.06%
KANESHIRO, Daryl W. 10,813 7.95%
KOUCHI, Ronald 10,367 7.62%
KUALII, KipuKai Les P. 8,725 6.41%
KEALOHA, Christobel K. 8,310 6.11%
AGOR, Ron 8,039 5.91%
PLEAS, Bruce J. 6,296 4.63%
THRONAS, George S., Jr. 5,638 4.14%
LIBRE, Rhoda L. 5,334 3.92%
In 2008, both Bynum and Furfaro were on top and they did such a lousy job, by 2012, they lost big time. It was easy to see that people were tired of Tim, but people were pissed at Jay for the way he handled the council or they the way he handled himself at council, so no one is really immune to the choice of voters to change from supporting some to being disillusioned with their participation. Keep your ego in check.
2:34 pm. When you say nobody from Congress, State Legislature, or Council gave a damn about the westside for 16 years, it begs the question? Was it because your accusations regarding the effects of spraying baseless? No proof, evidence, or facts that could even stir a little concern to people that represent the island? You keep "pitying yourself", I feel pity for the public, who has to hear your crazy voice and all the lies and innuendo that you try to spread. Use your lawsuit winnings from dust and spend it on finding some independent evidence, maybe then you'll actually gain support. Get a life! Stop blaming everyone for your shitty life.
@2:34, The people in Waimea live in a valley!!! You're gonna get dust no matter what!!
And the plantations didn't cause "misery" as the seed companies have...? You think burning hundreds of thousands of pounds of sugarcane doesn't release toxins into the air? As kids we used to get excited when the black ashes "snowed" down on us, little did we know what we were dancing and playing in at the time.
ALSO, according to the JJF report, the only pesticide residue they found in the environment was linked to legacy pesticides, from the sugar plantation days!!!
But hey, keep fighting that good fight. Keep playing the distraught victim.
6:48 My life is not shitty---but i walk my talk and my truth has been shared! No get mad if you not in agreement---it's my truth, not yours! What's yours? I gotta tell you, the dust problem is way better in Waimea Valley---yes, we understand that there will be dust, especially in Waimea, but not the kind of dust you don't know about, cause evidently you don't live in Waimea Valley. Re: the remnants of burnt cane---are you healthy today? I am, and i was right across the fields of burning cane for 18 years. In my opinion, (not yours, i am sure) what Waimea Valley endured from Pioneer's dust is way diffrent from sugar cane dust, smoke and ash that came every 8-12 months per field.
10:51 you talk bullshit with a belly full of lies. Your life is shitty, nobody believes you! For 16 years!
Sugar cane in Hawaii was harvested every two years that's 24 months per field.
12:19: I really would like to sit down and talk story with you. There is so much for you to learn about what has been going on. Yes, it has been l6 years. In 2000, there was a petition signed by Waimea residents to get Pioneer to take care of the dust they were creating. Well, that didn't do anything and things continued as usual for the next 14 years until the lawsuit was won by the Waimea residents-----dust continues to this day, not as awful as before, but it continues. People who live in Waimea believe me, it's not bullshit for us!!!!! And if they don't, it means that they probably walk in their homes with shoes and have cleaning people to clean up the dust in their homes. Would you like to talk story with the people who really suffered for l6 years? I can set something up for you!
10:51, brown boy under the missionary care (I'm assuming). Almost all of us are moving on with our lives. On the westside, it's about time you move on too. Let the missionaries buy u a place away from waimea. You earned it. Ask them for more trust money and see what u get. When they done w you,you'll be just another minion that will be left back in your dust. I dare you to ask for a bigger reward to get you out of your brown getto. Dressing nicely now don't put you in their social class. Mr. Pawn.
8.27pm. What's there to talk story about? I can't do anything for you. I'm not a scientist or think I'm one like "big Fern", All I can say is keep on suing for dust or whatever your small valley group wants to do, I don't care. Just stop with the blaming and pitying. 2491 was a failure, it is invalid. Stop it, there is nothing good about that stupid bill. Find facts, evidence, and proof of pesticides from Pioneer making people sick and I'm sure you'll get action line or somebody else to listen and help you to put them out of business, which then would be a great thing. My advice, don't talk about it public for a while, people are sick of hearing it but are too nice to tell you the truth. Pick up a hobby and get out of the house daily. You're getting to be paranoid about the dust. Aloha.
10:51 a.m. N 8:27 p.m. respond to the last 2 comments. Seems like you're writing for someone who lives in the valley. Let him speak for himself. Freaking missionary mouth piece for the brown boy. 2491 is a dead topic, JFFG is a $ scam. Tell your friend to show how the $ was spent, n the that HAPA fake to stop mailing people lies!
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