Thursday, July 21, 2016

Musings: What's Been Lost

There was a lot of talk about perception, a divided community, inherent bias, character and credibility at yesterday's Kauai County Council meeting.

The focus was Beth Tokioka — longtime county spokeswoman who now works for Syngenta — and her nomination to the Kauai Board of Water Supply. Still, the points raised have broader implications.

Councilman Gary Hooser talked about inherent and perceived conflicts of interest as having equal value. So what are we to think of his decision to create a nonprofit — HAPA — dedicated to destroying the seed companies and advancing his version of “progressive” politics? How is that influencing decisions he is supposed to be making as a Councilman on behalf of the public good, which ostensibly includes seed company employees?

Hooser talked about the “egregious record” of Beth's employer, and how one's employer shapes one's world view. So what are we to make of his close affiliation with the propaganda-peddling, fear-mongering, self-serving, lie-telling Center for Food Safety, which gives money to HAPA?

Councilman Mason Chock spoke about transparency, accountability, steps that can be taken to build the public's trust of government. Well, then what are we to think about his sister, Malia Chun, serving as a poster child for the anti-GMO movement?

Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura, in probing whether Beth's connection to Syngenta “would taint her decision-making,” talked about “how hard it can be to take an independent stand when it goes against the majority, or the public opinion.” So what should we make of her abrupt about-face on the Bill 2491 vote as she confronted an angry mob?

Hooser said he had “great respect for the nominee,” no qualms about her character, didn't believe she would let her company tell her what to do, considered Beth “a dedicated member of the community who has served our community well.” So how can we fathom his decision to vote against her?

Was it just because, as Hooser said, “I would prefer to have a world view sitting on that board saying I want stricter testing, I want safe water?” Aside from the fact that Kauai water is clean — as Councilman Ross Kagawa noted, “This isn't Europe” — is his preference worth dragging a person through the mud, running an email blitz to stir up opposition from the mainland?

Yukimura said the mayor's nomination of Beth “wasn't well-advised” and "further divides the community."

Or perhaps it's a way to begin breaching the gap.

“If a child in school comes from a family with a bad reputation, I don't push them away,” Chock said. “I bring them in, and I care for them.”

Still, as Laurie Yoshida pointed out, “Syngenta's not on trial here.”

Just Beth — guilty as charged, according to 600+ cookie-cutter emails, two-third of them from off-island.

“People are seeing Beth as a stereotype, and they don't know who she is,” said Yukimura, with no touch of irony.

"The reality is that they don't know Beth," said Council Chair Mel Rapozo. "They have no idea what Beth has done for this community over the past three decades, and that's offensive to me."

Noted Beth: “I think it comes down to a matter of trust.”

And on Kauai, that's exactly what's been lost — shoots, intentionally destroyed — by a so-called "progressive" movement that believes it's “restoring democracy." 

Down we go, deeper into the rabbit hole... 

[Final vote: 5-1, with Hooser opposed and Yukimura silent, which goes with the majority.]


  1. Another defeat and more money and time wasted for the annoying thought police crowd...which is nice.

  2. Lose the Hoose Campaign 2016

  3. Really is sad to see a qualified dedicated volunteer treated that way. Also shows how many sheeple.

  4. 600+ emails huh, I gather almost all from non residents. Home rule my ass. Beth is the best we can offer not the worst. Frankly I am tired of all this crap, Kauai needs to get Hoosier and his like out of office and push him back to the bowels of the pit from which he came. We need to stop wasting our time, resources and tax dollars on this circus. If it doesn't stop I say we go on the offensive, sue him for defamation and slander. Having ones opinion is one thing but to spew statements which are false...there got to be laws against that.

    1. How can you be so ignorant to not see that it is a clear conflict of interest?

      Would you people let a KPD officer investigate a crime that he is a suspect/involved in?

      Well you dummies did when KPD made the faux statements that Lauren Kagawa killed herself by over dosing.

      Cops threatening neighbors to not say a word.

      Some neighbors and relatives had to leave the island for their own and family safety.

  5. After watching Loser and Yukimura drag Beth's good name thru the mud, all in the name of pesticides/GMO's - they earned their pass to the sideline. And I had such high hopes for Bernabe too. Hey Matt, she's actually lived the government/private sector lives very successfully, and she has shown the most important ingredient that you 3 clowns don't get - being fair, and being reasonable, and being willing to compromise if necessary. And please - form letters/emails signed by people who don't live here or know Beth, it isn't worth the paper it was printed on, which earned it the weight it was given. For Loser and Yukimura to give it weight and consideration shows the great depths to which they had to dig for dirt....

  6. We are all connected in many ways. Family, employers, friends etc. we all touch each other.
    Except for perhaps close minded one issue residents or newcomers who have a one track agenda.
    Finding people to work on Boards and Commissions is hard. Too many of them.
    And in FACT--anything the Planning Commission or any commission/board does can be overturned by the Council. The Water Board is a little tricky and the Board is supposed to be sacrosanct, but in reality the quiet whispers behind the door to the apparatchiks is the real power. Any Board decision on Water approvals can be shut down in a hot bureaucratic second by the the "opinions" of the engineers. These engineers can decide that "transmission loss" requires larger water lines or that the reservoir (water tank) capacity can't handle the water usage by a proposed project.

    The main reason there is no housing for the residents is the lingering manipulation by the then Mayor Yukimura who used this "opinion" tool to the extreme. The culture was created by JoAnn and now twenty five tears later, we still have a water department that has never been challenged on their opinions. Many, many projects have been dumped after the engineers decided to force a little developer to put in thousands of feet of bigger water line or build Water Tanks.
    We have enough aquifer water to satisfy the needs for a million homes. We have enough water to irrigate Yemen.
    Anyway- Beth is a solid lady. She has the brains to be an asset to any venture. She loves Kauai, understands the minutia of County politics and she is strong enough to withstand the hallucinating Fistee outrages, Da Hoos BS and JoAnn's banana reality. She can even make sense of the garbling circular nonsense that Mason emits.
    I am sorry that Beth had to take the Fistee, Hooser, anti-Ag emails that were directed to the Council by CFS and other anti-Local organizations.
    Kauai is a better place because of Beth. She has touched many over the years and I thank her for taking on the workload that is commanded of a Water Board member.

    The primary election is right around the corner. Time to vote and shut down Da Hoos Gurl, Fern. The primary also decides Mr Kouchi's election.
    We have some wonderful people on this island......unfortunately we have some greedy receptacles of questionable integrity like Da Hoos and JoAnn. Mason is close to these 2, but he lacks the brain cells to understand what is really going on. So Mason is innocent by virtue of simplicity or incapacity.
    Go vote.

  7. You prefer the racist Ross Kagawa? The Mr. Friday night lights? That guy is by far not the sharpest tool in the shed. Why have not the fearsome foursome (Mel, Ross, Kipukai and Arryl) actually done anything? Are they scared to screw up? Are they just clueless as to how things work? It is a fricking circle jerk to watch those guys. Ross gets his panties in a knot when the big fist talks, Mel gets his panties all tied up when Ms Yukimura talks, and Kipukai can't remember if he is wearing panties or boxers! Arryl just sits on the sidelines with Mason waiting to see which way the wind is blowing. I don't care for the hoos but this council is a bigger circus than the last and Rapozo is a bigger clown than Furfaro.

    1. I've been trying to point out this lame duck council is just as bad as the crony nepotism administration but someone keeps on going on and on about Joann, Mason and Gary but the 4 good ol boys are just as impotent. Maybe some viagra would help these limp dicks do something. Vote for no one. None of these clowns are worth the paycheck they receive as council members.

  8. Hey 8:27, this council has done a lot to prevent Yukimoras reckless tax increase proposals, and Hooser's attempts to californicate the council itself, because as with any governing body, sometimes nothing is better than "something" when silly laws and tax proposals become actual law.

  9. 8:42 talk is cheap why don't you run and show us how it's done. Dumb Fuck. You just repeat the same old shit. Hooser, Furfaro, Bynum, Yukimura, and Chock are the worst Council Members in the history of Kauai. The Voters agree, you are a minority voice, so fuck you.

    1. Like I've said many times before, I'm better than a county or state employee. Those positions are beneath me. Your petty nepotism does not suffice my knowledge, experience, and accolades.

  10. Whoa @9:38 sounds like you got some anger management issues. Have you considered counciling? Seriously man you need to take a chill pill.

  11. I'm happy that Nadine is defending her position in TGI today on agriculture, in response to a telephone campaign from a Mainland group that is misrepresenting her position. Desperation by Hooser and Rosenthiel. For the later it'll be over in a few weeks, for the other it'll be over in November. Also harrasing Beth Tokioka was the last straw that will make it costly for both at the polls.

  12. 8:42 I think it's more than someone who is sick if Hooser's bullshit. Let the polls decide. You calling good local men limp dicks is lame and cowardly. Kipukai is an honorable man, your disgraceful insinuations resemble typical transplant attitudes that are ruining this island. i hope someone kicks your ass soon.

    1. You insinuating on violence marks your IP address as a co conspirator.

      You local wanna be gangsters and ufc tv tough guys are what's wrong with the islands youth, young adults and middle aged men seeking to relive their glory days.

      Your hateful infatuation with transplants is no difference from the racial rhetoric that's been plaguing this country and island from the beginning.

  13. Ms Joan
    Da Hoos has posted a long rambling explanation obfuscating his negative vote for Beth on his Blog.
    Interesting how he pigeon holes the Banker, lawyer etc as he explains the mysteries of logic and an individuals perception process. The mystery of human psychology defined in his poorly written ramble. Hoos, you don't write good.
    How's this Gary? Does a Fistee's viewpoint focus on lies, hyperbole, fear-mongering and fads or does it focus on self-promotion, Ag estates and mainland values?
    Gary, just when a person starts to think that you are becoming reasonable, there you go arrogant, self-serving, desperate politician obsequiously begging for votes pops out. Same ol' Gary. Like an angry cranky old woman.
    Da Hoos will get past the Preliminary election, but Great Gawd Almighty, if Kauai actually re-elects him, we as an island have shown that we love to f*ck ourselves.

    Greedy, greedy, greedy. As Da Hoos is now selling his teensy little in Kapaa (a BS condo project that would choke any Planning Department in the country) but Da Hoos can sell and buy real estate that is sub-standard, but when another citizen tries to do a simple li'l development, Da Hoos is all over them like a slime in snail bucket. How he got this no-parking spaces, bizarre property lined thru Planning makes one wonder if Big Mike Dahilig is really a closet Fistee and scintillates with Gary in the darker corners of County Buildings.
    We should all take a look at where Da Hoos gits his dough. There is an awful lot of money being spent by Hoos' comrades at CFS as they ply the phone lines promoting Fern, but ending the call with "we must say that we do not endorse any candidate"
    A great flush of lies, deceit and secrets, as Da Hoos, JoAnn, Mason, Fern and their many mainland friends do their best to turn Kauai into Laguna. Got dough? You are in. Local? You go work in the kitchen.
    Watch the weather. A dark political storm is upon us. As Mel, Arryl, Ross and Kipukai twiddle their thumbs and continue to do nothing. But, I guess doing nothing is better than passing more laws that confine our freedom.
    And yes, the CFS "phone survey" does ask "don't you support Fern because she supports sustainable Ag?"
    Fern seems like a nice young woman, but she doesn't understand that if she ties her yoga mat to Da Hoos, she will always be considered a liar. Fern, Da Hoos couldn't even get his own kid elected with dirty tricks. And he is not a friend. Friendship is defined by trust. And trust is something Da Hoos believes should be broken.
    A shameful man.

  14. 7:02:

    If not for Mel, Ross, and Kipukai, you would have increases in the GET, fuel taxes, vehicle weight taxes, and a much higher property tax. To say they have done nothing is very far from the truth. Just saying.

  15. Noticed in the article in the GI on campaign dollars that the Ho no longer receives his funding from small donors like he used to.

  16. Ah, if money can buy an election, Gary Hooser tryin to buy his next election, cause he knows he can no longer win easily. He must know he needs to work hard to overcome his record and his bullshit. No matter how much he spends, Hooser will not get my vote no more.

  17. @6:05am. The big fist is actually the only council member to qualify for public matching funds which means he had to have many small local donations to qualify. Please he has to voluntarily limit his spending.

  18. The public matching funds was the old Gary, the one we trusted.

  19. By Hooser’s own criteria, his “optics” are a powerful argument not to return him to office:
    1. His past business practices and tax “oversights”. As Dixieland goes: “old times there are not forgotten”.
    2. His propensity for misstatement of facts and use of hyperbole where convenient. His blurring the line between official and personal actions- use of County letterhead, title, etc. for purely personal positions and actions he takes. His "days off" from Council to promote his personal agenda elsewhere.
    3. His perpetuation of misstatements in the face of correction- e.g."drenching".
    4. His drafting and introducing a seriously flawed bill with Bynum, Rosenteil, CFS, Kauai Seed, etc., etc. without significant public input or input from the industry he targeted, its statutory regulators and the larger public before staging an orchestrated series of circus-like public hearings. This has cost the public a large amount of money, and could have been avoided by more deliberate and responsible action from the beginning.
    5. His obstinacy to accepting advice on fixing the ordinance, including the County Attorney’s legal analysis, in favor of relying on outside advice from activist organizations promoting the bill. A result was the invalidation by the US Federal District Court for Hawaii followed by promoting a “pro bono” defense that is now costing the public above $200,000 for the appeal of the invalidation. It was entirely avoidable.
    6. His dismissive contemptuous treatment for representatives of public agencies like University of Hawaii and the Hawaii Department of Agriculture on the floor of the Council.
    7. His loose treatment of facts to raise public alarm over drinking water safety despite testing that has repeatedly demonstrated Kauai’s drinking water is among the best in the world, and his failure to moderate use of his “Chicken Little” habits to cement his political base. The red herring status given to the DOW’s filing for part of the Syngenta global US settlement on atrazine is a good example of this.
    8. And finally: His failure in the Water Board appointment matter to distinguish to the public the difference between the kuleana of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management that has broad regulatory oversight of water matters and the Board of Water where the responsibilities are more parochial- like pumping, storing, transmitting , and testing quality of water for public use. He knows very well that the Water Department conducts regular federal and state mandated testing. Driven by his ego, his action in the Tokioka appointment is emblematic of his willingness to stretch the facts to conform to his “world view” when the facts do not support his biases.
    9. His generally dismissive treatment of anyone whose positions diverge from his resulting in barely in check relationships with some of his colleagues that are admittedly two way. He is an obstruction to more progressive action on the Council and not a fountain of it.

  20. Obsessive? -- Paul Atchitoff 30 minute interview on Beth Tokioka ....

  21. Beth will be fine. There's a board member that is actually unqualified for his position and should not be on the board but is....and votes. Explain that.


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