Friday, October 28, 2016

Musings: Hero to Zero

A commenter recently noted that he/she “already plunked for [Councilman Gary] Hooser as Joan suggested back in 2009.”

I don't recall ever suggesting people plunk for Gary, though it's true I've gone from supporter to detractor. Hooser's downward spiral is expressed so well by this Savoy Brown song:
I went from hero to zero, and I'm still sinking down. Money in the bank would lift me way off the ground. High, I'm so low ain't much fun, when your time is over and your day is done. Hero to zero. Oh, well the high life was my life, everything has to end. I was once at the top, but I died with my trend. Hero to zero. Oh, I can't go on.

At least he still has the "high three" of his "high five" to bank on, which guarantees him a hefty retirement payout at taxpayer expense. 

Speaking of the dying trend that turned Hooser from a political leader into a failed politician, Hawaii Center for Food Safety has released its latest propaganda:
Wow. Talk about revisionist history.  Center for Food Safety apparently has no clue just how intensive pre-contact agriculture was — far more than what is depicted in their little graphic. They also left out all the many stream diversions created by the Polynesians, as well as the incredible run-off during the plantation era and the aerial crop spraying of that time. 

As for the seed company footprint, it's nowhere near that big or intensive, and there are far more trees in Hawaii now than even 50 years ago.

Why is it so hard for the antis to tell the truth?
And what's up with this either-or bit, making like it has to be one or the other, and that seed companies are preventing food crops? That's simply not the reality of Hawaii agriculture.

I was at the Hawaii Farm Bureau Convention earlier this week, where I heard Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell say that Oahu alone has 23,000 acres of fallow ag land. Now that's the island with the biggest population, the best markets, the most solid ag infrastructure. Yet even it can't find enough farmers to work all its available land.

So once again, I issue the challenge to Hooser, Ashley Lukens and the rest of the “gotta do it our way” activists: Put your muscle and money where your mouths are. You want local food production? You want to replace everything brought in by the cargo containers and jets? 

Go do it. And be sure to use only an  o'o, as pictured in the graphic. Right. Shoots, even Dustin Barca was whining for a tractor.

Oh, and just FYI — best not let the livestock hang by the stream, much less run loose by the crops. And those mauka windmills are a death sentence for the endemic birds that were here long before any agriculture. 

But they won't actually go farm. Not when it's so much easier to bitch about people who actually are doing ag, and make up graphics that push an unattainable pie in the sky vision so they have an excuse to keep begging for donations and support. 

Most recently, we've got Nomi "Babes" Carmona begging for letters of recommendation so she can get a job “investigating supply chains in the food and agricultural industries." Though she deems it a “perfect fit," the rest of us are asking, WTF does she know about that ?
Of course, like the other "leaders" of the antis, Nomi functions on narcissism and delusions of grandeur. What else would prompt her to claim that local government workers and law enforcement officers want her to stay in Hawaii? Hahahaha!  Or to suggest that she's been doing "good work" here? Or to actually believe that she has a "skill set" that is useful to or needed in Hawaii? 

But at least we're getting a closer to the truth:
In other words, Nomi is no longer able to make money off the anti-GMO movement in Hawaii, so she's moving on, after wreaking havoc and leaving a mess for others to clean. Nothing new in that scenario.

Meanwhile, Walter Ritte also has hand out, asking folks to fund a one-hour documentary on his life: "Aloha Aina: The Awakening of Walter Ritte." Is this yet another indication that the anti-GMO gravy train is drying up? Because surely Hawaii SEED, which has been bankrolling Walter as its token Hawaiian for several years now, should have the resources to finance that project. They've gotten a pile of money in recent years, with precious little to show for it, save for Vandana Shiva's over-priced performances.

Of course, we're all still waiting for Walter to actually awaken and get it: He's been used as the kanaka frontman to advance a mainland-based movement that is the neocolonial version of malihini missionaries know best. Only this time, it's the ideology of utopian ag, rather than Christianity, that's driving it all.


  1. Chuckle chuckle chuckle 😃

  2. Thank you Joan for getting back to the Hooser bashing. Thought for a moment you were going soft on us.

  3. Joan, You still have failed to name even one Hawaiian sovereignty activists you support. Will you refuse to print this or refuse to answer? Why? Is it because you do not support Hawaiian sovereignty at all, or do support it but feel all the current leaders are not worthy?

  4. Why doesn't Nomi Carmona stay in Hawaii to feed and shelter the homeless? There are children out there living on streets and beaches and she don't give a fuck about them.

    Fake care giver! Good she leave our islands.

  5. Actually, I didn't answer your question because it wasn't on topic with the post, I was busy with other things, and you phrased it as a bash against me.

    If you'd bothered to do a tiny bit of investigation on your own, you would see that I've long been a strong supporter of Hawaiian sovereignty. I've supported independence, but since it's not going anywhere, I think federal recognition could be useful. But it's an issue that Hawaiians should decide.

    As for sovereignty leaders, I have a lot of respect for Kaleo Patterson and Henry Noa.

  6. Yeah. Well I slated against Hoosier and Yukimura.

  7. Joan you better take another look at Kaleo as he is a strong Hooser friend and supporter.

  8. Henry Noa also joined Hooser and Ritte on stage together at the Capitol in 2015. These guys are all best buds and in cahoots with the antis.

  9. I'm not sure that they are all "best buds" but even if that's true, it wouldn't diminish my respect for the sovereignty work that Henry and Kaleo have done over many, many years.

  10. Hooser and Yukimura going fall and it will be a glorious celebration all over the island. Good riddance you two donkeys. Yukimura will be close w Chock for 7th Apalla will even beat Hooser the loser.

  11. @8:58 and what about your respect for all the good work Hooser has done over the many, many years prior to 2009 as indicated in your writings up until that time especially on the gay marriage issue? Kaleo was actively anti-military back in the day but hasn't really been that involved in Hawaiian sovereignty in recent years, and what no respect for Kekuni or Puhipau RIP?

  12. Hooser's actions over the past three years caused me to lose all respect for him to the point where I don't even think about his past actions. They've been eclipsed by his current actions. His behavior from 2491 will be his political legacy, not what went before.

  13. @8:39- Great to hear your concern for the homeless.
    Could you share with us how you have been feeding and sheltering the homeless over the years. Maybe inspire Nomi and others to do the same? Mahalo for setting an example for the rest of us.

  14. 10:59- "Hooser's actions over the past three years caused me to lose all respect for him to the point where I don't even think about his past actions. They've been eclipsed by his current actions." If any of your readers were to say the same about you, what would you think about that?

  15. Apalla is coming on strong and will challenge Chock and Yukimura for the 7th seat thanks to the backing of the Filipino community. Probably won't beat both incumbents but should come in ahead of Hooser. I think most voters just want a functioning Council again, and perhaps a Council that actually works with the Administration instead of constantly arguing with the Mayor and his staff (you hearing me Mel and Ross?). Stop the bickering and attempts to gain political favor, and start working for the people that elect you. Get back to the basics and reduce the size of government.

  16. I'd think, then why are they still reading me?

  17. I hate all politicians, and that includes Hoosier. However, "the enemy of my enemy" has my vote. I will vote for Hoosier and nobody else in hopes that it will ruin Joan's obsession with brining him down.

  18. 11:33AM Perhaps they read you looking for information? Perhaps some enjoy reading different sides of an issue to be fully informed? One does not have to agree with an author or journalist to gather useful information from them.

  19. @11:33 I'd think, then why are they still reading me?
    To avoid confirmation bias? If you only read those you agree with your living in an echo chamber. You yourself read and report on Dustin, the Babes, Da hoos, Don, Adam, etc. so I'm surprised you would ask such a question.

  20. Joan
    Because they are losing and can't find footing on the slippery slope. Trying to find another angle to attack. Some of them are already hitting bottom. But the crowning glory of all this will be when Hoosier hits the bottom. He and Bynum will sit around the campfire and reminisce on their great battle and give each other comfort as they explode by internal combustion on the weight of the lies they have concocted. In lots of ways i feel sorry for them. They were the first to drink the kool aid and are still confused as to why those around them who also drank the kool aid are dying and failing miserably.
    Whoever takes that 7th seat had better get on the bandwagon to support agriculture and fix the budget or they will find themselves ineffective and on the outside of making good policy to bring this county back from a fractured and bruised past few years.

  21. @10:34, if you're talking about the work he's done in the Senate, he did nothing productive.

  22. @12 and 12:11 (same person leaving multiple comments

    Now you're muddling it by equating disagreement with disrespect. They are very different concepts.

    And yes, 12:12, you are absolutely right: they're losing ground and trying to find another angle to attack.

  23. Why does Gary get all the credit for 2491? He is only a single council member and it took 5 to over-ride the Mayor's veto. Is he so powerful and persuasive that the others were under his spell? Why is this not collective blame/credit as clearly the Bill would not have passed without support from the Chair of the Council and the others.


  24. I must be too young to remember the song -- Hero to zero--

    Thanks for sharing it Joan. I might be younger but I like an acoustic voice / guitar . 1975 is fine by me.

    I would like to recommend if your in New Mexico or any desert S/W witha fun car and great sound system is to listen too Spanish guitar around sunset!

  25. Vote for all new council members and send a clear message to the county and the lame duck administration.

  26. Just plunked for Hooser and it felt wonderful!

  27. 2:08 I think that is a big reason why Hooser, Yukimura, and Chock are all at bottom, they all had a chance to do the right thing and kill 2491.

  28. 2491 was a milestone. Nadine was for it, Jay, JoAnn, Big Boy Bynum and Da Hoos...but the cream sucker of them all was when Jay allowed the midnight madness to emote the Mason Chock. The Fistee hysteria, the disrespect, whining yelling, the chorus of snivelers. A real low point.
    Jay gets the boot, Tim gets the boot...tho' Big Boy Bynum's ejection could be a combination of many things. IE Bad manners, erratic behavior, suing the County and arrogance.
    Mason has not done anything except to shine Da Hoos shoes. He needs the boot.
    JoAnn always stands alone. But her argumentative style may have exasperated even the most ardent JoAnn admirer.
    This Council has done diddly. The Mayor has done nothing.
    The past many years has seen the County budget explode. More workers than there are bees in a hive. The Planning Department works against all local housing. The Water Department triples the cost of a meter...and on and on.
    There is no leadership. Not one idea to make life better for the average Keoni.
    But things would be better without Da Hoos, Mason and JoAnn.
    If we had Derik, Mel, Ross, Aryll, Kipukai as shoe ins...........and Arthur Brun as a solid sixth place...
    Norma Sparks may be the most qualified. Apalla don't know nutin' bout nutin'
    So I am using Da Hoos method and casting a Plunk for Atta Brun....he is a good guy.
    This election will be a squeaker for 6th and 7th.
    Da Hoos is begging at every corner and many of his peeps are plunkers...
    So what do you think JoAnn and Da Hoos'll make in retirement? 100 grand plus platinum medical....not bad. Mason already got his big chunk when he sued the County a few years ago.
    My God, what a bunch. No leadership, poor management, no housing, bad roads, a gestapo Planning Department...and big time Marijuana legalization just around the corner.
    Where's the beef?

    Da Hoos (who don't pay no taxes) was in line with Kaleo a while back as they pathetically pounded at PMRF's door. Jeez Louise...strangle me with JoAnn's old thong.

  29. My God, could it be that the reality of life has hit up against this group of lola-granola types? I mean, they have no more money, went all in, and now *gulp* they got to go get a "job"?

    Well, I am glad that the brutal realities of life have finally caught up to at least some of these land huggers who tries to continue to protest and take the money from those funding it like a pig at a trawl.

    Well, movements only stay movements when the followers are able to balancce a life that the rest of society has to live with the idealism that they hold in their hearts. Anyone less than that and I woudn't trust them to know when the electric bill is due, let alone responsible enough to actually pay the bill with a cheque.

  30. For 2:08, it is not that Gary gets all the blame or credit, the other 2 bynam and Furfaro already got voted out. Half the council was on prescription meds and not really there. I'll vote anyone but Gary cause he ain't shown no class at all in the way he works.

  31. 5:54 Don't fergit about JoAnn and Mason.
    Gary, Mason and JoAnn are all being quiet on controversial issues during the election cycle. They know memories are short and rhetoric is long.

    But they are waiting to get their chances to Raise taxes, neglect roads, build unused bike paths and stop local housing if they are re-elected.
    A triad of new age thinkers who have forgotten about the heart and soul of Kauai...Kauai's people, hard working Moms and Dads, Tutus, Keiki and Ohana.

  32. Top three industries on Kauai are tourism, military, and large agribusinesses. Can't believe that Gary, Mason and JoAnn would attempt to make things difficult for two of the three on this island. And yet, they did. Time is now to rid ourselves of the three holdovers from the 2013-14 council who overrode the mayor's veto of 2491.


    1. Bradley isn't going to be happy about this

  34. Apalla is a 20 something year old liberal arts major so what makes anyone think that she has the skills, ability, knowledge and experience to legislate at the county level?

    Is her boyfriend Belutson going to do her homework?

    Come on now, she is supported by Kawkami, Kaneshiro and Carvalho. You all should know what that means by now.

    Let's play ball!

  35. Ok, 11:59. I managed to get 1/4 of the way through your link before I quit reading. That article is total garbage. Europe and Canada are totally different climates, so comparing the rate of yield increase between different continents is useless. Herbicide use in Europe is declining because farm ground is being paved over for city expansion. In contrast, high commodity prices in early 2008-2010 enticed farmers to convert farm pasture ground (cattle country) to tillable farm grounds. This caused an increase of 10's of millions of acres. So yes, the amount of pesticides applied by farmers has increased. Also, new pesticides, like Fungicides and, increased the amount of pesticides farmers apply to crops. However, neither of these factors have anything to do with the introduction of GMOs.

    The fact remains, that GMO have reduced the amount of herbicides, and insecticides, farmers have to apply per acre. Also, GMOs are safer for the environment because those internal insecticides (and bug resistant traits) won't contaminate rivers, streams and lakes after a rain event. This bias article has skewed basic facts to make a predetermined point of view. That's why I quit reading the article 1/4 of the way in. You get what you pay for, and in this instance: Garbage in= Garbage out.

  36. I get it 11:59...since we haven't cured cancer, just some strains and aspects, then we should dump all the research and give into it. Ya, let's just do "holistic organic herbal" cancer treatments instead. Mahalo!

  37. 7:18 Gary Ross Mel and Kipukai voted against raising taxes to fix the roads.

  38. Gary sure looked out of place today going door to door in Kekaha.

  39. @3:15 How about stop causing cancer, might be the first step in curing it.

  40. Bradley, thanks for your "bias" response

  41. 4:21 taxes to fix roads or to create more bike lanes and walking paths. Look at all the roads, our county sucks at paving roads. But they sure love to create bike lanes and planters. Public works is pathetic, they all need to be fired.

  42. 6:18 p.m. bias, but true about America breaking out more acres. The $$$ was great then. And the gambling shot was take.

    I guess the economic farmer paying attention to business farming would know.

  43. @ 6:18 the author of that crappy article should have interviewed any agricultural expert (i.e. a farmer, extension agent, or ag economist) to explain the changes to those agricultural statistics; instead, the author made bias assumption that turn out to be complete lies. What did Forest GUMP say? Stupid is as stupid does. Seems fitting. It's easy to be bias when the truth is on your side.

    The one exception would be soybeans. Now that Round up resistant weeds are becoming more common, old school chemistries are being used to control resistant weeds. Those systems used more gallons of product per acre and required multiple application for effective control. Wait, that's not a GMO's fault, but does prove GMOs reduced the amount of herbicides used by farmers. You need to think in terms of product per area covered to understand the environmental impact of GMOs.

    Another factor that is increasing the amount of pesticides applied by farmers in the increase in organic farming. Many organic pesticides are less effective and require many applications. "Commercial Organic farming" is brining up the pounds of pesticides per acre average for all farmers. That not necessarily the case for all organic farmers, but it's the case for very large organic farmers.

  44. Gary going house to house in Kekaha and spending all his time signwaving on the west side is a sure sign that he KNOWS his base won't get him in. So much for his "mandate" and the delusion his minions have that they represent all of Kauai. Just hogwash. And desperation.

  45. How much do you get paid for each positive word you say about GMO? Now that my wife and I are living pay check to paycheck because her vacation rental cleaning business is done and a good portion of my landscape maintenance has been lost too, I can use another job.

  46. You are correct. Da Hoose should ignore the west side. Stupid strategy attempting to canvass every neighborhood on the island. Going door to door is so much a sign of desperation. You don't see Ross going door to door. And you certainly won't see the SYNGENTA boy Brun canvassing Kilauea. Hooser is an idiot and should stay off the west side.

  47. @3:54. If you spent less time trolling my blog and calling me names, and more time looking for work, no doubt you'd find some. Illegal vacation rentals aren't the only places that employ cleaners and landscapers. Try Take some responsibility for your own bad choices instead of blaming others.

  48. Answering that homeless question earlier.

    I help by working hard and donating my money to those who have none. Directly not through a nonprofit.

    I also donate to the church I like because they often times deal with homeless people here better than the state programs.

  49. 3:54 - Landscape maintenance? Use pesticides much?

  50. Hey Anon at 3:54 PM:

    Wow, what kind of a pathetic looser are you that you post accusatory comments on someone's personal blog blaming her for the end of your gravy train working for people who break the law and take advantage of lax enforcement?

    You must not realize how lame you sound.

  51. @10:38 is definitely Joan commenting as an anon. Fits her m.o. Calling out someone for doing something she heself does. Funny how you have all these people commenting to defend your honor on this. Log but nobody has anything to say on your behalf on Facebook?

  52. @6:17 So in your narcissistic view, the only person actually making real anonymous comments is you? LOL! In case you hadn't noticed, I have no problem using my name to criticize commenters.

    And gee, funny how YOU aren't making any of these claims on Facebook. What an idiot.

  53. Hi Anon at 3:54 PM and 6:17 AM:

    Sorry to disappoint you but I am 10:38, and I am NOT Joan. But thanks for the laugh.

    I'm tempted to post my name but people like you are so full of venom and a misplaced sense of justice that I don't trust you not to come to my house and do something stupid. And I don't know how Joan continues to have the courage to call all this B.S. out. But I'm glad she does.

  54. Malia Chun, Mason Chocks sister can take Nomi's place, same size Babes against Biotech shirt, 2xl


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