Friday, October 5, 2007

Superferry Complaint

The state Public Utilities Commission will serve Hawaii Superferry with a formal complaint filed by Kauai Rep. Mina Morita. The complaint asks the PUC to suspend Superferry's operating certificate until it complies with all environmental laws, which is one condition of its permit. Superferry has 20 days to respond.

There's a lot more to it, of course, and I explore it all fully in an article that will be published in Honolulu Weekly Oct. 10.


  1. It would be awesome if you would publish the actual complaint, or make it somehow available. I get really frustrated that media outlets could easily - but rarely do - post source documents. I think it's a huge public service niche blogs can fill really well.

  2. I tried a few different things, but wasn't successful. If someone can tell me how to do that, I will. I have PDF documents that I can't cut and paste. In the meantime, if you want a copy, I can email; the complaint is about 9 mb

  3. I know what you mean about posting pdfs. I've had no luck with that myself. I sent an email to the address on your blogspot profile. I'd love a copy if it's not too much trouble. Thanks for offering. I appreciate it.

  4. Very interseting Weeky piece; fills in some gaps. Do you know if the Superferry ever complied with this PUC condition, is a document available?

    “We find it necessary, however, to condition our authorization in this docket upon Applicant’s showing, to the
satisfaction of the commission, that Applicant has complied with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, matters relating to the Environmental Impact Statement Law (“ElS”), under Chapter 343,
HRS, to the extent applicable to ensure that all such requirements are appropriately addressed.” (Source “Wednesday…the Public Utilities Commission and the Superferry” 9/05/07.)


  5. That condition is the one that is at issue in Mina's complaint filed with the PUC. Superferry will have to respond and show that they either did, or didn't. Stay tuned.


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