Monday, July 28, 2008

Naue Burials Legal Update

I just learned that a motion for a temporary restraining order, filed Friday by the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. to halt construction of Joe Brescia’s house atop ancient Hawaiian burials at Naue, was denied today in Fifth Circuit Court. However, a hearing for an injunction to stop construction is set for Aug. 12. I’ll write more about this and the specifics of the pleadings tomorrow.


  1. People will be gathering at Naue tomorrow. Please check with Ka'iulani to confirm.

  2. Ya, and if the law doesn't support us then we need to break the law!!!

  3. Go ahead...I want to see those new Kauai tazers used.

    I really really do.

  4. Anon 8:43 and 8:53 join the great tradition of the lynch mobs and firehoses and the good people screaming epithets at black people in the south breaking laws and sitting where they're not allowed!

    Way to keep the torch, guys!

  5. Ever notice that Katy likes to compare her causes to the civil rights movement?

  6. this IS a civil rights movement.

  7. Go ahead...I want to see those new Kauai tazers used.

    Maybe if you go down to the police station they'll oblige you, then you can give us all a first hand report.

    That is, if you can actually feel anything. From your comments, I have to wonder.

  8. I'll wait for the report from one of those rabid "civil rights" pukes about the effects of the tazer he/she most certainly deserves if they take action against the police lines.

    Fight it in the, lose, move on.

  9. If the law is such a violation against civil rights then how come none of the native Hawaiian groups is upset over it?

  10. Can't you see???

    The "official" hawaiian groups have been coopted by "the man"!

    Only the "real" grassroots hawaiian activist embodies the true feeling of native hawaiians!!

    Take this will help you see more clearly.

  11. yes, the natives who don't give a crap have false consciousness. It's their white overlords, I mean, leftist bloggers who know what is best for them!

  12. That patronizing sentiment is ignorant of the way that every community has diversity of opinion. It is no surprise and not in any way a refutation or invalidation of the parts of the community that are engaged in struggle.

    There are indeed plenty of indigenous people resisting occupation all over the world and here in Hawai'i. You can't wish that away.

  13. Anonymous 9:09:

    The reason I use the civil rights movement as a benchmark is because today even conservatives accept that the goals of that movement were just. However, at the time, conservatives were saying and doing the same kinds of things that anonymouses 8:43 and 8:53 and others have been saying about the Native Hawaiian movement.

    If we traveled through time, I can almost guarantee that I would sitting in with Martin et al and you would be aiming a real or metaphorical firehose at us.

    It's that simple.

  14. sounds pretty arbitrary to me. Just lash your wagon to some past righteous movement and paint your opponents as nazis. Nice trick. I think you insult the Martin Luther Kings of the world.

  15. Joan: please ban all comments!
    It's time to clean up this intellectual ghetto.

    The only reason these hot-airbags are here spewing is because your thoughtful, provocative posts attract an audience, which they are able to latch onto and exploit for their own braindead grandstanding.

    Let parasites like gadfly and anonymous 9:11 start their own blogs if they want to mouth off. I guarantee they'll attract next-to-nil comments.

    True, it would be a sacrifice to not get the instant gratification of commentors' feedback, but too many people are now going to your blog less for your quality reporting and more to use it as a stage to clutter cyberspace with their McDonald's-grade logic.

    You deserve a break today.

  16. I must confess I've been thinking about it. If they actually had something meaningful to say, it would be different. But so much of it is completely juvenile. Or maybe I should allow comments, but just delete the detritus......

  17. that being anything you don't agree with?


    stiffiling the anarchy katy (and you, i suppose) hold so dear!

  18. it would be very un-eclectic of you.

  19. Oh, my, the trolls are squealing already at the prospect of losing a forum!

  20. What do you think would happen if they actually put it to a vote of only native hawaiians as to whether they wanted to move away in any fashion from the USA? Throw in the ability to keep Kam School untouched. But no other "entitlements".

    That question only, not what flavor of sovregnty they like, but just if they would vote for anything different.

    And what would the leftists do if the vote was for "no change"?

    Just an opinion vote...nothing binding...but a true objective mass opinion?

    I'm sure they wouldn't dry up and blow away, but they would see a mandate from their core population they are trying to "liberate".

  21. Trolls, begone!

    Procure thy own blogs!

  22. It's silly and uninformed to assume that those of us who work in alliance with various movements see ourselves as "saviors" who are trying to "liberate" others. No. We are people who allign with and work with particular political tendencies.

    I am not particularly enamored of this notion of "proving" that we are the majority. Having even a minority opinion does not mean one should just shut up and go away. Indeed, it seems reasonable to live in accordance with your beliefs no matter how popular or unpopular they are, and even to promote and present those beliefs to the widest possible audience in an effort to shift the consciousness of the society. That is the very essence of freedom, is it not?

    Also, Joan - I don't think you should censor comments. I think the challenge for us is to elevate the level of debate without biting into stupid arguments. I don't do this very well, I admit, but it's worth trying!

  23. Ya, you're not liberators or saviors. You've simply got too much gas from eating fried foods and use it for form words.

  24. Does that mean you're "for" or "against" biofuels?

  25. Joan, I beg of you, please!


    Actually, there is no censorship on the internet. People can start their own blogs.

  26. I don't want to be a blogger, just a blog commenter.

    More "audience participation"...not the stand-up comedian.

  27. Katy, I don't think it is possible to elevate the level of debate with many of these people. (Actually, I think it's just a few who comment repeatedly, in typical troll style.) They don't want to exchange ideas. They just want to attack and/or disrupt any intelligent discourse.

    I, too, am sick of the drivel. Comment moderation is looking very appealing. I'll think about it and announce whatever I decide in a post.

  28. Let the chips fall where they may - complete uninhibited, unmoderated, stream of consciousness blabber.

    Let the reader sort it out.

    Blogs and comments being the great cyber bathroom walls that they are.

  29. Seen on a wall near you:

    There once was a blogger named Joan,
    Who artfully wrote on her own.
    Her thoughts did incite;
    And, to some, brought forth fright;
    Proceeding to bluster and moan.

    There once was a blogger named Katy,
    Who yearned for challenging debatey.
    She pressed forward her cause,
    With barely a pause,
    Stomping comments that are a bit shady.


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