Sunday, July 19, 2009

Go Gary

If you support Sen. Gary Hooser in his bid for Lieutenant Governor, show up and show face at his Kauai campaign kick-off from 4-6 pm today at the Kauai Veterans Center, near the airport in Lihue. No need ticket. Just come. Mark's Place is catering, so you know the food will be good.


  1. Who will run for his senate seat? Ron, Joann, Tim, Jimmy?

  2. Would be good to see Mina run for the senate and open up her seat for Andrea B, Keone K or someone willing to push for continued sustainable ag/energy/ community development

  3. Ron won't run, JoAnn will run for Council, Jimmy is staying in the House......that leaves Tim Bynum, the ag farmer.

  4. Yes, vote for Tim. That will get him off the Council.

  5. hey you guys forgot Jay, the most likely seeker

  6. That's right. Jay will run for higher office only if he knows that he will win. He won't take a chance on losing. In other words, if there are any others running, Jay won't run.

  7. Tim's the obvious choice. He's got my vote.

  8. Tim's got your vote? Maybe you should watch the council meeting thats on Hoike right now. Tim is not a State leader.


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