Thursday, November 25, 2010

Musings: End of an Era

It was a sad day yesterday at the Council. It looked and sounded like a party, what with all the lei and dignitaries — or elected officials, anyway — and gifts and laughter and applause.

But there was an underlying tension, and Chairman Kaipo Asing, even as the subject of so many earnest accolades, was obviously dejected and glum. What should have been a landmark day for him as many paid tribute to his 28 years of service to the people of Kauai and Niihau was marred by the hulking presence of the elephant in the room.

Former Rep. Ezra Kanoho, Kaipo’s longtime friend, was the only speaker to acknowledge it when he noted that the Chair was “deeply hurt by some of the accusations surfacing lately. That deep hurt can only be healed, as well as the lingering scars, by apologies and forgiveness. I can only hope that some of the documents stating the truth will be uncovered.”

The perpetrators of those accusations — Councilman Tim Bynum and the fortunately now former Councilwoman Lani Kawahara — were also in the room. Lani, bedecked in lei and receiving more tempered tributes, wore a weird smirk as Kaipo stood at a podium and spoke to both those present and the TV camera.

He had asked for agenda time to “address significant issues & concerns raised during the 2008-2010 Council term, such as: • Policies, procedures, and protocol relating to changes to the County Council website; • Distribution of Council Services documents in an equitable and timely manner; and • Sexual harassment & workplace violence policies; follow-up to discussion held on October 13, 2010, regarding Communication No. C 2010-283” and he moved that item right up to the top of the agenda as he delivered what he said was “probably my last public statement.”

The Garden Island’s editor, Nathan Eagle, did a very good job of reporting Kaipo’s final comments, so I won’t repeat them all here.

However, I found it interesting that Kaipo early on made this remark, which seemed to indicate he hasn’t entirely closed the door on politics: “It is hard to believe after 28 years I may now be standing before you for the final time as your Chair and as a member of the Council.”

But that aside, Kaipo touched on some of his many accomplishments as a Councilman — accomplishments that other speakers, like Barbara Robeson, Ezra, Rep. Mina Morita and Mayor Bernard Carvalho, had also addressed. Their recitation spoke to a history of environmental and political activism that dated back to the protests against a resort at Nukolii in the late 1970s and continued on with efforts to protect the North Shore from resort development, including the proliferation of vacation rentals and gentleman's estates that have so dramatically and disgustingly changed the communities and landscape there.

Kaipo also noted that he was known for “doing my homework… along with being honest and truthful, treating everyone with courtesy and respect….Both my integrity and my word are, have been and will always be good as gold.”

And as I listened, I thought of those who had sided with Lani and Tim and made Kaipo out to be a bad guy, a menace, an enemy of the people, an obstructionist and, most laughingly, a member of the old guard. Foremost among them were malihini who were still living on the Mainland when Kaipo was busting his butt to preserve the Kauai that they later visited, fell in love with, bought up and now claim as their own — people who had absolutely no sense of who Kaipo is or what he had done, people who obviously didn’t know that for years Kaipo was the lone independent voice speaking out against development.

Because of that smoldering negativity, which Lani conflagrated with her crocodile tears and claim of harassment levied just two weeks before the election — and 14 months after it allegedly happened — Kaipo got edged out.

Yesterday, he could have answered Tim and Lani, who spent the last two years on the attack to further their own political agendas and glossify their own images, and as Kaipo told us, up until just three days prior, he was prepared to do exactly that.

He said he’d written a seven-page speech that laid it all out because “I deeply value my reputation…. However, very recently, as all of you are aware of, that highly valued reputation has been unjustly damaged by false accusations.”

“In deep hurt, much more than anyone can possibly imagine, in a very deep emotional hurt and anger felt by me, my wife, family members, close friends, most of us felt absolutely and positively that the truth, the absolute truth, needed to be told in this meeting. That is what I very strongly felt and intended to do.

“I have decided not to delve into those sordid details today nor do I think it will be necessary for me to do so in the future. And why? Because I feel absolutely confident that the truth, the whole truth, will surface one day. More important, I wish not to taint or leave a negative image in the minds of all of you here and those who I nobly serve.”

After acknoweldging by name the staff who currently work for the Council, starting with “Number 1 driver and most competent County Clerk Peter Nakamura,” as well as some of the former clerks, Kaipo thanked his wife, Patsy, “for all the love, aloha and sacrifices she so willingly made so I could fulfill my responsibilities.”

“Aloha and mahalo,” he said.

As the crowd rose in a standing ovation, Kaipo left the room and was gone, leaving Vice Chairman Jay Furfaro to pick up the reins and those who had besmirched his reputation unnamed and untarnished by the public disclosure of "the absolute truth."


  1. Joan, please get in touch with Kaipo and report on what REALLY happened. The people of Kauai, and Kaipo, deserve it. Thank you.

  2. Joan you fail to acknowledge the significance of current actions vs historical behavior. Malahinis are always blamed by those who happen to have arrived a few months or more earlier, for their (newer arrivals) responses to CURRENT events. You have to agree that people change, their circumstances change, their perceptions get clouded over or skewed by current events & influences, etc...Those of us who are "newer" on the island do keep ourselves informed the same way you do: observing & reading about what is going on then we make our own conclusions, whether you agree with them or not.
    I have observed disrespectful, unfair, vindictive behavior by Mr. Asing; more from him than from all the other council members combined. My conclusion: the island voted using both head and heart. Mr. Asing deserves to spend his retirement surrounded by those who love and believe in him. Amen.

  3. Buck fynum and cuck that little **** kawahara! probably won't make it to comments but that's how I feel. Kaipo was, is, and will always be a true champion of and for Kauai.

    November 25, 2010 11:10 AM

  4. No one is claiming Kaipo is perfect but the newbies lack any historical context and think the only thing that matters is what's happening now.

    That's how we get people saying the Hawaiians never cared for their dead after they've dug up the iwi to build a house and there was no activism on the island before the haoles protested the Superferry. Fools.

  5. Joan I agree with the first Anonymous and hope you will dig into this more.

  6. Right on again Joan! You once again have proven your bias is strong and unshaken! Your failure to see in Kaipo what a majority of the rest of the island sees is commendable. Kaipo lost in the Primary election well before Lani spoke in October. The voting population had already decided they had, had enough of Kaipo and voted him #8 before Lani said a word. All of Kauai could see how Kaipo had outlived his service and "The Peter Principle" had kicked in the moment he was elected to Council Chair. No one has denigrated Kaipo's past service - All for the most part acknowledge his past years of dedication and service. It is his recent actions over the past few years that were his downfall. But go ahead, blame Kaipo's demise on Tim and Lani as it is obvious you have preconceived and cast in concrete negative opinions of both. It is sad for me Joan as I have held you in high regard for your reporting and writing over the years. Please, take some time off and reflect on the animosity you hold against these two fine individuals who may not always vote the way you would like but who have given much of their life and energy trying to do right for the people of Kauai. Yours Truly Anon

  7. Instead of expressing gratitude to Kaipo for fighting the good fight for all these years, including the recent TVR fiasco that made a mockery of our planning laws, critics like Whine'em and the commenter (November 25 at 10:45) focus on perceived transgressions. Was he perfect? No, but he gave it his all and did so since before these people ever heard of Kauai. If you really love Kauai, the next time you see Kaipo, you should thank him. When Ezra Kanoho spoke of Kaipo's excursions into Kalalau, that summed up the difference between Kaipo and Bynum. Kaipo is of the aina. Can you imagine Tim having the same connection with his natural environment?

  8. Ah the smell of BS in the morning.

    Kaipo has been steadily moving down the leader board for years. His arrogance and heavy handed behavior was the problem, not "accusations".

    He managed to make Kouchi look even handed.

    kudos to Anon 10:45. Dead on.

    And I do love the continued references to the Nukolii fight. Of course all that courage went to waste as the anti's fell all over themselves to change the result once the economy turned. Kauai Beach Resort is the real result.

  9. Anon at 12:33, how is it possible for Bynum to have given much of his life trying to do good for the people of Kauai when he hasn't been here that long? As for Kawahara, tell me what she's done.

  10. Anon at 12:46, it was the "good old boys" who put the Nukolii rezoning back on the ballot, with a big donation from the developer. If you want to re-write history, move to Texas.

  11. Anon. 12:50 now deleted: Please refrain from re-posting false material from Andy's blog here. Go read his Nov. 23 post and you will see that even he toned down his characterization of the alleged incident.

  12. anon 12:33 here. Question: How long do you have to live here before your opinion and values matter? Those of you who have been here 20 and 30 years, hold your nose at those who have only been here 10 about the crab mentality. Joan and many of the rest of you seem to have some sort of bi-polar superiority/inferiority complex, you get the aged haole from the mainland blaming the newer haole from the mainland - a bunch of wannabees throwing rocks in anonymity from the sidelines at those people like Lani and Tim who actually rolled up their sleeves and put themselves out there and SUCCESSFULLY ran and were elected to public office by a vote of the people, the same people who chose not to vote for Kaipo. Now the brave cowards on the sidelines want to second and triple guess the motivations and integrity of those who actually are in the game and not sitting safely on the sidelines behind a mask and anon megaphone.

  13. that's great Anon 1:29, anonymously calling stink on others for posting anonymously. I'd call that the height of hypocrisy.
    Also, my apology Joan for the thinly veiled use of such a crude word (Anon 11:10) although the intent seems to have remained intact. Kawahara's last minute harassment charge was crappy, negative politicking ala the best (worst) of them.

  14. Anon 1:29, it's not how long you've been here, but people talk shit with no concept of history. They live here a few years and talk and act like they know everything. As for Lani, I watched the council meeting and read the GI's account and it was clear what she and Tim were trying to do. That was dirty politics and speaks volumes about their character. I hope I'm wrong but I think Tim will end up like Jeremy Harris, another mainland do-gooder with ambitions that exceed his ability.

  15. Anon 1:29, it's not how long you've been here, but people talk shit with no concept of history. They live here a few years and talk and act like they know everything. As for Lani, I watched the council meeting and read the GI's account and it was clear what she and Tim were trying to do. That was dirty politics and speaks volumes about their character. I hope I'm wrong but I think Tim will end up like Jeremy Harris, another mainland do-gooder with ambitions that exceed his ability.

  16. What Tim and Lani did was horrible. I realize that Tim and Lani probably post here anonymously, but the bottom line is that they have to live with themselves. They have to remember what they did to Kaipo. If they feel good about it, then God help them. As all of us locals know, Hawaii has a special blend of karma. Kaipo did the right thing by not bringing up the opala when he left. The truth will come out. Tim and Lani will see soon enough that they did wrong.

  17. It's all true and it is sad. In his early years Kaipo was an articulate and passionate advocate for the island; a lone voice challenging the monied interests. However by the time he was Chair he had changed and became one of their most reliable protectors. These are easily verifiable facts. Anyone who pays attention could see and the voters responded. His slide was over a period of years not weeks. The abuse of powere is well documented and needed to be challenged. I guess people will always shoot the messenger.

  18. Maybe Kaipo didn't bring it up because he's wrong...?

  19. B.S.! on both points!

    "...treating everyone with courtesy and respect. Both my integrity and my word are, have been and will always be good as gold."

  20. B.S.! on that too. I was there that day. Kaipo did threaten her and treated her like shit the rest of the term in office. He got every bit of what he deserved.

    "I deeply value my reputation…. However, very recently, as all of you are aware of, that highly valued reputation has been unjustly damaged by false accusations."

  21. Should have thought of that when he was threatening others and obstructing the Council's agenda at every corner. He's only hurting because he thought he was invincible and could do whatever he wanted and still win the election. Kaipo was shocked to lose the election and that's the only reason he's "hurting."

    "In deep hurt, much more than anyone can possibly imagine, in a very deep emotional hurt and anger felt by me..."

  22. Little true story about Kaipo.

    Was in the Costco parking lot one day this past year and saw Kaipo walking out to his car.

    When he got to his car I noticed it was the only car in the area illegally parked, in a hash marked NO Parking spot. I felt like shouting something across the parking lot at him, but instead just filed it away.

    To me that typified Kaipo. Rules were for other people. He was invincible. He could do whatever he wanted. But no more.

  23. Yeah!

    GO Kaipo GONE!

    It's a New Day for Kaua'i!

  24. I was on a beach in Havana with Hitler, Elvis and Castro. They were plotting the Kennedy hit. Should have told someone but only a fool would believe me. I saw the threat, he pulled a .38 and laughed maniacally. Everyone else looked away, pretending not to notice, but I was horrified. How can they let him get away with this, I wanted to scream, but I sat on my ass and let it happen. If only I wasn't such a chickenshit that day, if only I had leapt to her defense, maybe she'd still be on the council.

  25. "Joan says "Peter was not "protected" by anyone and he didn't commit a chargeable offense."

    So what came of the investigation? Was there one? We pay out $250,00.00 for nothing? I guess just to keep secrets.

  26. Thanks for your writing. Thw first organizational meeting showed that Tim and JoAnn will create the adversity on the council they must need to succeed. Sorry kaipo left, he really did stand up for the people, sorry tim, that means more than banning plastic bags.
    the comparison og tim to Jeremy harris, i dunno, think he is more like that other fat white guy who was such a star here until they hauled him off to jail.
    I sure hope the truth does come out. Kaipo deserves that. Lani;s strange smile was weird, it stayed pasted there the whole time.Whether she is a woman, man or goat, the smile was weird and uncalled for. Like smiling at a funeral when the family and friends are crying.

  27. The weird smile was there because deep in her heart, she knew that she was responsible for the destruction of Kaipo's reputation. If any of you know Lani and her family, they were deeply rooted in the Hawaiian culture. She realized that day that she had fallen into the trap set by Tim years prior. She was convinced by Tim to divide and conquer. This may have been fun when they were getting the attention of the media and their supporters, but when reality hit on Wednesday, and she knows that she will have to face many of Kaipo's families and friends without Tim at her side. She will be a normal citizen that has to face the real people of Kauai. Good luck Lani. I bet your father is really proud of you.

  28. Anonymous November 25, 2010 10:07 PM said:

    "B.S.! on that too. I was there that day. Kaipo did threaten her and treated her like shit the rest of the term in office. He got every bit of what he deserved."

    Did you submit your testimony to the Kauai Police Department? From what I understand, the police investigator stated that there were no witnesses, and closed the case unfounded. Why do you hide behind your anonymous tag if you witnessed a crime? You're a coward.

  29. Easy folks, it's just a little ethnic thing between the locals...

  30. Tim's a local? He must have done that Michael Jackson thing to his skin.

  31. Sometimes we get so caught up in the political/racial/social rights and wrongs we continue to hurt each other instead of inspire each other.

    Some music to rid yourselves of anger and frustration

    Happy Holidays

    Dr Shibai

  32. Do you people really believe Lani just made up the fact that Kaipo threatened her with a finger cross the throat gesture? That would require you to believe she carefully plotted the whole thing and waited until they were in the hall and then was such a great actor that she was able to cry and act as shaken as she did and call the cops to file a false report. Then gave up her political career telling people in the intervening year how she feared Kaipo so much that she woke up with nightmares and couldn’t get the image of the threat out of her head- all just as an “act” to get rid of Kaipo?

    What a brilliant deceiver To think the whole thing, getting involved in politics, running Gary’s Kaua`i campaign, deciding to running for office, getting elected and then using the access to documents issue because she knew Kaipo would be irrational beyond all reason opposed to transparency, all to set up the false report.

    Wow- she’s a regular Nixon. the consummate politician.

    That’s so much easy to believe than that she saw the disgusting state of Kaua`i politics from the inside and refused to subject herself to it for an unappreciative public who accuses her of “smirks” and “crocodile tears”.

    You people are nuckin’ futs.

  33. Joan, please get in touch with Kaipo and report on what REALLY happened. The people of Kauai, and Kaipo, deserve it. These posts, all from anonymous posters, should know the truth. Thank you.

  34. Sounds like could be the thoughts of Darrell right after he voted against the ES Lani requested at about 1am the day these events happened.

    Anonymous November 25, 2010 10:49PM
    "...If only I wasn't such a chickenshit that day, if only I had leapt to her defense, maybe she'd still be on the council."

    BTW, the only people present by the very end of that session were a few of the Council members, the County Clerk, Michael Levine, a state worker, and me. I think most of us assumed they would address it in ES, since they didn't, it had to come out in public. Serves 'em right. And you won't see any of that on Hoike. Keep in mind, folks, there's a lot that happens that never shows up on Hoike for you couch potatoes.

  35. Yeah, sure, Darrell loses sleep about Lani not being on the Council. You interested in buying the NaPali Coast? Cash only.

  36. "Then gave up her political career telling people in the intervening year how she feared Kaipo so much that she woke up with nightmares and couldn’t get the image of the threat out of her head- all just as an “act” to get rid of Kaipo?"

    That's the first time I heard this. You must be a close confidant. The Garden Island article said that the police officer concluded that no harassment occurred. The police tried to follow up with Lani but she blew them off for two months. She waited for more than a year, until the eve of the election to bring this up. I don't think she's as smart as Nixon, but capable of making a bullshit police report, sure, and telling people that the reason she's not running is because she's afraid of Kaipo in order to mask the real reasons -- like her emotional immaturity and mental instability -- yes. That or Tim put her up to it.

  37. also heard befoe Lani made her decision that she would loose her lucrative library position if she was also council, so she took the sure job instead of potentially being voted out and being too late to keep her full time job as librarian. Maybe it was a pure financial decision having nothin to do with Kaipo

  38. Last two Anon's, it was partly not wanting to lose her seniority and benefits in the Library job, but also there were a number of us who talked Lani into not running this time. To the other Anon, her political career is not over though, she can still run again, and would bet she will if not in 2 years then certainly in 4.

    All in all, would say this Council election worked out PERFECTLY. We have a superduper Council incoming on Kauai. The best legislative body in the State, bar none.

  39. The comments here demonstrate the power of anonymity. They range from nasty slander to informed insider opinion. I just wish I knew which was which!

  40. Corrupt institutions change people. Kaipo changed from a protector of the people and the Aina into one of the most secretive, non-transparent, go into executive session at the drop of a hat Chairs and consistently violated the County charter (before the voters were tricked into changing the charter and now all the previous violations will not be prosecuted). Kaipo (and others) have roadblocked live internet streaming of meetings and posting of documents on the County website for YEARS!!!

    Joan you said "Tim and Lani, who spent the last two years on the attack to further their own political agendas"" but Lani HAS NO POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS. Sometimes an inside view of the depth of corruption leads to the conclusion that IT IS UNFIX-ABLE! As Former Minnesota Governor Jessie Ventura replied when ask why he didn't run for a second term he replied "Because I'm not insane."

    Kaipo didn't change the system for the better, the system changed him for the worse. Lani is wisely getting out with her integrity and sanity intact.

  41. Yup Lani is one smart wahine, and thankfully the era of Kaipo's plodding "presentations" have come to an end. Could never figure out whether Kaipo is slow or thought everyone else was and he thought it necessary to make an obvious point repeatedly assuming repetition equals clarity when in actuality it only equals wasted time. Let - me - repeat - again- blah - blah - blah

  42. "She waited for more than a year, until the eve of the election to bring this up."

    Hmmmm..... if memory serves Kaipo orchestrated an Attorney General raid on former Police Chief Lum's house (who was running for county council) right before the election. After a six month investigation all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.

  43. Kaipo controlled the Attorney General? That's a stretch.

  44. If I recall, Lani and Tim complained about the majority not supporting her request to go into executive session. If the majority has to agree, how could Kaipo unilaterally decide to have an executive session "at the drop of a hat"? Also, I recall that Kaipo voted to fund the internet streaming and posting of documents several budgets ago. Why vote to fund it if he wanted to block it?

  45. " and consistently violated the County charter (before the voters were tricked into changing the charter and now all the previous violations will not be prosecuted)."

    "Kaipo orchestrated an Attorney General raid"

    Another helping of paranoia, anyone? Next we'll hear he's the Antichrist.

  46. Mahalo Joan for this post. It was quite sad to listen to his speech. I will never buy that Kaipo became the monster that some make him out to be. I believe that there is more to this story than meets the eye. Lani's mistake was aligning herself with Tim who will never have a connection to this place that Kaipo has no matter how long he lives here. How much did his neurotic behavior contribute to the inability for him to work w/ Kaipo? Difference is he took his dirty laundry public to further his cause w/out any sensitivity to local culture and protocols. He alienated not coLlaborated. Kaipo did more for Kauai in 28 years and deserved
    respect from the rookies. Bynum has no historical perspective although he feigns it.

  47. Am sure glad someone commented on the "plodding...boring...repetitious, etc" powerpoint presentations Mr. Asing believed he was entitled to make over & over & over again. Such a waste of time, money, county resources as staff had no choice but put those inane things together.

    Folks, don't forget these councilmembers not only gain power & influence on the job, they are paid for their presence @ the meetings! Check out which ones do their homework first, away from the public eye, and which ones get to vote knowing zilch about issue.

    Being in tune to the local culture does not guarantee wisdom or a good heart. Asing should have retired long before power corrupted his vision for the island.

  48. Kaipo did do his homework and his "plodding" power points were evidence of it. Seeing those aerial views of the McMansions on ag lands made it clear the TVRS weren't "farm dwellings" and legalizing them benefitted the uber rich. But guess the truth and reality are "boring" to those who want to pull the wool over other people's eyes.

  49. "Kaipo controlled the Attorney General? That's a stretch."

    Not at all because Kaipo was the one who filed the complaint with the AG and they had to look into it. Of course they found zip, but one must admit an AG raid on a candidate's house right before the election pretty muck kills and chance one may have of being elected. It was a groundless politically motivate complaint right before the election, and everyone knew (and the AG concluded) there was no intentional tampering with a government document.

  50. KC Lum should not have been the chief. That Monica Alves scandal could have been avoided if KC acted like a cop instead of an ostrich.

  51. "KC Lum should not have been the chief. That Monica Alves scandal could have been avoided if KC acted like a cop instead of an ostrich."

    Duh.... Lum was not Chief when the Monica Alves scandal happened and Mel Rapozo was the ostrich. All public record btw

  52. Lum was not supported by the rank & file. Moral at an all time low. His appointment was not for the good of the Department. Perry is a cops cop and he has done much to boost moral among the ranks. Time to move forward.

  53. Kaipo is well-loved by kama'aina despite what some say. The vote reflects apathy by the many who didn't go to the polls. If you're thinking its a new day because Kaipo is gone you're naïve. Furfaro and Bynum talk a good talk...let's see exactly who they take care of.

    For those who shoot Kaipo down for his presentations and mannerisms have no clue how we value our kupuna and the wisdom of their years and that we would never disrespect a beloved elder the way malihini do. Cultural values come into play on Kauai and will continue to do so to the frustration of newcomers.

  54. "Lum was not supported by the rank & file. Moral at an all time low. His appointment was not for the good of the Department. Perry is a cops cop and he has done much to boost moral among the ranks. Time to move forward."

    Everything stated above (true or false) does not erase the fact that Kaipo's false charge against Lum were politically motivated and right before an election.

    BTW - Perry must really be the best cop in the entire USA and a real "cops cop" cause after a nationwide search the best "they" could do was pick the local boy previously rejected in favor of Lum! Please continue putting past facts behind you as you move forward to your delusional future.

  55. November 29, 2010 4:30 PM

    blah, blah, blah.....

    They should have picked Perry and saved us all this grief.

  56. The FBI is here on Kauai investigating all the Corrupt Kauai officials...God is Great!!!

  57. "They should have picked Perry and saved us all this grief."

    Yup! Get rid of elections as well and just let the ones already elected pick their successors 'cause they are doing a superb job!

    Charlie Foxtrot

  58. Newcomers think the continental U.S. is the only place one can find a qualified Police Chief. If a qualified candidate is home-grown more power to him. It gives him an edge over others who are unfamiliar w/ our unique culture which is different from the continent. Some want to turn Kauai into the places they come from. My suggestion is to adapt.

  59. "Newcomers think the continental U.S. is the only place one can find a qualified Police Chief"

    But Lum was local and selected in direct competition with Perry who was passed over in favor of Lum, but now Perry "is the best chief in the USA"! Wow! Funny they didn't notice that the first time.

    Every community thinks they are "unique" but what others see as "unique" others see as "corrupt"

    Finally really irritates me that a local like myself who objects to corruption is AUTOMATICALLY seen as a non-local. What! You assume all us locals are corrupt or stoopid?

  60. Unique from a cultural perspective i.e. kanaka maoli blended w/ other non Caucasian ethnicity. We are not your typical USA community...Hawaii historically was its own independent country with a distinctly different ethnic group from Euro-Americans. We may be a "state" but there is no other place on the continent like Hawaii because of Kanaka Maoli and our unique history.

    I never said Perry was the best Chief in the whole USA. He is a better fit then Lum. If you don't have the rank & file behind you your job is that much harder. Its an uphill battle.

  61. "If you don't have the rank & file behind you your job is that much harder. Its an uphill battle."

    True, but just because you have the rank-and-file behind you does mean you are doing a good job. Try `tink before making A!

  62. "But Lum was local and selected in direct competition with Perry who was passed over in favor of Lum, but now Perry "is the best chief in the USA"! Wow! Funny they didn't notice that the first time."

    Lum is not "local".

  63. "Duh.... Lum was not Chief when the Monica Alves scandal happened and Mel Rapozo was the ostrich. All public record btw"

    Duh, Lum was the on duty Lieutenant in charge of the Lihue station on the night of Monica Alves' arrest. When he was told that he should check in on his officers, he walked away. Chief material? I think not.

  64. Perry is a joke his fooled everyone, staring by his bs column which he use that to build support. He introduced bs new laws through his puppet Mr. Bigsave which they only pick and choose to enforce, using good ol boy mentality. He created a bs badge with what funds when they needed positions to be filled especially a qualified murder detective. when is the last time KPD solved a murder, don't give me that bs they said about the kagawa murder. There is many examples Perry is more of a politician than a Chief, He will say one thing and do another and now he has a open contract. He got everyone fooled but the FBI.

  65. "Duh, Lum was the on duty Lieutenant in charge of the Lihue station on the night of Monica Alves' arrest. When he was told that he should check in on his officers, he walked away. Chief material? I think not."

    Lum was on duty but, not physically present in the room when the sexual assault occurred. Mel was. Chain of Command dictates the highest ranking officer present is in command. That would have been Mel, perhaps not Police Chief material but he's back on the council now.

  66. Mel was not physically present in the room where the assault occured. He was on duty and in the station, but not the room. So quit telling fibs.

  67. "Mel was not physically present in the room where the assault occurred. He was on duty and in the station, but not the room. So quit telling fibs."

    No accord to sworn court testimony and the AG that tried the case he was right there in the room grinning, watching, and allowing the sexual assault!

    I assume you were not their yourself so what is your "reliable source"?

  68. Lum was present at the Lihue station. He was told what was happening and did nothing about it. I've heard different versions about Mel.

  69. Well don't believe what you hear and try checking the official court transcript. In any case this is a red herring as one thing is for sure LUM DID NOT ALTER A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT as Kaipo charged at least according to a six month investigation by the AG.

  70. "Lum was present at the Lihue station. He was told what was happening and did nothing about it."

    and where praytell did you hear that. It is not in the court transcript anywhere.


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