Monday, May 2, 2011

Musings: Dead or Alive

First the flashes of lightning came, then the thunder — great rolling cracks of thunder that had the dogs and me outside at 3 a.m. beneath a sky devoid of stars, yet strangely light. Two hours later, the world was brightening, though black clouds that never did deliver rain were piled thickly atop Waialeale and the lightning still flashed and the thunder still rumbled.

All the world, it seems, is rumbling with the news that Americans have killed Usama Bin Laden in an assassination that our President, taking ample credit, characterized as “justice has been done.”

Though it’s hard for me to see how justice is served by hunting down and murdering, vigilante-style, someone who has never been convicted of a crime, unless, of course, you’re talking about the Old Testament/Old West “eye for an eye” kind of justice, which is assured to keep the violence, and thus the war on terror and all its associated expenditures and abrogations of civil liberties, going for decades longer.

And besides, haven’t we, in retaliation, already slaughtered way more of “them” in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, than ever were killed in the events of 9/11? Last I looked, the civilian casualties in Iraq alone were over 100,000, but I guess we didn’t consider the score even because the lives of “innocent” Americans are apparently worth way more than those we deem guilty by virtue of religion and geography.

Obama claimed the decade-long manhunt was part of our commitment to the families who lost loved ones in 9/11 “to see that we do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on our shores.”

Yet his announcement was followed immediately by a breaking news headline on CNN: “U.S. State Department warns of "enhanced potential for anti-American violence."

So what, really, was the point?

Unless, of course, the “secret raid” of a mansion near the Pakistani military academy was intended to play out as the American version of a royal wedding — a media feast on which the sheeple can gorge, distracting themselves from the radioactive particles circling the globe, the crappy economy, the fattening of the corporate elite, while simultaneously reveling in the reborn greatness of America.

Besides, is Bin Laden really dead? As a Salon piece noted, even while unquestioningly accepting the most recent account as “the real thing,” there have been numerous previous reports of his death. And, which reported that Bin Laden died in December 2001, claims its website came under “massive distributed denial of service attack” just moments before the Prez gave the news.

This time, though, you can take the government’s word for it, because they've got the body. Oh wait, no, seems he was already buried at sea. The U.S. supposedly had to move quickly, “in accordance with Muslim traditions.” Like we really give a shit about such things.

But there is the DNA proof — oh, wait, maybe not quite yet. As Reuters reported today, “the DNA results would be known “in the next few days.” Which makes me wonder why they didn’t confirm his identity before they announced it. Meanwhile, other media outlets — quoting senior defense and intelligence officials “who could not be named" — reported the DNA results were already in, offering “near 100 percent certainty” and “100 percent proof,” depending on the source — not that we’ll actually ever have any way of verifying any of it.

Of course, there is that gory photo. Yup. Looks just like him. Gotta be for sure real now.

But in the end, it really doesn’t matter if Bin Laden is long dead, newly dead or still alive, because the reports have two results.

One is an orgy of renewed nationalism, as led by Obama:

But tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to. That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place.

Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

And the other is reissuance of the blank check for the “war on terror:”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security expects "threats of retaliation" from al-Qaida in the aftermath of Osama bin Laden's death.


  1. The AP has retracted the 'gory pic' of Bin Laden: stating that they can't verify the identity of the person or the source of the photo...

  2. As much as I would have hated it, a trial through the US Justice System or military court would have been the way to go. A trail would have established a legitimate "Rule of Law" and not subjected us to the vigilante cowboy justice US haters accuse us of. Violence only begets violence. If we are to rid the world of terrorism, we must choose the path of peace and equal justice under law which are foundational to our democracy.

  3. It has all been captured on video by the special ops team and will be released soon enough. Bin Laden was given the chance to give up but he instead wanted to die as a martyr...the Seal team gave him the opportunity...thats democracy!!

  4. Where's Waialale? Is it near Waialeale?

  5. The AP has retracted the 'gory pic' of Bin Laden: stating that they can't verify the identity of the person or the source of the photo...

    Which underscores my point...

  6. which is exactly why I posted that comment... :)

  7. Now if OBL had killed shearwaters, we'd be justified in murdering him.

    Or if he'd disturbed old bones to build a road for the living.

  8. Poor joan, ever the optimist...

  9. Bin Ladens wife confirmed on video during the raid that was it was Bin Laden's body...who cares aout a photo that no one can verify... moot point!!

  10. "The U.S. supposedly had to move quickly, “in accordance with Muslim traditions.” Like we really give a shit about such things."

    So it is not ok to disrespect Hawaiian culture but it is OK to disrespect anyone else's.

    You are hypocritical, to say the least.

  11. We know what Joan meant by her comment and if you donʻt welllll. Donʻt know what to tell you.

    Question though is regarding Pakistanʻs government; did they just part the red sea for this laughable ʻoperationʻ by americans?

    Not a word mentioned about that.

    Great piece Joan. Thank you.

  12. Not convicted of a crime? Maybe ask the 3,000 families killed in the World Trade Center. Hitler wasn't convicted of a crime either until after the war....get it?

  13. No way that a full DNA comparison was done that fast. Even moreso that the comparison was to DNA of family members, and not apparently to an authenticated (prior) sample of his own DNA.

  14. "No way that a full DNA comparison was done that fast. Even moreso that the comparison was to DNA of family members, and not apparently to an authenticated (prior) sample of his own DNA."

    What, do you think you're Henry Lee? Do you watch the Olympics with the same air or expertise? "That was no Triple Axle."

  15. Slaughtering thousands who had absolutely nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, well if that ain't justice, sheeyit!

  16. when seal team six uploads it to youtube, then, you betcha birth certificate, we can all believe it.

  17. The nationalistic tribalism spewing from the government and mainstream media in the last 24 hours has been truly nauseating.

  18. wonder what Dawson would have made of the nationalistic tribalism that spewed from Kamahameha I back in the day?

  19. Anybody seen Soul Surfer and how they AnnaSophia Robb (actress) miraculously has a shark-eaten arm that looks identical to Bethany Hamilton's? Videos, photos, quotations from supposed family members can all be altered. Comes down to how much you trust your government and I gotta say, I don't trust mine too much at all. All seems pretty dang convenient and showy if you ask me. But I'm with Joan on this - it doesn't matter if he's dead or not. "Terrorism" will exist so long as the U.S. is a superpower, and this death or alleged death will only fuel the unquenchable fire that is the U.S. military complex.

  20. Thank God for Seal Team Six!!! One less mass murderer in the world to worry about. Maybe just maybe all the confiscated intel from the compound might just save thousands more Americans in the future.

  21. "wonder what Dawson would have made of the nationalistic tribalism that spewed from Kamahameha I back in the day?"

    Trust me, it's not fit for the ears of a colonialist.

  22. You mean as Kamehameha was trading for guns with the "colonialists"

  23. I mean that for over 500 years, colonialists around the world have used the tired technique of justifying their colonialism by damning the behavior of the indigenous cultures they conquer. From religious prudery to oh-so-pious protestations of warlike behavior, it's the same song.

    Clue: that crap washed out to sea in the 60s, along with "They never could govern themselves" and "We brought them modern medicine." Time to get a new mantra.

    Hint: make it self-serving and simple.

  24. The DNA test could not have been done as fast as they claimed (something like a few hours after OBL was shot; and certainly not "on the scene" as implied in a few early articles). I'm not disputing the OBL was killed, just that they are exaggerating the story for P.R. reasons.


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