Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Don't Tase Me, Bro! (Updated)

Kauai police reportedly Tasered an unarmed Kapaa High School student on campus this morning.

According to a staff member who witnessed the incident, the youth was lying face down, and reportedly was not struggling or resisting, when the officer Tasered him. Police were apparently conducting a criminal investigation of an incident that happened off-campus.

I learned of this in an email sent to me, as well as Councilmen Mel Rapozo, KipuKai Kualii and Tim Bynum,reporters for The Garden Island and others. It also included this comment:

i share this news as there is a sense of shock, disgust and anger from KHS staff that KPD would subscribe to this type of behavior while questioning a student for an off campus incident.

Update: At 3:27 p.m., the county released the police department's account:

Tumua Masaniai, age 18, is a student at Kapaa High and was wanted in connection with a robbery and assault case.

At about 7:30 a.m., as students were arriving for school, a police officer recognized Masaniai on campus and attempted to arrest him, but Masaniai, who is six feet tall and weighs approximately 270 pounds, refused to submit to two officers’ repeated verbal commands. Masaniai also threatened the officers with physical harm and physically resisted officers’ attempts to handcuff him.

After warning Masaniai repeatedly that the Electronic Control Device (ECD) would be used if he did not submit, Masaniai continued making threats and resisting arrest. At that point, an officer deployed his ECD and was able to subdue Masaniai while avoiding any injury to either Masaniai or the officers involved. Masaniai was standing when the ECD was used.

Masaniai was arrested and transported to Police Cellblock after a routine medical clearance at Wilcox Hospital.

He is charged with Robbery, Unauthorized Control of a Propelled Vehicle, Resisting Arrest and Terroristic Threatening and is currently being held in lieu of $16,100 bail.

Leaving the public to wonder, what really happened?


  1. What is there to wonder about? The latter is the factual account of what took place.

    Sensationalist "journalism" only creates alarm to the public unnecessarily. Instead of going by hearsay, you would do yourself and the reader justice by actually gathering facts from the involved parties. But if the intent is not to be accurate, but rather to incite and perpetuate negative perceptions of law enforcement, well then your initial posting served its purpose.

  2. He was a wanted criminal.

    What an excellent way to teach children crime does not pay. And if you do something illegal, you will be arrested. Period.

  3. If he were at work, he would have been arrested there.

    Another example of your yellowness.

  4. Why is the police version automatically the "factual" account over a Kapaa High School staffer who was an apparent eye-witness? Because we're not meant to question the authority of the law? And why wasn't a taser used instead of a gun to subdue the guy on the roof who was killed by a police officer? The perception is one of excess force. KPD needs to address that community perception. No matter the circumstance, the standard response by KPD is that the action was justified. 100% of the time? Cops never err?

    1. The police explanation is not necessarily the factual account in all cases. My point to the author is to at least try and interview ALL parties who were involved before printing a story. Real journalists are required to cross reference information before reporting a story.

      There definitely needs to be checks and balances, and you raised excellent points. Regarding the "taser", it is used to prevent injury. Every police officer who carries one has felt the effects of it during training. If a police officer feels that his life, or the life of another is in danger, then using the "taser" would not be appropriate.

    2. Looks like the officer has falsified reports before. I guess this is what they teach at kpd and its world class police academy.

  5. Getting tasseled is not justified unless cop or public in immediate threat of bodily harm. If he was lying down when he was taxed that would call into question the use of the next thing closest to lethal force.

  6. CRASH has gotta be a cop.

    1. Was he the cop that was talking on his cell phone and had CRASH into another car that caused a two car accident?

      Yeah we should listen to him!

      Can you hear me now?

  7. CRASH -- People should be alarmed when the cops Taser anyone, esp a youth on campus, regardless of his size, age and alleged crime. And their alarm shouldn't be mitigated by posting an "official" version of events, especially when it runs counter to what an eye witness saw.

    Btw, I found it interesting that the school principal directed staff not to talk to media.

  8. Comment left on Hawaii News Now --

    My son is a student at Kapaa High School and he was a witness to this mornings travesty of justice...this report does not in anyway discribe what really happend this morning in front of about a hundered students...the officers and one in particular acted in a completly unprofessional and inappropriate manner...per many accounts from people that were there (including School Staff) this should could have been dealt with totally different. The young man was not armed or a threat, he was NOT told why he was being arrested and he was tazed twice, the second time when he was already on the ground. The same officer that tazed the boy also threatened to taze a teacher and a couple of students that tried to assist...

  9. "Leaving the public to wonder, what really happened?"

    There is little to wonder about. The police version absolutely justifies electronic force. Are all the cops involved lying?? Happening at the school is the criminal's fault. In fact, it's probably the best lesson students will learn all year at that school.

  10. Maybe the principal directed the staff not to talk to the media because the predominant "belief" was based on what could very well be an inaccurate report.

    Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable, no matter how good their intentions. I worked in the schools for some time, and saw "staffers" who were well short of "strong" on the perceptions, would have pre-existing frames of mind that could/would color their "reports" of what happened in a given high-energy instance.

    This "child" was bigger, and obviously more violent, than most "grown" men. He was 18, of legal age. He'll be charged and tried as an adult.

    While I have serious questions about KPD in general, I try to not slam them blindly. In this instance, I think it's smarter and more fair to just shut up and let this bozo take his lumps.

  11. CRASH asks what's there to wonder?
    how about this-
    what alternatives to using an 'electronic control device' we're available to KPD?
    why wasn't pepper spray the first choice before using a stun gun?
    did the officer have training in using this weapon?
    did he deploy the taser as trained?
    is there a protocol for using tasers and was it followed in this incident?
    why was the youth not arrested at home instead of on campus in a high profile location during a busy passing period?
    just wondering......

  12. 100 eyewitnesses get it wrong but the cops are right....

    just shut up and let cops brush it under the rug...

    1. Chief Perry would have mop or swept this one under kpd wipe your feet mat quickly.

      Superficial wounds the kid probably shocked himself by grabbing Officers taser and tased himself twice.

      Hurry put in leave before you get suspended. It's too late, you're suspended.

      Officer hurry and play politics and go to the media and claim your inocence. Too late now you gotta go back to work in a hostile environment that you had a part in creating.

      If only you had a platform like a tgi wekly column that you could play with the minds of kauais zombies.

      Sorry this has been played out before, try to be original next time.

    2. Yeah I heard Chief Perry and his inner circle hides the truth from people. Many complaints against kpd officers especially DeBlake.

      The mayor should investigate the Island Breath comment on DeBlake and find out if Chief Perry covered that up.

      He tried to cover up Darla Higa's sexual harassment internal complaint then hostile workplace. What kind Police Chief him? Not so good to me

      I am suspicious of those oahu boys. Had one HPD major got busted for stealing and dealing meth. 3 HPD officers got busted in las vegas for drugs a few years back. DeBlake from Oahu, i wonder with all the meth problems on kauai must be coming from oahu. So who is the middlemen on kauai? Is it kpd officers, some vice officers got busted a yr ago.

  13. What if he was innocent? Mistaken identity....for a crime he did not commit? What if it was YOUR kid?

    If he did commit a crime, what did cops do before tasers to apprehend a suspect? Perhaps cops gotta learn some martial arts or get some verbal smarts...take a seminar....?
    ...and quit hiding behind their tasers, guns, and lies.

    Perhaps these cops should put their energy investigating the unsolved murders of women on Kauai?

    Dr Shibai

    1. Its too much work to do what you suggested, It's easier to do the latter.
      Perhaps KPD would become a respectable police department, we can't have that now-can we?
      Prosecutors office goes after bynum and the rest of the so called people who threaten kauai by having a rice cooker in a room, while over 550 arrest warrants and 100 felons are running free andfrom enjoying the prosecutors new program. I don't get it, so how's the Hilarios murder trial going?
      I can see it now, prosecutors excuse for Hilarios mistrial is because she wanted to make sure bynum is not free from her wrath to retaliate.
      Kaipo Asing must be enjoying this.

  14. Beam me up, Scotty...there's no intelligent life down here...

  15. Joan gives the other side of the story one we don't hear in mainstream media. Cop version gets plenty air time on local news stations and newspaper. Response by KPD sounds alarmingly similar in every instance and always deemed "justifiable". To anon 10:58, promise you'll stay and not come back.

  16. As it stands the alleged has been charged but remains innocent until proven guilty. In regards to the use of the ECD, it is true that the weapon is designed to be non lethal however painful as one could imagine. I question the manner in which this device was used. There have been multiple versions of this story which leads me to absolutely wonder what had truly happened. Accepting one version as undeniable fact is foolish. This display does not teach our children anything other than to fear and possibly dislike law and law enforcement. No respect is gained this way. The situation was delicate. Were all other options exhausted?

  17. Let's take a good hard look at you see how one persons actions effected a bunch of people who weren't even there to include the people who claimed they saw everything...first off...if you gotta be a third party or anonymous and you saw are not confident enough to back up your it's not true..also..I heard the officer saying to the student..that he was video taping the student so he should just you ask yourself..if the officer said that..I would like to believe that his actions along with the students actions are going to be all caught on video..which would probably mean that they would be on there best behavior because other people will be viewing the video..but what do I know..i'm just a kid

    1. Video and gps has been suggested many times to kpd but they use their own video recording equipment only when they feel its necessary.
      If they had this in the roof killing incident or many other incidents, it would help investigators, prosecutors, attorneys, jurors, judges, and whomever who would view the footage.
      They don't want these equipment to be mandatory because they will lose the he said she said believe me because I'm a cop and I won't tell a lie if it doesn't benefit me advantage.
      If these equipment was standard then more or likely an officer of the law will obey policies.
      Kauai would face a lawsuit everyday though because not all cops are good people.

    2. Thank you. Ethical honest people are needed in our government. There are a few, but far more corrupt unethical ones.

      Stand up, report those who abuse their positions, no matter which department.

  18. KPD is a non accredited police department! The blind leading the blind.
    It has been well noted that kpd officers lie in their reports, as of right now a officer is being investigated for false reports.
    There is use of force policies that the officers are trained and retrained on. The officer failed to follow use of force policies, because unarmed defense tactics, pepper spray, baton use is before a taser or show of force or lethal force.
    If there is 100 witnesses then that's another lawsuit we're gonna have to pay.
    Tasers have been lethal in some cases.
    KPD is a Enormous FAILURE of a police department!

  19. "as of right now a officer is being investigated for false reports."

    Actually the police commission sustained that complaint that he did falsify a report.

    1. Who wrote the false report and will his reports be investigated and scrutinized? Was it Officer Caspillo that tased Lagmay several times?

  20. I'm not sure that all personnel matters are allowed to be private. Taxpayers money, PUBLIC funds?

  21. So essentially the Mayor is the acting chief as he is the dictator. So under his direct we watch a kid get taser at school and an unarmed man is shot in front of 20 officers. And another cop caused an accident and didn't even get a ticket.


  22. The anonymous listed above stated that the officer failed to follow the use of force policy which he listed above. What policy is that because the pepper spray and baton causes way more injuries than a taser. And as for Taser deaths please show me one Taser death. I'm in the military and went through Taser training. Did you? He is giving out info that is so incorrect. WTF

    1. Obviously you have military training but do you have law enforcement training and have you been trained to use all of the above weapons.

      If you have not be subjected to abide by use of force policies then you are have the wrong idea of what use of force policies are.

      In Military training or law enforcement training you must follow standard operating procedures for the equipment you have been properly trained on.

    2. Ok before we go into any of that, let's first start by finding out what is kpd use of force policies.
      can someone post it?

  23. To our military anon above. Thank you for your service but please take a look at this.

    It should settle your curiosity

  24. Thanks for the blog info. But remember what the site claims (Taser RELATED Deaths). Reason being is that they can only suggest that the Taser caused the death not say absolutely that it did. During my training the Taser instructor was able to in all those cases through Case Notes that Taser their portion of the case and Taser was not the cause of death. I will say this Taser is presently fighting a lawsuit for the same accusation but the case isn't. Per the instructor if anyone can find a case where Taser was 100% at fault. He would like to meet them. So maybe he would want to meet you.

    Thanks for your support it's always good when people are actively trying to find facts instead of run their mouths

    1. Young soldier must do as is said not do as one does. When you go to college you will learn how to think properly.

      Use you gi bill Hero

    2. What was your asvab score?
      You use your instructor as your only source, which if you don't know that it's a biased opinion.
      Google and read other sources to help you determine a debatable issue on Tasers and the health effects of being tased.

  25. Sorry about the last comment. It's to type on an iPhone. Anyways I went to the blog site and still could not find anything or anyone who would state that Taser was 100% responsible for a death.

    So with that said

    I'm still waiting for someone to show me a taser death

    1. Go research it on credible internet site, but you have to also research credible websites. There is a lot of deaths and lawsuits that were won because of taser deaths.

    2. Where are these site. You talk about them but where are these sites. If you were part of a Taser training like the military and law enforcement you would know that the Taser Instructors all carry an official book with thousand of Taser cases that they were and are involved. More so they make it know that they are Willing to speak with anyone who claims that they won a Taser death case.

  26. The ECD is not meant to be fatal by itself however individuals with medical conditions virtually unknown to the officers and perhaps even the individual himself can be triggered to then create a fatality. Just the risk alone should be enough to reconsider when and how such a control device is used.

  27. Get over it, the kid is not dead.

    Nor is anyone else here.

    1. The end justifies the means, nuff said.

      Neva mind u, nobody had get hurted.

      Can we all just get along- Rodney King

  28. Would you say that if it were your kid?

  29. That's what I was looking for. You hit it right on the nail. In short the Taser (ECD) is no more dangerous than any other tool (ie, baton, and or pepper spray). All of those items also can be lethal.

    And with that said

    I'm still wait for a taser death

    1. Knock knock
      who's there
      coconut who
      What do I say
      I forgot
      im in shock
      coconut tase me
      I had tase coconut already tase good

  30. On the contrary. Batons and fists have never been linked to cardiac arrest.

  31. comments from island breath article that refers to officer barry deblake

    not pretty; should've never been assigned to kapaaHS

    1. That's just a blog site. Read the case it's public info. Barry DeBlake won that case and won the appeal. I remembered that story Pinkerton an the other posted it on YouTube and had a town meeting in Lihue. I went to the meeting and it sounded like they didn't really have a game plan. Idk for some a blog is more proof then the real story

    2. I read that DeBlake falsified his report and his testimony was different from his report, is that not called people perjury.
      Did that person sustain any injuries?
      Is there a lawsuit for what happened?
      What happened to Naihe, why was he fired?
      Why didn't defense attorney contact the defendants witnesses?
      What did Mauna Kea did that he violated due process?
      The Police commission found DeBlake and Naihe Guilty from what the complaint stated.
      Who covered this up in kpd? Did Perry cover up the complaint?
      If DeBlake is a safety risk for the citizens then why wasn't anything done?
      I don't believe what tgi reports or what kpd reports.
      did you see on the bottom of that article, about the Kagawa murder?
      Its time to do some spring cleaning in kpd ranks.

    3. DeBlake should have never went to KHS because he is a risk to the community. He has numerous brutality complaints against him. He some how gets away with the assaults on innocent citizens. Who is covering this up?police commission? Kpd top brass? Someone is falling asleep, I think a citizen will be killed by DeBlake before anything is done.

    4. The Island Breath comment on DeBlake had attempted murder in the police commission complaint. Now that's scary!

    5. Whoa wait how many unsolved girls was choked and murdered on Kauai?

    6. That Saturday night live comments has a lot of names in there describing what I kind of always thought all along, that Kauai is filled with corruption.
      I sure hope a higher authority is investigating those people mentioned.

    7. Wow that officer DeBlake guy is scary!

  32. Wow if you add up all the incidents that is happening with kpd from just the start of the yr, one would be afraid for their life as the threat is coming from our own police department.

    1. History says that there will always be good cops and bad cops.

  33. This weekis I seen four different cops talking on their cellphones while driving their patrol cars. I guess they no learn, as why hard. DARE you tell em it causes accidents

  34. Remember Amber Jackson: Kauai Unsolved Murder

    1. Remember Sandra Mendonca Galas: Kauai Unsolved Murder

    2. Remeber the Westside Rape and Murder Victims: Kauai Unsolved Murders

    3. Don't forget about Lauren Kagawa: Kauai Unsolved Murder

  35. What is going on with our police department? Deja vu from the Freitas and Lum era?
    KPD Stand Down! Report for duty! Acting Chief Begley I order you to 1: not to issue any officer their weapon, badge, and other equipment 2: lock the offices and patrol cars 3: Stand Down and retrain 4: Go to Church and Pray: ask for guidance 5: have a good day and thank you for your service

    1. Perry tenure at KPD is filled with suspicious deeds.

  36. Who will stand up and help?

    1. Organize and unite the people! Kauai needs to HELP themselves!

  37. To those questioning the location of taser related death sources simply type in the above key words in any generic search engine and click enter to bring up a long list of readable options. It's not that difficult. Step 1. diplomacy step 2. exhaust all options (pepper spray, baton, brute force especially when out numbering the suspect). It was a school for Gods sake and the suspect wasn't armed. The procedure is what's in question here.

  38. Why would your instructor want to talk to me? What's he going to tell me? That I'm wrong and that tasers don't kill? Maybe he'd like to tase me to prove a point? Seriously...

  39. The guy who wrote the Saturday Night Live ariticle (Rolando Yagin) is a clown along with his buddy Pinkerton. If you think im joking just look on youtube. Pinkerton is standing on the court steps singing "I won't back down". Both of those guys lost their cases in court and now they are all mad. Making all these trumped up allegations. These types of blogs are to be expected from guys who did wrong. I've read about these guys for the past few years. Everyone knows them. Really the police department, courthouse, and the mayors office is right in Lihue. Yet the hide behind a blog. Lets see some real action. Go down to Lihue and make a legal complaint. Thats right you did and you lost. If your not happy then make another complaint. I would think right not is a time to strike while the iron is hot. if not stop crying and let the law take its course. Everyone on the blog sounds like a bunch of wannabes and cry babies to scared to do anything.

    1. Kauai's Judicial system has been identified as one of the most corrupt in the State Of Hawaii's.

      Above statement probably written by a Bozo. Or maybe two Bozos, one have to say what to type the other has to use his claws to type.

    2. Why do you name the two people in a derogatory manner without any proof.

      Whose hands feed you to provoke such words of vulgar retaliation towards the two you named.

      Have they harmed you?

      What is your purpose here? Is there a green light? Who ordered you to commit these acts?

      I see that you are who we thought you were. You are a disturb hitman

      Anon 340PM

  40. My nephew goes to Kapaa high and he said most of the students are very happy Tumua got arrested but will down play it in fears of retaliations. He also said that it is well known that there is a Tongan Gang on campus called R.C.B (Rough Country Boyz). They claim to run the school. You can even see R.C.B spray painted on the guard shack of the senior parking lot. Some of the Tongans have R.C.B tattooed on their hands. Every since Tumua turned 18 he has not gotten into fights as much because he doesn't want to go to jail. Prior to his 18th BDay, he and the R.C.B was involved with several attempts during the football season of trying to mob a Waimea football player. The police had to get involve.

  41. The Pawns move slowly, their reaction is presumed. The dirt bags "shall" be recycled or "may" be recycled.

  42. Honolulu FBI
    300 Ala Moana Boulevard
    Suite 4-230
    Honolulu, HI 96813
    Phone:808 566 4300
    Fax: 808 566 4470

    FBI Investigates:
    Criminal Priorities

    4. Combat public corruption at all levels.

    5. Protect civil rights

    6. Combat transnational/national organizations and enterprises

    8. Combat significant violent crime

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The guy who wrote the Saturday Night Live ariticle (Rolando Yagin) is a clown along with his buddy Pinkerton. If you think im joking just look on youtube. Pinkerton is standing on the court steps singing "I won't back down". Both of those guys lost their cases in court and now they are all mad. Making all these trumped up allegations. These types of blogs are to be expected from guys who did wrong. I've read about these guys for the past few years. Everyone knows them. Really the police department, courthouse, and the mayors office is right in Lihue. Yet the hide behind a blog. Lets see some real action. Go down to Lihue and make a legal complaint. Thats right you did and you lost. If your not happy then make another complaint. I would think right not is a time to strike while the iron is hot. if not stop crying and let the law take its course. Everyone on the blog sounds like a bunch of wannabes and cry babies to scared to do anything.

    March 4, 2012 1:40 PM
    Honolulu FBI
    300 Ala Moana Boulevard
    Suite 4-230
    Honolulu, HI 96813
    Phone:808 566 4300
    Fax: 808 566 4470

    FBI Investigates:
    Criminal Priorities

    4. Combat public corruption at all levels.

    5. Protect civil rights

    6. Combat transnational/national organizations and enterprises

    8. Combat significant violent crime

  44. What is the truth about DeBlake?

    Was he investigated by the police commission and found guilty?

    Did his wife leave him because he physically harmed her?

    Did he lie in his report or to the jury?

    What did the police commission report say and what did he tell the police commission?

    Just curious

  45. Anon March 4, 2012 1:40 PM

    Did you just threaten the two guys you have beef with?

  46. Anon March 4, 2012 1:40 PM

    We are watching you! Third Eye, upstream your retaliation and show the world the beauty of technology vs criminals

  47. The Truth is Free!

    Seek the Root and destroy Evil!

    I wait for you, in darkness I am the Light!

    Your Soul will be Cleansed!

    My Armour is your Barkless Bite!

  48. His wife left him because he beat her up.Does he suffer from PTSD? I read that on Island Breath

  49. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Recommended reading: Combined pharmacotherapy and psychological therapies for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    PTSD is a potentially debilitating anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a traumatic experience such as an interpersonal event like physical or sexual assault, exposure to disaster or accidents, combat or witnessing a traumatic event. There are three main clusters of symptoms: firstly, those related to re‐experiencing the event; secondly, those related to avoidance and arousal; and thirdly, th... more
    PubMed Health. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
    A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M.; 2011.

    A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder
    Last reviewed: March 5, 2011.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after you've seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death.

    Causes, incidence, and risk factors
    PTSD can occur at any age. It can follow a natural disaster such as a flood or fire, or events such as:


    •Domestic abuse

    •Prison stay




    For example, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 may have caused PTSD in some people who were involved, in people who saw the disaster, and in people who lost relatives and friends.

    Veterans returning home from a war often have PTSD.

  50. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Recommended reading: Combined pharmacotherapy and psychological therapies for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    PTSD is a potentially debilitating anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a traumatic experience such as an interpersonal event like physical or sexual assault, exposure to disaster or accidents, combat or witnessing a traumatic event. There are three main clusters of symptoms: firstly, those related to re‐experiencing the event; secondly, those related to avoidance and arousal; and thirdly, th... more
    PubMed Health. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
    A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M.; 2011.

    A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder
    Last reviewed: March 5, 2011.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after you've seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death.

    Causes, incidence, and risk factors
    PTSD can occur at any age. It can follow a natural disaster such as a flood or fire, or events such as:


    •Domestic abuse

    •Prison stay




    For example, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 may have caused PTSD in some people who were involved, in people who saw the disaster, and in people who lost relatives and friends.

    Veterans returning home from a war often have PTSD.

  51. Island Breath
    Anonymous said...
    Officer Barry DeBlake requires being taken off duty for a time. Too often, DeBlake has proven unstable, uptight and angry.

    At this time, DeBlake's wife and kids are living at one of the wife's friend's house because DeBlake had finally gotten physical with his wife. Even so, DeBlake causing disruption for this family home, showing-up at uncivilized hours such as 5:30 am, demanding to see his wife--upsetting the whole household, including the children in the house.

    What is wrong with the officer?

    There have been a number of complaints against DeBlake. I,too, have witnessed his inappropriate conduct as an officer while at public meetings, and in call outs.

    When I was informed KPD Officer DeBlake was placed on the campus of Kapa'a High School, this concerned a number of people--including me.

    KPD Officer Barry DeBlake requires some type of intervention by the police department, or perhaps being a peace office is not only a poor fit for DeBlake, but dangerous for the community.

    This officer simply is not measuring-up to his obligations, and repeatedly there are reports of his aggressions on others.

    Will this officer be allowed to be on duty with KPD? He is remaining on duty at the high schools. This makes me very nervous.

    1:06 PM, March 02, 2012

  52. Isn't it easier to post information to the Feds via this blog?

    They read it, the directors read it, the mayors office reads it, obviously Shaylene reads it (awesome that she thinks that her writing isn't recognized).

  53. There needs to be thorough investigations from a law enforcement agency outside of Kauai. Too many hear say accusations, proven accusations, and officer screw ups. We need a higher law enforcement agency to come in investigate everything. It could be a long process but this is serious stuff, police department cover ups, officer misconduct and lies, OPA office and who knows what else.

  54. No matter how old this gets.. I will still be saying fuck the kpd! Esp that bald headed piece of shit cop. Fuckin pussy


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