Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Moon, New Stuff

Seeing as how it's a new moon in Pisces, it seemed like a good time for a few new starts.

There's a new post on PIKO, an article I wrote for Honolulu Weekly about the Important Ag Land process. It's certainly something to think about on Kauai, where just four private landowners — A&B, Grove Farm, Gay & Robinson and Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate — control the bulk of the acreage designated as agriculture. I hope to be posting more on PIKO, and I'll be allowing comments on that site.

Those who follow Kauai Eclectic on mobile devices will see that I've changed the format to make it a little bit easier for them to read.

And I'm not going to be posting stuff so early in the morning anymore. After listening to a New Dimensions program about "productive obsessions," I knew I needed to start focusing some of my fresh morning writing energy on another project.

I'll still be blogging, but posts will go up later in the day.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


  1. What, not in the morning!!! Ugh, how am I to start my day? :-(

  2. Its another great day in paradise... Kouchi and Kawakami linning their pockets with the TVR on AG land ultra rich lobbyists. It never ends, when State law says its illegal to operate a TVR on AG lands the county turns a blind eye and not only is trying to granfather the TVR, they have the two most suspect characters voting to approve TVR's on AG land. Bravo bravo victor to the spoils! long live the kings! long live the queens! Kouchi and Kawakami forever kauai will be damned!

  3. on PIKO page, clicking on "read the rest " sends me to an error page
    "Content Encoding Error
    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem."

  4. Go outside and look at the night sky.....the new moon is in aquarius, not far from capricorn.....if only western astrologers would take the time to actually observe the heavens!!

  5. Thanks, Irk. I posted the rest of the piece on PIKO so you don't have to jump to the Weekly.

  6. I like parts of the new smartphone application, visually, not functionally.


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