Friday, March 2, 2012

Iseri-Carvalho Responds

When asked if she would like to respond to the Kauai Humane Society's motion for her recusal, County Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho replied:

This is another attempt by Mr. Hempey to smear my reputation and engage in negative politics. His tactics of intimidation and dishonesty are disheartening. Unlike him, we choose to file our motions and have them heard in court, which is the appropriate tribunal. His desire to sensationalize and try his case in the media without providing ALL of the facts is an insult to the people of Kauai.


  1. "Another" attempt?

  2. But the Humane society people signed the declarations.

  3. Shay likes to make personal attacks.

  4. Shay accusing Hempeeee of negative politics? That's too funny. The two of them deserve each other.

  5. Dan Hempey is a damn good attorney, and an honest man. He didn't get where he's at by being "slick." What the power structure is afraid of is his inherent ability to rake the muck and expose what's underneath.

  6. Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints . . .

  7. Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints . . .

  8. Hempey is apart of a group of attorneys that are trying to rid us of medusa.

    If you believe he's a good attorney then to each his own.

    Iseri-Carvalhos list of allies is shrinking by her own demented behavior.

    Justin Kollar will be a weak puppet as a new prosecuting attorney.

    1. Better a weak prosecutor than a power abusing vindictive prosecutor.

  9. Sounds criminal. She should sue her accusers and restore her reputation. Heh heh.

  10. Anyone is better than that egoist.

    1. I believe the diagnosis is narcissism

  11. Watch the dominoes fall one by one....

  12. Hempy is the attorney with the courage to represent people with the courage to speak truth to power.

  13. Like she doesn't use media to cover up her incompetence -- press releases about indictments but nothing when they quietly dismiss cases they cannot prove & releasing phony stats about 99% conviction rates when they dismiss around 15% of the cases and severely reduce charges in almost every case they don't dismiss.

  14. Go Hempey and KHS, Somebody has to stand up to Shaylene

  15. Hmm, everyday is more revealing, yet the blanket is so thick, not sure who's on first. But wouldn't it follow that the cases that are dismissed are because of something that would cause the case to be thrown out or lost if taken further?

    1. Correct. Which is not a conviction.

    2. That's right, add to her fallacies, she is bad at math, real bad.

  16. Sadly, this is just the beginning. She had better lawyer up now.

  17. Hempey, Burns, Cahill, Wada, DeCosta, Zenger, Trask, Kohler, Tagupta, Flores, Weigul, Guyot, Castillo, Pyun - this is a partial list of attorneys who have had a fall out with Iseri-Carvalho (now on her s**t list)

  18. Melinda Mendes is a great attorney and I think it would be awful to see her go. Kauai needs her. She's one of the deputies that puts a lot of care and concern into her work, unlike the leadership in that office.

  19. Reads like she has whistleblower protection and job security forever.
    She should thank KHS - looks like she was on thin ice anyway.
    This must be scary for humane society people who spoke out.

    1. Deputy Presucutors are at will appointed staff and serve at the pleasure of the elected Prosecutor.

  20. Yes, thank them for disclosing something that you begged them not to disclose, because, ya know, you work for the sanest, most forgiving boss on the island.

  21. Professional Responsibility Rule 1.2
    (a) Subject to paragraphs (c) and (d), a lawyer shall abide by a client's decisions concerning the objectives of representation and, as required by Rule 1.4, shall consult with the client as to the means ...

    (b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.

  22. Dan Hempey is a good man and not out for fame or fortune. He is one of the FEW lawyers I like and have used for advice.

    The Kauai Humane Society does the best job they can with the limited amount of funds and unlimited amount of criticism from those who not care for animals well.

    Animal officer Venneman is a heart felt individual with little or no Ego, with the welfare of animals in mind.

    The opposite is true for Shay.

  23. And whether unrelated or not, Jessica is the daughter of the previous deputy police chief ..

  24. Sad that Ms. Menses might be a short timer. Her crime being reasonable, ethical and honest. OMG she told the truth.

  25. Ethical and honest, highly accredited educations, not everyone believes those are admirable accomplishments.

  26. Stay connected, loyal readers, there's more to come.

  27. Maybe Hempey was trying to give Sahylene the opportunity to recuse BEFORE it became public so she could handle it in her own way.
    If so she may owe him an apology.
    She invalidates herself when she accuses him of dirty tactics. That was a tactical mistake on her part because many of us know personally that Hempey does not engage in ʻdirty tacticsʻ. He doesnʻt have to.
    He just knows his lawyering and that may bother some people.

  28. Honolulu FBI
    300 Ala Moana Boulevard
    Suite 4-230
    Honolulu, HI 96813
    Phone:808 566 4300
    Fax: 808 566 4470

    FBI Investigates:
    Criminal Priorities

    4. Combat public corruption at all levels.

    5. Protect civil rights

    6. Combat transnational/national organizations and enterprises

    8. Combat significant violent crime

  29. Iseri-Carvalho is not to be believed. She'll say anything and dispose of anyone to cover her tracks. In this case, horse tracks.

  30. Maybe she'll prepare statements for her staff to read like she did for that County Council meeting. You know, "Read this or else..."

  31. her staff prepared their own statements. I'm one of her staff. That matter with Diana Gospel-White about the victim witness advocates...let me tell you. Diana Gospel-White does not do her job when she is in the office. She looks for reasons to file complaints against Shaylene and any other employee in the office all day long, and has filed hundreds, against every single employee in the office. And she gets paid well for it. And she can't be fired because she's protected by the union. Right now it is worth it to PAY her to not come to work, which is what is being done, because we all work better with her gone.

    1. Ha, ha, ha! You call what you do working?

      Which baseball team, clubs, or volleyball group are you spending your time on, while at work, WORKING?

      Don't work too hard, it makes the rest of us look bad.

    2. Noting the time of your post, seems we were paying you good taxpayer money while you complained about someone more educated and more experienced in than yourself.

      Jealous or insecure, let's put it to a vote.

    3. Noting the time of your post, seems we were paying you good taxpayer money while you complained about someone more educated and more experienced in than yourself.

      Jealous or insecure, let's put it to a vote.

  32. So it is so much better with the culture of racism, sexism, because it is easy.

    Get rid of all the bad (including) the one above.

  33. I hope Ms. White has THE best lawyer in the state!

    Clean up the mess in OUR government!

    Don't forget to vote out the criminals.


    They are coming after you - maybe in the prosecutors office, more than likely in the building department and more than definitely in the planning department. Get ready.

  35. Shay's employee taking time during working hours to complain about another employee not doing her job? Too funny.

  36. Ok angry Shay worker, if things are so great over there, how come the EEOC is involved?

  37. Work hours again, time for Shay's employees rebuttal, we're waiting.

    Ha, ha.

  38. Smart move KHS to hire Attorney Dan Hempey as legal counsel.

    Shay...oh, never mind. It just never ends with her. I think people have had enough of this vendictive woman.

    Taken from Andy Parx, "Got Windmills":

    "Subject: Re: KBA Bench Bar Committee Members

    Hi Everyone,

    I am very happy to announce the Bench Bar Committee Members. We are very fortunate to have had such an amazing amount of interest and support in the creation of this Committee.

    Civil (Circuit Court): Dan Hempey
    Collections (District Court): Tim Tobin
    Landlord/Tenant, Self-Help Center, Legal Aid, Indigent Services: Emiko Meyers
    Criminal Defense: June Ikemoto
    Family Law: Caren Dennemeyer
    Public Defenders: revolving
    Prosecutors Office: revolving/unknown
    County Attorneys: Justin Kollar
    KBA President/Chair: Rosa Flores
    KBA Vice-President/Vice-Chair: Shauna Cahill

    Read more to Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho's spitting email communication to Rosa Flores. Absolutely unbelievable.

    Well done, Rosa, on your return communication...especially the part about your "psychic, mind reading abilities" not being quite as finely tuned as you would like.

    Shay is going to go out just like Kipo--County Council Chair did--in one big, fat embarassing moment. Both just don't know when to stop.

    On a sober note, Shay needs to go. Much too many innocent people have been harmed by this woman, and her Haole side kick, Jake Delaplane.

  39. So she made a fool of herself in an extremely public forum. New?

  40. Seems that qualified, educated county employees are diminishing as the FOC (friends of Carvahlo) increase.


  41. Hey those newly created jobs are going to people who will get out the vote. And make sure the same kind of good old boys are re elected.


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