Sunday, March 18, 2012

Musings: Electrifying the Electorate

What will it take to electrify the KIUC electorate?

Typically, not even 25% of our utility co-op members bother to vote for the Board of Directors. Shoots, we can do way better than that! And this year, with some good progressive candidates running, it's more important than ever that caring people cast their ballots.

My top pick is Joel Guy. Others worthy of consideration are Pat Gegen, Karen Baldwin and Ken Stokes. You can vote for three. So please do!

There are three ways to vote: Send in the ballot you got by mail, call 877-778-5482 or go on line. To vote by phone or on-line, you will need the access code printed on your ballot reply envelope.

If you lost your access code, or need help, call 877-324-7655.

The deadline for voting is NOON, SATURDAY, MARCH 24 so don't dilly dally and dawdle.

Because as Gary Hooser noted in an email he sent out yesterday:

We have a great opportunity before us NOW to accelerate positive change in our community. Our community needs your active engagement now.

And that gives me a great segue to give props to Jonathan Jay, who has worked so hard to get out the vote. If you want more info on voting or the progressive candidates, visit his website, Power to the People.

But main thing, vote, and encourage everyone you know to vote, too.

Let's freakin BLOW the old guard completely out of the water.


  1. And then have multiple engaged poll watchers. Otherwise you could very well end up with another unlikely election result just like the past two. KIUC insiders will never willingly ceed control, they have shown even with their public actions that they will stop at nothing. This isn't just voting, this is hardball, Kauai.

  2. I have cast my vote.

    Sorry, I voted for your other preferred candidates.

    not Mr Guy, he is nice but we need educated communicators to represent the people.

  3. Thanks to KKCR and JJ I was able to eliminate the "progressive" candidates and vote local...

  4. I've never found Joel to be a poor communicator. Must be your own comprehension problems

  5. Every tried to read anything he has written?

    I have tried.

  6. I've read several things Joel wrote and had no problem with them.

  7. Joel is young, articulate, energetic, sincere, and willing to work towards a better future.

  8. still haven't voted but joel, karen and pat are my favorites. i read ken's post in the ginews and he seemed like he's only doing it because other people want him to. like he said, "it's not about me, it's about 3". you gotta want it and the the others want it more. it would nice to have a little less testosterone as well.

  9. Could someone please get a letter to the editor with Joanʻs words here:

    "My top pick is Joel Guy. Others worthy of consideration are Pat Gegen, Karen Baldwin and Ken Stokes. You can vote for three. So please do!

    There are three ways to vote: Send in the ballot you got by mail, call 877-778-5482 or go on line. To vote by phone or on-line, you will need the access code printed on your ballot reply envelope.

    If you lost your access code, or need help, call 877-324-7655.

    The deadline for voting is NOON, SATURDAY, MARCH 24 so don't dilly dally and dawdle."

    This would be important to reach the ʻfree rice bag collectorsʻ that donʻt read Joanʻs blog.

  10. LOL! Press Release: Federal Complaint Filed to Halt Mandatory @KIUC Smart Meter Rollout #cancer #causing #EMF

  11. Trying to get a copy of the court filing. Expect it would be interesting reading.

  12. Joel Guy is an excellent choice, Joan! Thank you for that insight. A genuine guy, born (I think) and raised on Kauai, and concerned about our community and co-op. We need more like him!

  13. Two out of three ain't bad.


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