Saturday, March 10, 2012

Musings: Good and Bad

Wind has replaced rain, which is a good thing, considering its drying effect, though it could be a bad thing if it topples trees from the wet soil.

Barron's has named Kauai the number two place in the nation — sandwiched behind the Hampton's and Martha's Vineyard — as the best place to own second home, based on rising property values, which is a good thing if you're A&B trying to sell your stalled Kukuiula project, but a bad thing if you're a local who has been priced right out of the Hanalei market, where the 2011 median price was a choking $758,000 — up from $680,000 in 2010.

The magazine gossiped about how part-time resident Pierce Brosnan mixes it up with locals at the shave ice stands - though it mentioned nothing about his vacation rental and vegetative encroachment onto the public beach — before reporting:

Word is that Montage resorts plans to build a starred resort in Princeville surrounded by multimillion homes.

Which is good thing for all the construction guys looking for work, but a bad thing for all the construction guys who don't really want more people coming to the island, especially if they surf.

Latin American nations are mulling decriminalization and legalization of drugs, which is a good thing if your country is terrorized by drug cartels profiting off the illegal trade, but a bad thing if you're the U.S. intent on continuing to wage a multi-billion-dollar war in those countries against the drugs that your own citizens most heavily consume.

Even Pat Robertson has come out in favor of legalizing marijuana, which is a good thing if you're looking for a spokesman who appeals to the groups most opposed — Republicans, conservatives and people over the age of 65 — but a bad thing if you're a theologian worried that Jesus might not approve.

Of course, I can't speak for Jesus, but I doubt he'd support policies that result in 1.7 million people being arrested each year — 850,000 of them for nothing more than marijuana possession — with persons who are indigent and of color targeted at disproportionate rates.

At least, that's my take, based on my perception of my own personal Jesus.

And Obama has signed the so-called ”Trespass Bill,” which is a good thing if you're trying to further undermine First Amendment rights and stifle political dissent, but a bad thing if you're trying to exercise your First Amendment rights and engage in political dissent.

As noted:

And before you forget, the president can now detain you for getting too close to his front yard, order your assassination if the country considers you a threat and lock you away for life if you’re alleged to be a terrorist. You, on the other hand, can’t yell obscenities at Newt Gingrich without risking arrest.

Amazing, the progress we've achieved under Obama. And just think, we're gonna have him for another four years, which is a good thing if you believe Republicans are evil and Democrats are pono, and a bad thing if you understand they're all corporate-owned puppets beholden to masters other than you, regardless of political affiliation.


  1. "they're all corporate-owned puppets beholden to masters other than you, regardless of political affiliation."

    Oh no- don't shatter my illusions.

  2. I cringed when I read the Barron's article. We really DON'T need outsiders raising the price of living for the rest of us.

  3. People got to get it sooner or later..only the RICH can run for president or most any Federal office....who want to be manipulated by money and power.

    The future rich puppets are standing in lines waiting for the opportunity to be the ones to take the helm of a "ship" called the military-industrial complex and the multinational oil/chemical/drug syndicate to receive more riches, perks and handouts from these masters.

    Jesus doesn't live there.

    Dr Shibai

  4. best flood place there is

  5. Is this this the Brosnan who castigates Britain for its colonial folly? Who says Britain has done more damage to the peoples of the world than any other nation? Who thinks all British policies have resulted in the inequities we now have to survive? Wow. Rule Britainia.

  6. Hazardous areas have special land considerations. As in, plan to get out of the way.

  7. What a great marketing coup for the realtors. Imagine the pitch being made to the one percenters. Just don't buy beachfront as a long term investment unless you don't mind sea walls.


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