Wednesday, June 13, 2012

AG's Office Investigating Iseri-Carvalho

The state Attorney General's office is investigating Kauai Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho and the POHAKU “restorative justice” program she launched last year.

That information was revealed by County Attorney Al Castillo this morning before the sound was turned off to the webcast of the County Council meeting, which had just gone into an executive session.

Castillo told the Council the review into Iseri-Carvalho's hallmark POHAKU program, which has been plagued by allegations of state procurement law and county ethics violations, is still ongoing. He said he met with the AG's office yesterday. "It is under review by I would say their..." Castillo was saying when it was apparently discovered that his voice was being broadcast. The county Finance Department also has been conducting its own investigation.

The issue was on the Council agenda because Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura is asking her colleagues to approve her request that the county Board of Ethics conduct an investigation into whether violations of the Code of Ethics have occurred in connection with Iseri-Carvalho's creation and operation of the POHAKU program.

It has previously been disclosed that the county prosecutor's office has no contract with Strategic Justice Partners LLC, a mainland firm that is running the POHAKU program. Additionally, Jake Delaplane, Iseri-Carvalho's first deputy, is named in state business records as the agent for Strategic Justice Partners, and the prosecutor's office is listed as its business address.

In an apparent attempt to shift the focus of the investigation, Iseri-Carvalho told the Council she wants its members to join her in calling for a criminal and Board of Ethics investigation into former Prosecuting Attorney Craig DeCosta, because the bad check restitution program he initiated served as the precursor for POHAKU.

Iseri-Carvalho has repeatedly refused to answer the Council's questions about POHAKU until she is given special counsel. She is currently seeking re-election, and has been endorsed by SHOPO (State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers). 


  1. OH... that must be why she refuses to answer questions about POHAKU. She's just trying to protect the integrity of her potential criminal case against Craig DeCosta (enemy #18).

    This prosecutor is pure entertainment! Now going after Craig for a long since time-barred allegation that he did the same thing she is accused of doing. That's so rich.

    Next thing you know she'll be arresting the Mayor's 80 year-old father.....

  2. wow... this is in the same category as the police chief/mayor mess... too much time on people's hands on kauai so it is wasted with this kind of stuff.... digging up stuff from the past that may have been questionable to justify actions today.... wow... what a stretch.

  3. Maybe the same category as the Police Chief/Mayor mess if you're referring to pure arrogance on the part of Bernard Carvalho and Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho. Both need to be brought down a couple of notches. I work full-time, have two children and two grandchildren. I assure you I don't have too much time on my hands but I will anxiously participate in anyway possible to stop these lying good for nothing arrogant "politicians" from this very old and tired "Kauai" business as usual.

    1. A citizens activist group against these kinds of crimes is what Kauai needs. A public liaison to State and Federal agencies to forward complaints. Remember all the unsolved murders, the koloko dam breach, the murders made to look like suicides, the unreported missing people, failed newspaper, and countless criminals that are protected by the people in office. Imua Mala pua Moku aina Kanaka

  4. Actually, the prosecutor's office is not listed as Strategic Justice Partners' address. It is listed as the Registered Agent's address.

    Every limited liability company and foreign limited liability company (which, Strategic Justice Partners is) authorized to transact business in Hawaii must maintain in the state a registered agent, who has a business address in the state. The Registered Agent may be (1) An individual who resides in the State; (2) A domestic entity authorized to transact business in the State; or (3) A foreign entity authorized to transact business in the State.

    The purpose of a Registered Agent is to be available to accept service on behalf of the LLC of court filings. There exist companies that provide the service of acting as the Registered Agent for LLCs. A Registered Agent does not necessarily - and often does not - have any connection with the LLC other than serving as the legally required agent available to accept service for the LLC.

    Being a Registered Agent does not in itself imply any other relationship between the agent and the LLC. The Agent does not have to be, and often is not, a member or an officer of, or even otherwise connected in any other way with, the LLC. The registered agent simply accepts service and then forwards the served document on to the LLC. The registered agent might or might no charge the LLC for this service.

    The fact that Jake Delaplane is Strategic Justice Partners LLc's registered agent and the prosecutor's office is listed as the registered agent's address means this: If you want to sue Strategic Justice Partners LLC, you serve them by taking the summons to the prosecutor's office and giving it to Jake Delaplane. Jake Delaplane will then forward the served documents on to the LLC.

    Other than that, nothing else is necessarily implied by the designation.

    1. Show me the Money? 10K where is it? Viva Las Vegas, Let it Ride, OPA's Luck

  5. To Anonymous at 4:47PM...Except that the Prosecutor's Office is government agency and there are procurement guidelines to follow. Should have been ethical, followed the rules and put it out to bid.

  6. Hopefully it's not Shay's pal Chris Young doing the AG investigation.

  7. Yeah yeah yeah...wait til the rest comes out. This is just the beginning folks.

  8. I wonder if the Garden Island Newspaper will finally pick this up?

    1. Neva eva eva eva neva, it's election yr!!! TGI is controlled by these mafioso's

  9. Its a shame that our kids and grandkids are told and brain washed into thinking these crooks in government are "role models"

    Role models from hell...

    Jesus, Bless them for they know what they do!@

  10. "The fact that Jake Delaplane is Strategic Justice Partners LLc's registered agent and the prosecutor's office is listed as the registered agent's address means this: If you want to sue Strategic Justice Partners LLC, you serve them by taking the summons to the prosecutor's office and giving it to Jake Delaplane. Jake Delaplane will then forward the served documents on to the LLC.
    Other than that, nothing else is necessarily implied by the designation."

    Except that Jake is a total dumbass.

  11. "The purpose of a Registered Agent is to be available to accept service on behalf of the LLC of court filings. There exist companies that provide the service of acting as the Registered Agent for LLCs."

    Why is the first deputy prosecutor acting as the registered agent if there are companies that provide this service? How stupid is this guy and why is someone so stupid made the first deputy?

  12. he's not stupid, he just has to do what he's told. a first deputy is really just the prosecutor's first bitch.

  13. Oh Jake, you are so young. You must still think a job is worth selling your ethics and integrity for. When you went to law school, did you dream about secretly taping people and prosecuting someone else's enemy for a rice cooker, or did you dream of actually doing good.
    Integrity has no price.

    1. Cried two tear in a bucket, fuck it lets take it to the stage! Roll Tide!!!

  14. It was all Tim's fault... Dam Rice cooker!!! If she hadnt told you to retaliate Kaipo and Darryl are still laughing out loud children you all the got played Karma

  15. SHOPO is so gonna eat this endorsement.
    HGEA endorses Kollar.

    El Chiefo - you hitched to the wrong horse making a deal with that one. U should've stayed straight and ethical instead of forming political alliances - political is no way for a police chief to be.

  16. Is Chief Perry endorsing Shay?


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