Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Musings: Backstories

That fat moon — full this morning — kept the night ablaze with white light, though it had slipped behind mountains or clouds by the time the dogs and I went walking. But Venus and Jupiter were still gleaming like golden lamps in a pale blue sky brushed with swaths of orange-gold.

The big excitement came right at the end of our walk, when we spotted two wild pigs sidestepping down a steep slope just off the road. That set off the dogs in a whining, lunging frenzy that caused the pigs to break into a run and escape to the safety of dense guinea grass.

A Kauai man has managed to escape serious charges after Kauai Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho recused her office from the case. Deputy Attorney General Lynn Costales took over and dismissed three of the four counts against him — resisting arrest, failing to follow an officer's orders and reckless driving — saying they should never have been filed. Yesterday, the case was remanded back to District Court, where Michael Knight still faces one count of having an open can of beer in his car.

More intriguing, however, is the backstory. It seems that Knight, a bartender at Port Allen Sunset Bar & Grill, got a call from the cops, who said they were investigating a report that Shay and her first deputy, Jake Delaplane, had threatened Knight with prosecution while drinking at the bar.

Knight said he hadn't been threatened, but the cops asked him to come in and make a statement, anyway. He was reportedly questioned by an Officer Santella, who asked how much the two had to drink — Shay: nine martinis and one specialty cocktail; Jake: a beer or two — who drove, and whether they were using a county vehicle. Knight wasn't sure about the vehicle and driving part, but he did reiterate to the police that neither Shay nor Jake had bothered anyone in the bar, including him.

In preparing for trial on the four charges, a request was made for the police report, which prompted Shay to conflict out, and the report was not released to the defense attorney. I also requested the police report, and was told: “According to KPD, there was no police report generated for such an incident.”

I then queried: "So KPD can ask someone to come into the station to make a statement in regard to an alleged complaint, and though the person complies, and is questioned, no report need be generated about either that contact, or the complaint that instigated it?

I was told they would “look into it further.” That was Thursday, and no word yet. So if the complaint against Shay wasn't filed by the supposed victim, where did it originate? I'm curious, because as one observer speculated: “There is a certain faction of officers that don't care for Shay. It's common knowledge she goes out and gets shit-faced in bars and they don't think that's something the prosecutor should be doing.”

This incident raises numerous concerns, not the least of which is providing yet another recent example — let's not forget Councilman Tim Bynum — of Shay pursuing charges that are thrown out when an outside prosecutor comes in. From what I hear, this kind of “over-charging” and inappropriate charging happens fairly often, and frankly, that's what disturbs me the most about Shay. It's a very serious thing to drag someone through the judicial system, especially without cause.

Meanwhile, as William Cole, the Star-Advertiser's embedded — as in seriously brown-nosed — reporter gushes over RIMPAC as a “tool for global prosperity,” Hawaii Public Radio reports another story: the toxins we can anticipate when the Navy and our “allies” use bombs and torpedoes to sink three decommissioned ships in Hawaiian waters during the war games now under way.

The exercise, known as SINKEX, is possible only because the Environmental Protection Agency grants the Navy an exemption to the toxic substances control act, which bans the release of PCBs — toxic chemicals linked to cancer, immune system depression, endocrine disruption and learning deficiencies. Studies of the military wrecks have found PCBs leaching, and higher concentrations in fish. Other concerns include lead paints, asbestos, mercury, hydrocarbons, refrigerants and the waste of some $30 million in recyclable metals. Environmental groups are suing the EPA over its decision, though Cole makes no mention of that. Instead he repeats the Navy's claim that the ships have been “'scrubbed clean' of PCBs and petroleum.” Even if you believe that, what about the rest of the crap?

Finally, Andy Parx has a thorough report on a just-released Office of Information Practices ruling about how former County Council Chair Kaipo Asing violated the sunshine law — three years ago. Yup, that's how long it took the OIP to rule on a citizen complaint. And even then, you still would have to go to court to void any action that was taken during an improperly noticed meeting, adding many more months to the process. It seems government transparency, absent expediency, doesn't really count for much.   


  1. This is serious, a prosecutor using her power to give people criminal records, the threat of jail to pursue personal and political vendettas. If it was one instance perhaps its just a red flag but several high profile instances is huge. Did Knight cut her off? Why would he be forthcoming with police when facing charges and knowing of the new connection between the Chief and Shay since the Mayor thing? Who is his attorney? Were there other witnesses. The police interview and there is not a written report? This is scary!

    1. Knight has to be careful if they put the green light on him. Retaliation by these individuals and their friends will continue for years. These people abuse their position of power for criminal reasons. I say all of his family, friends, coworkers, and anyone that cares to watch his back cause these criminals don't play. Contact the FBI and report this incident.

    2. Mr Knight you have to do things to protect yourself immediately. These people are dangerous and will utilize every angle that they can to get you back.

      Write every name and every person who you spoke (who, what, where, when, why, how) to you and was in the area then give this to at least 20 people you can trust. Tell them if anything happens to you, that they should take the letter to all the major news, newspapers, nancy grace, americas most wanted, FBI, AG, Congressman, Carcle, and other agencies that would investigate all that was or would be involved. Cover your butt because this is serious.

      This should be a guidline for all who have to deal with these corrupt officials.

  2. This place is funnier by the minute.

    Does anyone else view this county government is just one big comical joke?

  3. Nine cocktails - she can really put'em away.


  4. The dirty cops in KPD continue their abuse of power. The police commission is like the OIP, they have a ruling but have no authority to discipline.

    The IA officer in KPD covers up everything, he has no morals. KPD has done these dirty deeds for years and keep on committing crimes to set people up.

    The retaliation to Dayne Gonsalves and anyone who asks for hawaiian sovereignty. The torture and abuse to Kraestafer Pinkerton and his family.

    Dirty cops are syndicates and have ties to the GOB. They protect and defend drug dealers, murderers, and all who have ties to their mafioso.

    KPD will use family, friends, coworkers, and strangers to set you up. You have to be careful when they order the green light on you.

    The Old guard dogs are the worse one's who retaliate without hesitation, regard for the law or state and federal constitution.

    Read KPD blue and educate yourself.

  5. You have to understand that there is no perfect police department.

    We have to accept KPD just the way they are.

    You cannot change a person or organization if they cannot see for themselves the chronic problems that they suffer from.

  6. No report made, it's probably the first this has happened.

    I guess the employees of the year had the day off on that day, and they all want pay raises, wtf over!

  7. I have never had any confidence in KPD since they lied about the west side serial rapist murderer.

    Everyone on this side of the island told KPD who it was and shame they went on americas most wanted and lied.

    Pilau and Shibai these guys

  8. So KPD was doing the same thing that Shay did to Tim Bynum in rice cooker gate.

    Wow the stew is boiling, who is cooking who. Stay far away from the kitchen if you dont want to get burnt.

    This county of Kauai is like that Dallas soap opera show, forget tv Kauai has the big show.

  9. "This place is funnier by the minute.

    Does anyone else view this county government is just one big comical joke?"

    Why do you think I refer to Kauai as a zoo? Maybe they should prevent any more comings or goings there and only provide them food.

    Kind of a "lord of the flys" thing...see what happens.

    One of the world's greatest (if not, than largest) social experiments.

    I wouldn't live there on a bet.

  10. Shaylene has done this to many people, she is sick and salivates to retaliating on innocent people.

    She will commit crimes to secure a wrongful prosecution on people who are on her black list.

    Shayme has a evil penchant to go after innocent people and let her family, friends, and the rest of her moronic militia go free and commit heinous crimes.

  11. When i was a young, i was taught to have trust and respect for the law and the officers. Then when i found out people was being threatened to keep quiet on the unsolved murders by KPD officers, I lost all confidence that Kauai has good cops.

    Who can you trust on Kaua? it seems like their all in on it, cops, judges, PA, attorneys, county coroner, newspaper, and the rest of the pawns.

    What will it take to rid Kauai of these criminals in public office.

  12. re: RIMPAC Did you catch that the green fuel they are using cost almost $27 per gallon! Congress is screaming about it. Also, I think some of the disaster training, medical,evacuation etc. is going to be held here. So we can practice being war victims?

  13. one observer speculated: “There is a certain faction of officers that don't care for Shay. It's common knowledge she goes out and gets shit-faced in bars and they don't think that's something the prosecutor should be doing.”

    I hope you know that attributing libelous statements to unnamed sources does not shield a writer from civil liability.

  14. Statements are not libelous when they are true!

  15. have to prove it

  16. Don't worry. There are many bartenders, waiters, waitresses and deputy prosecutors who can testify about her consumption.

  17. In fact, Jake drives her home. He's her Sugar Magnolia.

  18. Shay would not be involved in a low level case like this.

  19. I am not your role model" might work for a pro basketball player but I think the prosecuting attorney should be a role model for young kids.

    Her language in the newspaper article and the way she talked about Joann Yukimura - I don't want my daughter emulating her.

  20. No one should emulate her.

  21. The offiicers that tried to set up Shay and Jake are no better than them, It's like a turf war amongst drug dealing criminals.

    This is like Mike Dahilig going after someone for sexual harassment.

  22. Shay has gotten away with so many crimes that it was bound to catch up with her.

    She has screwed too many people and helped so many of her criminal friends.

    The circle is about to be completed, will Shay admit her Sins to the Lord or will her soul be tormented in the fire she has built on Kauai.

    1. Whatever happens, we ask for Shay to seek repentance for the sins she has committed. The Souls of our departed seek redemption from a Judas like Shay.

      We pray that Shay will come forward and ask the Lord for forgiveness and the people she has harmed will be blessed all the days for what they have suffered from the evil deeds of Shay and her accomlices.

  23. The officers did not make up a b.s. case against Shay and Jake like she did against Tim Bynum. They just asked questions. Good for them for having the balls to investigate her.

  24. Hey, drive around Kauai and all the junk car chain dog yards got Shaylene signs.
    Justin's sign yards stay mo beta wit da weed wacka.

  25. Kollar = haole vote

    Iseri-C = local vote

    Predicted Winna = stay tuned

    1. Haoles are the numba one ethnicity on Kauai so Justin needs to go out to the community centers and introduce himself.

      He cannot hold punches against Iseri-Carvalho, He must not.

      He must give the public the hidden numbers of crime on Kauai and not the cooking the books Iseri-Carvalho has madoff with.

  26. I know lots of locals who plan to vote for Justin. It's not a haole vs local thing

    1. It's a good thing but don't be so ignorant, Race is what it is and it plays a huge role in politics on Kauai.

      Personally I don't want Shay to be reelected, she has harmed this community in ways that people don't really realize.

  27. >I hope you know that attributing libelous statements to unnamed sources does not shield a writer from civil liability.<

    Wrong. The courts have ruled that citizens have the right to publicly criticize, verbally and in writing, the public figures who govern them -- including and especially with speech which, if applied to private citizens, could be considered defamatory.

    Politicians, political appointees and elected officials are public figures, and Joan most definitely is a citizen. (See New York Times v. Sullivan, 1964.)

  28. Unless the public figure can show malice (knowledge that the allegations are false or reckless disregard for the truth). Truth is a defense though, and Joan reports what happens in court or in public meetings. Who could make this stuff up?

  29. >Unless the public figure can show malice (knowledge that the allegations are false or reckless disregard for the truth).<

    Even that one is tough. Government officials may not use the threat of legal action in an attempt to stifle, directly or indirectly, public criticism of them. Calling out politicos as scurrilous, booze-sodden bastards is a centuries-old American tradition, and one of its very best.

  30. >Calling out politicos as scurrilous, booze-sodden bastards is a centuries-old American tradition, and one of its very best.<

    Oops, I left out "immoral, unethical, duplicitous, self-aggrandizing, untrustworthy, Janus-faced jerks."

  31. will shay admit her sins to the lord or be tormented in the fires....good god dramatic much? souls of our departed? rofl. u guys r fucking retarded. i feel like i'm reading some 9th grade goth chick's loser poetry about how horrible her rich dad is making her life be.

  32. Objection! How dare you! You're full of (expletive deleted)!

  33. So wait, Shay went went to a bar after-hours with a designated driver, didn't bother anyone in the bar or the bartender, then let the designated driver drive her home, and some anti-Shay police officers tried to pressure the bartender into making incriminating statements against Shay? And the story here is that Shaylene was drinking? R U Kidding me? The story here is police corruption, oh and that Shaylene responsibly brought a DD with her when she went to drink.

  34. So wait, Shay went went to a bar after-hours with a designated driver, didn't bother anyone in the bar or the bartender, then let the designated driver drive her home, and some anti-Shay police officers tried to pressure the bartender into making incriminating statements against Shay? And the story here is that Shaylene was drinking? R U Kidding me? The story here is police corruption, oh and that Shaylene responsibly brought a DD with her when she went to drink.

  35. Good for Shay. Glad to hear she's a responsible drinker.

  36. I don't see anything about the bartender being pressured by the officer. Why is that corrupt? Did they tell him to lie or falsify the report?

  37. Who does he have to fear? KPD, prosecutor?

    1. Both because some of the retaliating will come from the GOB. To keep their kind of order they will use anybody they can to get this guy. It's a sad fact but the criminals are on both sides of the fence on Kauai.

    2. All you have to do is ask Debra Morel what the GoB did to her and her reasons why she believes they protected carl ritchie.

  38. It's too convoluted.


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