Thursday, August 30, 2012

Musings: Public Lands and Money

Lots of folks are buzzing about the meeting of the Public Land Development Corp. — an agency created to spur private development of public lands — set for 6 p.m. tomorrow at Wilcox School.

Though the meeting is technically about approving the rules that will govern the new agency, which has tremendous power to circumvent existing regulatory processes, people are taking advantage of the meeting to express disapproval of the entire concept.

One group is circulating a petition asking Gov. Abercrombie and the state Legislature to repeal Act 55, which created the agency.

A lot of folks seem unclear about what the PLDC is, and what these statewide meetings are about. If you're looking for some background, here's a link to an article I did last year, as the agency was becoming established:

Donna Wong, director of Hawaii's Thousand Friends: [I]t’s clear the intent of Act 55 is to cut through all red tape.”

And that includes exempting private developments pursued under the PLDC from state and county land use designations, zoning ordinances and building codes, including the need for general contractors.

[Arnie] Saiki and others are also concerned about how PLDC activities might affect the so-called “ceded” lands–thousands of acres transferred into US control following the 1893 illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy.

Land that the [Hawaii] Supreme Court said cannot be sold will be up for these long-term leases and sweetheart deals,” Townsend says. “That seems really immoral to me.”

As I blogged last year:

The bill passed with very little public attention, but I wasn't concerned until I watched the video of the legislative briefing held by Sens. Malama Solomon and Donovan Dela Cruz, who spearheaded the bill. They were pretty much licking their chops as they spoke about using the PLDC to create density around high-speed rail stations and spark the development of state harbors, rural areas and geothermal energy. It became clear that they, and likely other lawmakers and their developer cronies, have their pet projects that will be pushed right through.

And here's a link to a piece I wrote last week for Honolulu Weekly on the current round of public meetings about PLDC rules (click on the links to draft rule documents):

Under the draft rules, the PLDC would be allowed to “optimize and develop projects” either on its own, or with a private developer. Eligible projects include those that “make optimal use of public land,” generating “a consistent and sustainable source of revenue for the State.”

Counties may be required to pay for infrastructure associated with PLDC projects, under the rules.

In other news, The Garden Island today has a story on Erin Wilson's EEOC settlement from the county, which includes Jake Delaplane, first deputy prosecutor, claiming that Erin's press release “contained inaccuracies and lies.”

Jake then goes on to reiterate the same statement that his boss, Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, told Civil Beat: “Despite our numerous requests, the County Attorney’s Office has failed to provide the OPA with any information regarding monetary settlements,” he said.

Both Shay and Jake also claimed the first they'd heard of the settlement totals was when Justin Kollar mentioned them during last week's debate.

So I asked County spokeswoman Beth Tokioka whether that was true, and got this response:

Department Heads are notified of EEOC complaints, any investigations, and ultimately if and when a settlement is reached. The departments are then notified of  the terms and conditions of any settlements once they are finalized, and any corrective or remedial actions required of the department(s).  Please note that not all pending EEOC settlements against the Prosecutor’s Office have been finalized.

Erin's settlement is finalized, so Shay and Jake were told about it, even though they are claiming they were not. They also were told of the settlements given to two other women in their office. Another EEOC complaint against OPA involving racial discrimination has not been finalized, although the settlement amount has been determined.

I also asked Beth just how many EEOC complaints have been made against the county in the past four years and how much they have cost the county.

I learned there have been a total of six complaints made in that time period, for a settlement total of $548,000. The settlements were paid from the general fund, not insurance, so the county's premiums were not affected.

We already know four of the complaints involved the Office of Prosecuting Attorney (OPA), for a total of $223,000. Though Beth said terms of the settlements precluded her from revealing more information, I previously learned the other two settlements involved the Planning Department and County Clerk/Council Services, for a total of $325,000.

So of the 19 county agencies, 16 have managed to avoid any EEOC complaints, two have gotten one each and the OPA — has gotten four. All of the complaints were filed by women.

I also asked for comment on the Jake/Shay statement that the county is settling these claims to make OPA look bad instead of taking them to court, and got this statement from Beth:

Each complaint is reviewed and assessed on a case by case basis, with the appropriate action taken given the particular set of facts and circumstances.  EEOC complaints are not law suits, and as such are not resolved in the courts.


  1. How ridicules for OPA to claim they were unaware of settlements that require Council action with two of OPA's best friends on the Council. Typical to disparage Wilson even after the settlement and continue to attack Castillo. Jake knows that the Castillo is not a decision maker on these claims.

  2. Oh when will it ever end? Looking forward to November!

  3. And those posters did NOT come down immediately after they were complained about. They stayed up for MONTHS after.

  4. Those posters have been up from the previous administration and they aren't even posters, there comics. E.W. was never subjected to them. She had to go out of her way to read them. It's not like they were in her face or in her cubicle. Further more, did she even ask the owner to kindly remove them? I'm sure they would've complied.
    I dunno, just seems like an easy way to get $75 grand... just wrong...

  5. It does not make any difference if it was a poster or a comic....if it was just put up or up for months. It is the responsibility of the mucky mucks to make sure this crap is not displayed.

  6. If these fools were in a private sector their buttocks would have been discharged. Open a can of whoop ass on these turds and vote them out of office in November. Half a million dollars towards settlements, what do the county think we are madoff of money. Fire these people already!

  7. beth Tokioka's statement is suspect. If the OPA got notice why didn't Beth say they got notice?

  8. How could you possibly read Tokioka's statement as her not saying that OPA got notice? That seems pretty clear, unless you think Shay is not the "Department Head" at OPA

  9. Erin Wilson asking OPA administration to have those posters taken down should have been enough. She does not need to ask the owner of the posters to take them down. Maybe OPA leaders - Shay and Jake - didn't have the courage to ask the owner of the posters to take them down? 23 years of experience yet Shaylene can't even abide by basic EEOC laws!

  10. Sounds like what Beth spouted was "policy" -- as in "suppose to" happen? I'm going with Shay on this one because there's no mileage admitting that you got blindsided by anyone. If the cty atty has docs that disclose settlement $, then prove it. But this is sounding more and more like a vendetta by one atty against another. Note: none of the above condones racism. Just saying - there may be more truth to the politics behind this that walter lewis alluded to in his recent article.

  11. It's amazing that there are sympathizers/apologists for the OPA failing to address a complaint, leading to a settlement. Apparently a lot of you neglect to read the EEOC posters in your workplace. Poster/comic/facebook memes are also possible channels of sexual harassment. As the EEOC website defines it: "Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted)."

  12. here's the website

  13. If it were only one case, than perhaps it could be attributed to misunderstanding or miscommunication but 4 seperate cases denotes a pattern and raises a red flag. Shay supporters refuse to acknowledge this.

  14. It's not only a pattern of abuse, it's what you would call a Serial Harasser. It's a liability for the county of Kauai to have a creator of a hostile work environment, one who suffers from mania, and has a personality similar of a rapist, murderer, or serial killer.

    The supporters of this workplace BULLY in the OPA are like little children that are scared to go up against the BIG BAD BULLY, in fear of retalliation so they pretend to be friends and supporters until a principal comes and then they all start crying like little babies and start pointing fingers.

  15. Silly fools backing Shay, please note how the EEOC law works.

    It doesn't matter how long an offensive poster was up. It matters how long it was up AFTER a complaint about it was made. Duh.

    Shay was the boss. Even a moron should be able to recognize those posters are simply not acceptable in this day and age. Apparently, Shay isn't up to the job.

  16. It was scary listening to Derek Kawakami on KKCR radio yesterday......his lack of knowledge about Act 55 and its ramifications... yet his support for it.

    Is he also a developers' shill? Or is his knowledge just nil?

    Dr Shibai

  17. I deleted the link to the complaint because it contains personal information about Erin and her family that should have been redacted, and it is not the amended complaint that reflects her full concerns.

  18. The Council votes on these settlements.

    And for Margery Bronster to take this case, well.....

  19. A majority of the council is required before each of these settlements is approved. The County Attorney does not have the power to approve them.

  20. Yes, I deleted those comments about a deputy prosecutor because I didn't think it was appropriate for OPA administrators to be revealing confidential information about one of their employees.

  21. Baseless accusations now Joan? Since when were you able to decript the identity of "anonymous?" Or even pseudonyms?

    I know if you could, you'd have learned who I was a long time ago.

  22. TO: ugust 31, 2012 8:02 AM

    I agree and I felt exactly the same way about Derek Kawakami but then this wasnʻt the first time I wanted to gag listening to his crap.
    Heʻs in his own world. Derekland.

    And the only way a slug like Kouchi could be in office is by default.

  23. Tough economic times make for bad long term decisions.

  24. I have to laugh whenever I read about the "illegal overthrow" of the Hawaiian Kingdom. I'm sure the government of Eygpt recently deposed in favor of a more democratic system would also claim they were illegally overthrown. In fact any government change not done by democratic means would be called illegal by the losers. At the end of the day what does it matter? Who in their right mind would trade the government we have for an ethnocentric monarchy? Being that any government to be legitimate needs the consent of the governed and that a huge majority of Hawaii's citizens voted for Statehood i'd say the case is closed. Of course some people are whiners and prefer to wear the cloak of victimhood rather than look to building a better future for themselves and their offspring.

  25. The Egyptian government was overthrown by Egyptians, dumbass.

  26. Right and the Hawaiian Kingdom was overthrown by the citizens of Hawaii. Who is the idiot?

  27. You mean the white guys born on the mainland?

  28. So you think that how long someone lives in a place should dictate their rights or how a government should treat them? And of course the "white guys" part of the comment. I figured we'd get here quickly. I classify this type of thinking as Racist spew from promoters of the native Hawaiian victimhood mythology.
    Stop living in the past. Get over it and move on. Time to surf. I'm outta here. Have a nice day!

  29. wow. pure ignorance. white people decimated the hawaiian people. didn't just overthrow their government, they wiped them out. Now the few remaining hawaiians left in the world have a grudge against the white people that caused their destruction, and you call it racism? ur damn right it's racism. It's justified racism. u think, well i didn't do anything wrong, it was a bunch of dead white guys a hundred years ago. Well yea, and guess what, they're not around to blame anymore. you are. and your attitude makes it real easy. we stand on the shoulders of our fathers, and their fathers before them, and you must through your actions and attitude pay for their sins.

  30. After the Egyptians toppled Mubarak, Egypt was still a sovereign nation, unlike Hawaii, which was annexed by the US. See the difference, dumbass?

  31. I like your intelligence. You clarified to the dumbass really well. Terrific examples.

  32. "Justified Racism" now there is a pathetic attempt to justify your sickness and anger. My relatives were nowhere near North America a 100 or so years ago. Your "collective guilt" philosophy is morally bankrupt. Very sad that Kauai a place of such physical beauty is one of the last bastions of unabashed racism in America. You never did reply to my comment about consent of the governed which is really the issue. Nobody but dead end stuck in the past losers care about your lost kingdom. Get a life.


    Uh Oh, somebody has a different spin than you have.

  34. Racism is dehumanizing and it sucks to be the victim.

    1. I've experienced racial discrimination in the work place by white people in the continental United States, it really sucks but you have to stand up for yourself and gather evidence to support your EEO complaint. I did and people lost their jobs and I was retaliated aganst but for some reason I felt empowered and protected from the evil doers because of these laws and prayers to God.

      When local people racially discriminate against white people it's bad but when white people on Kauai discriminate against other white folks now that's really messed up.

  35. According to Civil Beat, “[t]he EEOC did not find cause in Wilson's complaint, but the county agreed to a $75,000 settlement.”

    Why did the county agree to settle when the EEOC said there was no case???

  36. " Anonymous said...

    Uh Oh, somebody has a different spin than you have.

    September 1, 2012 7:10 PM"

    Of course, it's Charley Foster who works for the OPA.

  37. "Of course, it's Charley Foster who works for the OPA."

    I find that when Joan and Charley have written about the same thing, he is usually able to add some relevant information that she has withheld. that seems to hold true yet again in this case.

  38. should call it "The White Face of Opposition to Shaylene". Joan Conrow, Andy Parx, Tim Bynum, Erin Wilson. They ruining the island allright with their white supremacy.

  39. Yeah, Charley's getting paid good money to spin stories for Shaylene. And let's turn this into a race issue, because the EEOC needs more cases to investigate. Maybe Shaylene can hit the half million target.

  40. Erin Wilson turned it into a race issue. Its unusual for Joan to take a white persons side against a Hawaiians. Usually she would sympathize with the guy with the Hawaiian name complaining about white people.

  41. If Erin was the only EEOC complaint the blame the victim defense might have some merit. However this is just one if four, count them, four. All of which required at leaste a majority of the Council to approve. Those votes should be public record. Why are they hidden? How did Mel and KipuKai vote? The people of Kauai should know!

  42. Of course the county counsel voted to approve. Don't you read the news?

    Even with a stable of experienced litigators on staff in the Office of the County Attorney, the office’s leader said it is sometimes more prudent to quietly settle a case than risk an expensive, protracted, public court trial. 
    While some may see settling as a coward’s way out, the fact remains that settling versus litigating in most cases saves taxpayer money, said Al Castillo, county attorney. 
    If it weren’t for financial concerns, he said he would rather take every case against the county to trial. 
    “But this is not our money, this is the money of the people of Kaua‘i,” Castillo said in an exclusive interview with The Garden Island.

    One of the concerns residents have brought up is the sum of settlements, which can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars (see the related story above). A lot of times, however, it is cheaper for the county to settle than to fight a case, he said. 
    Castillo said that just to go through the discovery (document-production and fact-finding) process of a case, if the county hires outside counsel, it may cost $250,000. Going to trial may result in that cost doubling.

  43. Kollar and his surrogates have to run a negative campaign of manufactured controversies because they have nothing positive to run on. Kollar has 18 months as a prosecutor and no experience as a manager. He would be a disaster.

  44. There is a rumor making the rounds that Charles Foster just got or is about to get a very large (over $20,000) pay increase in salary at Kauai OPA. If true, I would think that would relevant to whether citizens should believe his spin. So is it true Mr. Foster? And how long have you been working there?

  45. A new low, even for Charley Foster.

    1. Charley Foster is like that kid that never fit in, in any click and was a hermit. Until one day he did a favor for the local delinquents and now he is the flavor of the month. He'll be walking on egg shells for awhile until the wicked gets tired of his services.

      This reminds me of the story about the queen that murdered all the young beautiful virgins and bathe in their blood. Her accomplices were loyal till the end, the King finally came down and brought law and order to her SICK world.

  46. Anything is better than Shayme right now. I would rather have Sandusky be our PA instead of Shayme and her Gang of misfits.

  47. If Erin was let go for lack of work, what is the reason Shaylene is asking for a new victim witness position? Is it is because of the news that they may be releasing a lot of prisoners? Exaclty how many prisoners are from Kauai? Surely it cannot be enough to justify a new position just to make notifications?

  48. First time offenders for minor property offenses do not get jail and can even get their records wiped clean with what is called a Deferral Plea.
    So what was the reason we needed Pohaku?

    1. Exactly and everyone in this judicial community knows this. It's not for those people or people that are not connected to the organizd criminal families. POHAKU was created to protect the relatives and friends of this powerful group and that's why Shayme and Jake are hiding the information of the people and the records of the people who participated in the corrupt pohaku program. They are really afraid of the FEDS getting hold of this info.

  49. Hilario will walk because he is in Shaymes pohaku program

  50. "If Erin was let go for lack of work, what is the reason Shaylene is asking for a new victim witness position? "

    It looks like the reason is the state is GIVING the counties new victim witness positions. You should read some other local blogs to get more complete information.

    1. She didnt like the haole girl and she was helping kipu's campaign manager get some free cheese for helping kipu get on the council to wrec havoc with Mel and support Shayme during these times of corruption.

  51. "POHAKU was created to protect the relatives and friends of this powerful group"

    This is what passes for thoughtful discourse on this blog.

    1. You forgot to add that that is the reason Shayme and Jake will not release any records of the pohaku program.

      It's surely looks like they are hiding something by refusing to answer questions and bring forth true and accurate records of the pohaku program.

      So far what has been put out on this blog has been proven correct. The spin tactics of the power group is losing steam.

  52. she complained that somebody playing a Madonna song was sexual harassment. Fishing for reasons to sue, maybe?

  53. Kauai better hope that Jake and Charley are double agents because if they are not then some serious doubting has to cast in ..... and you know what.....

  54. 12:37. Why would you believe anything that Shay's little lapdog writes? Boy are you gullible -- or just grasping at straws.

  55. Whenever anything goes wrong it's always everyone's fault but Shay's.

  56. Anyone at this point would be a improvement for Prosecuting attorney. Even if it's Pee Wee Herman himself, I'd VOTE for him than vote for Shaylene the ring leader.

  57. I don't think Shay had any managerial experience prior to running unopposed for Prosecutor. 4 EEOC complaints obviously shows that she has no managerial skills. Regardless of how some of you feel about the woman who complained about those cartoon sheets of paper,those postings don't belong in an office. Any office. They're offensive and inappropriate.

  58. I watch the Council meetings on TV. Mel and Kipu always back Shay up. Mel fights tooth and nail for her.
    @10:47PM If Charley Foster is writing comments about the EEOC complaints, was he even working at OPA when all this went down? 9:56AM seems to think he's getting a $20,000 pay raise that he hasn't earned yet because he hasn't been there long enough. Shay throwing more taxpayers' money around. At any rate, why is Mr. Foster speaking of stuff he has no firsthand experience about? Unless he's being fed information and being told what to say?

  59. Is everybody ready to vote?

  60. MSNBC Dateline should do a show on the Shayme Disease.

    1. And all those who are infected should be put on the lepers island and take their disease carcasses and criminal family members with them. Protect and Defend Kauai.

  61. Kawakami, Kouchi, and Tokioka will ruin Kauai. PLDC and Hawaii Act 55 was voted for by these sell outs. We need to get rid of these kamakazis, Impeach them or Vote them out asap!

  62. "why is Mr. Foster speaking of stuff he has no firsthand experience about?"

    Didn't he say straight out that he was writing from news stories? And if that's how you feel about it, then you must be really mad that Joan is equally speaking of stuff she has no firsthand experience about. Do you think before you write?

  63. Justin actually has business management experience and attorney management experience... unlike Shay who had zero management experience when she won her unopposed race. Maybe the truth IS out there!

  64. Justin actually has business management experience and attorney management experience"


  65. Tracy was an experienced and well respected attorney. She worked part time at OPA for many years doing Appeals and forfeitures. Shaylene forced her out by telling Tracy she must work full time to help in court, knowing Tracy could not work full time due to other obligations. Tracy left, and Shaylene hired Charlie Foster to replace her. Charlie works full time doing appeals but does not go to court. What does Charlie do with the other half of his time? Press releases and blogging? He already told us he is not the only person who does press releases (of course we already knew that was Jacob), so what does Charlie also do, and does it justify his six figure salary? If he just got a large pay raise as was claimed that surely would have him loving his job and his boss right about now. Full disclosure should have mentioned that as well Charlie. And Charlies blog is done with the approval and blessing of Shaylene right? Does that make it Shaylene's blog?

  66. Ask yourself in November, what is more important?

    Experience or Integrity.

  67. it's actually pretty indisputably true that justin managed attorneys (FOR SHAYLENE, in fact) and worked as a manager in business before law school. on the other hand, shay had lets see... ZERO experience as a manager before being elected.

  68. Shaylene manages to get out of answering questions regarding the pohaku program.
    Shaylene manages to threatened KHS with quid pro quo bribe.
    Shaylene manages not to show up and ask for funding of a new crime witness couselor position in which she fired the person for lack of work and gave the funding to Kipu 's campaign manger in the ywca.
    Shaylene manages to retaliate against any and all who questions her.
    Shaylene manages to give a murder case to a rookie named jake when she has more experienced Deputy PA to work on capital crimes.
    Shaylene manages to drink and use county vehicles after work hours and everyone knows it but she gets away with it.
    Shaylene manages to get away with a lot of questionable ethical violations.
    Shaylene manages to give free tax payer monies to Mel the councilman.
    Shaylene manages to have 4 EEO complaints in the OPA setting a National record for abuse of power in a workplace.
    Shaylene is a manager alright!

  69. @ 8:45PM I do think before I write. Actually I failed to read before I wrote. I was surmising off someone else's blog entry here. I should have gone to the blog site referenced here before I commented.
    I have since gone to that blog site, found out it's Mr. Foster's, and I still surmise, Why is Mr. Foster putting his spin about stuff he's gathered via secondhand information? It appears that Joan has gone to Council meetings, quotes from the minutes thereof, and links actual documents. I'd say Joan's reporting is more credible than Foster's. But everyone's entitle to their opinion and free speech.

  70. Word at the courthouse is that Charley got a fat raise to be Shaylene's spin doctor. Something like $30 grand. He should be paid by her campaign instead of taxpayer money.

  71. Some people sell their souls cheap.

  72. Charley rarely mentioned Shaylene or the Prosecutor's office on his blog. After he gets hired, it's all about Shaylene and her office. Coincidence? And how can Shaylene justify paying Charley $100 grand to write press releases and blog? I thought he was a lawyer.

  73. Thereʻs nothing left on the carcass already. This is out of control and not healthy.

  74. Kawakami. Kouchi, Tokioka is Japans Last Samurai's, Hawaii is proud to wear the emperors robe.

  75. The duties Charley describes doing in the Charley/Shaylene blog were done by Tracy half time. Why does it take Charlie full time to do the same job? And Charley, when did you start doing forfeitures?

  76. Say it is not true Mr. Foster. You mean it takes you full time to do Tracy's job?

    And, yes please enlighten us. When did you start doing forfeitures (a job Tracy also managed to do in half the time)?

    Now are you starting to realize that perhaps you are being used?

  77. Half the lawyer at twice the price. Who said haoles get mistreated?

  78. If I remember correctly, this whole community was so taken by Charley Foster and what Charley Foster says and his take on issues was hailed as ʻthe wordʻ....
    you guys ought to make up your minds or is it because he works for Shaylene?
    Just asking and observing.

  79. My questions to Charley is did Shaylene or Jake ask you or at least encourage you to write the blog or make comments about the office or the complaint?

    Do you show your proposed comments to Shaylene or Jake before hand?

    Is Shaylene or Jake given the opportunity to edit your comments?

    What proposed comments for your blog have Shaylene or Jake changed?

    Are you posting some comments "anonymously" on this blog or your own blog?

  80. Women. Shay feels threatened by other women.

  81. 2:01 pm ..... do you really think that Charley is going to respond to your questions....though you do have good questions!

  82. 1:45 pm. You've got to be kidding. The community was never enthralled by Charley or his blog. He is a legend in his own mind. The only reason anyone is paying any attention to him now is he's such an obvious conduit for the Shayme party line.

    Of course he'scommenting anonymously. Who do you think left the link to his blog?

  83. Iʻm not kidding.
    A lot of you got suckered.

  84. One born every minute.

  85. Thank you, Joan, for unbraided the "lies and inaccuracies" made in statements by Iseri-Carvalho and Delaplane.

    These two have no shame--none whatsoever.

  86. If I remember correctly, this whole community was so taken by Charley Foster and what Charley Foster says and his take on issues was hailed as ʻthe wordʻ....
    Charlie has never been any where near having anyone other than his mother thinking his word meant anything. It was surprising when he went to work in Hempey's office, and not so surprising when he got a government job(where many of the islands shitty attorneys must work). If you ever thought he was on point or his word was God's , you my dear were the fool. But please , don't join the rest of us to your thinking and judgement.

  87. Shaylene and Jake are banking on the notion that Kauai people are fools and most are under educated or uneducated.

    If you have to kids and its report card time and one brings home and shows the report card to the parents whether it's good or bad grades, while the other comes up with excuses and says the teacher never gave the report card. The first thing the parent does is call the school and teacher and find out if the kid is telling the truth, if the kid is not then it's time to find out where is the report card and what are the reasons that the kid is hiding this document. After repeatedly lying the kid gives the report card and now the arent needs to discipline the lying bastard.

    The kid says its the teachers fault, its the admin fault, its the counselors fault, its the friends fault, and all this wouldnt happen if the kid didnt have shitty parents. The Kid request to go into the keiki pohaku program.

    It's time for the people of Kauai to recognize the dirty games that the PA is playing.

  88. Joan, where are you? Come back!

  89. TO; September 4, 2012 6:15 AM

    It is always helpful to actually read something before you jump in with both feet as you did to my post so as you donʻt look like the idiot you do.

    I NEVER agreed with anything that Foster character said and was deluged with criticism anytime I disputed him.
    But maybe you are one of the ones with the egg all over your face so you jump on me.

  90. Joan,
    When you get back from the Island of Maui, can you look into a disturbing story, if true, that recently (with elections nearing) Shaylene gave large pay raises to male DPAs who have been seen holding signs for her and going to her fundraisers, but Shaylene excluded a female DPA who did not.

    The story is that some of the male DPAs, with less experience and less serious assignments, are now making more money than the female DPA.

    Is it a coincidence that the same female DPA has now taken an extended leave of absence from OPA?

    I really hope this is not true. That would mean Kauai tax payers are about to dish out more money because of Shaylene's decisions. Auwe.

  91. Yes Joan. Please generate more phony controversy to feed your army of hate zombies.

  92. Joan: the people of Kauai deserve to know the truth about how our tax payer money is being spent. Seems like Shaylene thinks she is entitled to free money.

    Thank you for your brave reporting and fact-finding.

  93. Yes Joan, thank you for shilling for Al Castillo and Dan Hempey. Feed us more.

  94. Oh poor ting you with somebody holding a gun to your head and making you read

  95. I wonder if Shaylene would treat these female employees like this if it was her money being used to pay these settlements?

  96. Uh oh. Comment moderation. Some people must be trying to tell the truth here and Joanie doesn't like it.

  97. Shaylene Spin Doctors Charles and Jacob are very quiet about the news that Shaylene just gave huge raises to male DPAs who gave money or time to her campaign, while at the same time overlooking a female DPA who chose not to.
    Perhaps they too are in shock at the blatent audacity and sheer stupidity of a decision just made by Manager Shaylene that once again reeks of sexism and retaliation.
    EEOC, Hello!
    Then again, maybe they are just waiting for the other slipper to drop... . Auwe indeed.

  98. Dear Paranoid @ 5:47 -- comment moderation is always on for posts over six days old.

  99. Anonymous said...

    "I'm sure Jake fought tooth and nail to get the case tried before the election."

    September 8, 2012 1:53 PM

    Yes, Anonymous, that's my thinking, too.

    Prosecuting Attorney John Murphy's name is now appearing more frequently in court documents as one prosecuter to the Hilario Case.

    Heaven help Kauai if Iseri-Carvalho is re-elected as Prosecutor.

    This all the while, Hilario's thug associates, and some of his family members, on the outside, who possess illegal firearms, threatening to harm and/or kill witnesses and their family members.

    While others in KCC are threatening to kill anyone who is incarcerated, and who breathes a word or suggests that Hilario is guilty of murdering Mr. Moore.

    Witness Jens Kyler Kanakanikai Hansen-Loo of Anahola was refusing to be deposed; however, appeared to KCC to "visit" Vicente Hilario. Was Hansen-Loo's life being threatened by Hilario's family members and thugs? Did Hansen-Loo likely go silent in deposition out of the fear for his life and his family's safety?

    At this same time of Hansen-Loo's refused deposition, both, David Manaka and Angienora Crawford were deposed. Depositions conducted at KCC, with Hilario present.

    Then, Hansen-Loo met with Hilario's court appointed Oahu attorney, Keith Shigetome, in a public place in Kauai.

    NOW, almost 1.9 years later, AND after "visiting" Hilario in KCC, Jens Hanson-Loo announces that he observed Hilario's associate, David Manaka, who was part of murder conspiracy, as the person who held the gun in hand that killed Mr. Moore at the scene of the crime.

    The timing is suspicious. Was this timing around the gaining of gun powder residue results from Mainland which Shigetomi ordered? Was gun powder residue of the murder weapon found on, both, Hilario's and Makana's hands? What, now Makana will be accused of pulling the trigger?

    Are Manaka's and Crawford's lives being threatened by Hilario, too? Can forget about most witnesses' testimonies and depositions. Throw them out; they are useless.

    The truth is found on Hilario's hands. Five rounds from a hand gun? Residue imprint different from that of imprint from gun held after shooting crime as perhaps in Makana's case? Yes.

    Prosecutor John Murphy has moved a motion to have information be provided to Prosecutors related to Shigetomi's public meeting and "chat" with Hansen-Loo.

    Further motioned is that the Prosecutor is provided the results from Mainland gun powder residual test results which Shigetomi obtained. Prosecutor Murphy has moved a motion to have Shigetome dismissed as Hilario's defense counsel.

    Desparately required is swift prosecutorial action to ensure all witnesses are protected.

    Hilario, and his thugs in KCC and on the outside, are wreaking havoc by threatening to kill and silence witnesses as Mr. Moore was silenced. Hilario continues to act embolden.

    Place these witnesses in State Protective Custody before another witness is murdered by Hilario's orchestrations.

    Delaplane is quoted to state that Iseri-Carvalho and he are "of course" concerned about the safety of witnesses in the Hilario murder case. Who believes this?

    God help these witnesses in the Hilario murder trial. Witnesses are subpeoned by the courts for depositions and testimonies. If witnesses fail to appear, they can be slapped with CONTEMPT OF COURT, and a bench warrant may be issued for their arrest.

    Hilario continues to threaten the lives of witnesses and other innocent people, and orchestates retaliations/intimidations as he is, because he can.


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