Friday, September 7, 2012

Musings: Local by Injection

Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho's dirty laundry is finally being aired in the statewide mainstream media, with Honolulu newspapers and TV stations, Civil Beat and even The Garden Island covering the EEOC racism finding I reported yesterday.

Shay, in turn, is blaming it all on an election year conspiracy perpetrated by County Attorney Al Castillo.

I had a chance to chat yesterday afternoon with former deputy prosecuting attorney Shannon Weigel, who revealed what prompted her to file a complaint of racially-based harassment against Shay.

Things got off to a rocky start when Shannon and her then-boyfriend — both recent Boston law school graduates studying for the bar exam in Hawaii — were recruited by a former law school classmate to work in the Kauai Office of Prosecuting Attorney (OPA). They were both officially hired in 2009 and moved to Kauai to start work when Shay announced the boyfriend's position no longer existed and he would not have a job at the OPA after all.

Shannon did begin her new position, but said it “started to get a little weird” when Shay “started making comments about me being a haole. She said I needed to show I was serious about being assimilated into the Hawaiian culture.”

Shannon says that Shay got more direct at an OPA party, telling Shannon and another white attorney from the mainland that “we needed to be more like my friend [the law school classmate], who was dating a local boy. She said it looked better to the community if we had these inter-racial relationships, instead of like haoles from the mainland. That was kind of weird."

After that, Shannon says she rarely saw or spoke to Shay, who was frequently out of the office. “My case load was so high because we were so short-staffed that I was working 70 to 80 hours a week and coming in on Sundays. She never talked to me, never cared what I was doing. When I did see her, she was always making rude comments, like before an office potluck, she asked me what I was going to bring, was it going to be mainland food, or some edible Hawaiian food.

“It was very discouraging working for someone who made these kinds of comments and couldn't care less for you, even though you were working hard. I had no support and no training.”

[As an aside, Shay apparently spent much of the OPA training budget to finance her own extensive travels on the job. I'll be delving into her travel expenditures in a future post.]

Meanwhile, Shannon's boyfriend was struggling to find steady legal work on Kauai. He was doing contract work for private attorneys and got two cases through court appointments, Shannon says, “but Shay fought this. She didn't want him to have any other cases on the island.” The boyfriend even volunteered at the OPA in hopes of getting a job, but Shay put a stop to that after a week or so.

Shannon says that Shay finally sent an email to the attorney friend who had recruited her, saying “Shannon has to figure this out: either break up with her boyfriend or quit. That was the ultimatum she gave to me in early February. She said it would be a conflict if I was working there and he [the boyfriend] was taking any cases on Kauai.”

In the email, Shay said the issue needed to decided that day and scheduled a meeting for noon, but kept pushing it back until the end of the day, Shannon says. During the hour-long meeting, Shannon and her friend went through every possible scenario, trying to get Shay to explain how the relationship constituted a conflict.

“But she wasn't going for it," Shannon says. "For her, it was my way or the highway. I told her I felt she'd singled us out. The judges didn't have a problem with us, other attorneys didn't have a problem with us. There are so many people [in the judiciary] who are related to one another, dating, married. It's very common in this small community. But she never changed her mind about anything. So I left the office that day. It was really upsetting.”

“I was totally bewildered by the whole thing. I was thinking, I can't believe this lady is doing this to me. It's so wrong on so many levels. I don't know what I did to her. I liked it there and got along with everyone else. I was told I was doing a good job. It was definitely something she had against the guy I was dating. There weren't that many Caucasians working there at the time and they all had issues with her, so it's definitely a pattern.”

Unable to find work on Kauai, and with Shay fighting her unemployment claim, Shannon moved to her home state of Colorado, where she had to study for and pass another bar exam. She said it was difficult applying for jobs because she had no reference from Shay and it was awkward to explain the circumstances that led to her leaving her previous post.

“I wanted to be a career prosecutor,” Shannon says. “It was really hard for me from the time I left that office to where I am now. It took 14 months for me to get a job.”  She and her boyfriend, who remained on Kauai, also broke up.

Shannon says she initially “thought of letting it go and moving on, but maybe because I went to law school, I have this whole principle thing going on. That was just really wrong what she did. She shouldn't be allowed to do that to anyone else. And she's never held accountable for it? I wanted something to be done so it wouldn't happen again, or at least so it would be deterred. Of all people, that's someone who should not be acting that way. ”

Shannon says it took two years for the case to be resolved. “Shay declined mediation in my case so they [EEOC] kept the investigation open. I didn't know if it was going to go anywhere, but then they [EEOC] made the finding [of cause] two months ago, and after that, the county was eager to settle."

Shannon negotiated for a settlement of $120,000.  "I'm sure I could have gotten more if I'd filed a civil suit, but it wasn't about the money. I wanted her [Shay] to be held responsible, finally, or show a little remorse at least. Maybe through these [EEOC training] classes the county has to go through it will increase a little awareness.”

When asked if she'd gotten an apology from Shay, Shannon laughed.

“God, no. Absolutely no. She fought it every step of the way, denying it, saying I was fired for talking back to her or something. I just wish she would stop treating people that way. That was the main reason I filed this complaint. She never thinks she's ever in the wrong.”


  1. When is Shay going to spare herself and us more embarrassment by resigning?

  2. I can't understand why Renae Hamilton of the YWCA is supporting a candidate who discriminates against women. is it for the money that Shay gives the Y?

  3. I cannot believe the sheer audacity of Shaylene. There is absolutely NO room for that kind of attitude in ANY position of responsibility, public or not. And, I'm with Shannon in that the OPA is perhaps the last place you would expect to experience that sort of illegal behavior...but then, I'm in the middle of filing a similar claim against a national organization that virtually everyone, including myself, would have considered to be a "least likely" place to experience such abject bigotry. When you confront it, you have to stand up to it, or they'll keep on doing it with or not. Mahalo, Joan, for staying on this.

  4. attractive women don't fare as well as admiring yes men.

  5. Now it's time to clean up all the corruption on Kauai. It starts with the Judicial system, the syndicate cops, the dirty judges, the corrupt deputy prosecuting attorneys, the attorneys that are friends and commit the same crimes, the whole system is corrupt because they are apart of a cabal.

    Weigel even states how they all are dating and intermingle, its a cosa nostra. If you ever seen the movie american gangster starring denzel then you'd understand how Kauai's paradigm is built. The FEDS needs to take down Kauai's Crime Inc and it starts witht the OPA and the Pohaku "friends and family get out of jail" and commit more crimes program.

  6. Shannon Weigel is very brave to publicly stand up to Shaylene. Thank you Shannon! -From a former OPA employee and a Kauai resident.

    1. Yeah you was probably apart of the dirty corrupt DeCosta Regime.

  7. If the rumors about Shay and Rabozo are true, is that part of the "gotta hump a local" program?

    1. If the rumors are true, then who else is involved in the Moore murder.

  8. It kinds of makes most people uncomfortable to talk about Kauai's dirty laundry but challenging the status quo is the only way to create positive change. Kudos to Ms. Weigel for standing up for her rights and thus for all of our rights.

  9. Is the PA auditioning for white educated mainland thetans to be welfare checks for Kauai locals? Tom cruise would approve of this kinds of practice in scientology cults.

    I didn't know the OPA is in cahoots with the film and television industry to start a show on match making dating service on Kauai. Patti Stanger is gonna be pissed that Sue Kanoho did not contact her and the county will face another procurement violation courtesy of the OPA once again.

    These inbreds need to all see Dr phil or Dr Drew as soon as possible. Dickie must be pissed that Oprah is no longer on prime time, who is he gonna quote now.

  10. Ms. Weigel should be given the KEY to Kauai, for her bravery casts a light on the shadow of doubt.

  11. Shay got to go! Shay no pono!

  12. How come our local leaders are not standing up calling for Shay to step down? JoAnn and Tim speak up and take the innuendo and outright abuse. We know who's pocket Mel and kipu are in. Where is the Mayor?, Nadine?, Dickey? Jay who has an opinion about everything else? Members of the Bar? Come on speak up! All evil needs to succeed is good women and men to stay silent. Where are all the good women and men?

  13. they don't say nothin because they know its all about Al wanting to run the opa and they no want that.

    If you want Al running the OPA, vote Kollar.

  14. [As an aside, Shay apparently spent much of the OPA training budget to finance her own extensive travels on the job. I'll be delving into her travel expenditures in a future post.]

    Looking forward to your reporting on this. Soon, I hope!

  15. Many members of the bar are backing Justin Kollar.

  16. Racism is not something that can be trained away. Its ingrained. She may be a smart lawyer but she is no manager, no leader. She brings shame to Kaua'i but she's so full of herself that she thinks she's the victim and everyone else is setting her up for a fall. So she has political enemies but hey that's the name of the game. If you have dirt to hide than you have reason to fear, because your political enemies will bring that out into the light of day. I don't necessarily want Bernard/Al's political ally in office but shit its the only alternative choice we have.

  17. Aside from Charley and Jake who are desperately sending out resumes......

  18. Anonymous said...

    attractive women don't fare as well as admiring yes men.

    September 7, 2012 11:13 AM

    I donʻt get it.The boyfriend had to leave, the girlfriend stayed.
    I am really trying to see the evil here but ao far all Iʻve seen is he say she say.
    Where is the evidence?
    Please donʻt tell me because the county settled.

  19. Anonymous said...

    Shannon Weigel is very brave to publicly stand up to Shaylene. Thank you Shannon! -From a former OPA employee and a Kauai resident.

    September 7, 2012 11:49 AM

    Bad economy, $120,000 - eh not so brave.

  20. Anonymous said...

    they don't say nothin because they know its all about Al wanting to run the opa and they no want that.

    If you want Al running the OPA, vote Kollar.

    September 7, 2012 4:38 PM

    WOwza. That was heavy. Is this where itʻs going?
    You guys so against Shaylene really think Costillo is good???? Is that what Iʻm hearing?

    And De costa is a piece of work.

  21. So kauai taxpayers are paying this woman over 100,0000 cause Al is worried the county would lose in court for Shaylene suggesting a local boyfriend. Was she yreating this woman as a friend and giving her insight or i don't get it. These crimes seem so manini.

  22. 5:57 AM -- You think telling someone to either dump their haole boyfriend or quit their job is being a friend? Wow. Would hate to see what you consider an enemy.

  23. "How come our local leaders are not standing up calling for Shay to step down?"

    Why isn't the yWCA saying anything? Aren't they supposed to be against racism and for women?

    1. YWCA has people who report to the syndicates that run drugs in low income government housing.

  24. What's the problem? So the prosecutor has no regard for the law? Who cares if the EEOC makes findings that Shay harassed the woman because of her race or that she could use their findings in court? Shay could have Jake and Charley represent her and they would crush the women in court. Combined, the two of them must have tried 3 or 4 cases and they make more than $100,000 each. That is proof that Shay is not a bigot. She believes in affirmative action for white men.

  25. And don't think that their salaries are not money well spent. I hear that Jake is one helluva designated driver and Charley's press releases are Kafkaesque.

  26. She should be fired and held accountable for the $$. How can a prejudiced prosecutor prosecute un-prejudiced?

    She needs to be removed form her position ASAP and not allowed to run.

    This has to STOP! Pau Ku.

  27. Don't vote for her if you want her fired.

  28. For those of you who think Shay's last discrimination case seems petty....rethink, as it is a sign of a larger systemic problem she is having trying to be a manger of an important governmental agency.

  29. We need to vote KipuKai out as well! He is a disgrace and he is nothing but a puppet for Shayme! I used to be his biggest supporter until his arrogance came out as soon as he came on the council. Ha'a Ha'a???? What a joke. Arrogant and corrupt!

  30. It is becoming increasingly apparent this is a white manʻs blog.
    Iʻve been waiting to hear something other than what a couple of lawsuit opportunists and an inept county attorney will provide as damning evidence and it has not been forthcoming.
    Premise, conjecture, insult, character not make the case here.
    The case is being made for hatred though and maybe Mr. Bynumʻs ability to sow seeds of mis-directed suspicion is what is behind it all. I bet he really enjoys this ranting dribble.
    If this is the most intelligent debate that can be had then everyone probably deserves whatever they get from elected officials.

  31. Excellent work, Joan! Thank you for your tireless efforts.

    And, who is endorsing Iseri-Carvalho? SHOPO? Who else?

    Will SHOPO's endorsement now be withdrawn? It is in this organization's best interest to do so. Shay is like the Bubonic Plague these days.

    I've witnessed Jake Delaplane laughing in the face of victims, and whispering to his side kick as a female victim walked past him.

    Delaplane has sealed his future, basking in the abused power of Shaylene, believing he is untouchable and lining his now deep pockets Shaylene built for him.

    I think it is well that all the victims, who Delaplane has harmed, follow his steps professionally, and provide copies of the many court docs/newspaper stories to Delaplane's exposed involvement with Shay.

    Also, out of ethical obligations, any attorneys (who are under oath) who are aware of Delaplane's professional movement, report his misconduct accordingly to the appropriate boards and legal outfits.

    Delaplane and Shaylene have proven unequivocally unfit to serve any justice system.

    With the history Delaplane has laid for himself, no respectable legal outfit would ever touch Delaplane, not with a 10 foot pole.

    In the end, justice will be served when Delaplane and Shay are seen removed from positions as attorney for good, and selling Hulu Hulu Chicken on the roadside of Anahola...because this is "politically correct" local food.

    Once Shay and Delaplane are removed from the OPA, prosecuting attorneys can serve up good ole American potatoe salad next to sauteed mushrooms and Saimin.

    Hmm, Isn't Pennsylvania is the mushroom capital of the USA?

    Gosh, isn't Justin Kollar from Pennsylvania? How 'bout that.

  32. 10:47 AM It is often hard for people to see in others behavior they deny in themselves. Your comments show you to be a bigot so it's not surprising you can't see it in Shay. Just like how you make hateful remarks and engage in character assassination and ranting dribble and then claim others are doing that.

    Hold up a mirror, if you dare.

  33. She did appoint an inexperienced, incompetent imbecile to be the first deputy, and the guy is white, so she can't be a bigot. Plus, she gave Charley Foster a job writing press releases and blogging, so she has that going for her.

  34. 10:47 am.....don't assume color or lack of, behind the blogs.

  35. Hulu hulu Chicken. That's amusing.

    Renae Hamilton, Director of YWCA, endorses Shaylene? Is that true?

    "Anonymous said...

    If the rumors are true, then who else is involved in the Moore murder."

    September 7, 2012 1:51 PM

    Hello Anonymous,

    Will you please elaborate? What romurs to the Moore murder?

    What is happening with the Hilario murder case? Isn't it coming to trial very soon?

  36. Renae Hamilton, Director of YWCA, endorses Shaylene? Is that true?

    Yes. Sad but true.

  37. When status quo confronts social progress there are bound to be conflicts. On Kauai it seems some old-timers cling more to power than good governing principles. They really need to get better at honest political debate and spend less energy on destroying their opponents. Sometimes the opponents fight back.

  38. Social progress? I'm as offended by what Shay did as the next guy, but Kauai being overrun by mainlanders hardly qualifies as progress.

  39. The sheer level of Shay's arrogance is beyond belief. She promotes local culture yet she is clueless about Hawaiian values of pono and aloha. How does one force a single mother raising a small child back to the mainland after she made the expensive move here 4 months previously? How does she force unemployment on another white female attorney, refuses to allow her to collect UI insurance, all because she wants the attorney to dump her white boyfriend? Shay has this holier than tho I know better than you arrogance that alienates rather than collaborates with others. I can't believe the stupidity of her remarks and how she thought she was above reproach. BTW, I'm local born and raised Hawaiian, and Shay makes me cringe in shame. Auwe!!!!

  40. Hilario trial (for Aureo Moore's death) is scheduled for January 7. It has been continued numerous times.

  41. Hilario trial (for Aureo Moore's death) is scheduled for January 7. It has been continued numerous times.

    At the request of the defense.

  42. I'm sure Jake fought tooth and nail to get the case tried before the election.

    1. Can you find a more despicable attorney or person than Jake, must be SHAYME when he you look yourself in the mirror.

      Criminal Tide in the OPA

  43. Who's the boyfriend?

  44. I, for one, will no longer support any organization who supports Shay. By association, a supporter of Shay is a supporter of racism, hate and bigotry.

  45. I don't think the YWCA or SHOPO are racist organizations. Their leaders just made bad decisions.

  46. Why is Al Castillo allowed to represent the prosecutors office when he obviously will stop at nothing to get his boy Kollar installed there? He should be investigated. There is no way he should be representing the prosecutors office ever.

  47. What boss on the planet tells someone to break up with her boyfriend? What about next door neighbors who occasionally kiss? Would one of them need to quit?

    What about if the head of the department has an affair with someone who is often a witness in cases, like a cop or an investigator? Should she be fired?

  48. Why is Jake Delaplane the first deputy prosecutor when he obviously will do whatever his boss tells him to do? He should be investigated. Oh, wait, he's already being investigated. Based on experience, intellect and ethics, there is no way he should be representing the prosecutor's office in court, ever.

  49. Wow. This mental masterbation.

  50. Is hump a local day only for white women or does it go for the men too?

  51. It is incredibly ironic that the YWCA, which is a fine organization whose mission is to eliminate racism and empower women, is embroiled in this mess. Why? Because the director actively supports Shay and KipuKai and KipuKai is their Director of Operations.

    So women get fired (three so far) at OPA and the YWCA directly benefits financially. The Council wants to understand where the money goes and Shay refuses to answer and is protected at the Council by whom? KipuKai.

    So all around women are hurt, women who were harassed and discriminated against, who ironically are eligible to receive counseling from the organization who benefitted from their victimization. That leads to the women clients who the YWCA serves and the excellent employees of the YWCA being hurt because of the tarnished reputation of the organization. Now this has been going on for several years, so why is the Director still showing up at Shay fundraisers and why is KipuKai still there? Is the YWCA board just clueless?

  52. Kauai Dyslectic --- Al isn't representing the OPA he's representing the county because it's the COUNTY that gets served with EEOC complaints and lawsuits. Unless Shay is willing to personally foot the bill to take these cases to trial she should really STFU. So easy for her to whine and blame when it's not costing her a penny.

  53. Al Castillo is the County Attorney; he has a team of attorneys including 1st Deputy Amy Esaki. Once a suit is filed he advises and represents the interests of the County and the citizens of Kauai not just the rouge department and its head. He ADVISES he does not DECIDE. Decisions are left to the County Council. Shay and is basically saying all of theses people including the EEOC are wrong and she is right. If one supports that premise I serious question that individual’s judgment and/or integrity.

  54. This conspiracy involves the mayor, the council, judges, specially deputized attorney generals, the county attorney, federal agencies, non-profits, and by the way, Jake and I are going to New York City, baby!

  55. Interesting comment overheard yesterday -- "why hasn't she (Shaylene) been indicted?"

    Hmmm...why hasn't she???

  56. "why hasn't she (Shaylene) been indicted?"

    Because she hasn't done anything illegal. It's Al who's about to be indicted. You watch.

  57. As Castillo about to be inticted? That's funny. I will put my money on Shaylene being the one who ends up being charged with a crime. Wasn't it reported in the news that the Attorney General is reviewing Shaylene's actions with respect to the procurement law.

  58. You're still hoping POHAKU is illegal? What a joke.

  59. Yeah, so what if Shay has a handshake deal with Strategic Justice. No need one contract. Her lawyer said so. It's all good.


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