Friday, September 28, 2012

Musings: Politics of Pesticides

A moon, full tomorrow, struggled to be seen through rain that fell all night and was still falling faint as mist this morning when the dogs and I went walking beneath a sky that was all charcoal and hot pink, like the smoldering remnants of a celestial campfire.

A long-smoldering political issue is beginning to flare, and that's the island-wide use of pesticides, particularly in the genetically modified (GM) crops now being grown from Lihue to Mana. The topics are linked, because most, if not all, of the GM crops grown here are designed to withstand direct applications of herbicides manufactured by chemical companies like Dupont, Dow, Syngenta, Monsanto, Bayer and BASF, which have bought up most of the seed companies around the world.

Gary Hooser, the former state Senator who is seeking a return to the County Council, is putting the pesticide issue at the forefront of his campaign. He'll be on my favorite KKCR radio show, “Pets, People and Paradise,” from 9 to 10 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday). You can listen live here.

Dr. Ihor Basko, the holistic veterinarian who hosts the show, has been researching pesticides and their effects on human and animal health for decades. He's come up with a lot of good questions for Gary:

We know that GM crops require more herbicides and pesticides; how many gallons per acre? Which ones specifically? Who is checking the water pollution from GM farms? Run off into the ocean? What are the results? What’s happening with GM farming impacts on our Island: air, water, soil quality? What happens to the stalks and leaves of the GM corn when it’s harvested? What evidence do we have that what they are growing on Kauai is not harmful to our population or its livestock ……in the long run? How will GM growers keep their pollen from infecting organic crops? Why is tampering with GM crops a felony? How much is Syngenta paying to lease the land? Folks may not realize that a lot of state land — actually, Hawaiian crown lands — is being leased to the seed companies.

And here's the million-dollar question:

How does eating GM food affect future generations? Epigenics and Nutrigenomics are terms referring to eating food that will change your DNA and potentially……future generations.

Gary likely won't be able to answer all these questions, since some are still the subject of hot debate among scientists, such as a French study suggesting a link between Monsanto's Roundup Ready corn and breast cancer, liver and kidney damage. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal “Food and Chemical Toxicology,” prompted Russia to suspend the import and use of that product.

We're also still learning about some of the longterm effects from GM ag:

A US Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist visiting Australia has warned that, "After 16 years of Roundup Ready crops, particularly corn and soybeans, researchers are now detecting glyphosate in the soil and run off water in the Midwest of the US," USDA microbiologist Bob Kremer said. Dr Kremer said researchers had detected an increase in the fungus fusarium on the roots of plants that had been recently sprayed with glyphosate. "So far we haven't seen that develop into a plant disease but the potential is there," he said.

Of course, the GM seed companies aren't the only ones applying Roundup. The state and county spray it along roadsides and in parks, and it's ubiquitous in the manicured resorts and and golf courses of our number one industry. Lots of homeowners use it, too. In short, little Kauai is getting heavy doses daily.

There's a lot that can be done to control and monitor pesticide use on the local level if we elect a receptive County Council. Then perhaps they can help influence our state legislators, who are presently pretty much controlled by the biotech seed/chemical companies.

It's especially crucial now as Dow is seeking approval for a GM corn seed that can handle heavy sprayings of 2,4-D, an ingredient in Agent Orange. It seems they keep having to up the ante with more toxic chemicals because “super weeds and insects” have developed tolerance to Roundup.

And since Kauai is a major test site, it's not far-fetched to think one of the tests is just how much you can dose the plants with these proprietary chemical cocktails before they croak. 

So where do the Council candidates stand on GMOs, and their associated pesticide use? As The Garden Island reported from Monday night's forum in Waimea:

Council Vice Chair JoAnn Yukimura said she supports labeling products that contain Genetically Modified Organisms. She called for neutral research and controlled use of pesticides and herbicides. She also said the state should not give priority to GMO companies to lease state lands.
Councilman Mel Rapozo said GMO is responsible for saving many countries from starvation. The GMO companies have provided economic stimulation, and no studies have convinced him whether such products are unsafe, he said.
Candidate Ross Kagawa said the GMO industry created a lot of jobs when the sugar industry went down. But he also said more research is needed, and when it comes to making a decision, the people’s safety comes before providing jobs.
Councilman Dickie Chang suggested a forum with experts from both sides of the issue.
Candidate Gary Hooser said he supports labeling GMOs, an issue raised in every community. You can argue about GMOs, he said, but you can’t argue about pesticides going into the soil and water.
Councilman KipuKai Kuali‘i said it’s the government’s job to protect the people, who have a right to know what is in their food.
Council Chair Jay Furfaro said he is looking for some state leadership on the issue. He said he voted “no” on genetically modifying kalo, because it’s an important part of Polynesian culture.
Councilwoman Nadine Nakamura said the government needs to identify areas where GMO industry is impacting children.
Councilman Tim Bynum said it’s very clear GMOs should be labeled, but those are state and federal issues. The right to know is really important, he said.


  1. Label them - like every other educated country.

  2. Labeling GMO or getting rid of GMO is "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."-Neil Armstrong

  3. The Department of Agriculture does not maintain records that document the amount, location and date of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) applied on the island of Kauai. They do maintain records of all RUPs sold on Kauai.
    The problem is we have the 5 top multi national chemical companies operating here on Kauai, and no one is keeping track of where the pesticides are applied or stored.
    Nada, restricted use pesticides are tracked by sales only, no need to know where they are being applied,who is downwind or in what combinations. Each company does their own proprietory mix of chemicals, an unknown amount and variety, applied on our land,polluting the air, washing to the water, poisoning the people as it flows to the ocean. The regular pesticides insecticides, fungacides are untracked. There is no tracking of pesticdes in the state of Hawaii. You can begin to see why the chemical companies are operating here.
    While the DOH will work on decontamination of past chemical mixing and storage sites, the chemical companies get a free pass now to pollute.
    Since Kauai is ground zero for the testing, 24D has already been widely tested on the west side. It is not a coincidence the people living in Waimea and Kekaha are sick.

  4. If the sate and feds are responsible for changes, as Furfaro says, then why did he consent to a ʻcountyʻ resolution on the PLDC which is also decided by the state.

    Nadine had the most stupid answer of all.
    Yukimura gave a ʻnonʻ answer.

  5. Mel Rapozo never did his research. So far it almost only the U.S. that accepts and promotes GMOs.

    Gary had the best answer of all.

  6. There is no excuse for the government to "not know" and just go with the company line. This is ignorance to the highest degree ..........causing harm to the people, land, air, and soil....for future generations!

    "What Me Worry?" is a paradigm that needs to die.

    Dr Shibai

  7. Most of Europe has banned the use of GM foods. Sygenta based in Switzerland is not even liked in its own country:
    "The company is also facing a hostile environment to its GMO activities in Switzerland, which in 2005 approved a five-year moratorium on agricultural use. A GM crop test site in Zurich was destroyed in June."
    People of Kauai (and the politicians who we elected) have to get that we are an "experiment".....less laboratory rats....maybe guinea pigs too!

    Look it up Mel!

  8. It's obvious Mel hasn't done any research because it's out there. Jeffery Smith wrote two informative, scientific books on the subject: "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette". Read them Mel and ALL councilmembers. They're more concerned about re-election and know very well that the westside populations need the ag jobs that these seed companies provide. The westside looks dead. Between the lack of rain, spraying and chemtrails in the sky, from Hanamaulu to Polihale, we are being poisoned. Wake up politicians. Btw way, Tokioka had nearly $5000 donated to his campaign by the seed companies. It is truly all about the money. Nakamura, Kagawa, Rapozo, Bynum, Furfaro and yes Yukimura too - do we accept jobs at all costs? No matter the health consequences, no matter the consequences to the 'aina. Let it be clear this is not a "newcomer/transplant" issue. I am local and I am Hawaiian and if you don't take a stand on the side of what is right - what is pono, my family and I will NOT support any of you and I will convince others to do the same. Russia just announced there decision to no accept U.S. GMO corn into their country. Along with many other countries. Will we be the last to do so, after our children and children's children reap the affects of our ignorance.

  9. If it doesn't say "organic" or "all natural" then can't we assume that it's GMO?

  10. Please don't cast stones about not having a position- (JoAnn Yukimura). Mel is off the f...mark with regards to GMO, obviously his IPAD that he constantly uses at the county council meetings is used as a prop to make himeself look "intelligent". Ain't working, you are ignorant. Your response to bullying, check yourself Mr. Rapozo. Take a good luck at county candidate Ross Kagawa also. What the hell is his position on anything. His pride statement is "being the only candidate to cover 3 high schools." Big Deal! What ever happened to you when you worked as the manager of the convention hall. Too many chances, then poof be gone. Please explain yourself, the people want to know. You were hired immediately when you came back to Kaua'i by the then Mayor, and we all know her track record, Mayor Kusaka. What happened. I know for sure it wasn't for lack of funding to run the facility, nor was it lack of maintenance equipment to properly operate the facility. Your story is getting old. The truth will not set you free Mr. Kagawa. Everything will come full circle.

  11. To avoid all pesticides and GMO you must go organic. Don't fall for the "All Natural" because it is false advertising and there will likely be chemicals and gmo in them. Every food that is processed or that goes through the industrialized food system, is contaminated with GMO's. Even poultry, beef, pork because these animals are fed gmo corn feed. Best to buy local, grass-fed beef and organic poultry or if you have the space, raise your own. In order to protect ourselves and families, we need to go back to growing gardens, bartering with neighbors and supporting local farmers/ranchers. Our industrialized food system is poisoning us. Watch the documentary Food Inc. It's a wake up call.

  12. I'm not throwing stones at Joann. I'm being real. Ever since 'Iniki, Joann has been opposed by the westside communities. That is how we got stuck with Bernard as Mayor. If she were to come out against the seed companies she would all but loose in those communities. That's what is despicable about politicians in general. No one is willing to make a stand based on convictions except Hooser in this case. Everyone else took a "safe" stance, especially Jay and Nadine. Another example of the way they pander for votes is when Mel came out in front of the guv for amending the PLDC. Now he has backtracked, and jumped on board the "Appeal Act 55" bandwagon. Whose the real Mel? Come the information is available for anyone truly interested in knowing the truth. There is a groundswell movement against GMO companies, the FDA and anyone who supports the corporate take over of our food system. No excuses politicians or get the hell out of the way!!!

  13. As the tradewinds blow the pesticides from South Shore, Grove Farms lands,toward Koloa and Poipu, many people and families are SICK. Some don't have a clue, and some have documentation from their Doctor's stating that high levels of toxidity are the culprit.
    Personally, I feel none of our lofty Kauai Politicians deserve to be re-elected, as they have allowed this disaster, crimes against humanity...
    I spoke with my MD today, he's leaving the island, he said "they are slowly poisoning us to death".
    Also, our very weak Council should let Shaylene pay her own Attorney bills.
    One more thing regarding our Council and the 55 repeal resolution, they are not hero's, they are politicians. Politicians who let this PLDC mess happen.
    Keep up the good work Joan, you are appreciated.

  14. As a mother and grandmother, this is an issue that is non-negotiable. I'm not going to sit around and wait while our politicians take a wait and see attitude. By then, too late. And no one is talking about cross contamination from gmo crops in open fields, into our environment. WTF, take a science course or two. So even if we choose to eat organic, how can these companies stop the contamination of organic crops? With our regular tradewinds, pollen can be carried distances. As Hooser mentioned, what of the contaminated soils that run-off into our streams and oceans? How do we address the massive amounts of pesticides these companies use to kill all living organisms? Come on. It's not rocket science.

    1. Have you ever heard of green houses and compost tea! Yeah its not rocket science genius! What an idiotic statement, I feel like i'm Pete Antonson in here.

      RIP Horace Stoessel

  15. Here's what is going on in California........with Prop 37. I think action needs to be joined with more mass to have an affect here on Kauai. We cannot fight it alone....

  16. More liberal hysteria. Sheer hysteria.

  17. Best to do it now. While theyʻre pandering away.
    Even though many will get re-elected they all have to scratch and claw for the musical chairs.

    Hooserʻs in. I know that.

    The rest of them, Iʻve never seen such a pathetic bunch of spineless bend-overs.
    And I havenʻt even got to the legislature seats yet.

    Itʻs interesting that Hooser didnʻt sell his soul and oblige everything abercrombie said. Hooserʻs been on politics awhile now and he still seems to be ethical. Amazing.

  18. hysteria here...seems quite practical from my perspective. Not freaking out. Just looking at the situation from a sane point of view...:)Not buying into this one!

  19. Hooser is nothing but a political grandstander. If it benefits himself he is all for it. Other than that he is willing to let people suffer. That's why he is so low in the council race. And here he thought he was going to be top vote getter. Reality check.

  20. This grandmother appreciated Gary Hooser for taking a stand on the side of humanity. It's not rocket science to know that the poisons the chemical companies use to test and grow the corn are poisoning the people , land and water too. Have they posted a bond for remediation of the land after they have made it too toxic for farming? Very disappointed in the rest of the council. What sucks is no options fo much change, no one even running against our legislators here on Kauai, and only the possibility of 1 or 2 different people on council. Too bad we can't just vote no.

  21. Surely, we could come up with healthy agriculture jobs that won't result in the sickness of them and their families. Cancer doesn't form overnight...

  22. Hagawa is the Mayor's choice, the machine is pushing him to do the bidding of the Bernard. So while many may think anyone new must be better, think again. Mayors choice is his puppets, Timbo, Dickie, and Kagawa.

  23. It's Kagawa and what is his stance on anything? His website said nothing about who he is, where he stands on any issue. All we need is another Dickie on the council - two non-entities. I have tried to find out anything worthy about him. I just see his signs all over the fricking place. Don't even know what the man looks like. We need a council independent of our Mayor, fuck the cronyism Bernard. Can't stomach much more.

  24. It's unfortunate that so many are using the French study as ammo against the GMOs. It has serious scientific flaws in its data collection methodology, and in the selection of the species/variety of rats used. While I personally would like to see GMOs banned in their entirety, there is a small...but of data to support that position without having to resort to quoting faulty science. It would be a larger body of data, except for lack of funding.

    1. The chemical and biological warfare studies from WWI and WWII are well documented. This is where the history of GMO began, Americans were not only Liberators of the Holocaust but also victims. Is GMO America's Holocaust? Will GMO be Kauai's Holocaust? You have to ask the victims of every superfund site and then ask the people on the west side of Kauai if they are sick and not listen to idiotic politicians on Kauai. They don't give a damn about Kauai and the people, all they want to do is collect checks and have power to whateva they like. Corruption is one of the poisons that Kauai is suffering from. The OPA is an example of pure Evil and how a toxic environment affects the well being of the entire community of Kauai.

  25. The real power lies with OHA.
    They just havenʻt tapped into it. OHA is a silent and deadly power if they knew they had it.
    No wonder though- looks whoʻs on board.

  26. Ross Kagawa has a very colored past. Look and dig deep, you can discover lots. Heard of a family that is trying to seek justice for the way their son (who was a senior in high school) was harrassed and treatened by him. It was also mentioned that he was dismissed from a middle school for abusing special education students. What's wrong with the current laws regarding protecting students from teachers. Oh yeah, there aren't any! Hope that sheds some light on Ross Kagawa 12:02.

  27. Dickie Chang- Experts on both side of the table, you want a forum, that'll just confuse the shit out of you EVEN MORE, you look so clueless up there as it is. At council meetings, you have nothing to offer but general questions and ask those who forget to state their name for the viewing audience- your sincere look ain't cutting it!
    Mel Rapozo- you'd sell your soul to the devil for a dollar.
    Ross Kagawa- You included- it provided jobs for the west side community, no shit, but to compromise health and welfare in the process? Check yourself westside boy, westsiders, if he gets into council, and hopefully not, see if he won't sell your lands to those GMO bastards. Everyone's politically correct answer to this topic is more research needs to be much more research do you need to do, how many more generations need to be affected all in the name of continuing to do research? Wake the fuck up government officials, and take a fucking stance on something.
    KipuKai Kuali'i- Are you not a government official, stop passing the fucking buck too. And you are not excused from accountability to the people just because you introduced the bill to repeal act 55. It was just that no county council member beat you to the punch. Any one of them would have drooled to have that opportunity. The peoples champion! Maybe you were given the opportunity by the council because it would seem most appropriate, you have the most native blood amongst the two, and it possibly would send a stronger message, who knows. But this law passed is much more than affecting "native" people. It's a statewide, affects ALL people in the state, law.
    Gary Hooser- you got my vote.
    Tim Bynum- We need to go one step further than suggesting it's federal and state issues, not when it's in the back of our freaking yard. Protect your county people.
    Nadine Nakamua- 'nough said...bubbles pretty much all the time. Protect the children- that was a pretty dumb statement. Protecting citizens from health hazards should have no boundries- what's with protecting our children? Protect EVERYONE idiot!
    JoAnn Yukimura- Labeling the product is giving the people the right to choose. Growing the fucking thing, the people has no say. Limiting and controlling herbicides and pesticides? Once it goes airborne, guess what dummy?
    And Mr.Furfaro- If the people ain't healthy, there is no healthy hawaiian culture. Good try trying to evade the question. And you of all people know that agriculture is know where near where we wish it to be. You know for a fact that kalo farmers take up only a fraction of lands as compared to the major GMO companies that are currently using both public and private lands. Come on!

    1. This is the same thing that was said about CIGARETTES and we all know what the outcome of the RESEARCHES have concluded. 443,000 DIE prematurely every year and 8.6 million people live with serious illnesses caused by smoking a toxic chemical stick of tobacco.-CDC report Feb 2011

  28. Another topic that we need to scrutinize is the proposed sports complex for the westside of Kaua'i. How IGNORANT is that. The proposed area designated for this complex is on PRIME ag land. And we're trying to preserve prime ag lands? Go Figure People! Ask your council members, hope they'll tell you the truth, but then again. Yeah go ahead, I can read the headlines now... contaminated west side to host senior softball tournament! Imua Kaua'i

  29. Ross Kagawa is pro GMO?
    Does anyone know?

  30. Hey Kipukai, such a sorry ass remark at the beginnig of your introduction to your bill. You should have been aware much sooner as to what the hell was going on with regards to the proposed act at that time- when our SHITTY ASS legislators were crafting it up. What other type of reaction were you expecting of the people. Were you honestly shocked? And were you emothionally impacted ONLY when the people demonstrated their frustration to the governor and his cabinet? Shows how out of touch you are with the people! You mean to say the council had NO clue from our senators and representatives as to the context of this law? No one did right by the kanaka, or otherwise- Look at Ka Lahui's Mililani Trask- someone who fought long and hard for native recognition and the injustice to OUR kanaka, Kipukai, what is her position today? Look it up- Another selling of the sole. Check out her businees and notice her direct benefits from the act now called law. She has a HUGE benefit from this law, it's happening right now as we sit around and bull shit about all of this! Do your homework! They are using hawaiians to fight hawaiians again, hana hou amelika! It's all a dog eat dog world out there, if Neil Abercrombie could convince "THE" Mililani Trask, to buy in to this law, the state is unstoppable at this point! Hawaiians and Po'e band together as one, It's a sad day to know that government did this to all of us, but, through this, we actually united- differences aside. If there was a single positive that came out of this, it's this, it never mattered if you were red, white, colored, brown, etc, WE CAME TOGETHER AS ONE- DON'T LOSE THE SPIRIT... PEACE TO ALL! P.S Jay Furfaro prides himself on running the council by values such as laulima amongst others, one that you might want to suggest to him is HO'OLOHE, LISTEN, the people have spoken, goes for Kouchi, Morikawa, Kawakami, and Tokioka, you are not elected officials to speak for yourselves, speak for the people! E'O

  31. 9:25, I don't even know if he knows what the heck his stance is regarding GMO, when the hell is the next council forum? It would be nice for the general public to ask the questions instead of this pre-planned question bullshit, the general public would have a field day with these bozos!

  32. 7:41, take a good look, that's what Ross Kagawa's campaign wants every one to think. His loyalties lie with none other than play by play analyst Mel Rapozo, Kipukai Kuali'i, and Dickie Chang. We all know it's Kipukai and Mel versus Tim and JoAnn, the rest are trying to stay neutral. It would be a mistake to assume that Ross is endorsed by the mayor, because birds of a feather unfortunately flock together, and guess where you see Ross? And no it's not with the mayor. They will be the majority on the floor if the four of them get into office together. Guarantee Mel will be Chair of the council if these donkeys get in. If this happens, look back on this e-mail as an I told you so. He doesn't like Bynum for shit, don't get that impression of them having the ability to work on behalf of the mayor, PLEASE! That will be everyone's mistake to think that.

  33. Who is Ross Kogawa anyway? He seemed to come out of nowhere and now he is one of the top vote getters. Local people must really like him Have heard he was a professional baseball player or something? He's also worked for the County Council, has a degree in accounting and is a special ed teacher. Sounds like he is qualified to me and has a heart. He was also manager for the convention center which is a political appointee position. Am wondering which governor appointed him to that and what kind of job he did while being there. Joan?

  34. Ross Kagawa was appointed to be convention manager by Mayor Kusaka. It is a county position.

  35. Oh. So stands to reason Kusaka is also backing him. Makes more sense now.

  36. Good ol Boy written all over his face, he doesn't have to say a word!


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