Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Musing: Puff Pastry

The Kauai prosecutor's race is so hot that even Mid-Week was jolted out of its usual sugary stupor into interviewing the candidates — incumbent Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho and challenger Justin Kollar. Unfortunately, even though their entire three-person "editorial board" did the interview, they printed Shay's shibai without challenge, much less fact-checking.

So let's take a closer look, starting with Shay comment: “I believe when people overstep or abuse their power, especially in a prosecutor’s office....I think there is a problem.”

That would've been the perfect time to say, yes, Shay, you have correctly identified the crux of the opposition against you. Do you think secretly tape recording conversations, filing bogus charges against a Councilman and then continuing to try his case in the media after the charges have been dismissed, lobbying to get a witness fired from her job at the Humane Society, telling a deputy prosecutor to lose her haole boyfriend, using staff training money for your own travel, firing a victim-witness coordinator so you can give the contract to your pals at the YWCA, etc., constitutes an abuse of power? And since you fired deputies for supposedly abusing their power, what should the voters do about you?

Then there was her statement:

Turnover in our office is not higher than average. Keith Kaneshiro (Honolulu’s current prosecutor) had 50 attorneys leave his office in his term. There have been about 13 people who have left (here) for various reasons.
Ummm, but Kaneshiro has a much bigger staff. So while that represented a 50% turnover for him, Shay has presided over a 150% turnover rate during her term. And the issue with Kaneshiro came up because such a mass exodus is very unusual — just as it is here.
And Shay, since Mid-Week obviously didn't bother, I'll take you up on your offer “to look at the files of all of the cases that have gotten dismissed” by those rogue deputies now departed “because of dishonest reasons.” (Btw, are you saying here your reasons for firing them were dishonest? 'Cause it sure reads like that.)
Let's start with the two cases you claimed Justin dismissed, since he has a very different recollection of events. Then let's move on to the others: “a sex-assault case with a confession”; “three abuse cases when they were set three months down the line for good friends”; “three abuse cases in the last two weeks of court, and they’re all good friends now, they all formed a defense bar”; “a case with a prominent person in the community who was charged with abuse”; and “a bunch of cases” dismissed by deputies after giving two weeks notice. That equals 10 and “a bunch.” When can I come in and take a look?
While you're at it, could you please provide a list of all the other people you prosecuted for zoning violations when you charged Councilman Tim Bynum? Because last December, your first deputy, Jake Delaplane, said there were "a lot" and he'd be glad to share them, but he never has, even though I've asked, really politely, several times.
Oh, and could you please tell us which defense attorneys were complaining that your deputies had dismissed charges against their clients? Because I'm sure people would like to avoid hiring attorneys who bitched that their clients got off too easy. And exactly which judge was trying to influence how cases are prosecuted? Do tell — if you're telling the truth, that is.
Then there was the whole rant against County Attorney Al Castillo regarding the four EEOC complaints, where Shay claims all but one was settled without her consultation or knowledge. As I've already reported, that's false, since in Erin Wilson's case, Jake participated in mediation. And Shay once again trotted out the claim that Al was trying to burn her by including in two of the settlement agreements the clause “that anything in this claim shall be publicly disbursed.” Again, as I've previously reported, both Shannon Weigel and Erin insisted on that provision because they wanted to go public.
Shay also makes a big deal out of Al giving money to Justin's campaign and holding sign, which is fine. Except neither she nor the Mid-Week team mentioned the pay raises granted to deputy prosecutors who supported her campaign, including the pro-Shay blogger who got a 45% pay raise after just six weeks on the job.
She then goes on to whine: I think there are always two sides to the story, (but) we are not able to present our side. Yo, Shay, what about your aforementioned personal blogger, the one who disallowed comments so only your side could be presented? Don't you regularly distribute press releases touting how great you are? Didn't you and Jake talk trash about the EEOC victims to the newspapers?
I especially liked this comment: County money needs to be looked at as your own money. [S]o it’s very serious for me to look at the budget. That's when Mid-Week should have said, then how do you justify spending $9,500 on trashy trinkets? Why does a diversionary program need promotional materials, in your campaign colors no less?
The interview was, however, unintentionally revealing. Consider these statements:
For me, being a prosecutor gives you a lot more control over the case. When you’re a public defender, you’re at the whim of the prosecutor.
I’m still very involved in the litigation aspect of the most serious types of cases.
I’m there as an experienced attorney providing advice to persons who are doing career criminals, sex assaults, robberies, whether we’re going to charge a person with an enhanced penalty or not — all of these decisions are put forth to me. When we do plea offers on every case, they come through me.
When I first started, I did everything. I did all the sex assaults, I did all the murders.
Are you starting to get the image of a control freak and micro-manager? A "my way or the highway" kind of gal? Oh, and Shay, wasn't there just one murder, Joseph Hoapili? And didn't you plead that one out? Also, how, exactly, are you able to provide all this daily oversight when you're so often out of the office, traveling on the public's dime?
Shay also outlines her cozy relationship with the cops: I received a letter, again from KPD, informing me of multiple cases that had been dismissed that they felt were supposed to have been prosecuted. We looked through those cases, we felt they were right.
And she tells of how three years of bitter acrimony between her office and KPD was miraculously healed earlier this year: It was brought on when the mayor exceeded his boundaries and took power away from the police chief without any authority to do so, and it was at that point the relationship really started to falter.
So Shay, sensing a political advantage, rushed to the chief's defense and in return got his wife to do attack ads against Justin, campaign contributions from Ale Quibilan and Roy Asher (the two assistant chiefs who had been suspended), and the SHOPO endorsement to boot. That's the backstory to her statement: “The collaboration between our offices now is unseen in any history of the KPD and the prosecuting attorney.”
And finally, there was this:
A lot of times we have witnesses in one case who are defendants in another, and defendants in one case are witnesses in another, so it becomes very complicated
Yes, but not nearly so complicated as having a deputy who wants to prosecute a case and serve as a witness in it. In fact, that was so complicated that Judge Kathleen Watanabe, shaking her head in disbelief, yanked the entire OPA off the Tim Bynum case.
It's great that Mid-Week finally decided to cover some news. It's just unfortunate that they served up the usual puff pastry, and skipped the meat, with all its juicy drippings.


  1. kind of makes you wonder what Joan is looking forward to gaining if Kollar wins...

  2. kind of makes you wonder why the pro-Shay team thinks people only do something if they're going to get a personal pay off.

  3. 09:43...maybe some honest dealings?

    I have heard two rumors lately that trouble me. One is the Police Commission investigation of Darla Abbatiello's charges against Ale, Roy, and the Chief resulted in a positive finding...that she was correct in her assertions. No one has heard anything official regarding that possibility. Wassup wit dat?

    The other was that Shay is planning to charge someone in the Amber Jackson murder just before the election, hoping it will jump start her chances of keeping her job.

    Like I say...rumors. Troubling rumors.

    1. If this is true about the police commission finding that Asher and Quibilan did commit those. Crimes then these disgraced officers should be fired and not be able to collect a retirement.

      KPD internal affairs has been a complete failure that will cover up the whole incident.

      The Chief needs to step down but we cannot let any of Kauai's own take his place. The department has many disgraced syndicate officers in militias on Kauai.

      That's why missing people and murders go unsolved and is reported as unattended deaths. Drugs are stolen and resold and family members get away with crime. It's a big criminal network.

    2. The Police Commission should be investigating the IA officers Calio and Gordon in KPD. If these officers aren't doing their due diligence then they must be removed rom their positions in internal affairs.

      How many sustained complaints by the Kauai Police Commission has been covered up by these officers? I heard many and many more will be, as long as these men are working there.

  4. Kauai has to END THE CORRUPTION and it starts with Shay then we have to go after each and everyone of them But we cannot get the rest of the cockaroaches until we rid the OPA of the Tyrant Shaylene Iseri Carvalho.

  5. Multiple cases were being dismissed and she knew nothing about it? That doesn't sound like someome who is involved, paying attention, giving support, etc..

  6. LOL. "Elect me. Multiple cases have been wrongly dismissed on my watch, but I didn't like it."

  7. Everything doesn't have to be a personal attack on Shay. Get over it.

  8. These aren't personal attacks, they're criticisms of her job performance. There is a difference.

  9. Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho is a Mitt Romney in Black and Gold.

    Next, she'll be driving around town with some fired prosecutor's dog a top her "county vehicle," while on her merry way to shop at Safeway, stating to the local press, "The dog enjoyed the ride," all the while the dog suffered from diarrea and shock--just like so many victims Shay revictimized.

    Prosecutor Kinoshira, Honolulu? Also, under heavy fire for its high turn-over of attorneys and staff. So much so, legitimate part of upcoming campaign.

    Not the best comparison, Shay. Who you trying to fool now?

  10. Shay is a disgrace to the office. I suspect she will name a suspect with charges in the Amber Jackson murder. She'll do it right before the election. Either way, I'd much prefer to have someone with integrity and ethics follow the case through. Fire Shay on election day and get her lap-dog Jake fired asap. The chief is a sell-out if he's willing to support a racist, unethical and morally bankrupt backroom politician simply because of his personal interest. Too bad Midweek has to make up for TGI's failings.

    1. Yes this is her game plan. Shay dismisses cases against some of her friends and families to get votes. Then when she has the locals votes she will go after the haole votes by filing charges and being recognize to finding the murderer of Amber Jackson. She will pretend that she is a Hero and announce it to Kauai as if she is the saviour. We have seen this play before and its SICKENS me that she will use a MURDERED person as a tool to get votes and get reelected. How many criminal friends and family has she cut loose?

      So what about Lauren Kagawa? Where KPD released statements saying the last person to see her alive is not a person of interest. HER BRUTAL BEATING AS SUPERFICIAL WOUNDS. AND HER BRUTAL BEATING DEATH AS A SELF INDUCED OVERDOSE. Now you all are starting to see the big picture. The GOBAG POWERS needs to get charged by the FEDS.

      What about Sandy Mendonca? Who is her murderer connected to?

      What about the west side serial killer? Who is he connected to?

      Ask these questions and find out who these guys are family friends and related to and you will find out why these suspects are!

  11. Shay time to pull those retirement papers.....the gig is up!

  12. Shayme is a disgraced PA! Her abuse of power is a total embarassment to the judicial system. The show is over Shayme, your evil character has been revealed as the culprit of the corruption in the OPA.

  13. Shay demands a certain level of competence. She got rid of some unacceptably lame lawyers and eliminated some positions. These days, when you do that, people sue. It's what they do. It's what you can expect. The county attorney settled some frivolous suits in bad faith just to reflect badly on the prosecutor because the prosecutor stood up to the crooked county attorney and the crooked county attorney when they tried to take over the police department illegally. Justin Kollar was part of the crooked plot to take over the police, by the way. The mayor is crooked. The county attorney is crooked. Justin Kollar is crooked. The police chief has done nothing anyone could disagree with and Shay is a decent, caring, effective, professional prosecutor. You people on this blog have it all backwards on the morals issue. You are backing the wrong horses. You are wrong.

    1. All of the above named mentioned is crooked and none of them are decent, caring, or effective. One by one we must rid the county of the evil forces and it starts with Shay. The message will be loud and clear and the other GOBAG won't get away with their crimes also. All of them are a threat to Kauai and it's time to clean them out.

  14. Shay demands a certain level of competence? Biting sarcasm will get you nowhere on this blog.

  15. Shay has abused nothing. Bynum is pathetic. It is pathetic that you take up his cause. He has a lying ad saying he was prosecuted for a rice cooker. Everyone on this blog knows that's a lie. Everyone on this blog knows he had every piece of a kitchen but an installed stove in there. Everyone here knows he was skirting the letter of the law and crapping on the intent of the law. But half of you keep repeating "rice cooker" for its political value. "Shayme" indeed.

    You might think Bynum would have won in the end. But nobody can honestly claim the prosecution against him was frivolous. At the least its a close call whether Bynum was breaking the law. To pretend it is a slam dunk for Bynum is dishonest.

  16. I believe Bynum is dishonest.

    Fortunately for him, the focus on Shaylene has shifted attention from Bynum.

  17. 8:33, and 9:53 have to get over the Bynum thing. The charges against him were dropped, they can not be re-filed, and by virtue of our legal system he is innocent of those charges he was accused.

  18. The point is not whether the charges were dropped. So what. Charges get dropped all the time and owe lucky people are therefore innocent. The point is, anyone looking at Bynum's "family room" kitchenette can see that the charges were not frivolous, that Bynum's lawsuit is frivolous, and that he is lying in his campaign ad when he says he was prosecuted for having a rice cooker. So two points: the prosecution against him was reasonable and he's lying to the public about what the evidence against him was.

  19. Leave her alone! All you nitpickers whining about poor management, abuse of power, discrimination, excess travel, spending County money on her campaign, giving excessive raises to blogging deputies and other violations should get over it. Let the agencies investigating Shay do their job before you pile on more accusations.

  20. if the accusations against Bynum were so certain, then the OPA and Planning inspectors would not have to illegally trespass on his property, or illegally tape record each other, or attempt to illegally tape record victims in other cases to gain evidence in this case.
    A good prosecutor and first deputy would not have had to underake so many illegal practices to make a supposedly valid case. plain and simple.
    Planning is aware he had a lockset on the door and was renting it out- CZO allows that. Planning was aware he had a sink and a fridge- CZO allows that. Save for the Prosecutor and the trespassing planning inspectors, Planning did not consider a rice cooker an installed cooking appliance. No rules against having a knife block in your family room.
    You may not like what Bynum did in his family room, but the results tend to prove that there was no prosecutable case there.
    Get over it.

  21. Accusations don't have to be "certain." If that was the standard, charges could never be brought. The point is, the charges against Bynum were reasonable. Bynum wants the public to think it's only about a rice cooker. That way he makes the charges seem crazy. They weren't crazy.

    Just as Tim was not found guilty, the "search" (walking up onto the porch and seeing through a sliding glass doors, after Bynum signed a use agreement giving the county the right to inspect his property any time to make sure he didn't do what he did) was never found illegal.

    You can't have it both ways. If Bynum is innocent, the search was not illegal.

  22. I donʻt care if Bynum was found guilty or not.

    I believe he is dishonest.

  23. Planning was not aware he had a fridge. Listen to the recording. They look at the plans he submitted and commented on how they did not show any refirgerator.

    If you think taping conversations is illegal then you are obviously not a Hawaii lawyer.

  24. You don't have to get permission from planning to put a refrigerator in your house or carport.

    You can't say the search wasn't illegal, as that issue has never been adjudicated. It will come out in the lawsuit against the county.

    Even if secret tape recordings aren't illegal, they're unethical. Ask Sheila how she feels about being secretly taped.

  25. The reason why it's about a rice cooker, because the only way planning could claim it was an unpermitted multi-family dwelling, was by claiming that there was a second kitchen, which they could only claim by arguing that a rice cooker was an installed cooking appliance.

    The county attorneys that advise planning DID advise the planning inspectors that they had performed an illegal and warrantless search, or so it has been reported.

  26. Why didn't Shay file trespassing charges against the inspectors, since they admitted their crime on tape?

  27. "The reason why it's about a rice cooker, because the only way planning could claim it was an unpermitted multi-family dwelling, was by claiming that there was a second kitchen, which they could only claim by arguing that a rice cooker was an installed cooking appliance."

    Planning said it was an unpermitted kitchen. "Kitchen means any room used or intended or designed to be used for cooking and preparing food."

    That room was obviously used for cooking and preparing food. Bynum is guilty of having an unpermitted kitchen.

    He could also be guilty of having an unpermitted multi family dwelling. It doesn't say installed stove. It says installed equipment for a kitchen. Listen to the tape. The inspectors said plannig always considers refrigerator installed equipment.

  28. SHEILA considers a fridge an installed appliance, just like a rice cooker. Real planners know better.

  29. if you're going after anybody who cooks or prepares food, why aren't you busting the people who have a fridge and a wok in the carport?

    Your argument is total bullshit.

  30. The law is the law. Bynum is total bullshit.

  31. Jake Delaplane is dispicable to use his wifes students to set a person up. Jake could have gotten the person who he was trying to set up killed.

    Jake is trying so hard to be apart of the GOBAG that he is willing to jeapordize the safety and lives of innocent people in order to please the Powers.

    He should be prosecuted for trying to help the syndicates set up people. Is time for the real law enforcers as in the FEDS to step in and STOP the abuse before there's another missing, unattended death, unsolved murder, that they mouthing off that they going feed them to the dogs or pigs.

  32. I guess Joan finds it impossible to accept that Mel called her out on her bullshit about POHAKU marketing materials. Too bad, so sad.

    If Joan was the journalist she claims to be she would have checked to see what was usual in the county before going to press with yet another hatchet piece claim.

  33. if it's "usual in the county" for department heads to say they haven't expended any funds, when they've actually bought $9,500 worth of promotional trinkets in their campaign colors, then Mel as the self-proclaimed fiscal conservative should be up in arms.

  34. it is a fact of the Bynum case that planing had to argue that a rice cooker is the same as "installed cooking facility" Bynum is not lying about that, the rice cooker is the foundation of their bogus case. The attorneys who interpret the law for planing told them that a rice cooker is not the same as an "installed cooking facility" and they went after Bynum anyway. So it really is about having a rice cooker in the family room. What a crime.

  35. planing never argued that a rice cooker is the same as "installed cooking facility" . Nor did they have to because the CZO never says "installed cooking facility".

    It says "installed equipment for a kitchen." And the planners on the tape say loud enough for even you to hear that Planning considers a big full size fridge to be installed equipment for a kitchen.

    Go to and click on open mike down on the video. Slide the bar to about the 17:00 minute mark and you will see a very good description of Bynum's prosecution and his bullshit claims.

  36. "Mel as the self-proclaimed fiscal conservative" is all talk. He's the guy who wants 1 million a year for Kekaha, A couple million to rebuild the Kapahi swinging bridge that has no practical use. A few million for a new Police substation in Kapaa including a second "fitness center". (cause we need one for cops in Lihue and Kappa too.) He wants money for a new sports complex in Waimea. It goes on and on. Some fiscal conservative. Yet he votes NO on tax reductions for residents when the Council finally gave some this year.

  37. No one is doubting what the planning inspectors SAID, what's being doubted is their interpretation of the CZO. Just because they are saying something on tape to someone else, does not mean that what they are saying is true and accurate, no matter how much they may think it is.
    Very similar to this whole trespassing vs. going on to a porch without permission to lok in a window when no one is home, under the bogus guise of a "use agreement".

  38. Planning is aware he had a lockset on the door and was renting it out- CZO allows that. Planning was aware he had a sink and a fridge- CZO allows that
    I'll call bs on that one, how does the writer know what planning knows? How would planning know he had rented out a separate unit with a sink and fridge? Where in the CZO is that allowed?

  39. What a crazy debate in this blog. We all know that there are many rooms with fridge and sink. If they are illegal how many has planning followed up on much less the prosecutor? Do any of you really think Bynum was not targeted by Kaipo and Shay just like Sheila said? Do you really think he was not singled out for political reasons?

    Almost impossible to believe he wasn't.

    1. You damn right he was targeted by those above named criminals in office.

  40. $9,500 for promotional material.... why don't you ask the other county departments how much they also spent on promotional material.

  41. Does anyone believe Bynum didn't demand special treatment? He refused to accept letters from Planning even! If he had not stone walled them he never would have put himself in a position where the county had no choice but to prosecute him. He's a scofflaw.

  42. "$9,500 for promotional material.... why don't you ask the other county departments how much they also spent on promotional material."

    Whever wants somebody to believe it's unusual should do so. The fact that they haven't suggests there's nothing at all unusual. Thats what Mel Rapozo was basically saying.

  43. $9,500 in promotional materials for 50 or so POHAKU participants. That is just shy of $200 PER participant in promotional materials costs. Surely, this was a dramatic waste of money.

  44. $9,500 was not spent on promotional materials for POHAKU. If you read Joan carefully that is for all promotional materials for any purpose including non POHAKU material. Although I'm sure Joan would love for you to keep thinking it's all for POHAKU. It's not like SHE would be writing this correction.

  45. Why on earth does a prosecutor's office need to buy promotional materials for anything?

    Total bullshit waste or our tax money.

  46. Why on earth does a prosecutor's office need to buy promotional materials for anything?

    Same reason any government program uses promotional materials. Mel Rapozo explained it well. Listen to the county council meeting. And if you don't like it, blame all the county departments, not just the prosecutors office. That is, if you are at all interested in being fair.

  47. If you're at all interested in being fair you wouldn't listen to Mel's reasoning on anything re: OPA because his head is so far up Shay's okole he can't see daylight. Why is he up there explaining why she is spending $ on promotional materials? He has such a serious conflict with her that he is turning himself into a joke. Come on Mel, conflict out already.

    1. One has to wonder about the Aurero Moore murder now with Shay and Mel task to locate him right before his trial and death.

  48. Such a coincidence that Shay decided the OPA color theme should be black and orange like her campaign.

  49. Mr. Anonymous, you have it wrong! Officer Calio has never worked in KPD IA. If he did the department would not have any problems, the guys is a super star and a highly decorated combat soldier if there was anyone in that department that would shake it up it would be him, I know him very well.

    1. Yeah that's why that outstanding officer would threaten to SUE a citizen if that person would bring the incident to the news stations or newspapers. What a sorry excuse for covering up a sustained police commission investigation.

      Yeah sure he would shake it up and bury the truth being Internal Affairs and Gordons secretary.

    2. More syndicate soldier police officers, now CID needs to do a thorough investigation. How many are there? Weekend GI JOES are in bed with the POWERS.

  50. TO 10:52 AM:

    If youʻre trying to make Mel look bad you just did the opposite.

    Unless youʻre from Priceville.

    1. Mel is a disgraced former KPD officer who was a supervisor on duty when his subordinates raped a woman in custody at the Lihue police station. His actions and inactions cost the tax payers hundreds of thounsands of dollars.

      Mel is a disgraced councilman who continues to support a PA who is racist, sexist, and abusive. She has cost the county tax payers Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

      Mel collects tax payer checks as a councilman and for his services as a PI when the PA already have 2 investigators. SHAY USED TAX PAYERS MONIES TO PROMOTE HER POHAKU program and spend unapproved funds for the goodies. Looks like Mel and Shay also like to double dip, everyone else better get their own chips and dip because this one is filled with stink saliva.

      Doyou see the similarities?

  51. Mel doesn't need anybody to make him look bad. He can do it all by himself.

  52. Joann hasen't been doing herself any favors in the looking like a vincictive bitch department lately.

  53. Why does Mel need to explain and rationalize the Pohaku expenditures? Why doesn't Shay answer and explain the program she's so vehemently fighting for? I don't get why a program that is for persons who commit the crimes needs to hand out promotional trinkets. Either they want to enter the diversion program or they don't. No need promote or encourage. No need entice with trinkets.

  54. That's what I thought. It's a captive market, not like they gotta advertise to draw people into the program.

  55. Keiki Pohaku passed the Council by a 4 to 2 vote yesterday. It was comical watching the county attny and Joanne trying to pass the buck and play pin the tail on the donkey. They both wound up looking like donkeys.

  56. Al always exposes himself as a jackass at the council. He's probably paid bonuses in stolen county gasoline.

  57. 4:28 PM

    I agree. She really has.

    Of all things to turn her wrath on: a program for kids.

    Does this surprise me? It wasnʻt for Japanese kids thatʻs why. Her constituency.

  58. Oh please, 8:56PM. Joann said she's in favor of a program that will divert kids from the conventional judicial system. She simply wants to know and to ensure that the program will be implemented correctly and no one, not even Mel, could provide the answers. The Shaysters could only avoid answering Joann's questions and twist the issue around so that it appeared that Joann was against helping kids.

  59. Al Castillo said that the charter says she's supposed to prosecute criminals. Common sense even if you disagree with his other decisions.

  60. You people are not paying attention to the abuse of the adult program. Since we cannot have any testimony by the PA about the success and failures of the program. The people that know the answers to the questions are hiding the facts because this will ruin Shay bid to continue her reign of terror.

    Do no be surprised on who and what kind of criminals are given a gravy deal in the keiki pohaku as they did in the original pohaku and people who are friends and related to the PA that got away with crimes.

    When these kids get away with selling drugs, breaking into homes, committing these crimes over and over again and possibly commit murder for the Powers then you all will realize why these programs were created. The adult pohaku already has evidence of abuse, favortism, and corruption.

  61. Why spend the money on t shirts and bracelets with the same campaign colors and designs? And why promote the program all over the place in an election year? The kids cases are alread have to go to the prosecutor anyway. She must be giving away goodie bags to all the naughty boys and girls.

  62. Shay is neither racist nor sexist and The EEOC suits were settled for nuisance suit prices. They were frivolous, but it would have cost more to fight them. The settlement amounts prove it.

    1. $120k and $75k aren't "nuisance value" in any way shape or form and you can't really call a claim frivolous when you have EEOC making reasonable cause findings of racial harassment.

  63. Bynum is the disgraced councilman.

  64. The EEOC made findings against Shay. The claims weren't frivolous. Just like how the court made findings that Shay was guilty of misconduct. That one is documented in Charley's blog.

  65. every single department in the county suffers from mis management - uneducated 'managers' with no employee leadership training, let alone effective management skills.

    Temper tantrums out in the middle of offices for all to see - there is no disciple (see Sheila M)

    Uncontrollable teenagers yelling at each other - the stories I've heard are unbelievable and do not happen in the private sector.

  66. The County Attny is just protecting himself by endorsing a potential prosecutor. If the Mayor has been advised wrong on the Police Chief fiasco someone has to be held accountable and that will be the legal council, the county attny. He can be the Deputy Prosecutor if his candidate gets lucky.

  67. $120k and $75k are exactly "nuisance value"

  68. I am shocked at what you transplants have done to our Kauai. Some of you think that just because you put your feet in a taro patch you part Hawaiian and you can make decisions for those who came before you. For those red shirt wearing Causcasians on the front lawn the other day, I know for one fact 90% of you not from here. And for you smack talking people lets abolish them all and settle this like my ancestors lets go to the PALI.

  69. Yeah, your ancestors bumped off your other ancestors, make sure when you go to the PALI you're not the one thrown off!


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