Saturday, October 13, 2012

Musings: Ho'okupu

Navy-blue canopy choke with constellations, navigational stars, planets — Jupiter overhead, Venus a wide arm's length from a grinning white-gold moon hovering above an orange-pink smudge in the east.

Down to the beach, moon and planets dimming, Waialeale adorned in a lei of wispy clouds. Embers glow on the horizon above a gray-blue sea that catches fire as a red ball rises into a pale sky, illuminating a throw-net fisherman creeping along the edge of the reef as boobies soar and dip, also seeking prey, and honey bees nuzzle nectar from heliotrope blossoms along the shore.

Heart fills, with love, gratitude, appreciation, and I offer it to the exquisite morning, the beautiful, troubled world.


  1. Mahalo Joan. Hard not to be grateful when we are surrounded by Kaua'i's beauty. It is a gorgeous morning and I feel blessed every morning to wake up to this. It's so easy to get caught up in the ugliness out there, so we must remind ourselves to be grateful for what is good and right about living in this place. I appreciate the break from the ugliness that is politics. Me ke aloha.

  2.'s better to enjoy the beauty all around us. The humans, meh.

  3. This is the Joan that I have admired, enjoyed and missed. Have a great Kauai weekend!

  4. This is nice.

    Isn't EVERYTHING ALWAYS a beautiful-troubled combo? It is Life.

    I'm a "spend more time appreciating and less time trying to fix" sort of gal, but we all choose our focus. I'm grateful for your words of appreciation... and for your efforts to try to fix...

  5. bee you ti full post joan : )

  6. Joan, I know your heart is in the right place and being pro-active is in your nature, but a break every so often to smell the roses is invigorating. Have a great Kauai weekend!

  7. Beautiful morning? Money can't buy it, but sure can destroy it!


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