Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Musings: Janine Rapozo Indicted

Updated and corrected: The grand jury today indicted Janine Rapozo, Kauai County Human Resources Manager, on charges of theft and falsifying government records.

The charges are reportedly tied to her alleged misuse of a county gas card. Bail was set at $500.

Because grand jury proceedings are secret, it's unclear whether the Office of Prosecuting Attorney (OPA) tried and failed to get a similar indictment against Mayor Bernard Carvalho.

Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho had reportedly sought an arrest warrant for the mayor on Nov. 2, the weekend before the general election, but no judge would sign it.

Janine, who is married to county parks director Lenny Rapozo, was initially hired by the county in 1994 as a transportation specialist. Carvalho named her risk management administrator in December 2010. The county directory currently shows her working in the mayor's office as ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator, though a statement from county Managing Director Gary Heu identified her as the Human Resources Manager, a job she has held since July:

We have learned of the grand jury indictment against Human Resources Manager Janine Rapozo on charges relating to the County’s gas audit. We wish to make it clear that she will continue to carry out her duties regardless of this action, as we’ve seen no evidence of wrongdoing. We have observed 18 years of exemplary service from Janine on behalf of the County and the people of Kaua’i, and we will support her 100% in this matter.” 

Ironically, Janine is Shaylene's nemesis from high school.

The presentation to the grand jury was made by first deputy Jake Delaplane.

Shay has been MIA at the OPA since Justin Kollar defeated her in last Tuesday's election. However, she did participate in an on-island “cold case” training session, attending a cocktail hour last night and workshop today.

Shay had been handling the Darren Galas (never forget Sandy G) murder case. But she pressed deputy prosecutor John Murphy into service at the last minute for Tuesday morning's bail hearing, giving him virtually no time to prepare. At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Kathleen Watanabe reduced Galas' bail to $300,000 and imposed additional conditions of an ankle bracelet and daily monitoring if he is released.

At the hearing, defense attorney Mike Green questioned why Galas had been arrested shortly before the election when there was no significant new evidence in the six-year-old case.


  1. She's charged with conspiring with the mayor to steal gas. Getcher facts right.

  2. Ms. Rapozo's official title is HR Manager - - moving to almost top of the ladder in the newly structured Human Resources Department. It pays to be close to the power-that-be.

  3. When are they going to make the gas audit public record?

  4. Everyone one of these thieves that stole and abused their privileges should face charges and that means Shay and Jake too.

  5. Kudos to the county auditor! Good job. Get 'em, Ernie!

  6. This is great....finally the veil of corruption will be lifted. Janine will be the portal (unfortunate scapegoat) that will expose our current Kauai Administration for the liars and thieves that they are (you know who you are). There is a light at the end of the tunnel for justice and truth. Phone calls and strings that were pulled by Carvalho to stifle the truth...all poho is going to crash and burn beeg time and your "helpful" cronies, like dominoes, will fall.

  7. @8:29 pm (er, I mean Jake), maybe she didn't get her facts straight because you inexplicably forgot to put out the press release...

  8. Are you kidding? Justin Kollar is going to dismiss this case like a hot potato. What, you all didn't realize you were electing the Mayor's tool? How stupid to have put the county attorney's boy in charge of the OPA. Now the mayor controls the KPD and OPA. Nice work morons. Corruption on Kauai now has no check.

  9. Shay and Jake drove County vehicles home every day. They parked next to Chief Perry. Funny how that slipped past our ace law enforcement officer. And funny how the fuel audit didn't catch their using County vehicles for personal use.

  10. That's true, 6:15 am. Justin will not stand up to pressure from the mayors office, the county attorney, the AG, and the governor's office office to leave this alone. Shay and Jake stood up to the powers that be and did what they think is right. They were independent. Now we have a prosecutor beholden to those powers. You all voted for evil. Now you will get evil.

  11. Justin will drop the charges because they are bogus.

  12. Kauai saw through Shaylene! Yippee! Less than 20 days! Are Shay and Jake going to prosecute each other for their driving the County cars home for months on end?

  13. Janine gets moved into HR with what qualifications? After she screwed up the Film Commission job, shuffled over to Kauai Bus and had a lawsuit filed against her by a female driver, moved to ADA and now HR? Be prepared for the mishandling of sensitive personnel issues that plague the County. Putting unqualified cronies into county jobs is rampant in this administration. If Bernard is abusing the system he should get charged too, not just his sidekicks wife.

  14. Where can we get a copy of the audit? Those are public documents aren't they?

  15. "You all voted for evil. Now you will get evil."

    No, we voted to get rid of evil and we did.

  16. No we just voted for skinny jeans over f*ck me pumps.


  18. Good blog, Andy Parx. Too bad, no one will prosecute Janine. Justin will do what he is told and dismiss it.

  19. If Shay wanted to be sure janine was prosecuted she should have moved on the case months ago. Instead she waited to try and get political mileage out of it. It's obvious this is another one of Shay's vendettas.

    btw, 1:21 you obviously missed the irony in Andy's blog with Shay bitching about wasteful spending. Turns out she's a hypocrite on top of everything else.

  20. She makes over $100000 per year, why would she steal gas? I don't think so.

  21. "She's charged with conspiring with the mayor to steal gas. Getcher facts right."

    You're the one who needs to get your facts right, because you're wrong.

  22. Like i said days ago, the truth will set you on a new path----go about with eyes, mind and heart wide open.

  23. "If Shay wanted to be sure janine was prosecuted she should have moved on the case months ago."

    You are wrong. Al Castillo stopped the investigation and kept it delayed. Its results came out only recently. Maybe Joan could ask Al why he did that. Oh, never mind.

  24. How could Al stop the prosecutor from doing a criminal investigation? I thought Shaylene was independent and a fighter. She wouldn't let Al keep her from doing her job, would she?

  25. Al stopped the auditor from doing the investigation. Ask your Joan to do some reporting on that.

  26. Where is the audit?

  27. All I can say.......
    Quoting Chef Sam Choy....


    Oy Vey!

    Dr Shibai

  28. Our county is the laughing stock of the state. This political divide between warring factions is ridiculous. It begins with our Dictator Mayor who hires incompetent cronies to run the county backed by a county attorney who rules whichever way his boss wants him to, vigorously fought by an out of control prosecutor and her sidekick which could've been a good thing accept she herself was so dysfunctional and cost the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee complaints and a frivolous lawsuit. In her last days of office she is fighting back, attempting to arrest the Mayor, his campaign manager's wife, and who knows who else. Don't know which side is worse or more dysfunctional. The people of this county loose no matter who wins in this constant political battling. I'd like to see the whole lot of them....gone!

    1. Kauai desperately needs a federal non profit commission against corruption. This organization will have a direct line to the justice department and many federal law enforcement agencies. We the people of Kauai deserve a lot better than what these inbred fools are displaying.

    2. Can we get a qualified county manager with that, or is that too much to ask for?

      I think we need to pay a consultant 100K to give her/his opinion on that and since it's a two part question, that's going to cost us 200K.

  29. No such thing as the truth in the county. Expect Shay's wrath. We're in for more exciting times - -well, until 2014.

  30. Regardless of the merits, really Shay? Two weeks before you graciously bow out of office?

  31. The audit is on the County's website.

  32. hey, folks! We deserve what we get. Vote wisely in 2014.

  33. from 2006 advertiser....
    "Other council members say Lum is unresponsive to them and does not appear to understand how significant his department's problems are.

    "There's a total neglect of what your duties as an administrator are. I don't think he recognizes that there is a problem. We ask him and he says everything is fine," said Councilwoman Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, a former deputy prosecutor.

    Iseri-Carvalho, Rapozo and Council Chairman Kaipo Asing are leading the charge for a County Council investigation of the police department."

    And what goes around comes around ---they just rotating roles. Groundhog day.

  34. So let me get this staright. Justin Kollar is responsible for this win against corruption?

    Iʻm confused becasue the attacks on Shaylene are mixed in with htis one but didnʻt Shaylene file the charges?

  35. November 15, 2012 6:15 AM: kind a gotta agree with you there.

    Some attorneys are already telling defendants to hold off until Justin gets in. So since heʻll be prosecutor does that mean their cases will get tossed before they reach a judge?

  36. Hey 9:02 !

    Is that you Glenn Mickens or the other douche bag Ken Taylor? You are the only two idiots still crying " I want a County Manager. " Grow up already. Quit blaming Al Castillo for all of your percived ills. Your sad ethics complaint which was supposed to be confidential until you two morons leaked it Charlie " I like Shay's voice" Foster, will go no where. Why? because as always you have engaged your mouth before your brain.

  37. Mahalo America for giving us representative government! Where would we be without it? Good thing money has nothing to do with the will of da people! Whew!

  38. This poster quoted below has summed up the situation perfectly and it bears repeating. I encourage folks to run for office. What Kauai needs is a whole lot of fresh faces instead of the same old retreads.

    "Our county is the laughing stock of the state. This political divide between warring factions is ridiculous. It begins with our Dictator Mayor who hires incompetent cronies to run the county backed by a county attorney who rules whichever way his boss wants him to, vigorously fought by an out of control prosecutor and her sidekick which could've been a good thing accept she herself was so dysfunctional and cost the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee complaints and a frivolous lawsuit. In her last days of office she is fighting back, attempting to arrest the Mayor, his campaign manager's wife, and who knows who else. Don't know which side is worse or more dysfunctional. The people of this county loose no matter who wins in this constant political battling. I'd like to see the whole lot of them....gone!"

  39. There is not one GOBAG. at least two feuding GOBAG factions - and they busy fighting each other.

    The result of the Carvalhos, Iseris, Rapozos Asings political bloodsport is going to be more and more Hoosers and Bynums getting power.


  41. Here is the video ...

  42. Based on the articles I have read and the tv news reports that I have seen, there are two items that need to be distinguished from one another. They are the differences between the mayors automobile allowance and fuel usage. I believe the mayor elected to discontinue the automobile allowance when he ran for office a few years ago. So I think that's great, he's saving taxpayer money. He apparently is still using county fuel via a county fuel card. Now tell me what is the problem with the mayor using a county fuel if he is using the fuel for county work? Sounds legitimate to me. Maybe that is why the Attorney General did not pursue this matter further after their investigation, as reported by KHNL News last night.

  43. If the mayor wants to survive come 2014, he needs to get rid of the Rapozos, Tokiokas, Rezentes, Heus, Castillos, or clean house completely, or the mayor is history.

  44. Shay for mayor? Possible.

  45. Shay for mayor? Yes, we have too much money in the County's bank accounts and should redistribute it among Shay's future EEOC victims.

  46. Shay for mayor? I've always said nothing could make me want to move from Kaua'i but that could do it!

  47. Joan:
    Did you hear the latest? On Friday, although Shaylene was once again MIA at the office, she sent down a royal decree by email banning all employees from coming into the office this weekend and next weekend. She told everyone that she has a cleaning crew coming in and that only they are allowed to be present. To emphasize her directive that no one was allowed to enter that county owned building, all DPAs and staff were ordered to turn in their security card keys, which were promptly confiscated and turned over to First DPA Jake Delaplane.
    Since the "cleaning" excuse is an obvious lie, there is real concern what Shaylene and Jake plan to do behind closed doors with all these criminal case files at her ready access, along with shreders, and xerox machines. Sadly there appears to be no recourse.

    1. This is 1000 percent abuse of power. She is definitely going to destroy case files. Shay and Jake should be criminally prosecuted. This insane, how can any DPA or any county official let this happen. The Galas murder case show she is a fraud. If no county official is goin to do anything about it then all is guilty and conspiring with Shay to destroy federal, state, and county records. I guarantee a certain murder case records are going to be shredded. Total Insanity!

    2. Is that going to be the shredding files of Hilarios murder of Moore because Shay is good friends with the family?

      We all know Pohaku was a scam to protect all of her criminal family and friends, especially the BOE's criminal murdering militia.

  48. 10 REAL REASONS Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho and Jake Delaplane want to keep everyone out of the office this weekend:

    1. Planning a new secret attack against her enemies. Who? F* Everyone!
    2. Taking bugs out of offices
    3. Placing bugs into offices.
    4. Cleaning but doesnot want people to see her drunk off her arsh and crying.
    5. "Interviewing" for a job with Mel
    6. Xeroxing all files so she can keep an eye on that upstart
    7. Clearing out all the Pohaku paraphernalia.
    8.Deleting files that might be embarassing. Shred, shred, shred
    9. Leaving little surprises for Justin.
    5. F*ing with her staff because that is all the power she and Jake have left for two more weeks.

  49. HRS, Division 1, Sections 105-1 to 105-5,

    It is unlawful for any county employee to use a county-owned vehicle for personal use, including commuting. Penalties for violating section 105-1 include a fine (up to $50) and/or imprisonment (up to 10 days).

    1. Shay and Jake committed these crimes and they were given immunity under witness protection against each other.

  50. Dear 9 a.m.

    No, I didn't hear that, but thanks for sharing. If someone can get me a copy of Shay's email to staff, I'd appreciate it. Send to I will keep it confidential, though it is a public record, so you don't have to be shy about sharing.

  51. Ambition, Power.Janine's downfall from grace? It did for Shay. Now it's Janine's turn. Who's next?

  52. Somebody needs to stop Shay. Secure OPA files. Janine is a pawn in all this and does not deserve to be victimized like she is

  53. 1. Shaylene and Jake have been seen on multiple occasions driving Shay's assigned County vehicle to local bars after work, suckin em up, and driving off into the moonset, IN A COUNTY VEHICLE. Is that an authorized use of County and Taxpayers' gasoline, not to mention the county car?

    2. Darryl's police officers are given take-home County vehicles and gas to drive to and from work. They are also allowed to make "incidental" stops along the way between home and work. So I guess what's ok for Darryl's staff, is not ok for the Mayor, who uses his own private vehicle to travel to/from work and attend community meetings??

  54. No sympathy for Janine...being a part of Bernards inner circle doesn't exempt her from accountability. Both she and her husband feed at the county trough with little qualification and they are looking for greater things down the road (Mayor). Others are watching so you damn well better be squeaky clean. I'm sure this is a political vendetta by Shay but if your hands are dirty than u deseve the indictment. Jus becaus everyone does it (abuse use of county vehicles/fuel) doesn't excuse anyone.

  55. 1. Stop assuming what Justin will do once he's sworn in; he's a grown ass man so just let him do his job and he'll prove all you haters and disbelievers wrong.

    2. Stop assuming that Janine is guilty. Innocent till proven guilty right?

    3. Stop assuming that ALL county workers are unqualified and useless. I'm a County worker that busts my ass everyday and is a law abiding citizen... and I don't appreciate being categorized with the Shays and Jakes of the County.

    4. Joan, can you get a copy of the indictment showing what evidence was used for the jury to consider? If Janine is guilty, can't Justin go to indict shay and jake as well? Where is that information on the gas audit? or was the dept. of transportation the only department scrutinized in the audit?

  56. For all the griefs she caused to her employees at the Transportation Agency, she deserves to be behind bar.


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