Saturday, August 24, 2013

Musings: Recognition

"Laugh" for the day:
Thought for the day:

Definition of TYRANNY
oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of [hu]man — Thomas Jefferson>; especially: oppressive power exerted by government — or, I might add, technology, consumerism, religion, nationalism, media, fanaticism, commercialism, fundamentalism.... 
a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock — Dixon Wecter> 
an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act 
Recognize it anywhere around/within you?


  1. The world could not exist without it, starting with "time is the tyrant" applied to the 70-80 years of an average individual's existence.

    Follow that by the fact that we are not all created equal and it's a sham to think that we should treat unequals a great "golf handicapping system" for human society...or "I'll spot you X balls" in a pool game to 100. That leads to a welfare society.

    I was always historically comfortable with the caste society of Europe. The merchant class, the trade guilds, the professional class, the ruling class, the laborer class.

  2. On the inappropriateness of treating unequals equally:

  3. Like when the planning dept. put all kinds of outragious demands on your legal residence to use it as a vacation rental.

  4. jaja Joan, not funny!

  5. Bite by bite freedoms get eaten away.
    Every rule or law erodes your freedom. The GMO bill is a real stab at the freedom of property rights, and turns the the county into Gauleiters.......
    Read history.

  6. Property rights do not trump the right of people to not be poisoned.

  7. So just because I own a 20,000 sq. foot lot in Princeville I can build a pig feed lot and raise 500 pigs? Wash all the waste into an open pit cesspool? Back up 3 semi trucks every day to haul away my pigs to slaughter? Heck I don't even need to haul them away, I'll just build a slaughter house right there. I'll even compost all the guts right there because it makes good organic compost for my garden.
    You think the whiners of Princeville would think that's okay?
    Ohh but its okay to dump millions of gallons of unknown toxic chemicals every year on the Westside and let the poison laden dust blow into my house. Every day I sweep up probably a half cupful of fine dust from my floors. Yes I knew I lived in an ag area when I bought my home in Waimea 20 years ago, but never had the dust problem when sugar was planted because they harvested and tilled every year and half to two years, not every month or two months like the seen companies do. Sugar never left field empty so dirt can blow away and run off with the rain. While sugar companies were not "perfect" they were 100% better land steward and community minded than the seed companies.

  8. Cane burned, tilled, hauled, used chemical fertilizers and chemicals by the ship/ Barge load and sprayed moocho chemicals, paraquat, 24d, roundup-on and on.....Try about 100 tons a week (yep, a week) of various fertilizers and chemicals..These were not "organic"....aqua ammonia fumes etc...sugar was fine with all of this. Now as the lemmings grasp on the hippest and coolest FAD, a hate fest with Monsato and all things GMO.
    This bill is purely a political foil for a couple of power hungry council people ...wake up, Kauai........if the County can force a company out of business while obeying all laws, then they can do unto you.
    If the Docs saw an increase in disease, why were these not reported as required by Oath, law and moral scepter.....You folks play fast and easy with other people's land, livelihood and lifestyle.....Put consistent testing in place and if there are discrepancies, then make a law.
    This is a first step to ban Roundup, what and see, of course, the wealthy will use hand work to whack the weeds (until the worker comp insurance flies thru the roof and they have power tool injuries)......the rest of us will watch the jungle grow.
    Sit down and discuss this situation with the Ag guys, do not send a council guy who is against PMRF, against Hotel and against anything that gives jobs to the people, he is indebted to the rich newcomers and their draw bridge syndrome. Kauai has always been diverse, but now we have too many niele trust funders, who do not understand land or resources. The big land owners have kept most of their properties pristine.

  9. @10:02 The problem with your example is Princeville is residential-resort. Like it or not you are in ag district and dust and pesticides are allowed.

  10. @11:03 am:

    You are so off the mark its not funny. "Large landowners have kept their land pristine". That is why the ocean on the west side is nearly perpetually brown from all the soil erosion mauka because Gay and Robinson managed their lands so well? From cattle ranching to sugar, and now biotech, streams, rivers and the ocean are severely impacted by soil erosion. It was the cattle ranchers that brought in the nastiest of weeds like Guinea Grass and Haole Koa, which effectively took over our lowlands and wiped out many native species. Round up is your saving grace from that mistake? You seem to be knowledgeable about the sugar industries past practices which just reiterates my point about large landowners (Grove Farm, Amfac, A & B, G & R) not keeping their lands pristine based on your own description of that industry. Which brings up the point of why many people feel that industrial ag is detrimental to the land and that we need a paradigm shift in how we farm and feed people. It's the "Save Kauai Farms" that are doing a dis-service to the people of Kauai by promoting big ag as the only real farms that matter. Small farmers who use less harmful chemicals or grow organically are the ones who are feeding us locally. I'm sure that the Habitat for Humanity homes built right smack up to those coffee fields appreciate knowing just how much RUP's are being sprayed directly up wind of them. I wonder if any A&B managers have built homes adjacent to those fields?

    There are many people who support bill 2941 who are born and raised locals like myself, whose 'ohana were here generations before the first haole ever set foot on our shores. To categorize this issue as us versus them is a sham. There are locals living in Kekaha and Waimea that are being adversely impacted and who have spoken out in favor of this bill. Instead you choose to blame the messengers (Hooser/Bynum) and the crowd you claim they are catering to (niele trust funders)as anti-everything. The controversy over GMO's and the affects of heavy pesticide application is a worldwide issue and its everyday people who are stepping up to resist these multi-national chemical corporations. I'm not rich. I like many other families struggle everyday to make a living in our beloved Hawaii nei, and refuse to stand idly by and watch my home, the home of my kupuna, being systematically destroyed by these companies. They have no connection to place and once they get what they need to make their billions in profit, they will leave. It will be our communities that will be left to deal with the environmental and human health impacts long after they are gone.

    You say to come talk to the Ag guys about our concerns, don't go to our councilmembers? I don't think Dow, Dupont Pioneer, Syngenta, BASF or Bayer have ever been willing to come to the table to "talk". Just how responsive have they been to questions about their spraying? Pretty non-responsive. If A&B doesn't want to be lumped with the biotech industry, they should be working with Hooser to amend the bill accordingly and they should be doing community outreach NOT to kill the bill but to address legitimate concerns that your fellow community members have.

  11. Tyranny - Divide the population with something, take peoples guns, control or prohibit the religion, control the land, tell the people where to work. Use fear or force to justify all government action.

  12. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.Thomas Jefferson

  13. Those jobs are temporary workers hired by Kelly temp services. Are those the jobs that they are trying to protect?

  14. I love that picture. It's awesome. Open up motherf**kers!

    Yea, caste society of Europe haha. That's great if you were born in the caste you wanted to be in. But try being born in the laborer class and wishing you were a ruler.


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