Sunday, February 9, 2014

Musings: Full Disclosure

If Hawaii is the melting pot, well, Kauai could fairly be described as the crackpot of the archipelago. We all know it's hard to find decent, affordable rentals on this island, and for some folks, it's obviously harder than others, as this Craigslist ad makes clear:


Once again I'm looking for that place to call home.

First, I am open to sharing a home as long as there is respect and a good match in lifestyles. It is much better for the environment to share resources rather than having every single person having a refrigerator, etc. and I love having eco conscious people around. I would like to keep rent under $1,000 a month, but can go a little higher.

Major requirements:

A wireless radiation free home - including no smart meter. I am totally willing to pay for cable/telephone service using ethernet cabled internet, phone and TV as well as for opting out of a smart meter. See - to educate yourself on this if you do not know how harmful this non ionizing radiation is. I do not own a cell phone, but if a potential housemate does they can have their calls forwarded to a house phone when they are home and then keep their phone either off or in airplane mode to limit exposure to the Class 2B carcinogen they emit.

Eco cleaning and living products used in the home - including pest control. There are safer alternatives readily available today. See - and

A full kitchen and indoor shower. Outdoor showers are great, but not as the only option.

A fun and friendly community. I'm open to living on property with landlords present as long as:

* There are no expectations that an intimate relationship is part of the deal.

* Privacy is respected, i.e. no entering the rental without notice and permission and no peeking in windows.

* Totally legal property - I am not willing to live on property that has illegal units, etc. as I have found this leads to landlords who insist on no visitors.

* Preference to have separate utilities - I find it is best if tenants can choose how much they use and pay their way rather than having utilities included and then have landlords who try to limit appliance usage. I am very energy efficiency minded, but do expect to be able to store and cook food.

* Either distance or tolerance for listening to music and having occasional small gatherings. I'm not into wall shaking music. I just like having music or the radio on at times and a few friends over.

Space to garden. Organically of course. A nice sized veggie patch and maybe some beds that could have more permaculture type plants added would be Heaven on Earth.

Smoking - I do not smoke tobacco, but sometimes friends do and I am open to housemates who smoke as long as it is limited to outside, natural organic products and is sensitive to wind direction/open windows.

Other mind altering drugs - I am open to others using mind altering drugs as long as they are not some of the more dangerously addictive ones. I think many of us self medicate with mind altering drugs and that some of these are safer alternatives than anti depressant pharmaceuticals. I also think that many mind altering drugs can be helpful in creative and spiritual pursuits. Drug dependency is a serious problem and is not something I have or wish on anyone. I am very much aligned with the philosophies of Passages - where they seek to address the underlying cause of why someone would allow themselves to become dependent on a drug. Passages has found that there is good research that shows that many psychological problems are due to a chemical imbalance and that diet and nutritional therapy can cure the underlying cause. As most of us cannot afford or have sufficient health insurance to go there, I suggest reading their book The Alcohol and Addiction Cure if you or someone you loved has a drug and/or destructive behavior dependency.

Good air flow and sunshine would help to keep me smiling.

Safe roads and bike paths for bike riding. (I know this is a long term goal.)

I love living with non human animals too. I do not have any living with me now, but would love to have a few around eventually.

About me:

Okay, obviously I'm an idealist. Everyone tells me put out what you want and you will get it. So here it is. I am 50, female and deeply spiritual. I love to have fun. For me that is listening to music. Dancing to music. Swimming, hiking, and biking. Playing in my garden. I eat a mostly organic, local vegan diet, but I admit I like to eat animals on occasion. I don't pretend it is meat or seafood though. And definitely will not eat factory farmed anything.

I'm not set for life financially, but can cover rent for the foreseeable future. I have some ideas I am investigating as far as long term finances go. I would love to live where I can run a business from my home. Value added food or other plant products is the area I am focused on. My goal is to produce for kama 'aina and not a high priced tourist product.

I want to stay on the North Shore, but am open to other areas of Kaua'i. But not near a cell tower or downwind of GMO fields. Cell towers do not belong in our neighborhoods and should be sited far from where we live and work. People who do live near GMO fields and/or cell towers should be evacuated and compensated for the loss of their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that a home should provide.

Final note: I am into total disclosure and expect that of others.

So please do not contact me if you plan on misrepresenting your rental situation.

On my part, I have to disclose that I have a stalker. I don't know who it is, but do have some suspects. It could be a total stranger, a man I know who wanted sex or it could be harassment due to my environmental activism. This has been going on for months. This person gets past my security camera. Their MO is to move things so I know they have been here and to turn on the interior lights of my car in an effort to kill the battery.

My philosophy is that we are here for the experience. All is not good, but maybe all is necessary. While I am determined to catch this stalker I also feel compassion for anyone who is compelled, whether voluntary or paid, to live with such an obsession.

While I would like to report that I have excellent references I have not had a great experience with my last two landlords here. Otherwise I do have excellent references.

Mahalo Nui Loa for your kokua.


  1. This was not an ad for a rental, it is an offer from Pro Bono attorneys or advice on Kauai living by Hooser.

  2. Crazy Kauai style - dominated by anxiety, irrational fear and an intense need to control others.

    I was going to rent to her until the no sex part.

  3. 9:48 - Yes, while reading this I felt this person was insisting on the same qualities in a landlord that she would also insist upon with someone who she was in an intimate relationship with. While I'm sympathetic, I feel like it's just too unrealistic and off-putting to expect to find all those qualities in a landlord.

  4. Nothing like a stalker to clinch the deal.

  5. Wow, I left my car's interior light on last week...or did I?

  6. Thank you Joan for making your blog as entertaining as well as thought provoking and controversial.

  7. I'll bet she gets a ton of positive responses! (cough, cough)

  8. She had me at wireless radiation free home.

  9. Preference to have separate utilities.......

    lets see, thats 150 bucks extra for a nonsmart meter plus 10 bucks a month more, twice if she wants separate bills, also an additional water meter install, thats county permits

    not asking for much.....

  10. Clearly an ideal tenant. wish there was a like button for some of the comments. lol.

  11. And who would have thunk it guys- she's single. What a catch.

  12. 11:53
    This comment is exactly what is wrong with our society. Why would you think this post is from a female?
    There is no reference to sexual identity or persuasion. Please in the future, be careful in your judgements.
    Signed- one of the manly Million Flying Fistees

  13. She said ...." I am female, 50 and deeply spiritual," That would make me think she is a female, ya little fistee.

  14. She said ...." I am female, 50 and deeply spiritual," That would make me think she is a female, ya little fistee.

  15. What do facts have to with anything 156

  16. 1:34, the 11:53 said she was a female because she said she was a female. As you state so well, "Please in the future, be careful in your judgements."

  17. The opening line says it all, Once again.

  18. wouldn't you like such a place for yourself? if i had an infant, this woman describes the best place for him/her to begin his/her life---clean, fresh! There are places like this on Kauai owned by people who take care of their health and the land they live on.

  19. It appears 6:31 has met her soul mate.

  20. Yes, why expose yourself to the cretins who get on the internet and post smarmy comments on this blog. Whoa, did I just type that? Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace.

  21. So entertaining! I suggest SHE limit her search to the North shore where people won't laugh at her misguided perceptions. No wonder why she had a bad experience with her last two landlords!


  22. As a person who finds the Earth as sacred and above all cherished, I find it dis-heartening when the loonies add the title environmental activist to their beliefs. This island has a tendency to kick off the unwelcome. We will just let nature do its course, its interesting though who this island attracts.


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