Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Musings: Political Grenades

After a couple of weeks of steady rain, it's so delightful to see shadows and sunlight on the face of Waialeale, towering cumulous clouds tinged pink, droplets sparkling like diamonds on ironwood trees, a white moon, well-waned. Of course, now I can also see the sheen of mildew on the screens…..

It was a little surprising to see the state Attorney General's office hand KPD a political grenade to use against the police chief's arch enemy, Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. But that's what it did when confronted with the dispute over whether the mayor should've resigned for pleading the fifth in the county auditor's fuel card probe. As The Garden Island reported today:

That particular investigation is something our department is deferring to the police department,” said Anne Lopez, special assistant to the AG’s office. “The police department can proceed with what they think is best.”

Gosh, are we gonna see Chief Darryl Perry arrest the mayor, bring him into the station for questioning, release a booking mug shot to the newspaper?  Send the SWAT team to take him down on the highway, ala Dayne Aipoalani? Maybe even Taser the big guy and claim he resisted arrest?

At issue is a comma in a statute — and years of political grudges involving Hanalei boatyard owner Mike Sheehan, county auditor Ernie Pasion and former prosecutor Shaylene Iseri. Even without the recent rains, there's always plenty of mud to sling during campaign season on Kauai.

Of course, this is all likely to go nowhere. Because even if KPD does pursue a complaint, it will land on Prosecutor Justin Kollar's desk. And he has neither an ax to grind against the mayor nor his predecessor's predilection for vendettas.

Speaking of which, it appears Councilman Tim Bynum's lawsuit against Shay and the county is close to resolution, with a special executive session set for Thursday to brief the Council on a settlement. As was mentioned during last week's Council meeting, the case has been turned over to the county's insurance company. And now, surprise-surprise, it's fast-tracking toward a settlement. Maybe the county should lower its deductible so cases get settled before we burn through half a million bucks in legal fees.

Meanwhile, BASF has joined the other chem companies in their lawsuit against the county over Ordinance 960, the county's pesticide/GMO regulatory law, prompting Councilman Gary Hooser to regurgitate one of his stock responses:

BASF is the largest chemical company in the world and suing the smallest county in Hawaii for the right to spray poison next to schools fits right into their historical corporate culture.”

Except BASF is the only company targeted by the law that actually has no fields near schools, homes or hospitals. But why let the facts get in the way of a good sound bite?

As for bad sound bites, I happened to tune into KKCR while driving to the North Shore last evening, thinking I'd hear music. Instead, I got Gordon LaBedz and Ya Kaduce going on about how it was ridiculous that an experienced firm like Earthjustice wasn't allowed to represent the county pro bono against the chem corps.

Except Earthjustice didn't even submit a proposal, and as I wrote the other day, never ever intended to actually represent the county, only a community group(s). But why let the facts get in the way of a typically ill-informed KKCR dee-jay rant?

They next turned their attention to local elections. Ya identified Jimmy Trujillo, Jonathan Jay and Adam Asquith as KKCR dee-jay's and then endorsed them for the KIUC board. Though the station made the three candidates relinquish their shows during the campaign, it's allowing their buddies who remained on air to stump for them.

How can that be fair to the other candidates?

Jimmy, meanwhile, offered evidence of his own lackluster interest in the election by posting on Facebook, if you're like me, your KIUC ballot is still unopened.

But maybe he'll get around to opening it in the next couple of weeks and blackening the oval next to his name. His enthusiasm, yawn, is contagious.


  1. GH also should not refer to kauai as the smallest county in Hawaii. Kalawao holds that distinction!

  2. Why defend Bernard ? He is just the latest good old boy ho ?

  3. Why not defend Bernard? Personally I'm tired of hearing about the gas theft that wasn't or Sheehan's lawyer and the council watchers Glen and Ken make a big deal about nothing. It was already shown to be a non issue so you are just fking around.

  4. I want to set the record straight here. Dylan Hooser was never convicted of any crime involving drugs. Petty misdemeanor marijuana charges were filed against him, but dismissed back in July 2004.

    Any comments referencing dealing will not be posted.

  5. So one of the lawyers who defends Bynam is also the one suing the county for a law Bynam pushed for. Is this collusion or whatever you call it, Ken and Glenn should be looking into that.

  6. Joan, great....now can you delete 5:21?

  7. "But why let the facts get in the way of a typically ill-informed KKCR dee-jay rant?" Why indeed. jj accused KIUC of violating Hawaii State Election Laws but fails to cite what law. I know Hawaii Election Law quite well and find no violation.

  8. Joan,
    As much as I find the behavior of GH and DH to be odious, I nevertheless applaud you for standing up for DH and setting the record straight on his past legal issues. Your insistence on facts and upholding of standards - as well as your witty and well-crafted writing - are what makes this blog a refuge and keeps me coming back. ...Hey GI! Pay attention here!

  9. Koller won't prosecute because the mayor's AG essentially installed him in his position. Koller is Al's boy. The prosecutor's office is now an arm of the mayor's office.

  10. Thanks, 10:57. I appreciate that.

    6:26 -- Justin was "installed" in his position by the 14,290 people who voted for him.

  11. If the people of Kauai want a better Kauai we need to elect more intelligent and more creative politicians Sad to post that this will not happen in the near future

  12. Im not sure I recognize the conflict of interest in being a radio show host and running for KIUC BOD. They got off the air before announcing their candidacy. Other candidates have jobs where they have been in the public sector, which is why they are recognizable enough to have a chance at being elected. On an island where many get elected because of who they not and not what they know or how they intend to vote, I think it is refreshing to have three candidates running on issues rather than (family) name recognition. Is everyone just worried someone who wasn't "born and raised" might have the community support to actually win?

  13. If the smart meter vote is an indication, not much to worry about

  14. Justin, Tim, Gary, Nadine and Jay were not born and raised on Kauai. Those "off island" KIUC candidates will lose because they've staked out positions that the majority of voters oppose.

  15. Please Joan find out how much money Shaylene is costing us this time (Bynum lawsuit). Also, is our insurance deductible going up because of Shaylene? If she is God forbid ever again elected to County office can the voters petition the council members for a bill to garnish her paychecks until the County is paid back? Why should she get another dollar from this County?

  16. "Majority voters"? How many members actually vote? And how many renters don't get to vote because utilities are included in the rent or in my case, the bill was in my landlords name but I still paid it. He got the voting rights and whatever refund was due. I have since moved and have an account in my name so we get to vote this time around. I'm voting for the 3 newcomers because I am tired of the good old boys cycling through time and time again. Time for a change.

  17. I don't mind change but the 3 stooges who tried to get me to pay for their meter readers aren't an improvement.

  18. Anonymous said...
    I don't mind change but the 3 stooges who tried to get me to pay for their meter readers aren't an improvement.

    February 19, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Plantation Slave.

    KIUC is long overdue for a change in their good ol boy practice.

    Read about the kauai police commissioner on hawaii news now. Throw away the garden island newspaper.

  19. You're a "plantation slave" if you don't want to vote for the 3 stooges?

    Turn off KKCR and think for yourself

  20. How's the racist assumption? Just because I'm pissed that the 3 stooges forced a stupid election that cost the ratepayers money or filed a stupid lawsuit that also cost the ratepayers you accuse me of having a plantation mentality? Sorry, massah, I won't think for myself again. Tell me what to do, Obi Wan Dumbass.

  21. Anonymous said...
    You're a "plantation slave" if you don't want to vote for the 3 stooges?

    Turn off KKCR and think for yourself

    February 19, 2014 at 9:27 PM

    The first time and last time I listened to KKCR is when I called in to congratulate Justin Kollar in becoming the new Prosecuting Attorney for Kauai and I told him that he had a great responsibility.

    KIUC is like the Kauai Police department- same ol guys same ol stories. Everything will be UNSOLVED and COVERED up.

  22. Anonymous said...
    How's the racist assumption? Just because I'm pissed that the 3 stooges forced a stupid election that cost the ratepayers money or filed a stupid lawsuit that also cost the ratepayers you accuse me of having a plantation mentality? Sorry, massah, I won't think for myself again. Tell me what to do, Obi Wan Dumbass.

    February 19, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    Juventus stultorum magister.

    In vino veritas.

    Age quod agis.

  23. Quidquid latine dictum, altum videtur. Even quotes from "Tombstone".

  24. Why is it that every year during the KIUC Board election All that is important is pushed to the side and a bunch of wanna be politicians start their name calling agenda.

    I don't care what radio station you listen to or what paper you read. All I want to know of the candidates running for the KIUC Board are what have you done and how do you plan to incorporate those accomplishments into the KIUC's Clean Energy Strategic Plan. If you are an activist who has accomplished nothing in life except havoc, than maybe we don't need you on the Board.

  25. Turn off all your gadgets and your electricity if you're that concerned about radiation. Otherwise, don't make me laugh with the anti smart meter hyperbole that you're writing about online.

  26. I find it enlightening in that it appears that the "silent majority" of kama'aina are beginning to awaken to the fact that their voices and actions are necessary to counteract the small, yet vocal and active minority of anti-GMO proponents.


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