Monday, August 18, 2014

Musings: 'Nuff Said

Kauai Mayoral Candidate Dustin Barca posted this on Instagram:
Upon reading it, another young man — a product of the same environment — said it made him think of this poem by Ikkyu:

Having created
The demon mind yourself
When it torments you mercilessly
You're to blame and no one else

When you do wrong
Our mind's the demon
There's no hell
To be found outside

Abominating hell
Longing for heaven
You make yourself suffer
In a joyful world

You think that good
Means hating what is bad
What's bad is
The hating mind itself.


  1. This kind of shit leaves me speechless.

  2. Where is the hate? I don't see hate from Barca at all. I see concern, some frustration and best of all, a willingness to try and do something about it. It seems like people are hating on him.

  3. Do something about it? Like what? He offers no plans or ideas.

    Nobody is hating on him. We're all just laughing at him.

  4. Frustration. Dustin deserves some credit for sticking his hat in the ring. He would bring more attention to the anti-ag movement if he just tapped out. A graceful exit generates news. A election and resulting whumping is just regular old politics.

    He portrays himself as a Hawaiian. DOES he have any drops of koko? I know we are all brothers li'dat, but I know a couple of bruddahs that get hoo hoo if some one is a pretender.

  5. The WISEST of yogis, is none other than Yogi Berra, who said: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

    There are different forks in the road of life as to how different people approach problems and challenges.

    One is to be a victim, and to live in a world with a victim mentality.

    The other is to work collaboratively with others, to find solutions to issues, for the advancement of the whole community.

    This kind of intelligence has some, but not all to do with education. But these things are certainly nurtured.

  6. Someone should advise Dustin that using all CAPS AND MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION POINTS IS CONSIDERED YELLING!!!!

  7. I think that this was put on this blog to embarrass Dustin Barca. Well, we respond with our comments anonymously because we don't have the guts to have our names published. I give Mr. Barca a lot of kudos cuz i am sure a lot of people will make fun of him after reading his message . . . . but, he is not fearful of what people will think of him---he must be speaking from his heart. My teacher, a healer, reminds me to speak from my heart, to educate and empower people, to use peaceful energy and to use heart choices rather than head choices. So, whose ego(s) are playing a part in this scenario?

  8. Dilusions of grandure. Dustin Barca is uneducated, inexperienced, and has no expressed or even implied plans to rectify any of these issues he's citing. This election was really a trial balloon for Gary Hooser's platfrom. Barca is a sacrificial lamb to see if Gary is electable on his anti-GMO, anti-development, and anti-taxing platforms. Boo hoo Dustin, I guess the emperor's clothes are a bit too revealing when you're called to the mat. Next time, let Hooser test the waters himeself, as he'll find them "cold and with plenty of rip tides". Now it's time for Dustin to fade away and become nothing more than a footnote in Kauai's political history.


    Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke,
    You gotta understand,
    It's just our bringin' up-ke
    That gets us out of hand.
    Our mothers all are junkies,
    Our fathers all are drunks.
    Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks!

    Gee, Officer Krupke, we're very upset;
    We never had the love that ev'ry child oughta get.
    We ain't no delinquents,
    We're misunderstood.
    Deep down inside us there is good!

    -- West Wide Story

  10. For someone with a one issue platform, little formal education and comparatively little funding, Dustin Barca had a decent amount of votes. Hope he inspires other young, idealistic people to run for office.

  11. To the ignorant reader his sales pitch looks passionate, sincere, full of concern, heartfelt, and inspiring but if you delve deeper or have been flowing this for a while you'll know that this is the product of a very misguided individual who has been used and taken advantage of by people like Gary Hooser. This is layers upon layers of lies. Another attempt to slam the Mayor and make himself look like a "good guy". Pretty much everything he says in this is filled with bullshit weather Dustin is aware of it or not. I wonder where he gets his info and facts that he yells about because none of it is true and its very deceiving. And no, he no more Koko.

  12. "Abominating hell
    Longing for heaven
    You make yourself suffer
    In a joyful world

    You think that good
    Means hating what is bad
    What's bad is
    The hating mind itself."

    Brilliant Poem and so relevant!

    Like when you look at a beautiful sky and all you see are chem-trails. And you freak you kids out telling them they are spraying toxic mind controlling chemicals on everyone.

    Or when someone like Sole Khan makes his perfectly healthy 2 year old son into the literal poster boy for GMOS on an actual poster that says "STOP POISONING MY CHILD". and marches up Rice street and later testifies and cries on camera when absolutely nothing is wrong with his son. Fake! Drama!

    Or when your so scared of fluoride that you brush your teeth without toothpaste and tell all the kids not to drink the tap water...even though Hawaii has no fluoride in our water and because of it we are notorious for dental health problems. And you think that "dentists are brainwashed" (barca comment)! YIKES!

    And the list goes on and on and on...Don't vaccinate your kids or they will become Autistic...Cell towers are microwaving the reef... Blaming the Mayor, corporations and attorneys for everything. Really?!?! Fear and lies. Making everything a conspiracy. And repeating all the lies so frequently that you sound like a broken record. "Suffering in a joyful world".

    Using the hearts and minds of the children as Gary and Tim did to boys like Dustin, Sol and Baby Hoos, who are now freaking out their own kids the same way... Sad.
    ignorant, pathetic, fearful, and shameful.

    So come on Dustin. If you actually have some substance beyond yelling about all the evils of the world and pointing fingers. Then tell us! Why should anyone vote for you? We really want to know. Because not being Bernard, "hating what is bad", being raised by hunters, and fishermen like everyone who is from here, is not enough to run a county.


  13. 1:45 I don't think Gary was the great manipulator that put Dustin in the ring. There are many who wanted a candidate to go against Bernard. It takes a special kind of person to get in to the fray.
    No on knew what was what with the GMO issue. Gary may be re-elected, but he does have a future with the mainland enviro groups. He will have a soft landing either way.
    The General Erection may find a shift in the anti-AG majority. Remember, Tim and Gary are not the only fistees. Jay is actually the big Fist, because he allows all this nonsense to go forward. Jay has had a good career, but he has lost all sense of his local roots. The Princeville mentality has usurped his soul and he has forgotten that most people work hard for their living. He keeps on insinuating more laws to tax the folks. He loves the Water increases, says nothing about Tim's tax plans that will raise rents and all costs for operating businesses. He says nothing, as the recycle/trash man managers want to raise fees. Tax and spend, let the locals suffer, thanks Jay, Mason, Gary, Joann and especially Tim. Great Rippling sagging manboobs, Tim either get a brassiere or wear a bigger shirt. You are challenging the Boobs against Biotech with your fluttering flesh.

  14. Nobody hates You (Barca) for running for mayor. Its because your such a liar. And pretty much everything you say is false, twisted, a conspiracy theory, and your contributing to the hate and fear thats dividing our community for no good reason. You dont have the patience to really understand anything before you go off on a ALL CAPS RANT about it. Your unreasonable and stubborn and unteachable. You would be a nightmare to work with! You put blame on people who dont deserve it. You claim to be Hawaiian when you have none. You have no hesitation to hurt other people with you fist or your lies. You mislead people and cant be trusted, among many other things. Try being more honest,humble and respectful and less people would hate you and you might make some progress.

  15. What was Bernard's qualifications? Pro-football player? Oh that's right Parks and Recreation where he shunned the feds re shearwaters and resulted in a Fed suit against the county.

    Easy to attack his character, harder to have the balls to run for office.

  16. When you've got an ego the size of Dustin's, mainland cash and believe you're on a mission from God, balls aren't needed. Character, however, is essential.

  17. Nuff...Barca all the way.

  18. What Barca doesn’t know, because he wasn’t here when the ag dedication tax breaks were enacted, is that it was long before there was any worry about food sustainability. We never knew of the concept of peak oil. Even with the worst tidal waves like the one in 1946 we never had a problem with food. Even the hurricanes which could do damage to houses, never cut off our food supplies. So when he says that the seed companies are not growing food and therefore should not have the ag deduction, he is quite unfamiliar with Kauai and the reason for the breaks in the first place. The ag dedication reduction in tax was initiated for two reasons: 1) to preserve agricultural jobs, and 2) to preserve open vistas that agriculture allows. The concept of peak oil (shipping costs) and meteorological events might prevent Hawaii from continued food supplies is no longer a material concern except for the most paranoid individuals and the people who like to use it disingenuously for other purposes like Dustin Barca. Barca only reveals his ignorance when he makes these anti-agriculture statements. No wonder he’s losing this election. He only represents the hippy newcomers.

  19. Bernard's administration is proposing the increase in trash fees for those who generate more trash. If you generate less trash, you pay less. With the fee structure we have now, I'm subsidizing those who take up more space at the landfill and use more resources to haul their trash.


  20. Barca, Someone must have edited out the Fbombs. We all know they had to be there. Just another limited mind attempting to express itself. Happens to the best of us...

  21. Very disappointed that we don't have a real choice for mayor. This administration didn't necessarily drop the ball (significantly) but it's fiscal policy is bloated, irresponsible and a flagrant misuse of taxpayer revenue. To add insult to injury, this administration has the audacity to raise taxes even more on barely-getting-by homeowners. Did you ever think of cutting costs? Start with overtime and those getting paid for 8 hours for performing 3-5 hours of actual work. COUNCIL TO THE RESCUE! I wish. Rubber stamps all around. No worries, we'll vote them back in to stick it to us even more. The mayor is solid in many areas but exposed in this area. Sadly, not many seem to care. At some point, watch for hotels to simply say "enough" and tourists will simply say "Bahamas" or "Mexico" or "Costa Rica" or "Forget Kauai/Hawaii". Great legacy, Mr. Mayor. On the one hand I want everyone to vote but on the other-hand PLEASE don't vote if you're not even sure what the heck the person stands for. "Well, I know his auntie/uncle/father/mother and they must be a good person." That yields wasted money, congestion, illegally run TVRs, streets in disrepair (understatement), wasted money, a lack of drug treatment centers, wasted money, no real solution to trash problems, uneducated and inexperienced department heads, and more wasted money. Hey, just raise the taxes and fees to replace the wasted money and so you have more money to waste.

  22. Aloha Joan, I hope someday the flavor of your blog changes and you write things that help create inspiration for positive change. I wonder why you focus so much on personalities and their "failings"? I am not so interested in Mr. Lilley's, Mr. Barca's, Ms. Brower's personalities.... but I am very interested in the issues they are concerned about. The main issue is the health of the enviroment...the air, soil, water and all life on the planet. Is it really so difficult to bring the issues into this blog while avoiding taking personal jabs at others? Why support polarization of the community (red is white and blue is brown) instead of unity (red and blue are purple). The "failings" of the people you put down are everyone's "failings" including you and me. The planet is very sick and we are all to blame so you are very right about hypocrisy. Now that you have shown the public how hypocritical some of us are... isn't it time to accept the fact that all of us are like that and get on with solving the problems? How wonderful if this blog became one that helped educate us all about issues and not personalities! We are all in this race together...the human how can we work together in peace and harmony? (by the way, Terry Lilley has recorded thousands of hours of video underwater on the northshore...he knows the turtles by name....don't you think we might be able to learn something positive from this man and his work, even if he does have personal opinions that may differ from mine or yours?? Why not go spend a day diving with Terry and then write about it in this blog?)...(you could also interview the people who live next to the Waimea River for their stories...that would also make for an interesting blog, I am sure)

  23. The population has more than doubled, and the tourists who come here number more than a million a year, of course services and personnel have increased as well.

  24. Ken, I have spent thousands of hours educating people about issues -- many issues, especially the health of the environment. Please go back and read through some of my seven years of posts and 27 years of Hawaii newspaper and magazine articles. You just may educate yourself. On a small island, I believe it is very important to educate people about the personalities of those who seek and wield power. And please don't blame me for the polarization --- it's the reality of Kauai, especially around the GMO issue, and I'm merely the messenger. As for the "flavor" of my blog, the vitriol of your many anti-GMO Facebook comments is still fresh in my mind. Maybe try clean up your own act? Oh, wait, there's that hypocrisy thing again…. That said, you're welcome at any time to submit a guest post with some positive solutions, or use the comment section to inspire!

  25. While I may not agree with Joan on everything she writes, I believe she has a right to blog about any damn thing she wants. Chastising her for speaking the truth about the character of political candidates is misplaced but then you probably would be giving her a resounding "Great post, Joan!" if she were ripping on anything or anyone who is pro-GMO! It's always easier to make someone wrong than to really digest what they have to say whether you agree or not.

    Dustin Barca's very LOUD rant about everything that is wrong with Kauai is a sad commentary about his character. He points the finger at everyone and everything that he opposes instead of looking at his own life and working to make it better. He is not competent to run the business of Kauai and he could not be the mayor of all with his one issue stance. Add to that the fact that he tried to pick a fight with some blue shirts at the county building last year during all the testimony. He is not fit to be the mayor of ALL of Kauai. He ought to drop out of the race, go home and spend some time in quiet reflection.

  26. Great legacy, Mr. Mayor. On the one hand I want everyone to vote but on the other-hand PLEASE don't vote if you're not even sure what the heck the person stands for. "Well, I know his auntie/uncle/father/mother and they must be a good person." That yields wasted money, congestion, illegally run TVRs, streets in disrepair (understatement), wasted money, a lack of drug treatment centers, wasted money, no real solution to trash problems, uneducated and inexperienced department heads, and more wasted money. Hey, just raise the taxes and fees to replace the wasted money and so you have more money to waste.

    Anonymous said August 19, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    Thank you.

    I was getting tired of beating a dead horse. I only hope General Hertog or General Shinseki runs for Mayor and cleans the county of Kauai up. We need real leaders and not just wanna be's that can't spell it or know the definition of LEADERSHIP and what it takes to be a LEADER.

    Wake the F up Kauai! We got rid of a Tyrant former prosecutor and now it's time to get rid of the rest of the GOBAG.

  27. Joan...I am say "the vitriol (bitter criticism: extreme bitterness and hatred toward somebody or something, or an expression of this feeling in speech or writing) of your many anti-GMO Facebook comments is still fresh in my mind". It may be my age, but what comments are you speaking of...I don't remember making any let alone many vitriolic comments on facebook. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else? Could you please refresh my memory with at least one "vitriolic comment" that I have made on Facebook? Mahalo!

  28. No, Ken, I don't have you confused with someone else and I didn't make copies of any of your comments. I just recall frequently thinking "what an asshole" when I read your comments. But like you said, it could be your age. Or a case of denial. Or maybe vitriol is in the eye of the beholder.

  29. Joan, Well, I guess we cannot have a conversation, then, since I am an asshole and full of vitriol. Good luck, girl. Best wishes in finding readers with which you can have stimulating and respectful conversations with. And again, mahalo nui loa for all of the educational information you have given me over the years.

  30. I wouldn't have characterized your comments as respectful or stimulating, nor did I characterize you as you claimed. I said that was my reaction to many of your FB comments. But you're welcome. Thank you for belatedly acknowledging all the educating I 've done.

  31. Miss Joan- I wish you would only write about things I agree with. On this little island personalities are important, but please don't bring this into your writing.
    Also, your years of writing, gathering research and educating the public has made KE a must read. Only you know how many readers you get.
    But, many believe it is about 3000 to 4000 people per blog. Not hits, but readers. A significant number, considering most of the island is too busy to care about politics until something stabs them in the eyeball.
    So with this power, forget about your years of research, organization, time and soulful introspection, I wish you would only write about things I like and say only good things about my friends.
    You are abusing your power. Just because yo have created a unique tool and an interesting must read, it is time to back off. I am really really upset that you attempt to put some truth to the serious topics that we face.

  32. You can tell which council candidates supports Barca and who supports Carvalho. It's pretty obvious.


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