Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Musings: Trounced?

Wow. Amazing results in the first Kauai County printout, with four incumbents bottoming out:

Mel Rapozo 7,066
Ross Kagawa 6,863
Arryl Kaneshiro 6,341
KipuKai Kualii 5,094
Darryl Perry 4,243
Arthur Brun 4,148
Jay Furfaro 4,052

Eighth is JoAnn Yukimura 3,985
Mason Chock 3,704
Billy DeCosta 3,257

Gary Hooser 3,140 
Felicia Cowden 3,086
Tim Bynum 2,865
Tiana Laranio 2,401

This is clearly a repudiation of the Bill 2491/Ordinance 960 vote. 

But we'll see if the numbers hold. 

Meanwhile, Mayor Bernard Carvalho has 7,630 (65.5%) to Dustin Barca's 3,267 (28.2%)

And the Maui County anti-GMO ordinance is failing, 60% to 40%.


  1. Not one woman. Looks like your dream Joan, a bunch of mokes

  2. Does this include absentees and early voting?

  3. Playground dolts take center stage...

  4. When Billy DeCosta kicks your ass, you know you suck.

  5. PRO GMO this election rings loud and clear one thing people here don’t get it! There is a reason the GMO Companies like Monsanto are here they have a lot of money to spread around to get their way and the intelligence level here is such that it can be bullshixed very easily. It’s a real shame people will get sick over this and by the time people get it here it will have cost a lot of people very dearly.

  6. Au contraire, 8:51, the results so far convey an extremely high intelligence level here.

  7. Monsanto is not on Kauai, except on the shelves of Walmart, Home Depot, etc. Thank Gary and Tim for the new Council.

  8. Hey 8:51.. Montsano is not on Kauai so go to wherever they are so you can preach your paranoid "sick" talk to those people who you believe have a lower intelligence level to you.


  9. 8:51 PM said...

    ...the intelligence level here is such that it can be bullshixed very easily.

    On the contrary, a huge number of residents are very intelligent and have the critical thinking skills to tell truth from bullshit.

    Of course, um... not all.

  10. The real people of Kauai, the former silent majority have spoken!

  11. It's called karma, Hooser and Bynum! Good riddance!

  12. Mel RAPOZO 13,147 10%
    Ross K. KAGAWA 12,387 10%
    Arryl KANESHIRO 11,971 9%
    KipuKai L.P. KUALII 9,985 8%
    JoAnn A. YUKIMURA 8,941 7%
    Mason K. 8,730 7%
    Gary L. HOOSER 8,257 7%
    Jay FURFARO 8,165 6%
    Arthur BRUN 8,120 6%
    Darryl D. PERRY 8,076 6%
    Felicia COWDEN 7,917 6%
    Tim BYNUM 7,602 6%
    Billy DeCOSTA 7,243 6%
    Tiana K. LARANIO 5,665 4%

  13. Not completely trounced, but clearly the island is not as anti as some thought.

  14. Well that sure escalated quickly

  15. Yay Mason. You deserve another shot.

  16. Yeah mason stop preaching leadership Kauai to other councilmembers. They kicked your ass especially kagawa and rapozo. What? 4,400 votes difference. What's your lame excuse? Try listening instead of pretending to lead, the people don't obviously buy your bullshit. Who's the graduates of leadership Kauai? Bynum, yukimura, you ? Barf

  17. Picking a fight? He has more integrity than that. His work in the community speaks for itself. That's why he pulled out a win in spite of the controversy surrounding his nomination.

    We need balance to counter the "Buck the firds" mentality that is sure to come.

  18. 12:58 am--whoa, such harsh and atrocious language and message--now that's why we need Mason on board---he is reasonable, can calm people and has integrity. Yeah, Mason!!!!!!!

  19. Like Yogi the great said: IT'S NOT OVER TILL IT'S OVER! The real people of Kauai have spoken! Karma is a stinger, and Hooser is on the council for two more years! I don't always agree with him, but im glad he got in cuz we need to keep on the path and maybe one day we can do what Maui and Hawaii Island have done!!!! We have to educate and make the citizens of Kauai County aware of the issues that impact this beautiful island.

  20. 11:54pm What Maui and Hawaii Island have done is follow Kauai down into the White Rabbit's Hole in the federal court system. I assume that you probably don't pay real property taxes in this jurisdiction. It's all someone else's money that supports your notions of what's appropriate- emphasis on notions since facts are wanting. Your nonsense will have a reckoning to be paid, at which time you may have to reflect on whether you should stay here or return whence you came. For those of us born in the era of really big ag in Hawaii and whose families go back to the koko intermingled with multiple infusions of immigrants over six or seven generations, your departure would be welcome. Mr. Hooser's departure from the Council would certainly have improved it by removing a noisy, windy distraction from needed legislative focus and accomplishment, but it may not be necessary since he fared well only in the ballot boxes that are essentially annexes of out of state places and mindsets and lost his ass in the precincts outside of those rarified airs. The "real people of Kauai" aren't confined to the Haena-Hanalei-Kilauea cultural gulag. We shall see if Hooser is afforded the latitude for gasbag nuisance that he has had in the last two years under a new regime.


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