Friday, December 18, 2015

Musings: Still Bitter

Though anti-GMO activists tend to downplay the polarization caused by their tactics in the Islands, a recent exchange at the Kauai County Council revealed the deep antipathy that bubbles just beneath the surface.

The panel had just finished wasting some 30 minutes on Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura's petulance — she was demanding a woman repeat her entire six-minute testimony because she "didn't get it all down,” when she simply could've reviewed the written testimony that had been submitted.

But then, JoAnn has lost all semblance of reasonableness, and the bizarre exchange prompted one Council-watcher to observe that “JoAnn's lost it.” Sadly, she still has another year in her term.

Following this juvenile digression, the Council was visibly frustrated, as was the audience. 

Councilman Arryl Kaneshiro, who was chairing the public hearing, asked, “If there anyone else in the room who would like to testify?" And then he laughed, and added, "After that?”

A man in the audience called out, “Aren't you guys ashamed of the way you behaved?”

“Yes, I am, sir,” replied Council Chair Mel Rapozo, who had just said it was one of the worst days he'd ever experienced on the Council, which is saying a lot.

The man continued to call out questions and comments, and refused to sit down or stop talking, prompting several members to say police should be called.

“You're in charge of the meeting,” Councilman Gary Hooser said to Arryl. “Tell him to shut up.”

“No, you cannot act like 2491,” Councilman Ross Kagawa interjected, referencing the unruly hearings held on the anti-GMO/pesticide regulatory bill that was passed by the Council, but overturned by a judge. “That does not happen here.”

And then he looked at Gary and said, “Not like your son swearing at us. That does not happen.”

As the room erupted into chaos and Arryl called for a recess, Gary could be heard saying, “Where is this coming from? I'm sitting here minding my own business and you're like losing your temper. Get a grip on it.”

“You get a grip on it,” Ross replied.

“Yeah, bite me,” said Gary, employing one of his most juvenile comebacks. “What you bring my family up for?”

Uh, because you and your son were the thuggish ringleaders in the 2491 circus? And obviously those antics still grate.

Which brings us — again — to the question: How is Kauai going to come back together after the ugliness of 2491 tore it apart? Especially when some of the lead players have not changed their ways?


Anonymous said...

Don't people wonder what it is to be right, to be wrong. Kauai people hold things way beyond deep. They never forget. Whether they forgive is another question... but they never forget who crapped on them. Let us think for our selves. Don't force us to be with you. Why you got be la dat? Maybe we need an amendment to the Constitution " the right to free thought".

Anonymous said...

This is so true.
The 2491 debacle was beyond belief and utterly shameful. There is no going back to any sense of unified community after that.
Testifiers were treated like criminals. Sheer lunacy. I lost all faith in the system during those hearings.

Anonymous said...

Bingo, Joan. Bingo
5 well behaved gentlemen, a peevish lady and Da Hoos.

Anonymous said...

JoAnn should retire, though she at one time was effective, seems like she has lost her mind. Obstructionist at best, lost. She should watch herself on the television. That day, first she wanted the testifier to repeat the whole thing, then she wanted to ask questions, then she said she figured out how to get the information without asking questions, then she argued, was still petulant after getting called, sheesh no wonder the council had to enact laws that stopped the council from asking questions, which has hurt the public discourse unfortunately, but saved us all from endless JoAnn comments. and worst of all, she likely knew the answers to the questions, like the testifier has a vacation rental and her taxes went up dramatically because of that. How sorry should we feel for beachfront property owners who use their property for vacation rentals?
It is quite embarrassing to watch. We don't need a county manager appointed by the council, we need a council that shows basic respect for each other.

Anonymous said...

The council is a bunch of inept clowns with agendas. You, Joan, are a biased muckraker with your own agenda. Stir up shit. The only council person with a semblance of common sense is Hooser. You can pick him apart but anyone without the local mindset who has any common sense can see he is reasonable and just doing the best he could. Didn't see any of the other clowns go to Switzerland. What do you do Joan? Turn him into some grandstander. You've got the ear of some real winners in here Joan. Me included. A bunch os racially biased self righteous ignoramuses. Let's hear your take on the immigrant situation. Let's see where you stand on that. How about all the racial stuff going on in your blog. Let's discuss that. You know all the self righteous TVR "locals" who sneak around being ne'ele. No you're not guardians of the aina. You're nosey neighbors with too much time on your hands. Pick on Hooser? Racist. The real scum on that council is Rapozo. Slime at it's finest. Leopards don't change their spots. He's a rotten cop from the past with some dubious distinctions. How about an expose on him? The minini arguing is plain ignorant. The name calling is unprofessional. It's a 3rd world circus.And you just stir the pot. I come here to be able to vent. Where the idiots hang out. Yeah me too. Here we are again. Ho hum. Try something new Joan. Completely new.

Joan Conrow said...

My, that was quite a spew of projection, blame, ignorance and raw hatred. Maybe you should try something new, like being a decent human being and thinking before you write.

Anonymous said...

Good depiction of the events of that day Joan. I was there and it was a real circus. But you got part of it wrong as Ross Kagawa was standing up yelling to the guy in the audience to shut up or leave. Arryl (who in theory was the Chair and thus in charge) was in way over his head and hooser was telling him to control Ross who was all red in the face having already lost his temper, then Ross turned to Hooser and started ranting about 2491. Kagaw needs to take a chill pill, he must have nightmares about 2491.

Joan Conrow said...

Go watch the video. I think the chain of events in your scenario is a little off. If Gary was telling Arryl to tell Ross to shut up, and not the man in the audience, then he certainly couldn't claim he was minding his own business.

I got news for you. Many of us still have nightmares about 2491. It was the ugliest thing I ever saw in 28 years of covering news in Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

11:42, sounds like you need a chill pill. Switzerland, Hooser didn't go as a council person, he went as head of his non profit. Don't know what you think he accomplished, but please do share. Mel has shown himself to be a caring council person . Kauai has always had race issues, but before 2491 they had improved, after the bill, they disintegrated , as newcomers tried to tell locals they are too dumb to know they are being poisoned. Hooser has behaved poorly saying things like bite me to Ross, and watching the council meeting, Ross did not lose his cool like you say, he just wasn't gonna let the people in the audience get out of control. The people in the room at the 2491 hearing are responsible for yelling to pass the bill and were too dumb or ? to know the bill needed more work to be good. Screaming was not a good thing that night , no wonder everyone is still angry over it. There is so much agriculture land on Kauai, growing nothing, but waiting for the right time to develop.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have gone to Switzerland for free and act like a king and eat all that switzer pops. Amazing...performances by all at the council meetings. Free show. Too bad we can't change any leopards spots. Tell like it is Joan. It is gratifying to have someone with you knowledge to aide us with facts. Some people don't always like the person who knows everything.

Anonymous said...

The crowd was way way worse at Superferry meeting with Lingle than at 2491. And at the 2491 hearings, Hooser was repeatedly chastising the antti's to be respectful. He handled that meeting quite well. I guess by now everyone remembers these hearings the way they want to remember them.
The comment about the kauai folk never letting go of grudges is spot-on.
Bite me is not cool for a pol to say, but WTF Ross - you at a televised government meeting and you go after a colleague because of something his son said? Sorry brah, but its rude and unproductive and just wrong to do that shit. I agree with Ross on B&B but the guy's manners are bad. The anger. C'Mon Ross, part of the challenge is figuring out how to destroy your opponent while remaining civilized and articulate. Screaming and red-faced insulting your hated colleague's son shows you are just an amateur.
Council should agree on an informal rule right now that families are off limits in their grudge feuds. They go after Gary's son. Bynum's son. Joann's husband. I'm sure the other side does the same.
Things move downhill. Until the council has a pow wow and decides that no matter what - in pubic meetings, they will be models of respect, stop interrupting each other, stop things like Joan's passive-aggressive commentary on rules that a majority passed, or Ross and Mel's getting in jabs at the Mayor whenever they can and stand unified against disruptive citizens - the whole island gonna stay just as divided and rude as they are.
Leaders, please LEAD.

Joan Conrow said...

Yes, the crowd was unruly at the Superferry hearing with Lingle. But that was a one shot thing. The ugliness of 2491 was not limited to the hearings -- and Gary did nothing to quell the mob scene at the final vote -- but was most disturbing in how people demonized their neighbors and used fear to incite hatred and divisiveness.

Anonymous said...

11:42. Joan did exposes on Mel. Look at the old blogs. She gone after all of them, Shayme the worst.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:42AM The name calling by Joan is unprofessional. She has gone 'round the bend and all bad acts may be blamed on Hooser and his ilk. First she blames only one side for being polarizing with comments like this,

"Though anti-GMO activists tend to downplay the polarization caused by their tactics in the Islands,"

...... and then Joan offers her totally unprofessional "journalistic" opinion,

"Uh, because you and your son were the thuggish ringleaders in the 2491 circus?"

Wow Joan that is sure to mend fences! Hooser and his son are "thuggish" and Rapozo is the white knight? You must not be from around these parts! Sounds polarizing to me, and unprofessional as well. "How about an expose on him? (Rapozo)" by 11:42AM is dead on the mark. Noe are so blind as those who will not see.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ross should behave better! 2491 wasn't that horrible, we have friends on the other side and we're still friends. It wasn't only a haole thing trying to get 2491 passed. A lot of long, long time locals were hoping it would pass---they were mostly silent and at home watching and fighting with their mouths closed (like how they were taught by their culture and societal pressure). Whatever, we should move on and let this rest---time heals! And yes, Ross should stop being so child like, act with a cooler head and be respectful.

Ross should have helped the westsiders more---like coming to the westside to listen and explain his take on 2491. Maybe with that we would have been more receptive to why he was opposed to the notion of the bill.

Anonymous said...

So much time wasted on Mickens,Taylor, Rosa and Yukimura. One loves the bus, one hates the bus, one knows all about what happened back in the 50s and one knows why California is better than Kauai. They all love the camera and the sound of their own voice.

Anonymous said...

Uh Joan, the last meeting you are complaining about and the final few meetings were actually chaired by Jay and not Gary. Watch the tapes. Gary ran a tight ship. Jay is like Mel and did not know how to manage the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier knows damn well a lot of us resent his son writing and getting those close to him signing three bs complaints about a campaign filing issure with Jimmy Tokioka that was barely a technical violation. And of course the GI blew it up without explaining nothing dishonest was done. Jimmy is easily the most accessible rep. He is willing to meet with people regardless of contributions or your party. He has a good common sense grasp of what gets jobs for Kauai people, not how to get mansions for newbies.
You want your child to be a janitor in a hotel or a ranch hand on a 1,000 head dairy? I know that one easy.,

Anonymous said...

2:59. You are full of shit if you live on the westside than you are a minority vote because in the last election, Kagawa was number one by far in all the westside polls. Keep doing what you doing Ross, take care the locals. Also why would he need to further explain his no vote on Bill 2491? Isn't the Bill invalid, that means he and Mel Rapozo was correct? Right? By listening to the county attorney, they made the correct vote. Those 5 idiots, Yukimura, Hooser, Bynum, Chock, and Furfaro all caved in to the vocal minority and the rest is history. No forgive and no forget, Hooser, Chock, and Yukimura, you all going down in 11 months.

Anonymous said...

The court decision will be reversed in 9th Circuit and Ross and company will be even more furious angry and confused, and right before elections. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Hooser, his tattooed chick, and Dustin Barca were amongst the group of redshirts that yelled out swear words, pounded the chairs, and slammed the door in the council chambers during the after midnight meeting of Bill 2491, while Joanne was speaking and their actions appeared to end up changing her vote. This is not a third world country. All you Hooser lovers, whatch the tape of that meeting. That's why the locals are still pissed. We don't make shit up and make excuses, we leave that to the Hooser's, Yukimura's and Chock's. You guys talk about Mel and Ross having no class? You see their family acting like Hooser's kids? Too much transplants thinking they own this place. Rise up locals.

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2015 at 1:55 PM
Methinks that you may have missed something.
1- Da Hoos-boy's brush with the law is a dinky little thing, by the way, Ms Conrow stopped all comments about Dealin' Dylan on her blog at one time. But Da Hoos boy's actions at the Anti-Ag hearings were disrespectful etc. And then Da Hoos' boy runs a smear campaign against a State Representative. So if Da Hoos' boy gets arrested and bad mouth's a good man, pretending to be a big shot politico following in Daddy Hoos' footsteps...Da Hoos and Da Hoos-boy should both get blasted. Gary should have known that just because his kid got a haircut and started wearing long sleeves to cover up, it takes more than being a son of a grandstander to be elected. A brain or two helps. Plus some good manners.
2- Bynum's son's felonies were barely mentioned in this blog. For the most part Kauai people do not blame the Daddy for a kid's Grand Theft. But what Kauai will never forget is the shameful way Bynum took 300K for his pocket and cost the County another 700K in attorney fees when he sued the County. Tim HAD an illegal rental, a zealous twosome tried to get him and he sues. He wins. Kauai loses.

As for JoAnn...anyone who has been here a while knows of JoAnn's huuby's mauka Kalihiwai development he orchestrated with after the fact permits. He has always gotten his permits pronto, while others dangle slowly in the wind..C Brewer waited for years. There are many instances...of JoAnn's many friends and Hubby getting preferential nauseum

The real cake eater here is Da Hoos. His antics and fanning the fire, mesmerizing Jay Furfaro (who should shoulder much blame for the Anti-Ag fiasco) into allowing the mob action that elected Mason etc. Gary's disrespect for Ag, Ag lifestyle, the Westside etc should forever be remembered. Da Hoos and his loud, sloppy, NS contingent's actions put a blemish on plenny Haoles. The perception of hi-nose Haoles tellin' the locals how for live is the lingering memory..a hard not to be be forgotten memory.

Just watch the Council, anytime a HaolE gets up to speak, most members get a glazed look and a "I already know what you are going to say" countenance. Lost cause, stay home, pay your taxes and hope Da Hoos don't do no more bad stuff. Da Hoos represents the whole anti-local thing. He may mealy-mouth a few things that help the people, but overall he thinks the locals need his help, because he believes that them poor locals can't manage their own bidniss.
Racist? Nope, get plenny hapas everywhere, but hard for forget the mental image of hundreds of rich, hi-nosed, yelling, chanting Fistees making a smelly miasma of process.
Plus Joan has blasted Mel many times. Joan may be the only real news source for many issues. She is definitely the only probing and well read vehicle on the island.

Anonymous said...

Tokioka pleaded guilty. Get a grip. The guy broke the law. If he stays clean for a year they wipe his record but the gut intentionally filed false campaign spending reports.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of hearing haoles say westside locals never speak up like they got to speak for us. We say what needs to be said. We spoke loud and clear when Ross came in #1 on the westside and the antiGMO haoles were last.

Anonymous said...

5:55. What are you talking about you idiot? No court decision is being overturned you tree hugging anti-gmo fool.

Anonymous said...

6;:47, yep, Jimmy admitted his mistake and cooperated with authorities. Baby Hoos got busted, hired a lawyer and got out of it on a technicality. Who is more deserving of our respect?

Anonymous said...

Da Hoos boy brush with the law is small potatoes compared to mel rapozos stripper incident when he was on police department. Or Derik Kawakami campaign manager getting busted by FBI for gambling orvtolioka pleading guilty to campaign violations.

Anonymous said...

Watching the council is like watching a dysfunctional family of adopted kids on reality TV. The voters are like the parents who take the kids from the messed up abusive environment and hope it works out. And the dopey friends who come over every day because they don't get enough attention at home.

Anonymous said...

@11:42 if you're going to use Hawaiian words, please get it right. It's niele, not ne'ele. And manini,not minini.

Anonymous said...

One more thing 6;47, Jimmy voluntarily took and passed a lie detector test. What were the results of Dylan's lie detector test? Oh that's right, he didn't take one. He hired a lawyer and got off on a technicality.

Anonymous said...

10:26 He hired a lawyer and got off on a technicality.

The definition of a technicality varies from person to person, and it is often simply used to denote any portion of the law that interferes with the outcome desired by the user of the term.

Anonymous said...

Many of us have made mistakes and had lapses of good judgement.
The longest lapse of good judgement was when Da Hoos collected the GET from his customers (50,000 plus) for years, didn't file taxes for years and finally got a super sweet deal from the Tax Dept. He finally ran this poorly run business intio the ground.
In the end he was compliant. Strange brew, the Tax Dept in my many encounters with them NEVER gives a break on GET, but they did with Da Hoos.
Maybe his immersion as a tax cheat is the reason behind his recent feelings toward the soon to be passed 20 percent increase. Ghosts of Taxes past.
We all have issues, some man up, some deny and some just slither away into grandstanding political stardom.
We get the government we deserve. We deserve the potholes, traffic jams, high taxes, high auto fees, water fees and spiraling cost of poor government. We deserve crowded housing, high rents, government authority over all aspects of our lives, violent criminals getting let out and soft little dopers getting locked up.
We deserve a bickering body of peevish, prickly, nasty and angry leaders that do little and stand ethically for nothing.
I wish they would just shut up, leave the Lihue bound Kuhio Hwy with the cones until 5 PM everyday, fix the potholes, spray Roundup on the encroaching jungles that are overtaking our roads and have civil tongues in their heads as they put forth legislation that will help the average citizen.
Millions to beautify the Lihue core? What? Hanapepe, Kapaa, Hanalei, Koloa and Waimea did their own beautification with little help from the Government. As a matter of fact, every improvement in these towns, inspired and performed by citizens was questioned and slowed down by the new sh*theads that "lead" the Planning Department.
Power to the people.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Jimmy Tokioka intentionally filed a false campaign spending report and pled guilty. The lie detector test was about receiving "false named" contributions, a separate issue. Read the Attorney a Generals investigative report. It's all there and is a fascinating look at Tokiokas sloppy and slimy campaign operation dominated by big off island money and young female lobbyists.

Joan Conrow said...

"dominated by big off island money and young female lobbyists."

Sounds like Center for Food Safety and Babes

Anonymous said...

Way to stir it up Joan! Reading this stuff is hilarious but have to ask what is 2491?

Anonymous said...

And why is everyone on here so nasty and angry?

Anonymous said...

No. He did take a test and passed.

Joan Conrow said...

2491 was a bill regulating GMO crops and their pesticide use that has been overturned by a judge and is now on appeal.

Some people are so nasty and angry because the bill stirred up a lot of old racial tensions and polarized the community, and these exchanges are indicative of that. Others are pissed at me because I exposed a lot of the bullshit behind the bill, especially as orchestrated by its sponsor, Gary Hooser. Others, that's just the way they are.

Anonymous said...

Got it! Interesting that you are able to keep stirring up these old emotions what must be years after this all happened? Wondering why and what value this adds if the purpose is to heal?

Joan Conrow said...

No, I don't think you do get it. The whole purpose of the post was to point out how volatile and close to the surface this still is, years later, from the county's top political leaders to the average blog reader. I'm not the one stirring it up. It's already playing out in public arenas. You don't heal by pretending the animosity is not there, and claiming, as so many activists do who are unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions in these events, that it was no big deal, it's all g. Because it clearly isn't.

Anonymous said...

"You don't heal by pretending the animosity is not there.."
What constructive purpose is served by by pointing out how "volatile and close to the surface this still is"? How is your blog contributing to the healing that you claim is so important to you?

Anonymous said...

But, who is still bitter? Is it bitterness or the need make others look bad----some people hold their anger, unable to look ahead, with the inability to forgive---their egos are too strong, they gotta make a statement to hurt, vilify and put down just to make themselves appear "correct", righteous and tough! Much like those who post with swear words and damnation of others' ideas and values. And there are those who keep trying to better this world without the ugliness. They get put down, trampled---but, they get up and try again because they value what they are attempting to accomplish. AMEN

Anonymous said...

Some people are just VOLATILE! They haven't learned to control their temper and mouths! Just check out the council meetings---you will be able to pick out the VOLATILE members! Yep, some talk too darn long and ask too many questions and some are VOLATILE--shoot off the hip, no think and blast off. Or maybe they think and then blast off using their "bully" tactics!

Manuahi said...

How can one forgive and forget when the battle still rages? Have you forgiven ISIS?

Anonymous said...

In my house growing up my parents made us watch C-span and Council meetings. They said it was important that we see democracy. It's lame but it was always on during dinner.
I now do that with my kids, but I don't have them watch the Kauai Council meetings.
I don't want them to follow their example.
On that Council there is passive aggressive, volatile, narcissism, racism and terrible examples on mood control.
Tell your kids to say no to Council meetings, lest they learn that lashing out, insulting and tantrums are the way of leaders.

Anonymous said...

Ever watch the English parliament?

Anonymous said...

12:04 and 5:16 if you can do better run for council, if not move your family back to where you came from. This here is the local way. You treat someone like crap, you get treated the same way. Eye for an eye. You don't like it no one begging you to stay here.

Anonymous said...

We need to get rid of Tokio ka next election. He is good for nothing. He and the mayor must go....

Anonymous said...

7:09--tried to figure out where i came from a while ago--my family has been here since the 1880s. I've been told i am Japanese, native American, Chinese. Don't forget that the Americas span from north America through south America---don't know where to return to. Eye for an eye? What about turn the other cheek? Some locals really believe in living consciously and to treat crap treaters with aloha and maybe they will learn to do the same! Forgiveness is divine!

Anonymous said...

Turning the other cheek? The other guys step all over you, believe aloha is weakness, ignore laws, operate illegally, destroy the ambience where you live, expand with no end, demand they be grandfathered; laws be damned. Turning the other cheek gets you screwed. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Not sure the antis can ever redeem themselves in Joan's caustic eye other than to agree with her that GMO corporations never do any wrong, and have a role to play in feeding the world. The antis should admit that GMOs are safe as clown's milk, need no labels, and they were stupid, mean, and wrong for their irrational anti-GMO, anti-science activism. Their ass-hattery has insulted locals, scientists, and caused mass death of poor people in the third world. Oh and volunteer at the food bank to atone for their folly.

Anonymous said...

8:20 you're a fricken hypocrite an no you are not from here. Easy to tell. You grumble about the Council then on the other hand you say turn the other cheek. Drink your dam kombucha and hug your tree. Nobody cares about what you say.

Joan Conrow said...

7:13 -- I really dislike it when people intentionally misstate my views. That's the mark of an antiGMO activist --no regard for what's true. One of the first things they could do to redeem themselves not just in my eyes, but those of all thinking people, is admit their movement is built on distortion and fear-mongering for profit. And volunteering at any food bank would help knock their food elitism down a few notches.

Anonymous said...

Joan says "....admit their movement is built on distortion and fear-mongering for profit." Of course, the chemical companies are never guilty of these same accusations, are they? This blog has become so one-sided that it would be funny- except for all the misery and pain these companies are responsible for around the world. Those who want clean safe water, air, soil and food are demonized, while those who pollute the same are ignored. Biased? Hmmmmmm...... And your comment ʻThat's the mark of an antiGMO activist --no regard for what's true." is such an absurd statement. Generalizations like this have no place in objective journalism.

Joan Conrow said...

@5:31 -- There you go again, with that crybaby victim mentality, that refusal to accept any responsibility. You can blame the chemical companies for a lot of things, including misery and pain in other parts of the world, but the fear-mongering and distortion that characterized 2491, the misery and pain right here on Kauai — that was begun and perpetuated by the anti-GMO activists. You folks didn't go after the chem companies. You went after the spray rig operators, the field workers, farmers who grow conventionally and anyone who dared to question your credibility and tactics. I've never demonized anyone who wants clean, safe water, air and food. as I support those same values. I've only called out those who make shit up and try to scare people in some perverted quest for those goals. Given your ideological blinders, I'm not surprised you find my comment about anti-GMO activists and their disregard for the truth as absurd. But you just reinforced it with your comment!

Anonymous said...

The Council should reflect the people.
Da Hoos simply has put all Haole testifiers in the snore category. The Council snores when they speak.
Kauai was a pretty open hearted place.
And then the foul mouthed, disrespectful, Hi-muckamucka, loud Fistee contingencies stormed the Building.
Since then every stereotype on the Haoles has hit home. ( No caring, always right, loud, long winded, smartest persons in the world, we be better than the locals, name it)
Good, bad or ugly...right or wrong, from the Genesis of the Mob Actions...all fairer complected testifiers are ignored.
It ain't about race its about attitude. And Da Hoos and his many friendly Fistees have set back cohesive public discourse for years.
Plus Gary's Bite Me comments and BYnum's tantrums did little to improve the situation.
Be patient, after a while things will get back to normal.......maybe after the Prop Tax office raises the tax rates on all of the elitist Ag properties and businesses....(they are all owned by Da Howlees too...just like the BnBs)
Get rid of Da hoos, Joann(called by many a banana) and Mason (poor thing, confused so he follows Da Hoos and JoAnn and does as they wish)
Everything always works out. Just fix the roads and we'll be a little happier.

Anonymous said...

9:33 "I really dislike it when people intentionally misstate my views. That's the mark of an antiGMO activist"

Really Joan?

None are so blind as those who will not see and what Joan fails to see is that she just categorized anyone who misstates her views as "the mark of an antiGMO activist". Surely people can misstate another's views and not be an "antiGMO activist". A misstatement is not a "mark". A proGMO activists could misstate another's views, but Joan will overlook those misstatements because as she says, "I've only called out those who make shit up" and a proGMO activist never make shit up at least not in Joan World.

There is a word for what Joan is doing and that word is bias.

Anonymous said...

But wait! Joan is not an objective journalist. You are starting with a false assumption. She is not well and needs our support and prayers.

Joan Conrow said...

And there's a word for what you're doing, 8:50. It's called twisting. What I actually said is, "That's the mark of an antiGMO activist — --no regard for what's true." Like what you just did my intentionally misrepresenting my statement.

As for 10:09 (likely the same as 8:50), you're obviously providing me with neither support nor prayers. And thanks, but I don't need either, especially not from phonies who wish me ill.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you happy holidays and many heartfelt thanks for all your writing on the many subjects you cover with such integrity.mahalo, enjoy the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Apologizing for all snarkiness in any comments I have posted or had censored. I have finally realized that I am guilty of what I accuse others of being. It is a heavy conclusion to come to. Sincere thanks to you, Joan, for being a great stimulus for my own personal growth and self-discovery!

Anonymous said...

Joan says, "the fear-mongering and distortion that characterized 2491, the misery and pain right here on Kauai — that was begun and perpetuated by the anti-GMO activists." If my memory serves me correctly, the misery and pain began with the chemical companies that ignored their neighbors pleas for elimination of dust drift for years and years and years. Please ask those who reside along the Waimea river about their history living next to a company which created this situation. This is a fact that so many who support these companies refuse to acknowledge. I will also make an assumption that most of the families affected were not "anti-GMO activists" when the intrusive dust began ruining their day to day lives. Neighbors behaving badly (chemical company) was the beginning of this whole problem, not GMOʻs or antiGMO activists. Letʻs all hide our heads in the sand and ignore how Waimea residents who were suffering were treated by their "good neighbors."

Joan Conrow said...

Yes, dust was an issue. But what moved it beyond a dust issue and into a full-on attack and AG and all the claims about poisoning? That's right. It was the antiGMO movement.

And to 10:23 and 11:58, Mahalo and Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the only thing being asked for at the time was buffer zones and disclosure. Why all the fuss? Why all the hate? Why is this even being discussed now? What about affordable housing, traffic and the drug epidemic? What about the high taxes and the homeless problem?

Anonymous said...

the anti gmo movement was never about attacking AG on Kauai, it was about how the biotech companies conduct business----agriculture is a must and we need to grow food we can eat, flowers, plants for our yards and homes--cattle, sheep, goat, horses, poultry, pig. To me, that is AG!

Joan Conrow said...

3:56. You need to go back and read some of the previous posts and educate yourself about "all the fuss."

5:23. The movement has been all about attacking AG. Your odd definition of AG fails to comprehend the seeds grown here become food. But hey, glad to hear you must support the dairy!

Anonymous said...

3:56 pm the fuss is that 5 idiot council persons, Jay Furfaro, Gary Hooser, Tim Bynum, Mason Chock, and Joann Yukimura all voted to pass Bill 2491 even though local boy County Attorney Mauna Kea Trask wrote a 70 page opinion stating that the bill was Invalid and would be ruled that way by the courts, BOOM! P.s. those same five idiots also increased every tax you can imagine like your vehicle and fuel taxes, tipping fees, and also removed the 12 year old property tax cap that has caused soo much havoc that now Hooser wants to put it back on. That's what the fuss is about, arrogant idiots on the council ruining this island because of their egos. Mainly Gary Hooser and Joann Yukimura.

Anonymous said...

3:56pm you have a solution to the homeless problem? How about you start by cooking dinner for some of those idiots by the county building and convince them not to do drugs when they are starving and homeless? Be the solution instead of grumbling.

Anonymous said...

@5:23pm, "grow food we can eat, flowers, plants for our yards and homes--cattle, sheep, goat, horses, poultry, pig." Yes, that is ag, and it's nothing new. My great grandparents, grandparents and parents have been doing it for many years on the west side of kaua'i. Many still do it. Drive around and you'll see it.

Anonymous said...

@8:35 - Some of those "idiots" I encounter on my way to the County Building have shown me more aloha, respect, and courtesy than the majority of the "professional" business people I work with on a daily basis. Don't be so quick to call people names. You don't know their stories. Many of us are just one paycheck away from homelessness. Happy Holidays.

John McHugh said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Joan!

Your clear-headed and critical thinking are very much appreciated by those of us in agriculture. We deal every day with the challenges of the weather, regulations, and employee management, among others. We all try our best and, at the end of the day, feel proud that we have contributed to Ag in Hawaii that we hope will be lasting and, ultimately, sustainable. It's not an easy business to make money in but it is an honest one and your support is key to the survival of Ag in our State. It helps to offset the kinds of bold-faced, shameless, lies presented and perpetuated by the anti-Ag groups! So please keep it up!

Anonymous said...

@5:23- Spot on. You hit the nail on the head. Some of these companies have the worst reputation in the world for doing business. Bulldozing over local and personal rights, making enemies of traditional farmers and cultures, exerting undue influence over governments through money and conflicts of interest, losing huge lawsuits after polluting land and communities, and even using dubious under the table tactics against scientists, educators, reporters, media reps, etc. who do not agree with them. When large corporations become untrustworthy in the eyes of the public, then it is their own fault when many do not believe everything they claim is true. If these companies had an excellent moral history of transparency, honesty, fairness, and respect for different cultures, then the strong anti-GMO sentiment that exists worldwide today would obviously not be so popular. These companies have only themselves to blame.

Joan Conrow said...

Thank you, John! That means a lot.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Misrepresenting that GMO is AG is like saying a person with a doctorates degree is a doctor.

I am neither for it against GMO and AG. I am in the middle trying to balance the ying and the yang of the situation but don't try to fool and pass on misinformation.

AG is AG and GMO is GMO sometimes mixed and some seperated but there's certainly a difference like GMO salmon and non GMO salmon or organic and non organic.

Happy Holidays and next year hopefully the far left and far right can try to meet in the middle and live as good neighbors on the garden island.

Anonymous said...

How funny, you and I may not like GMO products, and I don't eat them, by choice I buy organic, but to say it isn't AG is ridiculous. It ain't true, cause sure as the day is long, AG is AG whether it is organic, GMO or just plain conventionally grown with pesticides. Get a grip , start thinking a bit and just maybe we can all live together. Is farmed salmon not even a fish anymore to you too? Because I don't like the color orange, does that mean it's not a color? Are hybrids, not crops either? Man has changed life forms for a long time now. Why don't we work on pesticide reduction all over Kauai, not just the seed farms,oops you probably wouldn't call them farms either, I will agree they are corporate farms, but then again, the natural food organic companies are corporate too. We all have the choice to eat organic if it pleases us, others just need to eat.