Thursday, February 25, 2016

Musings: Political Amnesia

The Legislature's Finance Committee has decided it's OK to allow illegal B&Bs and TVRs to flourish, so long as they're paying some taxes.

The panel — whose members include Kauai Rep. Jimmy Tokioka — yesterday passed HB 1850, which allows entities like AirBnB to serve as tax collection agencies. However, they aren't required to disclose the names and addresses of any of their operators, or verify whether they're paying general excise and transient accommodation taxes.

Kauai Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura was on HPR's “The Conversation” yesterday, mostly talking about the real property tax assessment cap the Council ended up approving for homesteads and long-term rentals. But she also weighed in on HB 1850, saying:

“We're concerned our neighborhoods will become horizontal hotels...and push out residents.”

Will become? Shoots, they already are. 

JoAnn also noted that TVRs “are what contribute greatly to the rise of real property taxes.” So why, then, was she instrumental in pushing through county bills that have allowed TVRs to flourish in residential neighborhoods, thus decreasing the availability of long-term rentals?

Is there some sort of amnesia that politicians suffer that allows them to forget their major screw ups, particularly in election years?

And even more important, why did she support a bill that allowed TVRs on ag land, which has significantly added to the rise of luxury gentleman's estates and pushed ag land prices out of the reach of farmers?

Speaking of gentleman's farms, while flying into Hilo last night, I thumbed through the Hana Hou magazine and saw this ad:
It really spoke to the mentality that is behind so much of the anti-ag movement in Hawaii: Live your dream, with none of the work. Yeah, pretend you're a farmer and rhapsodize about farming, while someone else labors.

Meanwhile, as Kauai folks await release of the Joint Fact Finding Group's report on pesticides, state campaign spending reports show that two of the panelists — Doug Wilmore and Louisa Wooten — contributed to Gary Hooser's last Council campaign. Doug gave $600, while Louisa contributed $50.

Gary, as you may recall, introduced Bill 2491, which ultimately was thrown out of court, along with its provision for an environmental and public health study. Instead, the mayor and Department of Ag funded this JFFG process.

While it's always been clear that the panel has some anti-GMO diehards, it's troubling to see that at least two are confirmed Hooser supporters.


  1. I am even more determined to VOTE HOOSER OUT OF OFFICE...along with JOANN

  2. Joan, Louisa Wooten is a real farmer who supports our local community with all her hard work. She walks the talk. Why donʻt you praise her and even visit her farm. Write a blog about a real farmer. She is not a non-farmer who enjoys casting real farmers in a bad light. You have been praising the gmo chemical seed companies while completely ignoring all the wonderful local farmers and groups who are actually helping to feed our community. You even manage to show Waipa Foundation in a negative way. Children all over the island are beginning to get hands on educational farming experience. These kids are our future. Why not meet them and their teachers and write something positive for a change about local agriculture?

  3. Thanks good article.

  4. Joan said, "...a bill that allowed TVRs on ag land, which has significantly added to the rise of luxury gentleman's estates and pushed ag land prices out of the reach of farmers?"

    I don't agree with your characterization, Joan. It's not TVR's on ag land that have pushed as land prices so high. It's the fact that there are many, many wealthy people out there in the world and so many have discovered the beauty of Kauai and want to buy there little multi-million dollar 6-10 acre piece of paradise. Most of these folks could care less about renting out their vacation/retirement homes. It is the less wealthy folks that want the same piece of paradise and can't afford to own it without that transient rental cash flow. It's these folks who are buying/renting houses in the old neighborhoods that are causing the problem for the born-n-raised residents. You can't blame TVR's when it is in fact the ill-conceived State ag subdivision laws that enabled the large gentleman farm estates to proliferate where there were no houses before, no neighborhoods. Otherwise, it would just be the "new economy" business barons that could afford 100+ acre un-subdivided parcels. Either way, it is big or just bigger money folks and their desire to have property here that have pushed ag land prices way up. But I guess one cannot legally prevent landowners from selling their properties to those who have the money, so attacking or doing away with TVR's, while being the only viable target for ire, will have little effect on the continued rising price/value of former ag lands.

    As you well know, farming here in Hawaii is difficult at best and Kauai has/had a lot of ag land that, with the death of sugar and pineapple on the north shore, became fallow. Sure TVR's have had some influence, but it's largely been the relatively manini supply and high demand that has driven up prices and would still do it if all TVR's were illegal/gone.

  5. No, I haven't been praising the GMO seed companies. I've just been debunking the BS promulgated about them. I am currently meeting farmers around the state to help share their stories. I agree that Luisa is a real farmer; however, I question why she works so hard to stop GM seed production when she uses it as feed. Waipa does a good job of getting kids outside, but it is a fully subsided operation that doesn't even produce enough taro to supply its poi day. It's not a commercial farm.

  6. Her donating $50 to Hooser is enough to condemn her to Joan's purgatory. Joan I read in one of your own past blogs (quick go delete) that you have also donated to the big fist and have encouraged others to do the same. Oh I get it he used to be a good guy but no more. Could it be some issues you agree with him on and others you do not? Isn't this the nature of political support?

  7. It's not that she donated to his campaign but that she's on the JFFG reviewing an issue Hooser is championing.

  8. Joan did you just trash Waipa for being subsidized. Do you realize almost all the Farms that are growing these GMO seeds are also subsidized by the federal government.

  9. No, they aren't. And I didn't "trash" Waipa. I just stated a fact.

    1. Actually you didn't state a fact. Waipa isn't fully subsidized. Some of there funds come from community events that they run such as the Waipa farmers markets, the classes they hold, the mango festival, the kalo festival as well as many other good positive things they contribute to the local community. They also have many local and non local residents that donate to the foundation. Once there commercial kitchen is running that will also contribute. Fully subsidized would mean they only receive money from the government.

    2. 2:27. By subsidized I meant they aren't supporting themselves through AG production. Donations are indeed subsidies.

  10. Joan, you should do a piece on Transient Accommodations Taxes and how much the State has screwed the counties out of over the years. I just read the State-County Functions Working Group report that was submit the legislature in December 2015. If our state senators and house representatives from Kauai are not supportive of giving the County of Kauai their fair share of the TAT monies, then we should vote them out of office as that means higher property taxes for our local residents rather than collecting from visitors. Steven Hunt, the former Finance Director, was listed as Kauai's representative on this working group. Perhaps you could start with a conversation with him. It just burns me when I hear the State is allowing Air BnB's to operate in exchange for paying anonymous TAT monies into their coffers yet the counties don't get anymore of the TAT revenue due to the arbitrary cap. The state needs to stop saddling the counties with unfunded mandates and collective bargaining agreements that cannot be met while concurrently stealing monies that should rightfully be funneled to the counties. C'mon Ron, Jimmy, Deedee, and Derick, where's your loyalty to our citizens? Don't force the mayor and council to raise taxes again.

  11. If the Stste keeps monies generated by the Counties, then they should invest it back to us by widening the Stste highways that are so overly congested.

  12. The biotech chemchos are also subsidized by County and by State government not just the Feds

  13. That is not true either, 3:40. I checked on it recently.

  14. The primary reason for the high price of all land, residential or ag is politics.
    It is virtually impossible to get any subdivision thru the process. The anti-development aura pierces the Water Department, Planning Department and Building Department.
    JoAnn is the primary banana that has worked her whole life to stop development. Every BS sidewalk, bikepath and BS County park and housing fee add intense cost to any project.
    The Council is so afraid that some Haole will get an Ag "estate" that they have pinched many locals from getting a home.
    In a heartbeat the Council could get many buildable lots for the people. Just ADD density to Ag lands. There will never be any real Ag in Kapaa/Wailua or Omao, Kalaheo or Lawai....give the folks at least 2 houses per acre. Bingo, there could be 400 lots ready for locals.
    But the Council guys all have theirs and JoAnn and Hubby made their big bucks selling their Ag CPRS, so house for you. There is nothing on the books for half-way affordable homes. So its at least 300K for a lot and another 200K for a dinky little shit-box house. Half a million, pocket change.
    It sucks.
    But we deserve our leaders. We elect anti-local folks like Mason, Gary and JoAnn. And even tho, Arryl, Ross, Kipukai and Mel talk good story about helping local folks....they haven't done a darn thing. Except increase costs with less service.
    Big talk, little do.

    1. Everyone knows these frauds do this year in and year out.

      Kauai is too stupid to do anything about it.

      Why? Because the sheep is herded with county jobs so they become slaves to the council, mayor and the admin.

      They play the blame the Haole and millionaires but the truth is these uncle toms are the poison.

      They sit and laugh at the brown people and the white people for falling for their tricks.

      These people and their families need to suffer the same faith from what they've caused.

    2. February 25 at 4:41 why do the other counties have the same or higher prices for land? You blame these people but you should run for council. Then you can fix it.

  15. Joan the county property tax subsidizes the chemical company research. The are mostly on State ADC lands paying reduced rates. They pay no GET on their sales and the get high tech tax credits and enterprise zone tax credits both. Suggest you look again. Oh did I mention subsidized water?

  16. 6:52. They have the same property tax rates as other AG users, including faux farmers. I don't know of any seed companies in enterprise zones or getting high tech tax credits, which were offered to urban biotech medical companies. And just like any other company that doesn't sell locally, they don't pay GE. They maintain AG water systems, so that's hardly a subsidy.

  17. Oh, and they're not paying reduced rents on state AG lands, either, just the same or more as other AG lessees.

  18. They are stealing water. The entire island of Kauai is an enterprise zone. They are getting high tech tax credits though tax office will not disclose. They are paying $50 or less per acre per year for State land and stealing and wasting the water. Why can you find no fault at all with them Joan? Your unyielding support only emphasizes your bias.

  19. How do you spell "shill" as in bought and paid for industry shill? You are disgusting and sold your soul to the dark side. We are praying for you Joan. Naa honestly I stopped praying for you a long time ago. Waste of prayers.

  20. Re the TAT, our state reps have tried to get Kauai's share, as have other neighbor island reps. The Mayor has also lobbied for it. Oahu has the majority of votes, so we lose out - but not for lack of effort. Try talking to our reps and following their work instead of assuming they don't support Kauai getting its fair share.

  21. 8:56 -- Yes, much of Kauai is designated as enterprise zones, but you have to qualify for the program, and not one of the seed companies on Kauai is enrolled in the program. And perhaps the tax office won't disclose high tech tax credits because it's not happening? I'm sorry that reality gets in the distorted perceptions, but your unyielding support of propaganda taken straight from the CFS/EArthjustice playbook shows not only your bias, but your gross ignorance and willingness to be used as a puppet.

    And 9:01, best direct your prayers to your seriously misguided comrades, such as 8:56.

  22. Late to the post but: I am so angry and disappointed that they are in essence going to do nothing about the illegal bnb next to my home.

  23. 9:40 I know for a fact that Ron and Jimmy will not support increasing the TAT revenue to Kauai. These two have constantly stated that Kauai can do more with the property taxes on homeowners as the high exemptions proposed by former Councilmember Bynum and approved by Council along with lower tax rates makes Kauai taxes among the lowest in the state for homeowners. Ron's position is why should we give Kauai more TAT when they are discounting homeowner property taxes? Moreover, he views the monies generated by the 2% increase in the TAT rate (going from 7.25% to 9.25%) to 100% the State's monies. Our representatives would rather raise property taxes on Kauai residents than see more TAT monies go to the counties, regardless of whether the visitor impacts to the counties justify a larger share of the TAT. To make matters worse, it looks like the airport will now be charging parking fees to county employees traveling on official business and the DOT and DLNR have been skimming fuel taxes from the counties. Maybe it's time for another Con-Con.

  24. It is time for a con con! The legislature ain't working for Kauai taxpayers. Hey Ron and Jimmy, we the hard working locals are broke! We pay huge amounts in Income and GET taxes and everything goes to Oahu? And poor you, you don't have the votes to help us? Do something besides taking care of Derek's pop and your buddies with the marijuana license, You think the locals no hear what's going on? I can drop some names too! Bad move to allow marijuana licensing, even casinos would be better. We watching your every move guys, election year!

    1. Let's finally start holding these guys accountable for their actions and inactions.

      Kauai has been the abused step child for far too long.

      The state of Hawaii is broke and fleecing the counties for every single dollar that they can keep.

      Why hasn't the county sued the state? The county of Kauai sued itself but won't take on the state.

      Them elected officials in Oahu are sell outs and Kauai is suffering from these dummies in office.

    2. Why not bring up Ron and Reynolds recycling???

      What Ron, you think people don't know about that back room deal?

      It's another beer gate that the public needs to be informed about.

  25. I think "con con" is aptly named. There seems to be a lot of people at the state "con"ning us Kauai folk out of monies that would do much better used in fixing parks and repaving roads here on Kauai. Our state representatives don't need any more koa desks and chairs at the Capitol. Tourists are expensive to host and the counties should be compensated for their impact. Kauai residents shouldn't have to pay for the county's budget deficit associated with expenses created by visitors. Isn't that why the TAT exists? That just seems so wrong.

  26. 8:47 Casinos?
    Every year Kauai is a big fat political taxing casino.
    Each and every one of our Council people play roulette with volumes of money.
    This year the County will get an extra 20 million due to Ad Valorem on the prop tax.
    The County gets a raise every year. There is no way the State should give the TAT back to the island. We waste every penny.
    If the State were to charge Kauai for the roads, schools, hospitals etc that are under State control and cost, but from which Kauai benefits...our property taxes would go up about 25,000 per property.
    The Council looks good as big cry-babys with the TAT complaining, but they would be better off cutting costs.
    And tell Da Hoos to shut the %&*@-up, with his Lobby Bill. A joke, we all know who is what and what is who, anyway. Mel lets JoAnn and Da Hoos get away with time wasting murder, whilst he and his gang of four do nuttin's, do nuttin'. Shucks, even Mason is starting to look half-way smart in this group of spend-thrift, crybaby nincompoops.

    And all I want is a few roads fixed, a few local homes built and money awareness....and all I get is puka roads, no mo' houses and wild-eyed-spendthrift political cry-baby do-nothings. Not a man's man among them (except maybe JoAnn, who has more vigorous strapping manly virtues than all the others combined)
    Great Gawd All Mighty, Smokey Louie, Jimmy Tehada and Tony Kunimura are spinning in their graves. Shucks even JoAnn's old blow-pal Jeremy Harris is probably having a good laugh.
    A good island with good people, being run to the ground by "200 million a year ain't enough for us" Council........Just think, the budget has doubled in 7 years and the County payroll has doubled and now they all want giant raises....Deja Vu, all over again. With bennies and pay, purty soon every County worker is getting the equivalent of 100K per year plus. Not bad. Job security, no oversight, no production, just big fat paychecks, free medical and pensions for you and your wife's lives.
    Mel, you gots the power to control the budget....use it. And stop whining about the TAT, it blemishes your otherwise, but structured Macho-man image. Please be Macho-Mel---not Kvetching-Moaning-Mel

  27. Oh Yeah.....Mina running for KIUC. She may be qualified, but her illegal BnB shows she has no respect for law. None. Zippo. She and BFF JoAnn are perfect examples of "laws are for everyone else". What does a person do? She has had this illegal BnB for decades, everyone knew it (and other weird things that occurred on the land and ditch), she continued operating in the full light of the day........nobody does nothing, she felt since was a former legislator and most powerful woman in energy, (the energy Czarina) in the State that she was "above the law", she finally gets busted, pays a small fine and now, we the people are expected to embrace her? Does a leopard change its spots?
    Strange place, a place where hypocrisy gets rewarded and truth and justice are preferentially bestowed. The friends and family program.

    Gary- Against development, Ag and chimneys -but was a big time realater with many projects and big dough under his expanding belt. Wants a lobby bill, whilst he is a full time anti-Ag grandstanding blabber-mouth lobbyist, acting as if is ordained by the County as he pursues personal objectives. A full-time paid lobbyist for the rich realaters and anti-GMO babes.
    JoAnn- Against all Ag CPRs except the ones she has owned and made millions. Wants millions for bikes and buses and she don't do no riding on neither. Mina's spiritual doppelganger.
    Mason- Another one of those hypocrites, who sues the County, gets big bucks and then gets elected to spend more. Integrity? what's dat?
    Mel- Nudist flashlight man. How big was the flashlight and was it turned on?
    Kipukai- What illegal BnB beach front tents? We don't need no permits! Sewage treatment? Not needed, we only do little poopy-kukai, because we cater to the organic types, its purer poops. Its OK in Anahola. This is OK for me and mine, but not for you and yours.
    Ross- Gotta go now, end the meeting, I got my real job. Two government jobs is better than one.
    Hopefully the light of virtue, honesty, justice and common sense will prevail.

    Maybe Joan Conrow should run for Council. This would be a hot one..and it would make Da Hoos apoplectic. She would get my vote and a big fat donation.

  28. 4:59. And who r you? Hypocrite you criticize everyone and what have you done? What's your name, run for office, lets see what you can do? Instead of blabber about everyone, like your shit no smell? Always blaming the mayor and council for everything, at least they run and put their ass out there? Where's your ass? Let me take a shot at your shortcomings in "my eyes". Joan, you should limit the amount of this idiots blogs, this person should do his or her venting as a candidate for office, talk is cheap..

  29. The worse offender is Ross. He makes big body tough guy and criticizes everyone, but doesn't do shit himself. He misses more meetings than anyone Cause he leaves for his other government job. That should not be allowed, working full time for the state and also pulling in $55,000 from the County.

  30. Ross stands up for the locals his vote totals are proof. U think u better jump in the race please...

  31. The leg gave the Counties the green light to increase the general excises tax to make up the shortfall in TAT dollars. Whether this is fair or not is irrelevant, it's on the books. Each County has to decide (not a popular idea with elections coming up) to do this or not. Our own mayor together with the other mayors got their asses chewed early in the session by the House Finance committee because they made a ill advised plea for more money. All our mayor could say after the group was publicly rebuked was; Unnh guess we better go back and do our homework; as reported by the Garden Island.

    1. But what about the county of Kauai furlough? The county had a 50-60 million surplus so what happened to that surplus?

      Together we can Spend Spend Spend Action with Aloha!

      Tax tax tax increase every year with these clowns.

      Raise Raise Raise over 10% of salaries of over 110K every 2 years so that's 11K a year so nearly 1K a month increase. Wouldn't the private sector like to see these increase especially if they have to work 2 jobs to pay for these idiots in office.

  32. Greed is why we have high priced land. People bought the land, built a house and sold it to get their money back and then some. The people who buy the house and lot make minor improvements and sell to get their money back and then some. The real estate people take a percentage of each sale, the more sales means more money. The Politicians aren't to blame for people's greed.

    1. You obviously don't know the history of Joann Yukimura, Darryl Kaneshiro and Gary Hooser.

      That's 3 politicians that has the GREED politician quality that you speak of that has rose the prices on Kauai beyond attainable for the locals and their children in the future.

      Yukimura did her job well and sold out to the rich and now is blocking affordable homes with all the tit for tat laws she's created for new builds.

      No new development because of her and those master of Kauai universe wanna be's.


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