Thursday, April 21, 2016

Musings: Crazy Women

As has been noted in comments recently, former Kauai Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri is threatening to expose the corruption of a Kauai County Councilmember.

In a letter to Councilman KipuKai Kualii, Shay wrote (click on image to enlarge):
Though her target isn't identified, there's been some discussion that it's Council Chair Mel Rapozo. It appears, from some emotional posts on Shay's Facebook page, that the two recently had a falling out.

Still, as one observer noted, what could Shay possibly say about Mel that wouldn't also incriminate her?
It's shaping up to be a rather interesting election year....


  1. If Mel really had two policemen at a recent Council hearing to protect him from Shay, then I'd be very curious to know who was paying for them to be there. If this is a civil matter between Mel and Shay, then it should be paid by Mel as it sounds like it's a personal matter not a Council issue. I think there might be another ethics violation being opened if taxpayers were paying for his "bodyguards" because of the backlash from Mel's infidelity.

  2. Go gettum Shay. Mel ain't the only one.

  3. This is huge because I've been identifying these kinds of public corruption for years.

  4. 8:35 - don't forget Shay was on the county dime also at one point in this mess.

  5. The video was hilarious but wasn't Shay the other woman? She is crazy.

  6. It takes two to tango. For Shay, it's best for her to run for the council. Exposing Mel for alleged corruption may just backfire on her.

  7. Lately on Kauai Facebook as become "Disgracebook." More than one extramarital fair imploding right in front of our eyes with all the sad collateral damage. Wow, people. Have a little class.

  8. I still vote foa u Mel.

  9. What a mess. You love Mel then you hate him. You hate Shay then you love her. You hate former council members then praise people who have never once stepped into the gauntlet of a council meeting yet ream others that are running for doing so. You hate on some young people for running because they have conflicts and praise others whith conflics for running and you hate on so many while most of you are armchair gossipping quarterback nosy busybodies. I just try to keep my powder dry and concentrate on the issues not personalities because these decisions will outlast the lifespan of the person making them. By using 'you' I mean the posters. Think about it.

    1. Personalities are the conflict of the people's interests.

      You've probably never seen a council meeting on Hoike; otherwise you'd know how silly these council members act.

      It's probably one of the most unprofessional meeting(s) and their behavior likens to third world countries.

      Think about what you are saying before you chase your tail.

  10. A former prosecutor in writing accusing a sitting council-member of unethical and illegal conduct? Isn't this something the prosecutor, Mayor, County Attorney and/or other council-members are compelled to report and pursue once they become aware? Can someone who knows the law better than me advise?

    1. This island's law enforcement and administrative machinery should definitely snap into action everytime Shaylene posts on social media.

    2. This is just infighting for power and control. They are all apart of public corruption that has been going on for far too long on Kauai, other counties and the state of Hawaii. The biggest variable is that they are all apart of the state of hawaii's multinational criminal organization.

      If you don't understand then just google how many people in public office in the state of Hawaii has been investigated and prosecuted in the last handful of years.

      It's unprecedented and a great job by big brother to bring those who believe that they are above the law to face the music.

  11. Dear 1 15

    Been going for decades attending and commentating. The behavior statements i agree with but you must be a recent arrival. Locals have always engaged in spirited debates but the council phenomenon dynamic changed when Kauai was able to show these meetings in most homes. Council was used as a soapbox for grievances and grandstanding but it has completely fallen apart due to a complete lack of decorum and people not being able to express themselves well or council members acting belligerent. I stand by my statements and your rudeness shows you may have decorum problems yourself. Silly to make assumptions I could be anyone.

    1. You're suck a hypocrite that you don't even know it.

      You must be one of the nitpickers who are cheerleaders for Shay, Mel and the 4 impotents.

      You cheered and support Shay even when she created a protect a criminal program called POHAKU then you high fives when her and the chief and Mel teamed up against the corrupt Mayor.

      You dummies that high five and act like you guys are doing something by just showing up to meetings and having your 5 minutes of fame, don't know how much of a clown(s) you all are.

      If you people really wanted to do something then if county officials don't listen then go to state and if state don't listen the go federal.

      You jokers are side shows for the main characters in the jerry springer show called Kauai council meetings.

  12. Voted against Shay and not so sure things got any better for it, but as a believer in second chances, I'd like to hear what she has to say about county corruption. Who is in a better position to know?

  13. funny Seems all the GMO guys have STFU on this one.

  14. When did Shay learn about the crimes? While she was the prosecutor? Did she get anything because of the crimes? Why send a letter to only one councilman? She should go public with the overwhelming evidence otherwise it sounds like blackmail.

  15. This is not about GMOs

  16. Kauai Eclectic has a lot of posts about Shaylene's antics. She has the nerve to accuse anyone of unethical behavior. Just go away.

  17. It takes one to know one. Remember these words. Shay was on the inside long enough to know plenty about who did what to whom and why. It goes way beyond just Mel. Shay is crazy and PISSED. Look out all you backroom mother fuckers. She gonna blow you guys up up.


  18. Going back to 2007:
    "Now comes Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura on her white horse with a suggested amendment!! That vacation rentals not be allowed outside the VDA!! But …, there’s a big loophole! Grandfathering of those already now outside the VDA!"
    This action is worse than any alleged "affair."

  19. If she knew about crimes and didn't report it, she was party to it and culpable. If she's still a licensed lawyer, she'd be in serious trouble.

    The fact that she posted the letter (all one paragraph? really?) on Facebook makes me think it's just a way to spread rumors, which seems to be the Kauai way to attack people.

  20. re 9:42 pm

    So what's being asked here, as an amendment, is for the council to approve the breaking of the law. But hey everyone knows that the introducer has a few friends who are illegals.

  21. You guys do realize that this is exactly what Shay wants, right? ATTENTION. This is a personal vendetta and anyone who has seen her other face book posts knows it. Airing personal dirty laundry in this manner is just sad and pathetic.

  22. 7:54am - But if a council member is doing illegal and unethical activities he needs to be held accountable, regardless of the motivation of the person turning them in. Law enforcement needs to investigate this. The allegations are serious and being made by people formerly in high office against people currently in high office.

  23. So, what are you saying that Mel and Shay had an affair? Is that why the "Crazy Women" video?

  24. It seemed like a great way to introduce folks to Brandy Clark. ;)

  25. Having an affair is only serious to the wife and families, not the voters. My Dad was a philanderer and when when he died, my Mother allowed his girlfriend to visit his bedside when dying, i asked how she did that and she said after being married 60 years, that was not important at all. What was important was all the good times she had with him and the fact that he had fun with another woman just didn't matter. She even thought of the other woman as her friend.

    Many men have a hard time keeping their junk under control, it doesn't concern us and Mel still has my vote.

  26. Oh c'mon, everything is working great.
    The budget is out of control.
    Roads are not getting fixed.
    Council dithers on forever on do-nothing legislation.
    The Council is in place to allow the County workers to continue to get high pay, big raises and no oversight.
    This Council does nothing.
    We need road expansion, we need budget oversight and cost reductions, we need to have the "County servants" serve instead of giving stink eye as they slowly process your needs.
    One Mayor in the past mandated that ALL county workers at least smile and ask if they could help.
    Why Mel and his boys don't try to cut the budget is alarming.
    And by the way, Shay at least processed criminal complaints and didn't just take the easy ones. Justin is a nice feller, but is a very weak prosecutor. Very weak.
    The Council guys aren't doing anything illegal, but their lack of service is morally corrupt. Do something.
    When "major accomplishments" (as described by the County) are a few bus stops and getting some free money for a Lihue Core that nobody needs or wants, we are doomed.
    We need Housing (change density), we need drug rehab (approve where), we need roads (work with the State)... Holy Diesel Fumes Batman, you mean to tell me that a County with over 200 million dollars of spending is excited by a few Bus Stops, that any Rotary Club could put up in 3 weekends? Where's my shovel?
    Do nothing them all out. Smoky louie is turning is his grave, Kunimura is aghast and Jimmy Tehada will come back and show these Bozos how for get stuff done.
    We should put a Statue in front of the County Building, next to Rizal that is just a concrete slab and a middle finger and name it the "Ghost of an Administration and Council that does Nothing"

    1. Finally someone who is keeping score and watching these house slaves act like they're too good for common folks.

      These people act like they are wealthy and powerful but couldn't get a job anywhere else but the county because of this admin's public corruption.

      10 years and this Mayor, council and all the family and friends administration hasn't done shit!!!!!!!

      Bernie Sanders would be proud of how these people steal from the public and get away with it. Fuckers commit public fraud with nepotism in our county and state jobs.

      Fricking Protocl officer??? What qualifications does that clown have??? 3 audits show fraud, waste and abuse and what has he done?

    2. The only processing Shaylene did was to process everything she touched into a toxic mess. Kauai must never forget all that she did during her short and miserable time as a county executive.

  27. 8:15 she's so vague that it could be anything. Can't even tell if she was talking about a man or a woman.

  28. Shame on Yukimura. She's an attorney, former mayor, and lifelong council member, who again, is trying every which way to find a way to break the law for the benefit of folks who are operating illegal TVU's. Creating a new "class" of land use does nothing to change the fact that she is using her knowledge and position to circumvent long overdue legislation putting the brakes on illegal BnBs outside the VDA. As an officer of the court and a official elected to represent ALL the people of this island, how can she in good conscience be involved with crafting a " tricky" amendment to validate unlicensed BnBs and to allow "grandfathering" of an illegal use. Think too, that some of her friends are involved with legal proceedings against the County. What's wrong with this picture?

    What does operating (illegally for a long time have to do with justifying that this "new Class" of land user is eligible for what is essentially grandfathering? Call what Joann is trying to do anything you want, but it's Grandfathering; plain and simple.

    Bad thinking, bad policy.

  29. Mahalo, 9:42.
    Didn't JoAnn USED to be kinda cool... say 30 years ago? What the hell happened?

  30. his last name is carvalho.

  31. Why should only a few people in violation have to pay fines? Everyone with illegal dwellings should pay their fines. The rest of us are paying for higher real property because the realtors are the one making the bucks.

    1. The owners should sue the realtors for the deception.

      People has to held accountable here on Kauai or else we'll have anothe Mina Morita episode.

  32. Shay must come to reality that her partner in crime Mel is now in bed with the mayor. The mayor is no dummy by appointing Gerald Rapozo as the liquor chief. Smart move by the mayor. Shay would do the taxpayers a favor by running for council. She will win. She still has a huge followers.

    1. Huge following?? Yeah that's why she lost the PA position to a ladyboy.

    2. Funny! The liquor commission appointed the liquor director. That commission no way was influenced by the mayor. He is a total outsider and the mayor didn't really want him as the director.


  33. Re: Captioning from Apr20, County Council Mtg Bill 2609 Yukimura's
    "tricky amendment "

    JY on grandfathering - "trying to craft some very challenging amendments.." " is a tricky amendment..." She said. And "I don't think grandfathering is an appropriate context. The amendment is to create a class based on a rationale basis that is a legitimate class under the law.

    Going against the people and the law to cater to a few friends. Not good.

  34. Tricky is as tricky does.


  35. Hey Shay people be laughing at you. What, no shame. Think of your kids, geez.

    Joan you too. What no shame. Why you gotta air this. There is something wrong with someone who finds glee in suffering and the mentally ill.

  36. Shay is realizing that Mel can't help her even though she helped him after his failed attempt running for mayor. He just fed her what she wanted to hear at the time, just like he does at council. Shay got played and now she is pissed. Come on Shay, spill your guts. The truth will set you free and help our community in the long run.

  37. An a quote from the Wednesday council meeting testimony captioning

    Thank you. >> anyone else wishing to

    testify for the first time?

    If not, second time? >> "hi, alexis boilini again. Matt made a really interesting point about the 24/7 that I wanted to mention, too. Bed & breakfast that -- at least my bed & breakfast is a 24/7 business. I can't imagine being expected to be at my place 24/7 all year-round.

    I mean, you all have to take vacations; right? So you should be able to have an employee that takes over for you as long as somebody is there at night. My goodness, I had somebody there 24/7 unless they go to the farmers' market, which is three times a week. But I also go on vacation three or four times a year. That is my business and I know you all go on vacation too and go away from your business. I want to continue with a couple of point..."

  38. Yeah why you gotta show us a letter that she posted on Facebook and sent to a councilman? She wants to keep it a secret. Shhhhhh.

  39. Ms. Bollini, did you get your homestay permit?
    If you did, please quit complaining and rubbing it in our faces already.
    And if you didn't, good!

  40. Here's the play. Rapozo is done with the Council; termed out. His plan to stay employed by winning the house seat is fantasy. He know that tricky dicky Nadine is going to wipe his ass. If he runs, he opens himself to attacks by Shay and others who don't like him. Don't be surprised if he pops up as BC's assistant with a $100+K pay day. No election,, no flack, a 2 year guaranteed gig with great pay. The man is not stupid. Impossible ? Nothing is impossible.

    1. Mel's not termed out until 2018. And Bernard didn't appoint Mel's brother as Liquor Director, the Commission did. Gerald is very well qualified for his job and does it well.

  41. Not a good idea. Mel's brother is already serving the mayor as the liquor top honcho. Nadine may run for mayor but Lenny is the anointed one to continue the mayor's dysfunctional legacy. Good luck to us all.

  42. Who appoints the commission, dummy.

  43. Re Gerald Rapozo. Give me a break. Gerald worked his way up from the bottom. Not only is he competent,, he is very popular with businesses that try to comply with the law. My clients have nothing but praise for his honesty and work.

  44. Federal prosecution of public corruption in the United States

    Several statutes, mostly codified in Title 18 of the United States Code, provide for federal prosecution of public corruption in the United States. Federal prosecutions of public corruption under the Hobbs Act (enacted 1934), the mail and wire fraud statutes (enacted 1872), including the honest services fraud provision, the Travel Act (enacted 1961), and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) (enacted 1970) began in the 1970s. "Although none of these statutes was enacted in order to prosecute official corruption, each has been interpreted to provide a means to do so."[1] The federal official bribery and gratuity statute, 18 U.S.C. § 201 (enacted 1962), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) (enacted 1977), and the federal program bribery statute, 18 U.S.C. § 666 (enacted 1984) directly address public corruption.

    The statutes differ in their jurisdictional elements, the mens rea that they require (for example, a quid pro quo or a nexus), the species of official actions that are cognizable, whether or not non-public official defendants can be prosecuted, and in the authorized sentence. The statutes most often used to prosecute public corruption are the Hobbs Act, Travel Act, RICO, the program bribery statute, and mail and wire fraud statutes.[2]

    These statutes have been upheld as exercises of Congress's Commerce Clause power, or in the case of the mail fraud and program bribery statutes, the Postal Clause and the Spending Clause, respectively. In the special case where a member of Congress is the defendant, the Speech or Debate Clause places certain restrictions on the actions that can be prosecuted and proved up. Some commentators have argued that prosecutions of state and local officials under these statutes pose substantial federalism questions, while others argue that the Guarantee Clause provides additional authority for such prosecutions.

  45. Show us the evidence! The suspense is unbearable. Joan, what do your sources say?

  46. Oh boy sounds like Mel fooled around with a crazy one! Looking like he is going to have to account for his and Shay's county paid trips and conferences they took together in the past.

  47. Yeah and remember that his wife knew all about his trips. She's known all along about them.

  48. Infidelity has nothing to do with competency.

  49. When you are thinking with one po'o but you should be thinking with the other po'o you are lying to us then the popo going come and get you. Do you think politicians who are dishonest in their home life, can be truthful when they represent us in office? He needs to go. Especially when he always accuse our Mayor and his administration about lying. He's a Hypocrite.

  50. Boilini, Hoff, and Cowern want grandfathering of B&B's on Ag property because their permits are being denied through the Planning Commission process, Boo, whoo, who. Isn't the process working, if the process finds that these applications don't meet the criteria? WTF are you thinking, Joanne, Hooser, and Chock? You don't grandfather people because you like them? Shit, why have laws then? Why have a commission? Let politicians decide on individual applications. No need Planning Department. This isn't the plantation days where the white people are the Lunas. You 3 donkeys like sue the County over this "go for it". No judge is going to side with you, without you proving that you had a legal permit. Go cry, better yet go back home to the mainland! Locals open your eyes, Hooser, Chock, and Yukimura gotta go!

  51. Some of us think crazy is kinda hot...

  52. Joan, since this is submitted to a council member as a public record, do you know what Kipukai's duties are now that it is directed to him as a council member?

  53. Kipukai must investigate by asking the others if the letter referred to them and if so, explain what crimes they committed so that he can report it to the feds. I'm sure he'll have their full cooperation.

  54. Having an affair in ones personal life, has no bearing at all on ones professional life, it is simply between them and their spouses. Unless you are the president, or are doing it under the table at work, it is not our concern.

    1. That's correct, but if they are using tax money to go off island and not attend their planned meetings so they can play? Would it still be between them?

    2. That's what happened when the three KPD cops falsified their training in Maui and was quit/fired. Falsifying training records to "knock them boots" is theft.

  55. Kualii is in a spot. what is he going to do about shay's letter? shay was smart enough to show her letter on social media. So it's going to be hard for him to do what he wants to do; trash the letter. In other cases, emails, letters sent to council in opposition to actions they plan to take, are never mentioned nor discussed on the floor. It's like they never existed. Where is the GI in this?

  56. The letter doesn't say anything specific so what can he do? Guess the identity and the crime and then go to the cops? I don't think he has any obligation to do anything with a letter that just invites speculation and sounds like a threat more than anything else.

  57. Fatal Attraction Kauai version.

  58. 10:43 I agree. Without any facts, names, dates , times etc... the letter becomes a mere speculation. Nothing to investigate.

  59. what happened to Joann sez 9:18.

    well she shaved her arm pits, unchained herself from her hippie friends outside nukoli, got off her bike, after realizing that it's easierr to work from the inside out rather than working from the outside in. not bad for a stanford graduate. once she got the taste of politics, she was hooked. the people of kauai have suffered ever since.


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