Monday, August 8, 2016

Musings: Top and Not

A Kauai reader sent me an email:

I would enjoy seeing a column with your top choices for County Council. I would really love to see Gary [Hooser] lose this time around.

Me, too.

So I was interested in reading The Garden Island article today dismissing the notion of “plunking,” which Gary has been urging his supporters to do. It's really arrogant to think that people who can vote for seven candidates should limit themselves to just one — him.

But then, doesn't that pretty much sum up where Gary's head is at?

A friend who attended the candidate's forum sponsored by such Hooser-friendly groups as Surfrider, Apollo Kauai, Zero Waste Kauai, Kauai Young Democrats, Kauai Women's Caucus and AAUW Kauai Branch texted:

Of course Hooser gets seated center stage, as was Fern [Rosenstiel, 14th District House candidate] when her time came. JoAnn [Yukimura] was way off in the corner. I didn't stay for the Council part except the opening remarks. If that was any indication, then Derek [Kawakami] is going to walk away with this thing. Hooser came off as an angry old white man well past his prime.

Derek is going to walk away with this thing, and that's OK. He's smart, experienced, likeable and he cares about the community. I predict he'll be top vote-getter, and from there he'll continue to zip up the political ladder, en route to Mayor, Congressman, Senator, Governor — you name it.

His campaign funding reports — you can see them here and here — read like someone on a political trajectory who is already moving in a larger sphere than just Kauai. Unlike Hooser, Derek will use the experience and connections he made in the Legislature to help the island, rather than alienate people across the state and push his own agenda.

I don't really have top picks for Council, though I can easily identify who the top four will be: Derek, Mel Rapozo, Arryl Kaneshiro and Ross Kagawa.

I would like to put in a plug for Arthur Brun, and here's why: He changed himself, and thus his life, and that gives me some confidence that he might also be able to effect change on an island level.

It's so easy — for politicians, especially — to talk about changing the community, changing the world. But changing ourselves is the hardest thing to do. If we all did more to deal with our own personal issues, the world would be immediately improved.

Since changing himself and his life, Arthur has gone on to help others change theirs. He's gone into the schools to give anti-drug talks, and he and Mel counseled youth in Anahola following a spate of suicides there. Arthur also coaches youth sports.

He quite rightly identified substance abuse treatment as one of the most pressing issues on this island. It's the ugly backstory behind much of the homelessness, crime and domestic violence that destroys families, clogs the court system and irrevocably rends the social fabric.

Arthur has always been on the right side of the vacation rental issue, recognizing that TVRs are driving up the price of rentals and land, especially ag land, and squeezing out locals. My first encounter with him came at the July 21, 2010 Council hearing, when the Council was debating whether to amend the law to allow TVRs on ag land, which it ultimately voted to do. As I reported then:

Nearly all of the speakers were for the bill, and all who spoke in favor had financial interests in it being passed. But there were a few who spoke against it, including Mel Rapozo and westsider Arthur Brun, who said, “This bill is wrong. What about the local families that had farm land for generations and followed the law? You’re making our families that followed the law suffer. I don’t think you should be punishing the people who followed the law.”

And that’s a very good point. Because under the bill, only those who were already operating will have the chance to apply for the permits. Anyone who waited and followed the law is aced out.

Or as an observer noted: "Once again, the local people who follow the law get screwed while the rich haoles who know how to get around the law make out."

Brun concluded: “Do what is right for the 60,000 people of Kauai, not the 26 people of Kauai.”

Which is exactly the attitude that a Councilman should have.

Some people are opposed to Arthur simply because he works for Syngenta. They seem to be afraid that he'll somehow use his position on the Council to the company's advantage.

The same argument was made against Arryl, who works for Grove Farm, and it hasn't borne out. Arryl has proven to be a thoughtful and hard-working Council member who recuses himself when necessary.

Jobs come and go. Actions reveal so much more about a person's heart and values. And on that basis alone, Arthur's got it going on. He deserves your vote.

Finally, I did get a kick out of this meme, which is being distributed on Maui:
So say the mainland haole transplants who are busily buying up land on the Valley Isle and trying to tell others how to farm. No irony there. 


  1. Not sure is you read the same article I did Joan. He did not "dismiss" the strategy. Quite the opposite:
    “The idea with that is, if you get three choices for instance and you favor candidate A, you only vote for candidate A. You don’t vote for candidate B or C,” Moore explained. “You make your support more concentrated on that one candidate and it doesn’t dilute your vote. That would work in an election like the one for county council on Kauai.”

  2. I think we read the same article. We just had different take aways:

    Moore explained these kinds of tactics, however, aren’t widely used by the general public.

    “There’s been a fair number of studies in political science that show that rarely happens,” Moore said. “We’re talking about a tiny number of people, only the most sophisticated voters bother with that.”

    In fact, he said he can’t think of a significant race where anyone attributed the results to strategic voting.

    “Most voters just don’t think about things like that if they’re there to vote,” Moore said. “They are expressing their sincere preference and not playing games.”

  3. “Most voters just don’t think about things like that if they’re there to vote,” Moore said. “They are expressing their sincere preference and not playing games.”

    This sounds wrong. Being strategic in ones voting habits in order to achieve the results one wants does not sound like playing games to me but rather clear headed and rational thinking.

  4. It's rigging the system as the DNC did against Bernie. Legal but smelly.

  5. I agree Joan, as a politician you should only focus on what is right for everyone on Kauai not a select few: rich, poor white or Fillipino. Do what is best for all of us but most importantly our children. Although easier said than done. It has to start and end there.

    I'll give Brun a new look.

    1. The Hawaiian kingdom has been receiving millions of dollars for a hundred years and what have they donee or their people and nation? But only for a select few families.

    2. Filipinos are a great race of people and you're just a hater.

  6. ooh, ms. joan....CB wrote an article about you!

  7. Yes, I saw that commentary. Looks like they're getting revenge for my persistent criticism of them and the conflicts inherent in their coverage of groups and issues funded by their funder and editorial board member, Pierre Omidyar.

  8. Ouch! Civil Beat says you have lost your journalistic integrity. F**k them Joan. You have more integrity in your little toe than they have in so pissed at this.

  9. Since Gary can't pass laws by himself, we all need to vote for at least our favorite 4 and for the primary, 7 is fine too

  10. I found it interesting that Civil Beat thinks its commenters should be held to higher standards than it employs in its own reporting. It has yet to disclose that Omidyar funds groups like Center for Food Safety, whose paid lobbyist is regularly quoted in its stories, and participates in editorial board decisions on issues he funds.

  11. Civil Beat writing about journalistic integrity is a little like Lucifer writing bout the Kingdom of Heaven. Their respective subject matter is a remote memory for both of them. And, I suppose that would apply to some reporters for Civil Beat who seem to have inherent biases. Perhaps Oppegaard, the author of the CB article on Joan, might better spend his time seeing that Civil Beat's journalists followed the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics than policing everyone else.


  12. I am impressed how many CB commenters called em out on their own conflicts this morning.

    This CB opinionater has a Doctoate in some kind of communication manipulation degree, and most commenters saw this for what it was.

    Heck yea Joan I loved your comments to civil beat(before you were banned), and I'm very very sure that they did not. And the commenter who called out their new commenting system as (clunky) was correct.

    Thanks for what you do Conrow.

  13. Just keep telling the truth about GMOs Joan and you will keep having our support! Takes a person of strong character to walk away from all your so called fake friends.

  14. Very interesting that Omidyar contributes to Hooser and the outside interests like CFS, Earthjustice, HAPA, etc. Lolo Hooser is biting the hand that feeds him and his outside interests when he opposes the dairy farm in Koloa. Kind of wonder what his political and personal IQs are. He's going to find out what the residents think of him in the primary and general.


  15. How else would you have arranged the candidates for county council at the forum at stage ll at once if not in alphabetical order?

  16. Those evil orgs representing the interests of Big Organic are at it again, sponsoring an "environmental" forum, that scared away four candidates. What the blog does conveniently not mention is that there were several topics that each candidate could pick from - roads, solid waste, housing, a few more and environment. So they did not even have to pick to talk about environment so the no shows looked even more foolish. When a candidate picked his/her topic a random question was chosen by the moderator, out of a box. No silly business. Fair as fair can be. A few candidates did pick environment. One new candidate was thrown the mother of softball questions - "what do YOU reduce, reuse or recycle"? He asked that the question be repeated. He asked for an explanation, he never heard that expression. Finally he said he throws everything into the big can. Along with votes for him. The protesting candidates who chose not to show up spoke louder than if they were there and missed a good op to tell their story about many issues.

  17. Da Hoos stated that he needs to place high up on the Council Vote getters, ya know that old "vote for a winner" thing. His dissertation on Akamai voting and "plunking" was pure shibai. Plunk, plunk, Oh great Gawd Almighty, hopefully you will flunk.
    I find Gary's antics pathetic. Groveling and pathetic.
    Arthur Brun, on the other hand, is open and honest. He cares for all of Kauai.

    We have some great candidates. Go vote.
    But be an Akamai voter and do NOT vote for Gary Hooser. Gary is a one issue candidate, panders and does not stand by his friends.

  18. Da Hoos will be #4 or better. Kagawa, Rapozo and Iona will poop their pants.

    1. Share what you are smoking

    2. Whacking the Northshore and south shore heroin.

    3. Mean the heroin epidemic on the Northshore of Kauai.

  19. I voted for Arthur.The normals also.

  20. I once tried to do a statistical analysis of how much difference 'plunking' made. It was shockingly little. You have to factor in others are also plunking, but for a different candidate. . Then there are those that vote for the whole, and then those that vote for less than the whole down the 7- numerical order, eg, those who vote for 6 or 5 etc. These statistics are actually available.
    Net effect? Almost nothing. If you are a middling candidate, then all those bunched ticket votes, ie the votes people have in opposition, will just about off set any 'plunking'. The net effect will be the bloc vote, if there are enough candidates, will allow defeat of the 'plunked' candidate at a council meeting.
    Plunking is what allows Joanne to continue on with her insanity. But it is also why she is now losing the council votes.
    See? Us Kauai guys are not all stoopid.

  21. 4:18 pm......That's a cute comment. Mr. Hooser may or may note come in #4. I don't think there will be poop as you say but hey, even monkey fall out of trees. Let's see what happens.


  22. 9:20 PM, are you being sarcastic?

    If your not----- you rollin some thick doobie either way.

  23. Welp Joan- Gary Hooser has singled you out. He is in such illustrious company as Andy Parx. For those of you who have the extreme pleasure of not knowing Andy, he is a consistent nut-job that has insulted anyone and everyone. Big mouth, big hair and zero influence.
    I don't remember a Kauai Politician singling out a citizen (publicly) as Gary is doing with you.
    Most Kauai politicians try to be above the fray.
    To what depths will Da Hoos go?
    Who will be next?
    “Man cries, his tears dry up and run out. So he becomes a devil, reduced to a monster.”
    ― Kohta Hirano

    1. Andy Parx call people out in their dirt and people don't like that on Kauai. If you're a public official then you should know that it comes with the position. If you can't handle criticism then don't seek public office.

  24. By the way- Does anyone else think that it is Gary Hooser's supporters who are vandalizing other candidates signs? Part and parcel for the condoned behavior of his Fistees.
    Kauai would be a better place without Gary and his one-issue supporters.
    How do we kill Ziko Gary? Poison? No way Jose, poison is bad.

  25. Those of you who want KPD do get accredited or not to get accredited should go and testify before CALEA.

    Police want to hear from you

    Michelle Iracheta - The Garden Island Posted: 7 hours ago

    LIHUE — The public will have the opportunity today to comment on the Kauai Police Department’s ability to comply with standards set out by the...

  26. Civil Beat! I read it and the comments. Funny, I agree with 12:24 and 12:56 on what I took out of reading the whole thing.

    Plunking! it is true, but I would have explained using different analogy.

    Last elections, voters up north (Koloa and Kalaheo) sort of plunked (does not meat the definition of plunking). Yet, Mason got to be 6th, with 473 more votes then Loosher. Now Loosher wants to plunk for himself and basically dumping the local guy (Mason). So, Mason is another Kent (pawn).

    looking at the 2016 elections (commentary), mason in front of Loosher, loosher trips mason (via plunking) while mason is not looking. and loosher wants to come in before mason in this race.

    we shall see what the results will be.

    Here's my point! Loosher will lie, cheat and steal (go fund my campaign) to beat Mason, Joann and who ever else he needs to run over in order to get back in. Mason! So much for being a supporter of Loosher.

    Friendship / partnership is one thing (Mason / Kent), when times get desperate, we all see the true character of a person. I'm hoping majority of Kauai sees the true ugly character of this man, and not give him his vote that he's demanding for (not humbly asking for, like the rest of Kauai's politicians).

    Bad leader, lack of true character and a person that will keep this island divided.

    Hey, but that's my opinion, I've got 1 vote only. Good luck Kauai!

  27. 8:01 Actually you have 7 votes (not 1) ... but will you use them all? That seems to be the question on plunking. Nearly all the candidates are coming out with statements about government waste and controlling the budget. Councilmembers should do a little fact checking first as recent history shows that the largest growth in the County's budget has been the Prosecuting Attorney's Office followed by Council. Ironically these are two of the offices that the Mayor has little to no control over. Why not control your own budget and lead by example? And, if you are making bold statements about reducing expenses, what are the specifics of your plans? Not approve arbitrated collective bargaining agreements? Not pay Employee Retirement System increases? Stop paying the health fund contributions? Sure the fiscally conservative position makes a great campaign sound byte, be what's the likelihood that these candidates can live up to those statements? Scrimping on the budget just means we're continuing to kick the can down the road on deferred maintenance for our roads, parks, and public facilities. Budget growth is now only feeding salaries and benefits.

  28. Joan, you work for Bill Gates? :-)

    (That's suppose to be funny. Not an accusation of wrong-doing. Don't take it seriously. Laugh at the absurdity.)

    On a serious note, it just shows that Gates, Zuckerberg and Omidyr et. al. all have too much money and we are all just pawns in their game.

    I appreciate Joan's perspective. I don't always agree with it. So What?

    Tulsi 2018!

  29. 8:57am Here's a start, stop appealing rulings like Bill 2491, or the recent Police Chief ruling, stop fixing roads that are fine, like Rice and Hardy streets, etc... Get plenty areas of waste all over for the Mayor to fix. The can has been kicked down the road for Yukimura's entire 32-year political career. Kick her can ass out. There's a solution.

  30. 8:57 a.m. please don't take my statement literally.

    John California, RIGHT! Tusi for Secretary of State! She can be a part of the revolutionary solution doer instead of the revolutionary grumblers. Again, that will be in 2017. when one of the lesser of two evils take office. Or, Bernie can announce being an independent and run NOW! Then we'll have an amazing race.

    2018, can't be she's running for President of the United States, that should be 2020. Inouye she' not, but! Go! Tootsie! :-)

  31. Da Hoos cannot lose `cause I gotta 300 plunker army ready to roll on this election.

  32. 8:57:
    Can you name who is running for Senate in 2018? (not to sound contentious. I hope it doesn't.)
    Do you know where her Super-Delegate vote went?
    We may have to vote for the lessor-of-two-evils now, but that doesn't mean we can't fix it for the next election.
    I want something not on the menu. That hardly means I'll settle for porridge.

    Others describe it as "holding their feet to the fire."

  33. Someone tell Chiba that I'll take the odds on Hooser. 10-7 gees on the pooorau. Gees Gees Gees 10-7 on the poorau

    1. I bet one spam musubi that hooser gets elected.


  34. 5:28,

    Hey thanks, that really gave me a needed chuckle-- all round classic my friend!!

    Da Hoos and his three hundred "plunker army"------"ready to roll".

    Hey whoever you are 5:28-- --- let us all make hoo hoo of the Hoos untill he is no longer haunting all of us.

  35. 1:50 Oooh sooo confident, I'll bet you $10,000 that Hooser finishes below 7 Saturday bitch.

    1. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is tough guy and donate that 10K to solve Kauai's unsolved murders.

  36. @ 7:16pm - poorau, that is hilarious! I nevah hear that word long time!

  37. Pono Market Musubi for every body if Gary Hooser gets elected.

    BET: Gary Hooser is Brown Entertainment.

  38. 12:44pm I now want mine. I voted for him. One of the three: Mason, Brun.


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