Monday, October 10, 2016

Musings: Sheer Torture

The election season is entering its last tortuous month.

Last night's debate — if you can call it that — left me (and no doubt many others) with feelings that see-sawed between sick and aghast. As one moderator noted, voters now have to decide whether they want the status quo, as personified by Hillary, or if Trump is the one to “offer something different.”

A critical point came when Trump said he'd urged people to vote for him “because things couldn't get any worse.”

Uh, yeah. They could. Way, way worse. The last thing this, or any, country needs is a blustering, bullying, big-mouthed, BB-brained, bigoted, blowhard billionaire at the helm.
Especially one with such a disgusting attitude toward women. 
Like so many other creeps, Trump thinks his lavicious drooling and pawing is a form of “admiration,” like women should be grateful for or complimented by his unwanted advances. Ugh.

Which is why I liked this meme:
Which speaks to every man's some men's deepest psychological fear....

And just in case you thought one of the third-party picks might be preferable:
In local elections, Councilman Mason Chock is trying to muscle into Gary Hooser's turf by portraying himself as a local farming advocate. He's featured in The Garden Island's puff piece on the Korean natural farming method.

Though there's no actual proof it works, despite a year-long trial funded in part by a grant from Kauai County, Chock is already promoting it as having “a lot to offer our farmers:”

It will bring costs down for farmers by utilizing local sourced and produced methods for fertilization, pesticides and bio-remediation. I am supportive of these methods and would like to see them used more prevalently on Kauai.”

Yeah, we don't need no stinking evidence. So why don't they have any?

[Ray] Maki said the year-long test came back inconclusive because the pesticide that was targeted for breakdown was DDT, a chemical with a half-life of 20-40 years.

Maybe we could have picked a different class of chemicals to work with, but with a one-year study we didn’t have enough time or conclusive results to say we had meaningful results from the test,” Maki said.

Ya think? Shaking my head, scratching my head. And wondering why, if it's so successful, "South Korea imported about $25 billion in agricultural goods in 2013. Agricultural exports were $4 billion."

But hey, doncha know it's the one and only way to go?

These bigger companies have the capacity to look at whatever we’re doing in our own homespun way and do it more effectively than we can because they have the resources,” [yardener Felicia] Cowden said. “That capacity of those companies is profound if they wanted to do something like this.”

Because of course what works in someone's back yard will be equally effective on a commercial spread with thousands of acres.

I'm for all for exploring different approaches to agriculture. But it strikes me as wanton hubris to have yardeners telling people with doctorates in plant pathology and agronomy how they should farm. Especially when they can't even develop a meaningful one-year trial project.

And why is Kauai County funding projects that have no meaningful measure of effectiveness?

But no worries. When farming fails, there's always real estate (or campaign donations from Realtors):
Kinda reminds me of the guy who knows more about ISIS than the generals, more about the tax system than any man on earth... 

To paraphrase, I love the smell of delusion and self-aggrandizement in the morning. It smells like politics. Gag.


  1. Follow the link to ' the Regenerations Botanical Garden website,"

    For even more fun. :-)

    Speaking of debates: who is going to primary Clinton in 2020?

  2. Those who think they want to vote for Johnson because he will legalize pot should understand he has a company devoted to it.

    Here's a short quiz on the Libertarian Platform of 1980 when David Koch ran as the Libertarian VP. Takes about 2 minutes.

  3. The people with doctorates are telling us what the people who fund them tell them to say. No say what they want them to say no funding. You of all people, Joan, should understand that.

  4. @8:39 Please don't drag me into your misinformed and stupid comments.

  5. Clinton is a greed stricken criminal, Trump is a mad man.

    Neither is going to be good for our country.

  6. Hey Barca

    Your kids (you brought them into this discussion) live poor because of your poor decisions in life not because of your morals.

    Just ask all the moral people of the world not in poverty.

  7. Dustin Barca! The Donald Trump of the Left.

  8. @8:39 - You just don't get it do you? Big companies hire people with doctorates to tell THEM (the companies) what to do. Not the other way around, fool!

    1. Your a fool if you think pesticides is safe for our food chain

    2. Is that what happened with the tobacco industry?

  9. Dustin Barca is a joke along with David Denson who uses David Romeo on facebook who attacked Mel on Facebook and threatened Arthur on a private message about cleaning up shit over here on Kauai or they will come and do it.

  10. Barca is hilarious thinking he'd be able to sell more real estate that anyone on Kauai. What's do you suppose would be his closing technique? Buy this property or I'll beat you up. Give me a break. He sounds like a lower class version of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. A has-been who never was. For that matter, when it comes to elections remember you can write in "Vote for Pedro" on your ballet.

  11. "speaks to every man's deepest psychological fear."

    As a man who played a lot of sports and who has been in a lot of locker rooms, that was not locker room talk. In the locker room we would talk about game strategy before games, and game recaps and beer after.

    And the idea of the women wielding power and being treated equally does not offend me or cause me any deep fear. Luckily I am from a post-Trump generation and grew up with women bosses and coworkers - and so I wish to gently correct the assertion that the neme speaks to EVERY man's "deepest psychological fear."

  12. Shit, all the candidates suck. Even the 3rd party ones which is a shame. I get the feeling things will only get worse from here and the country would balkanize.

  13. I stand corrected. Generalizations are never wise.

    I was actually trying to make an oblique reference to the mythical vagina dentate, which is deeper than, but related to, the fear of having women having power.

  14. "The world is immoral and I am moral - and that is why I never can support my family."
    This is the cop-out of lazy losers everywhere.

    Suck it up and properly support your family, loser. Its hard to navigate the cruel world and support your family. Lots of us do it anyway. Its easy to bitch and make excuses that your refusal to work in a paying field is the fault of an immoral world. Yes wife and kids, its not my fault I don't make any money. Its is the fault of an immoral world.

    What is funny is that Barca just labeled all of the realtors as being immoral - when his only financial backer was Hawaii Life real estate company. "Please, write me another check you immoral evil bastards!" WTF was HI Life thinking backing this guy for Mayor? He's like Trump without brains. He just shat where he eats.

    I mean does he think houses and land should not be bought and sold at all? Or is it just the realtors taking their 3% for facilitating the deals that is so immoral?

    Ranting all day looks easier than work to me.

  15. @11:04am

    Clap, Clap, Clap!

    Love the comment

  16. Shoots, Joan! And here I thought it was fear of women having teeth in their genitals.

  17. While I agree with the general consensus that Barca is doing himself no favors with his tweets, there is a reason Boardwalk Empire is such a popular show.

    I especially appreciate Nucky Thompson's quote, "We all need to decide for ourselves how much sin we can live with."

    Barca sees things differently. Maybe he's just making an excuse. Maybe he really believes it. What is gained by abusing him?

  18. Wives all over America have had their pussies grabbed all weekend, in Trump-inspired jest.
    This one goes into the zeitgeist. One for the ages. "You can just grab them by the pussy!" OMFG.

    Bravo 11:04.


  19. Oh, I Love the e grown ups with Penis'sand Vagina's...

    Come on nit wits,,, it is fun.... If you think I'm a grown up man that cannot respect -------------------women!!!!!!!!!

    Or that women cannot respect me???????

    Might as well fly lightest with tha Taliban.


  20. I like to think I'm a sweet talkin kind of fellow!!!! And Hillary is a fun snuggled babe ,,,

    She needs a good cuddle, and the world willlbe a better place!!

    She is super smart,she just needs a good massage and such!

    I'm a republican that wants to make her feel better..... And I sure as hell ain't touching Trump....

  21. Ummm... Nature has been making natural pesticides for years. Callisto herbicide was developed by synthetically reproducing the chemical Mesotrione released by the Callistomine plant. Organic farmers use cereal rye as a herbicide. The decomposing residue releases the herbicide. The crop releases a biochemical (phenomenon referred to as allelopathy) that inhibits the germination of seeds from other species – including Palmer pigweed, among others. By spring, the allelopathy has disappeared, so it’s safe to plant the next crop. BT is another mother nature pesticide.
    I'm not a fool for using pesticide; after all, mother nature uses them all the time. I just understand how the technology works. I respect the technology, I use it correctly and safely @2:28.

    1. What does a corn farmer from Nebraska have in common with Kauai? Kind of weird he is so interested what's happening here.

  22. Doesn't Dustin have a $2 million lien against him for attacking that guy in California at a restaurant? I'm sure that family would love that money. But he has to take a real estate class then pass a test. Better to stay at moms house and blame corporations.

  23. Dear barca:

    "Don't judge everyone else by your limited experience"..... Carl Sagan

  24. Barca got a third of the votes when he ran for Mayor.
    If Kauai had Council districts Barca could be one of the 7. Or Felicia.
    The best reason to keep Kauai elections as they are is the thought of having 1 or 2 Barcas in the Council.
    Thousands of votes for this guy.

    But I don't think that all of the big deal horses at Hawaii Life will get Gary, JoAnn or Moron elected.
    What an island. The heavy hitter Realtors back the very ones who want to diminish property rights, raise taxes, stop local housing and control water so that future housing is impossible.
    But I guess if the Hawaii Life Realaty owners with 1 billion in sales and 30 million in profits or Neal the Squeal with his easy 1 million a year in income don't mind if the real estate market fizzles out.......what do mere mortals have to say?
    Vote Gary and give Hawaii Life a huge giant throbbing @#%$&.


  25. Yep I am 2:18-- sometimes you gotta have a chuckle....I ,me, feel great what I said dear readers.. Touching Clinton very well might end bad. But she could use a great massage.

    The only problem after that is that earths axis will change and Everyman on the the third rock will blame me for it. They don't understand how delicate she is!!!!!!hehehehehe

    Serious, buckle heads ,, we ain't that sensitive?

  26. Bradley, not only are you a fool for using pesticides, your a fool for mono cropping.

  27. @9:27. Much weirder is why a woman in India, Vandana Shiva, and a lawyer from D.C., Andrew Kimbrell, and a law firm from SF, Earthjustice, are so interested in what's happening here. At least Bradley adds a knowledgeable perspective on real live commercial farming to balance out the no-dirt-on-their-hands Utopians who think they should be able to dictate farming in Hawaii.

    As for 9:19, a person who doesn't know the difference between your and you're shouldn't be calling others fools.

  28. wrong again 9:19 I plant wheat, corn, popcorn, sorghum, triticale, oats, oat/turnips, multi species cover crops, cereal cover crops, alfalfa, and soybeans. Some years you need pesticides, this year required only required herbicides. Are you volunteering to hand weed? NO, and my operation is too big for you to make any kind of difference. SO, the hardi sprayer makes up the difference.

  29. @ 9:27 as for my interest in Hawaii: Those of us that barrow money to buy inputs at retail and sell our commodities on the open market understand the benefits of the modern agricultural system. Sure, your dream of an organic utopia may make you sleep better at night, but it's not going to pay my bills. I have organic farmers as neighbors, and their crops yield a half, to a third, of what my crops yield. So don't dream organic is going to be cheaper because it yields more. Further, our organic farmers market enterprise has been replace by conventional methods. Consumers expected cheaper organic produce, but didn't want to buy the vegetables with bug spots. Plus, organic gardening cost more to produce, but yielded less. From those lessons, we learned the economic value of safe, effective, cheap, and targeted pest control.

    Even Hawaii Seed's out grow Monsanto garden has become over grown with weeds. It was fun to party at the planting party, but weeding wasn't nearly the party. So, nature's weeds swallowed up the harvest. It nearly Impossible for those who eat daily out of a supper market to understand what it's like to spend 3-6 months growing a crop.

    Hawaii calls itself ground zero for the fight against these valuable tools. That being said, the farmers who value these tools are going to bring the resistance to that fight back to Hawaii. That's why a farmer from Nebraska is speaking out about the lies discerned by CFS, and their cohorts. Guess what, legions of other midwest farmers are ready to join the cause. Sure, our agriculture system can be improved, but it will be improve in a manner that is environmentally safe and economically effective because I still have those bills to pay. IF you want to have a stake in that say, pony up the cash, rent some ground, buy some seeds, plant a crop, weed it, water it, keep the bugs out of it, hope mother nature doesn't hail you out, buy crop insurance, harvest that crop, and hope you can sell that crop for a profit before it spoils. That system will be improved by those who have an economic stake hold in their future livelihood. Otherwise, your opinions are just an organic utopia dream.

    1. Your agriculture system is like an athlete on performance enhancing drugs, it's good for a short period of time and then it comes crashing down. I looked at your Facebook pictures. Your land is played out. You need the "performance enhancing drugs" to compete. Without them your worthless. My land is full of life and thriving. Hundreds of people rely on the fruits and veggies grown on my land that's only getting better. True, my land can't feed the world. Nor, can yours. If everybody on Kauai turned to organic permaculture on whatever size piece of land they owned our island could feed itself. Your wastelands days are numbered. All you can hope for science to figure out how to save what you destroyed.

  30. I appreciate Bradley Choquette's informed perspective and agree with Joan that out of all the outsiders commenting on what's happening in Hawaii, his comments on this blog are the most interesting and relevant. Furthermore, they're warranted, since the activists' nefarious agenda here threatens his very livelihood.

  31. Trump is an admitted predator and should be registered as a sex offender.

  32. I attended a two-day seminar on the Big Island given by Master Cho himself, the father of Korean Natural Farming. Almost everything he taught was complete nonsense with no science behind it. This is why results were inconclusive and always will be.People are looking for the magic bullet that will solve all of their problems,there is none.Those who choose to do organic farming should follow the practices, taught long ago, by people like Rodale .

  33. The Rodale institute and Gabe Brown are ahead of the curve on developing new organic farming techniques. Many of their farming practices are being implement by conventional farmers. These practices are reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and insecticide while maintaining/increasing crop yields for conventional farmers. I'd invest in Rodale Institute ideas before I'd try Korean Natural Farming Practices.

  34. Please stop promoting lies about Jill Stien.

    Dr. Jill Stein Verified account
    As a medical doctor of course I support vaccinations. I have a problem with the FDA being controlled by drug companies.

  35. Our Constitution does not recognize "Women". "All man are created equal". I would rather have woman president considering.......

  36. 12:35 Itʻs a shame people like Joan treat Jill Stein this way. Anybody can go to her site and find out why Hillary and Donald are so afraid that they refuse to debate her in a public forum. Such a disgrace for America that someone trustworthy like Jill who understands the real road to a peaceful world is swept under the rug by Democrats, Republicans and the corporate controlled mass media.

  37. Men favor Trump in the majority of national polls! That's messed up.

  38. @7:22 Thank you for so perfectly demonstrating the smug sanctimony that characterizes too many who claim to be organic farmers. As if you can tell whether someone's land is "played out" from a Facebook photo! lol!!!

    At any rate, I guess you aren't that proud of your farm that's "full of life" or you'd stand behind your comments and let us all judge you. And please don't try to pretend you're totally feeding yourself and not also going to the store!! lol!

    I do find it interesting that the big organic farmers on Kauai, the ones who are truly successful, have never been out there talking shit about other farmers. They're too busy tending to their farms.

  39. @ 7:22 PM me the info to line up a tour of your farm. As for played out, my soybeans have won Pioneer's District yield contest 3 out of the last four years and the area contest once. Since they yield three times more than organic, I do need to replace some nutrients removed from the soil. Here are some more pics of my "played out soil" can see for the rest of Joan's blog readers to see.

    Crops that look that good don't grow from played out soil.

    Now your turn @ 7:22, you can post anonymous photos to Photobucket to share your trumps in Agriculture?

    1. My dad always said, "never believe a man who tells you how good he is at something. If he was that good, everybody would know it already".

  40. Now that you've had a chance to look at my Twitter feed, focus on the pictures posted on May 12, 2015 and May 15, 2015. The planting picture was actually taken on May 2, 2015, and the soybean plant emergence photo was posted the day of. I was planting into 270 bushel corn residue. Two weeks later, the earthworms, and micro fungi, had eaten all of my residue. Can your permaculture soil digest that much residue, that quickly, after you beat it to death with a rotor-tiller? My soil isn't played out. It has more plant health than your permaculture will ever know because of reduced tillage. You have to supplement you soil micro flora with teas, while my soil grows its own. In fact, I almost have too much micro biological activity, which leaves bare soil prone to soil erosion.

    I wonder if it would be possible for Joan to post those picture for her other blog readers to see?

  41. Hey Bradley, you would have some tough competition the my friend who's running our farm in MN. ;-)
    He gets yields up to 3x his neighbors. (according to my Brother who usually is right on when talking about this kind of information.) But then, some of his neighbors aren't too smart.

    Looking at the video of your soybean planting, I'm guessing that 7:22 has never been to the midwest so doesn't have a clue that is what good soil looks like. It gets cold up there.

    A quote from my friend in Fiji. Appropriate for nothing in this blog other than I like it.

    "Well, life is all about pretending in some form or another. If that doesn't work, try delusion. Or maybe it's the other way around."

  42. 12:35pm Itʻs a shame people like Joan treat Jill Stein this way. Anybody can go to her site and find out why Hillary and Donald are so afraid that they refuse to debate her in a public forum. Such a disgrace for America that someone trustworthy like Jill who understands the real road to a peaceful world is swept under the rug by Democrats, Republicans and the corporate controlled mass media.

  43. I say this a man and I mean it. Not only should women have at least as much power in the political arena as men, but I'm quite certain that if we took the vote away from men globally for the next 100 years, and only women worldwide could vote, we would have far fewer wars and far more "intractable" problems that would be solved. While it will never happen, there is no doubt that the more political power women have in all societies, the closer we can at least get to those solutions.

  44. 9:57 Joan will never apologize to Jill Stein although Snopes said the anti-vaccine rumor was false

  45. Dear Jill,

    I'm sorry I posted a cartoon that apparently misrepresented your views on vaccines. Some people just can't take a joke. I actually supported you at one time. But in the years since, I've found I really don't share your views on many issues and I don't think you have either the background or the skills to run the country. I don't think Trump and Clinton are afraid to debate either you or Gary Johnson. It's more likely that they, like the most of us, don't see you as a serious candidate. And you're certainly not worth throwing away a vote that may work to get Trump elected.


  46. 1:55 "And you're certainly not worth throwing away a vote that may work to get Trump elected."

    And you're certainly not worth throwing away a vote that may work to get Hillary elected.

  47. 1:55 Yeah real funny misrepresenting someone's views. You must be overjoyed at how much democracy has improved ever since the Commission on Presidential Debates In 1988" fixed the system", so the League of Women Voters withdrew its sponsorship of the presidential debates after the George H. W. Bush and Michael Dukakis campaigns secretly agreed to a "memorandum of understanding" that would decide which candidates could participate in the debates, which individuals would be panelists (and therefore able to ask questions), and the height of the lecterns. The League rejected the demands and released a statement saying that they were withdrawing support for the debates because "the demands of the two campaign organizations would perpetrate a fraud on the American voter."

  48. @3:11 If it bothers you so much then why are you misrepresenting my views?

  49. 3:17 How am I misrepresenting your views? You said it was a "joke". I see it as you trying to discredit another person running for office in a non-democratic system to disenfranchise 3rd parties yet not a peep about the inherent unfairness of that from you. A vote for Jill is a vote for Jill. Why aren't "Hillary" or "Trump" "spoilers"? Why is it always a 3rd party candidate? Try 'tink!

  50. Joan, easy to appear a "winner" when all you have to do is silence someone getting the better of you by not posting their comments. Kinda reminds me of the Commission on Presidential Debates. Silence and disenfranchise voices of dissent.

  51. @4 I've posted all your stuff. Drama, much?

  52. Ok John, let me help you out, and set your delusions straight. My organic neighbors (for which they're only 2 in a 30 mile radius) raised 30-37 bushel soybeans. One of those farmers did so after cover crop, so he only averaged 18.5 bushels per year; but, he ran cattle on that cover crop, so I'll be generous and give him the full 37 bushels. That's before they sent them to Robert's Seeds to be cleaned prior to export to Japan. The samples I saw are going to have a significant amount of waste (after the pigweed seeds are separated). They are in Kearney and Webster County. Kearney county is outside of the Republican River Valley, which means they have no limitations on irrigation.

    Now, I farm in the Republican River Valley, which mean I have metered water and have to budget 45 inches of water over the next 5 years and can't pump more than 13 inches in one year. Now, go look at that twitter link I posted. Notice all those plaques and signs with soybean yields in the 90's. Well John, 90's are three times bigger than 30's.... I also raised those high yielding beans with less water.

    Now my organic neighbors, after applying tons of cow manure can raise a respectable 130-150 bushel corn crop. Not bad money when they sell it for $10 a bushel. (Hauling all that manure from confined feeding operations burns a significant amount of fossil fuel, which is bad for the environment.) My irrigated corn made 245-270. Not quite double, but close enough. Then again, I did so with almost half the water. SO, per gallon of water, I raised almost 4 times as much corn!

    Now, let's get something straight. I have a great deal of respect for the job my organic neighbors do. In fact, I have a great deal of respect for all farmers, even the ones who are total dicks. We may not see eye-to-eye on every issue; but, we stand united in the cause of feeding (and clothing) the world, while being good stewards of the land. Organic farming has many challenges and is an expensive enterprise to undertake. The one small farmer to the West works as a college professor, and probably needs that income to supplement his farm, because he has lost several popcorn crops to weeds over the years. The mega farmer to the East and West has inherited considerable wealth, and his expensive transition to organic farming was an easy task. While a few elitist don't mind expensive organic food, my food grade white corn sold for a third of the price and was ship across the pond to feed people starving in African (due to an epic drought). Some of those Africans that didn't want GMO corn, so they bought corn from Mexico, then we turned around and sold cheaper corn to Mexico to replace that product. All of us work hard at what we do, but my corn yielded twice as much, and is three times cheaper than organic. That means I can feed six starving people for what one person pays for organic. I sleep very well at night comforted by that fact. Further, I accomplish that task economically, safely, and environmentally friendly manner. Finally, I'm very comforted by the fact that I can ease the suffering of starving people. That's why I write checks with the bank's money, to grow enough of a crop to repay that debt, and have a little left over for myself to live on.

    That may seem like a delusion to you, but it is a firm reality to me.

    "Figures don't lie, but liars figure." Mark Twain, in regard to statistics skewing results. While you are free to have doubts about my numbers; the weight wagon doesn't lie, and my pictures clearly tell the story. Now the question is John, are you willing to read that story with objective eyes, or are you going to leave your blinders on?

  53. continued.....

    Will farmers continue farm in the current manner 30 years from now? No, we are at peak Phosphorus and peak oil. TO be sustainable, we are going to develop new agricultural systems. However, today's system feeds the world, and pays my bills. That's enough for today, and we can both dream about tomorrow.

    Try reading Howard Buffet's "Forty Chances" John (both the text version and the picture book version).
    Take some time to ponder that on National Farmer's Day...

  54. FYI,
    Clinton has an anti-GMO connection...

  55. Trump has an anti-GMO connection....

  56. Wikileaks is aligned with Putin and Trump:

    Julian Assange is dodging sexual assault charges and Putin is a tyrant.

    Trump has no principles, only an unbridled lust for women, money and power.

  57. Bradley, I've obviously offended you. My apologies.
    I believe you misread my post.
    I appreciate the numbers you've provided.

    My MN friend gets 250-300 bushels/acre. Of course, his problem is drainage, not irrigation.

    I am somewhat familiar with the problems of irrigation having spent many summer trips to Brown County where I would occasionally help set tubes.

    I also appreciate the problem of too much rain, in that, Steele County had 14" a couple of weeks ago, just when it was time to start harvest.

    I eat a lot of Jolly Time pop corn.

  58. Come on, Joan, you know you do not post everybodyʻs stuff. You know you are selective in what you post. And you also know you are much stricter banning comments than Civil Beat. In fact, you even refuse to give standards for commenters to follow to ensure their comments will not be banned. Now why is that?

  59. Trust Donald the Degenerate in Chief. What a slime ball.

  60. Joan, You are so funny. You attack others daily in your blog, but have no tolerance for others who you perceive as attacking you. Whatʻs good for the gander is not good for the goose?

  61. @9:36 I've been quite clear that I typically don't post comments that attack me. I'm also not keen on whiners, like you. In the case of 4 pm., I had posted every comment that came in, so I knew he/she was full of it.

    I've also stated that since this is my own personal blog, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

    @10:51 -- Here's the difference: I put my name on what I say. I stand behind what I say. That's very different than someone — like you? — making cowardly attacks under cover of anonymity.

    And that is the end of this discussion. So if you don't like it, go elsewhere. I don't care. I don't need your complaining. You add nothing to the blog.

  62. Umm... I'm sorry John. I must have miss understood your comment. Most of my neighbors raise 200 bushel corn, so to get 3 times more than my neighbors would mean I raise 600 hundred bushel corn That would break the new World Record. I raise good crops, but not that good. Maybe all your brother's neighbors are organic.

    7:22 is at a cross roads. I hope he chooses the right path to fit his needs.

    I'm guessing you found my Youtube channel?

    Yes, it gets very cold in Nebraska and the soil usually freezes. That creates issues not seen in Hawaii.

    As for popcorn, I don't grow for Jolly Time. I have some very good friends that do, and it's a great Company. They have grown for them for over 40 years and their dad is in the Jolly Time Hall Of Fame. They are a great family based company and they have excellent products. We market our corn privately through Dad's farmer's Market License.

    Best Regards John



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