Sunday, December 4, 2016

Musings: Ag Takes Another Hit

As the Hawaii Dairy Farms project wends its way through a voluntary EIS and now a pending trial, one message is coming through loud and clear: if you want to do ag on Kauai, you'd best have thick skin, endless patience and deep pockets.

Doesn't matter if the project is producing the local food that the antis are clamoring for. Doesn't matter if it's happening on Important Ag Land — acreage specifically dedicated to farming. Doesn't matter if the land has been used for agriculture — in this case, sugar and cattle pasture — for more than a century.

If the antis don't want it for whatever reason — in this case, because they think it may diminish their property values — they'll fight you tooth and nail, while claiming they're trying to protect “sacred, pristine” land.

Friends of Mahaulepu (FMO) is currently suing HDF, claiming the company widened ditches while preparing its pastures, and thus caused the extremely high levels of bacteria found in a ditch there. HDF claims it didn't widen ditches or cause any pollution, a stance supported by the state Department of Health's sanitary survey, which confirmed the dairy site is not the source of the high bacterial counts in Waiopili ditch.

In the most recent action, this past Thursday, federal Judge Leslie Kobayashi denied both parties' requests for summary judgment, which means the dispute will go to trial. It's set for Feb. 14 on Oahu.

Meanwhile, the state Department of Health is attempting to determine the source of the high bacteria counts that Surfrider — the same group trying to stop the dairy — discovered during its supposedly impartial and scientific water monitoring. The trial will determine whether HDF caused pollution — a question that may be pre-empted by the DOH study.

Not that FOM or Surfrider will accept the DOH study unless it gives them the results they want, just as they refused to accept the EIS, even though they demanded HDF prepare one.

But though the antis are trying specifically to kill the Mahaulepu dairy, their actions could be creating fallout for other ag uses. The suit that FOM brought against HDF claimed the company failed to obtain an NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) stormwater construction permit before beginning work to improve its pastures.

HDF argued that its work to establish pasture was allowed under an agricultural exemption, and so no permit was needed for that activity. It is currently seeking an NPDES permit for the milking parlor and other dairy facilities.

But Judge Kobayashi ruled that the pasture was part of the larger dairy project, so the NPDES was required before even pasture improvements could begin. What will be the ramifications of this decision for other agricultural uses? Will farmers and ranchers now have to go through expense — and delays — of securing an NPDES permit before they can make any improvements that could be deemed part of a larger operation?

It all depends on whether the antis are watching and gunning for your project. If they are, they will stop at nothing —including flying in so-called experts from the mainland — to first take shit about your project, and then file lawsuits to take it down.

Meanwhile, HDF has filed for an extension of its NPDES permit application so it has time to process the mountain of comments submitted by every NIMBY in Poipu on the EIS it voluntarily conducted.

And FOM and Surfrider are busy talking trash to The Garden Island, making like HDF polluted the ocean, when that issue is still to be determined by the courts. Then the rest of the ignorant yahoos have to weigh in, like the commenter who claimed on my last post that a federal judge shut the dairy down.

No. That's not even close to the truth.

The fact is, if the dairy wasn't being bankrolled by Pierre Omidyar, as a pilot project that doesn't need to make money, just demonstrate if a pasture-based system can work in Hawaii, it would be dead by now. No business entity could afford to see it through to this point, while still facing an uncertain future.

Which is exactly how the antis want it. Even as they scream for more local food, more local ag, they fight every reasonable attempt to do it as not pure and pono enough. 

So if you can't do ag on Important Ag Land, what's left?

Why, more gentrification and tourism, of course.

I recall Surfrider's Carl Berg opining, when the dairy was first proposed, that Grove Farm was pushing to have a dairy at Mahauelepu precisely because it would meet opposition, giving them justification for pulling the land out of the IAL designation and developing it as tourism.

Yet even though he saw that as undesireable, everything he and FOM are doing is helping to ensure such an outcome.



  1. If you have deep pockets like Omidyar why not wait for the hemp law to pass or the recreational pakalolo use law to pass then corner the market.

    Grass fed beef tastes too gamy for most and that's why gmo fed beef is a huge seller and I bet yah lots of the anti's eat gmo beef, chicken or pork unless they use their EBT for rabbit food at the expensive hippie stores. The best tasting beef is wagyu (Kobe) beef but it's very expensive at that rip off druggie front sushi bushido charges cocaine prices for that kind of action.

    1. Go to Cheveron in Princeville @1:44 , get some local grass fed beef, and eat your words.

    2. That place is full of shit and its over priced meat. Why would I pay for that or even a $8 slice of shitty pizza, when I can go to Cost U Less and get reasonably priced meats. Yeah they even have game meat for sale at half the price of Mahalo Rewards Wonder Bread shopping areas.

  2. A whole pizza is $11 on Monday and less than $20 every other day of the week. Go choke on your GMO. Your full of it

  3. The reason grass fed beef is so popular now is not an anti-GM thing. Supposedly it's because the fat in grass fed beef is "good" fat and not so bad for you. If it's butchered and aged properly the flavor is excellent.

  4. Costco whole pizza is $10 everyday and tastes better than your Mahalo rewards wonder bread pizza.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Go to Cheveron in Princeville @1:44 , get some local grass fed beef, and eat your words.

    Cost U Less has better meats at affordable prices that even people without EBT can purchase without getting a pay day loan.

    Cattle ranchers already get plenty money and too much power so why would I give them any of my money for their families to stay in power?

  6. The meat at Costco also comes from cattle ranchers

  7. Costco pizza, one bite and all the cheese falls off the pizza. Yeah, that's good pizza.

  8. Hard to beat Brick Oven Pizza!

    1. That's over priced tourist garbage.

  9. There are a lot of "unhappy" people on Kauai.....But I enjoy your unhappiness. It makes for an entertaining blog....Love it. Keep the unhappiness up....

  10. There are cows popping up all over Kauai. They are now by the airport which is closer to the ocean then Diary area. They have been in Hanalei Valley, Larsen's Beach, and Pakalas closer to the ocean then Dairy for 30 + years. They are all over the mountain side of the island from westside to the north. They are kind of like vacation rentals, except they technically belong there.

    1. And you wonder why you have to go and see the doc when you go and surf and swim in those areas.

  11. To the anonymous who left like 15 identical comments, none of which were published -- No, I'm not going to print comments talking trash about me from someone who isn't even willing to put his/her name behind his/her words. And I'm writing this right here on Kauai, so spare me your ravings and get a life.

  12. Why can't you explain why you can travel off island and promote your propaganda but others aren't allowed? Simple question. Only a hypocrite would be offended

  13. @9:59 That's simple. I'm not traveling off-island to promote propaganda. I go to collect information, not spread anything. And if you had better reading comprehension, you would know that isn't what I've criticized others for doing.

  14. My. my. what have got here? Pizza comparison, grass vs. pen fed beef? How have we digressed! Thought the issue was agriculture in the form of a dairy farm in the south shore. Am very familiar with the area because, was born and raised on this island and spent many hours fishing, spear-fishing, picking opihi, and camping in the 1950's. Also, spent some time during summers working as a high-school Grove Farm employee. The area was pristine and used by only locals who knew how to care for it. Somehow, the transplants and tourists found the area and screwed up it up.

    As a Vietnam veteran, I saw how newbies can screw everything, ala the Ugly American. Rather than adapting to the local ways, they want change things and pit the citizens against each other.

  15. There is no law about promoting propaganda. Thank you Joan for letting us know about the propaganda being spread on other islands. We would never know about this without Facebook or Twitter. Unfortunately there are people that do not believe in your blog but they still engage (these unhappy people). It all depends on the "propaganda" ha!

  16. "Adapt to local ways" What local ways might that be? Ignorant bashing of outsiders who make you feel impotent? Change happens. Kauai is changing. You can't stop it so you might consider adjusting your thinking. It will lead to less stress and a happier life.

  17. Never realized cows were so scary. How did we ever live here when we had five dairies, every major plantation had a ranch and there were multiple independent ranches. I recall the environment being a lot healthier than it is today though.

  18. 11:53 it's people like you who infuriate the locals vs newcomers

  19. The local ways as I was brought up included respect for all, including those who are mentally and socially challenged. Was educated on the mainland and subjected to the hate and discrimination you've brought to our island. Think you should think and re-evaluate yourself before mouthing off your ignorance and intolerance.

  20. Local ways where always f@#! the haole and are now "born and raised"

  21. Born and raised is the euphemism used for local born Haoles.
    Local ways from my first day here 50 years ago are acceptance if you work, are respectful, obey the law, don't be niele....within a short time you have many friends.
    Local style is also a little less outgoing then some brash loud mouths. Local style is also -live and let live.
    We have all been accepted. Now some newcomers should try to get along.
    Ag was here, Sugar with Murray Air Double-wing and Helicopter spraying, ash, smoke, mud dust tears, paraquat, DDT and 24/7 tractor noise.
    Ag is zoned Ag for a reason. The Hyatt was Ag unil a short time ago.
    And the reason there are so many COWS is because a fenced property with a cow or two don't pay millions in taxes.
    It is all at the feet of an inefficient Mayor and Council. Housing. Taxes etc are all in their greedy inept hands.
    The Cow Milk Factory is on Ag land. It should be allowed. All the shibai about the water pollution is just that shibai. All rivers and streams gots lotta stuff and the Poipu Homes (half of them) got their cesspool into a Lava Vent that goes straight out to the sea. Poop and Sea. Lots of turtles, love that kukai.
    Newcomers...relax, breathe, love and live. Nobody cares if your multi-million dollar homes on the border of Ag get a little Cow have the benefit of the openness of your neighboring Ag Lands.the views and spaciousness you get the benefit of why it is AG. Ag is Ag. ,,,,,,,,,but notice even Da Hoos is a little silent here? He is saving his rubber bullets for the bigger issues.
    Deep condolences to Derek.............his father hired me in 1967 and was a good man. He helped many was was fair. A real loss for the island.

  22. @12/5, 9:26pm. Don't understand what you meant by your statement. Please elucidate.

  23. 7:25--with all what you posted, the main thing is that people are trying very hard to save this planet---the aina, the water--ocean, rivers, streams for generations to come--your grand children and their children's children! Kukai has a lot of pilau and the turtles may love it, but it may also kill them like how human beings love coke, aspertame, cookies, cakes, heroin, ice and the like which may eventually make them sick and kill them!

  24. 8:34 a.m. great words, but don't cow shit yourself. Hawaii is the 9th best state to live in. bull shit or not. With and without bull shit, Hawaii is still a great place.

    we all think the same way about living things for the next generation. here's what we all forget. we are all different, the way we live, the things we choose to surround ourselves with, what we consume and what we value. some people value heroin and some value ecoli exposure.

    some people can afford heroin, some can afford wine, some can afford lettuce, and others organic lettuce. that's all choices we make based on our economic and sociological backgrounds / values.

    We are all different. That's why locals (haole's included) were breed to accept each other's values. Hawaii way back when became the melting pot of the world. sad to see, the current Hawaii is not educated enough of how Hawaii evolved to be the 9th best place to live in.

    Have a Great Week you all! Aloha!

  25. People get excited when it comes to money. The Koloa People living in the multi million world are fighting the Dairy thinking they going lose money with all the shit and flies. There are two waste water treatment sites along Poipu Road that is right next to the Hyatt and Koloa Landing. Nobody is grumbling about that. It smells different from cow shit but....Anybody found the source of the polluted stream. Blame the cows even though they ain't there yet. If you are not happy on Kauai try another island more to your liking. I love Kauai even though they are some people with two assholes. It is what you make of the situation that going make you angry, sad and sick, or happy like me because I know I cannot change certain things. So Aloha and make the best of "IT".

    1. What is alarming is no one in Koloa is complaining about what a drug infested kronic side of the island it has become. Even with the Balino and Cremer drug ring gone, Koloa is a crack heads paradise.

  26. 9:47---maybe if we take better care of our lands and water we can become the 1st best state to live in---or maybe 5th! 9th is really excellent, but we could improve! But no tell anybody how great it is, cuz not goin get room for your grandchildren and their children's children!

    Oh well, Have a great week too! Aloha!

    1. 9/50 is really not that great. It's only in the top 18% so a score of 82% is OK but not GREAT.

  27. 1:16 p.m. "better is one woman's opinion." 9:47 just told you that.


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