Friday, March 31, 2017

Musings: Hashtag #Harumph

As the Hawaii anti-GMO movement loses ground, its leaders are becoming increasingly apoplectic and divisive, as evidenced first by Gary Hooser's hashtag bloat:
Uh, Rep. Lowen, just a small FYI — you may want to think twice about strategizing with a failed politician. Because I don't think he really knows too much about winning.
Maui's Autumn Rae Ness was also sputtering:
Gee, Autumn, we've all seen your tired playbook. I recall it being trotted out by Dubya, in the days following 9-11: You're either with us or against us. AKA: We're right, you're wrong, and there ain't no in-between.

Oh, yes. Intolerance and smug superiority are such effective ways to win converts, gain consensus and move forward.

Autumn is equally huhu about the sponsorship of tomorrow's Maui County Ag Festival, not that she and her pals contributed any money or manpower to change things:
It was so amusing to see Big Island Sen. Russell Ruderman weighing in with a big "like, "considering how much he and his organic grocery stores profit off imported food.
Yeah, that's real class, Napua. Talk shit about an event, then hijack it with own rhetoric. That's the spirit of hula, right?

Napua is an example of how the antis don't win elections on Maui, seeing as how she lost to Yuki Lei Sugimura. Autumn, on the other hand, has been working for Councilwoman Elle Cochran, who was outed by The Politic as ignorant, and easily frightened and misled:

While its claims are scientifically dubious, the SHAKA Movement’s rhetoric had plenty of shock-value. Its website links to articles that warn readers about dramatic new scientific studies and claim to provide evidence of epidemic-like health risks posed by GMOs. While these articles do not convey legitimate scientific findings, they were effective in creating opposition to Monsanto, even among Maui’s leaders. In an interview with the Politic, Maui County Councilwoman Elle Cochran said, “these companies like Monsanto are putting out poison.”

Ah, yes. Just the kind of thoughtful, well-informed, sane leaders you want.

It all brings to mind an article I read the other day about why Americans can't agree on anything:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Speaking of which:
How's about draw the line at the low-water mark, and they can stand on the makai side. Or better yet, those who actually farm on one side, and those who just complain and rhapsodize about farming on the other. And see who feeds you first.

A farmer friend who weathered the anti-GMO battles on Kauai predicted the shit storm would blow over on Maui, too, even though Center for Food Safety is galvanizing its forces there. The scare tactics start to lose their shock value when they're reiterated too many times, with nothing substantial to actually support them, he said. And people get turned off by the extremist, no-holds-barred behavior that characterizes so many on the anti side. 

That's what happened on Kauai. Just ask Hooser.

So those who are drawing lines and demanding that folks pick sides may want to back up a mile or two. 'Cause bumbye, they may just end up as the odd man out.


  1. There are them that are using the GMO dispute, as a way to get more control over the big land owners.
    Big land has been under attack from various branches of the Government for decades. Roads, water, Hana wai ditch, protect plants, protect animals, stock fish in streams, create hotels etc. The Gov has sent every Ton, Dick and Harry, Court Orders etc to try to access the interior and some beaches.
    Now holier than thou private groups are doing the same............They will not win control. Plus they would get lost in the jungle.
    The GMO folks are smart, rich and persistent. They know NOTHING about the care and management of land.
    It is about power, not health.
    Big land will win. ONly the County can kill them with high taxes. Only then will Big Land be FORCED to sell and develop some sections.
    Land and Power in Hawaii, Power and Land.....Da Hoos in action
    Leave Big Land alone. Big Land is more your friend than the Council. Big Land says live and let live. The Council says "The Beach and Ocean are owned by the people....welp, guess what? we the Government declare ourselves "the people" and control the former people's rights to the beach and sea. We will tax you and fine you until you can not breathe, we only want rich folks here who do not care if we charge high taxes. These new comers don't care that tax increases go directly into our pockets and not for County services...that is fine."
    Kauai County of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Demographic profile of the antis put them at high wealth individuals. High wealth new comers telling the land owners how for run the land. Locals need not apply.

  2. You must spend an inordinate amount of time cyberstalking Hooser and the other anti's Joan. Now to figure out which fake Facebook personality is really you. You are one sick cookie.

  3. Joan you ignore the source of the anger and frustration. DOW DuPont etal are international criminal enterprises. Trumps EPA Director just ignored and reversed the findings of his own agency scientists. The Hawaii legislator is unwilling to even hear Bills that dare to even consider minimal annual disclosure of highly dangerous restricted use pesticides.

  4. Actually, @7:55, I don't spend any time cyberstalking anyone. Unlike the trolls (like you) who obsess over my comment section and FB posts, I might add. But you go right ahead and sleuth out those 'fake Facebook personalities.' That ought to keep you out of mischief for quite a while, since the only FB account I have is under my real name.

    And 8:03, thank you for a comment that so perfectly reflects this post's observations about how people "have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed." The Legislature has most assuredly held hearings on bills "that dare to even consider minimal annual disclosure of highly dangerous restricted use pesticides."

  5. @ 8:03 must have missed the big news this morning. Dupont must sell off most of its crop protection enterprise (for a billion dollars) to FMC to comply with EU regulator's anti-trust law concerns. That seems a little silly, since the Dow Dupont mergers is going to be split off into three separate companies.

    As for highly dangerous, that only really applies if the product is mishandled. Applicators are very good about avoiding drift, avoiding volatilization and using PPE (personal protective equipment). Lorsban is old technology and many applicators choose to use newer, safer, longer lasting, sometimes cheaper and more effective products. (such as Hero, and Mustang max) The marketplace will eventually phase Lorsban out. But like Joan said, you need some reason to yell from your soapbox.

    As for disclosure, the bill mandates maximum disclosure, not minimal. That information will be used as a fish finding expedition to harass farmers over chemical drift. The antis haven't been able to find evidence of drift yet; but, they can frame them for drift exposure if they are notified what farmers are going to spray 24 hr prior to spraying. Hence, farmers opposition to the disclosure bill.

  6. Then how do you look at the FB pages of people who have blocked you?

  7. Joan, nice to see you're still allowing comments, but no one could blame you if you didn't. Some have taken a decidedly nastier tone of late. To me it smacks of desperation.

  8. Thanks, Dave. That was my conclusion, as well. They only make themselves and their movement look bad.

    And thanks, Bradley, for the pep talk yesterday.

  9. "This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything."

    The above quote is "so spot" on and I could not have said it better myself!!!! Thank you for linking the article.

  10. If the anti- gmo campaign is failing why is organic food sales on the rise and companies like McDonald's refusing to use gmo potatoes and changing thei chicken and beef industries?

  11. You have screen shots of a person that blocks you from their page on your blog but claim not to look at his page? Am I missing something here?

  12. @11:02 -- I said the Hawaii anti-GMO movement is losing ground, as evidence by its failures in the legislature and courts.

    @11:22 Yes, Gary Hooser, you obviously are!

  13. @ 11:22 I know how to look at FB pages that are run by people who have blocked and/or banned me too. If you want to know how, use this site to find out Http://

    I also know how to comment on pages without being banned. You won't find that tidbit on

    @11:02 the national anti-GMO movement has slowed greatly. March Against Monsanto numbers are way down. MAM chapters are folding all across the US. Your timeline to ban Roundup has come and passed. Your timetable to transition all farming to organic is unattainable as well. The GMO labeling fight is over. Yes, demand for organic food appears to be still rising, and that is more demand driven by ignorant Millennials. (They also think the price is going down as supply increases and that organic farming out yields conventionally grown food. Out grow Monsanto Hawaii sure learned differently.) If you want to take credit for ignorance, than more power to you. You might consider transitioning your fight with farmers to an actually conversation; maybe both sides might learn something? Farmers are winning the conversation at the Hawaii Legislature as they dispel the propaganda spewed by the anti-gmo movement. How does the saying go? "The truth shall prevail."

    As for the pep talk, we all take our turn Joan (yourself included). That's how we hold our growing strength in numbers. Keep up the good fight!!!

  14. @12:07: Organic farming on Kauaʻi definitely out yields "conventional" farming by GMO/pesticide companies who "farm" on our island. If you disagree with statement, please provide us with a list of produce these companies grow to feed the residents of Kauaʻi. Seems to me they grow nothing for us to eat here. Just ship seeds off to the mainland. Grow corn for cows and making corn syrup. Then send beef back to Kauaʻi. And lots of junk food loaded with high fructose corn syrup. Not a very healthy or sustainable system, I think.

  15. Farmers are winning the conversation at the Hawaii Legislature because billion dollar companies are doing the talking, I mean funding.

  16. Bet Kamiya Papaya out yields organic 2 to 1.

  17. I almost regret saying that because it'll give antis cause to cut more of their trees down....

  18. Billion dollars companies and their lobbyists winning over our state legislature. What a shocking turn of events.

  19. Bet Kamiya Papaya OUTSELLS organic papaya 5-1. You'd better know when it's delivered to your market or you will be out of luck. They stand in stark contrast to organizations like Center for Food Safety that own and farm no land, provide no food, ensure no safety and employ many fewer scientists, agronomists and farmers than lawyers and professional agitators and carpetbagging flunkies like Ashley Lukens. When Maui finally tires of their costly side show, their little song and dance will fizzle and they will try to find a weaker link in the agricultural chain to maliciously attack. Hooser is the poster child of that eventuality- ousted, marginalized and riding the slippery slide to much deserved a twilight career in agitprop. May he rot in the company of other fakers and never return to bamboozle the public into his arrogantly and ignorantly inspired expensive and avoidable debacles.

    1. @ April 1, 2017 at 6:51 AM:


  20. Money talks. It also sponsors, promotes, lobbies and markets ideas, true and false. Some people still think invading Iraq was a good idea, so you know that saturation thing is super effective for the feeble minded.

  21. @ 1:54 I'll guarantee Ashley Lukens doesn't work for free... Sometimes it cuts both ways, but farmers didn't start the fight. Watch them win it.


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