Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Musings: Shifting the Status Quo

The sky this morning was black, though from clouds and not from darkness, with just one small puka in the east — an eye of light that closed when the rain roared through and then re-opened to sparkle the drops hanging from the ironwoods, shimmer the sea splashing onto the shore.

Watching Koko and Paele playing on the sand, it struck me that Paele has lost the anxious fear furrows in his forehead. They were so pronounced when I first got him that I thought he must be part Sharpei.

And I reflected on Paele's first vet check two years ago, when he nearly bit Dr. Basko. I wondered aloud if the dog I'd taken in was too traumatized and aggressive to rehabilitate. Dr. Basko replied, “He just needs lots of love and happy experiences.”

Don't we all?

Today is the sixth anniversary of Kauai Eclectic, an event marked statistically by 1,520 posts and 861,475 page views, and intrinsically by my own reflections. As a journalist/blogger, I've covered a lot of issues and dug up a lot of dirt, while personally, I've been growing and healing all that time.

I've changed, and it feels like it's time for the blog to change.

I'm not quite sure if it's possible to bring love and happiness into the toxic milieu of politics, environmental collapse and man's inhumanity to everything, but I do know it's time to shake things up. So I'm going to take a little blog break and figure it out.

Exciting things can happen when the status quo no longer exists.


  1. No -- you can't forsake us. How will we ever know wtf is going on?

  2. Enjoy your break, I will be here when you get back might I suggest some insight/research into Buddhism. It always helps me.

  3. Good riddance!
    Hope you find a life... and a REAL job.

  4. Congratulations on six years, Joan. Here's looking forward to many more!

  5. Maybe you could run for Mayor ? Please keep writing.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! You have bridged the gap between people and politicians. You have opened a public forum where peoole are able to have a open dialogue on issues that really matter here on Kauai.

    I hope you do not change your blog. I believe that you have a good balance. Sometimes it leans more to one side than the other but in the end it all pans out.

    You are a great asset for the people of Kauai. You are a Champion and Hero for all of Kauai. Enjoy your R&R, Take Care and always be safe. God Bless

  7. Mahalo for all the research and writing you do, Joan. Enjoy your sabbatical...but please return to blogging soon.

  8. Ah.....there we go...."joan for mayor"....let's start the sign saving now!

  9. 861,474 views by 167 different people. Do it Joan, run for mayor! Run for council! Run for something so we all can see how much support u really have. No better way to find out for sure, than by running for office in which one individual is responsible for one vote. Not one individual placing 20 comments a day. You will be able to finally do something about everything you uncovered. You will have a chance to shut up the 100's of people who talk bad about you, while proving to ur support group that you are not someone who talks the talk, but can't walk the walk. Or maybe we should say, can type the type, but not live the hype. So do it Joan, run for something next year. If not, you are no better than Debra morel and you should leave the island also....and take ur fans with you.

  10. Just keep writing!

    As someone who's been in and out of journalism for the past few years, I can tell you how difficult it is to get busy doing other stuff and stop writing.

    Kauai will miss your unique voice.

  11. I will miss you Joan. Have enjoyed reading and learning from your blog! 11:08 AM and 1:49 PM, you guys are gonna miss her way more than you'll ever admit. I mean, who're you gonna hate now? But I guess it won't be that hard, when you're a hater anybody or thing will do.

  12. As a TVR owner I've strongly disagreed (to put it mildly) with many things you've written about TVR's and your characterizations of many of us owners, but I also know you bring a unique and valuable voice to the goings on in Kauai. Take care and enjoy your time off.

  13. Joan, I can't believe have been such an inspiration to me and I suspect many others. I have two quick questions for you.....will suggest another blog while you are on a long "vacation"? Also, I have been serious about trying to find somebody to run against that shit head Mayor.....will you? I will help with the campaign!!!!

  14. Hello Joan- Your blog will be missed and hopefully, after a hiatus you will return. You have an impact on Kauai and have served to raise awareness on many issues. I have disagreed with most of your perspectives, but I respect your commitment, truth seeking and direct communication. Thank you for the provocation and resulting thoughts. I hope you will return soon, the power of your pen will be missed. Best wishes.

  15. Hi Joan,

    Just my observation..... In the 6 anniversary s that you speak of you have made more enemies ( including people that have trusted you) than any politician could have accomplished in a lifetime.

    Good luck to you and your bleak future.

  16. Really got some bigots that troll this blog and they give the term "local" a black eye. I mean why torture yourself by reading this blog if you despise the messenger and the message? Apparently Joan is not the one who needs to get a life. As for Joan, best of luck whatever you do. Mahalo for your informative, enlightening, thought provoking blog posts. Most especially thanks for the revelations about the inner workings of our county government and your investigative journalism. This local girl will miss reading Kauai Eclectic. Look forward to your next endeavor whatever that may be. As for Paele, he's lucky to have you as you him! He's beautiful.

  17. YES!!! ENJOY your life from the perspective of your "own" heart and soul've dug into a lot of yuck muck and now its time for you to rejuvenate! I will miss coming to your blog to read your perspective...but I respect your need for change....mahalo nui loa!!!!

  18. congrats on 6
    those encouraging u to run for office cannot read u between the lines
    tell that buffnblu from the recent forbes article to shove that civil deadbeat/huffyingpost job and the Hanalei ridge development up his oahua while u help feed the real people at the food bank
    e-publish at least a few books so all these anonys n lurkers can kick down a coin to ur inkwell n make a wish for a better earth

  19. mahalo and bee well, joan!

  20. Good Luck Joan, take time out for you. Enjoy beautiful Kauai, and your doggies. Life is too short....

  21. You and your blog have made such an impact on our island. Hopefully you have conveyed some valuable lessons for our news reporters, government officials, budding journalists, and just plain folks interested in finding out more than one side of an issue.

    I look forward to your next venture and best of luck & aloha.

  22. “A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”
    ― Paul Newman

    “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
    ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

    “If you have enemies, good
    that means you stood up for something.”
    ― Eminem


  23. What I find interesting/funny are all the negative comments over the years, bashing Joan and essentially telling her to mind her own business, get a life, stop writing crap on HER OWN PAGE, yet they've obviously taken the time to come here and read her blogs. If it bothers them so much, why read it? To quote a very controversial, yet highly entertaining comedian: "This is my house, and if you don't like it, get the ****out!"

  24. Re 12:11 pm

    Clean your house before you comment on others.

    Dr. Na'au

  25. Because money and power talk in this and every other society, there is always a need for independent voices to uncover, expose, and inform those who do not sit at the top of our plutocracy. That being said, i couldn't disagree more with many - but far from all - of the things Joan wrote, especially with her characterizations of people's motivations, which I feel were almost always far too negative and one-sided. Joan seemed to have no insight or patience into the complexities and gray areas of human behavior - you were either all good (particularly if you were poor), or pure evil (politician, tvr owner, anyone with even a modest amount of money). Worse, no one she disliked ever got a fair shake, nor did she seem to care. Just too much anger there. Still I read the blog often and knew it did more good than harm, and that hers was a necessary voice for the larger benefit of democracy.

  26. @ 1:01 You did exactly what you accuse Joan of doing. Too many people making comments should look in the mirror.

  27. I think this may be a good move for you Joan,......just take some time off to evaluate your time in Life.

    Your critics will have to find another person to belittle with their little minds.

    Of course, we will miss you, but not all the bad deeds you have uncovered on this Island. They will continue smell in the sun.

    A Happy and Health Life for you with your animals.

    Dr Shibai

  28. Sitting here in limbo
    Waiting for the tide to flow
    Sitting here in limbo
    Knowing that I have to go

    Well, they're
    Putting up resistance
    But I know that my faith
    Will lead me on

    I can't say what life will show me
    But I know where I've been
    I can't say where life will lead me
    But I know what I've seen

    Tried my hand
    At honest details
    But all that is passed and gone
    This weary voice is moving on

    Aloha, Kauai Eclectic!

  29. Joan, I will miss reading your thoughts and insights...but hope to run onto you on the beach having happy times with your dogs, or on the mar at yoga. You have been so giving with your gift and time. Be well!


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