Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pau Hana

Mahalo for all your kind words of support, appreciation, praise and encouragement. And most especially, mahalo for reading.

A hui hou.


  1. When you return make sure to only allow people to post anonymously and the negativity will mostly go away

  2. you are my favorite writer so i hope we get to read your articulate thoughts elsewhere.

  3. We Thank You and Peace Be With You.

  4. Concurring with 5:55 AM.... Love you, Joan!

  5. Thank you for all the beautiful sunrises described.

    Atty. General Holder and the FBI want you to know that someone in authority higher than our County Atty. does care about the public's right to due process and ending corrupted traditions/policies. Read it yourself in the Justice Department website.

    This is a FBI/Justice Dept. web page for state/local corruption.
    "Public corruption is a breach of trust by federal, state, or local officials—often with the help of private sector accomplices. It’s also the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority." The Hawaii field office ph.# is (808) 566-4300. Atty. General Holder encourages all patriotic persons to report the appearance of improper actions by government officials - Fed, State, and local.

    is the FBI web form page for reporting suspected criminal activity. A human being in Honolulu reads every one submitted from Hawaii.

    God speed on your next voyage of discovery.

  6. 412 am : I meant not post anonymously

  7. best wishes and mahalo for all your efforts in trying to make Kauai a better place

  8. kinda lost without reading your blog

  9. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into your work. You have made a difference.

  10. i keep checking, hoping you just needed a break. hope you'll write again soon

  11. Aw, thanks for the nice comments, and for checking.

    1. U still on vacation? Come back soon!

  12. Impactful, unflinching, well-reasoned, and always beautifully written, I hope this inspires others to step up into the vacuum you leave.

    Mahalo for the best blog on Kaua'i and best wishes for your future endeavors.

  13. really, miss you lots


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