Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Musings: Begging For a Sell-Out

I spent a little time in my bee hives this morning, an activity that always gets me humming on the right vibration, especially when I see that they are healthy, happy and honeyed. There's something about being in the bee space that makes time stand still, banishes all extraneous thoughts. It's the ultimate bee here now experience. 

Returning to the human world, I learned the Planning Commission's subdivision committee voted to defer until Oct. 9 a request for an unprecedented eight-year extension of the permits to develop 2,029 acres of agricultural land at Kealia into gentlemen's estates.

Sixteen people spoke in favor of the extension — primarily people who stand to personally benefit from the developer's promise to build a poi mill, donate public park land and fix up the Kealia rodeo grounds.

It struck me that even though people typically bitch and moan about how elected officials and appointed boards sell us out, when it comes right down to it, you've always got some people who are literally begging for a sell-out, because it serves their personal interests.

We've seen it happen time and again: a developer co-opts some members of the community with small promised favors, and they in turn happily sell the rest of us down the river.

And so it is again with those who are all too happy to get in bed with the ag land speculators so they can score a poi mill or a rodeo ring or 14 acres for a park that the county will have to develop and maintain. 

Never mind that the land has already changed hands twice in the last five years and most likely will again once the valuable permit extensions are in hand. They want what they want, so they're willing to go speak in favor of 188 CPR “ag lots” that will be sold at prices no real farmer can afford.

Because they're so fixated on their own interests, they've lost sight of the bigger picture: the true cost of having 2,000 acres gentrified, and of setting precedents that other developers will demand.

What's really sad is our planning director and his staff recommended the Commission reject the extension request because it was such a bad deal for the county, for the community at large. After years of having us harp on them about stopping the endless extension of permits, they're finally stepping up and doing the right thing. They even urged the Commission to reject another extension request for a project near Kapaa Middle School that has somehow morphed from 55 farm lots into 700-plus homes.

But rather than applaud the staff for finally getting it, the self-servers say no, let it go, because we've been promised some goodies that are just too tempting to resist.

In another matter, but on the related topic of selling out, if you're at all interested in water issues, please check out my Honolulu Weekly article on the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the allocation of water from four streams on Maui. We have the laws in place, and the high court is willing to uphold them, but self-serving interests undermine the public trust, and the public good

Here's an excerpt:

Though the Commission [on Water Resource Management] was created to be the people’s champion in protecting water as a public trust resource, it has frequently sided with the corporate interests that divert streams, resulting in protracted court battles and repeated slap downs from the high court. Since CWRM’s inception in 1987, the Hawaii Supreme Court has reversed five Commission decisions–a higher rate of reversals than any other state agency.


  1. Remember how the Hawaiians lost their land to the haole for a bag of nails? Sounds like history repeating itself...

  2. Read the book "How the Indians lost their land:Law and power on the frontier" by Stuart Banner

  3. The bag of nails stuff is pure BS. But so is this project. Nice of you to bring up a white, liberal, myth though. I am sure it makes your mainland mind feel better.
    This project is a disaster. We must stop building on the highway.

  4. Kealia Kai went to the old timers at Kealia to propose their full of KIUC propaganda crap and like the PA trust me cause I'm Local shiet. Now if you believed that smart meters would save you money and EEO complaints was a conspiracy then you would believe that these multi million dollar luxury homes on AG is for the betterment of all Kauaians. Which one of you Kauai fools can afford those rates?

  5. Pave Paradise! Build a parking lot for the 1%!

  6. Yes, the petty self serving insignificant crumb snatchers...that donʻt deserve to have any special commodities (the store, rodeo, etc.) because they are so damn ignorant as to the precedents this will set, their voices should not even be heard.

    What is more disturbing are the commissioners. Planning director had a great report on this; appreciated. But the commissioners blew it. Next, theyʻll miss the deadline.

    I would like to make a public spectacle of the store owners for fighting to sacrifice Kauai for their petty interests. And they call themselves local. Thatʻs what you call shameful.

    The irony in all this:
    The developer is lying and has no intention of providing these extras.

    1. The store owner is a sell out.

      Just look when driving south on top of the hill, looks like get some homeless people living at the back of the red bldg.

      All of the water flow from mauka has been diverted by these silver spoon fed trust fund babies and big corp wigs.

      Planning commissioners must be getting something out of this. It's time to audit these quid pro quo sell outs.

    2. She neva even pay the original owner the rest of what she owed for the Kealia store.


  7. Yes... with the permits in place and transferable the value of the land will only go up up up and will most likely be sold and resold with the eventual owner/developer under no obligation or intent to honor any of the gratuities promised

  8. And as the plane leaves for New York everyone at the Courthouse and OPA breathes a sigh of relief.

  9. What? Just had to turn this back to Shaylene?
    Get some help.

  10. Remember the Kealia Kai group is the one had handshake deals with kusaka and the rumors that Kusaka was paid off with a bribe of a piece of land on the makai side of kealia kai is still ringing on the coconut wireless.

    Remember the Koloko DAM DISASTER and corruption and pray for the 8 people who died cause of Kauai corrupt. Org lanning commission. Never Forget and Never Let it Happen againa doesn't matter the color of their skin or where theyused were from, they were human beings and innocent lives that were murdered because of pure negligence by the power group on KAUAI called the GOB.

  11. i, for one, will NEVER forgive or forget Kusaka and her part in the killings. and she has the unmitigated gall to show up in public, now pimping for more at coco palms. HOW DO YOU SLEEP? auwe!!

  12. On another topic.....anybody noticed how Charley Foster has removed the ability to leave comments on his Blog? Maybe he is tired of the negative comments?
    You go Joan!

  13. It's just some greedy locals trying to get a piece of the haupia pie and the wealthy laughing at the cockroaches as they throw the bread into the crowds and watch the idiots fight for crumbs in the coliseum as they battle to death against one another just like how they used different indian tribes to kill other indian tribes you must educate yourselves then unite the clans because the evil empire knows the only way to destroy a race of people is to let them kill themselves how do you think they've played us in the first place making believe that it's the locals versus everyone else when it's the locals thats passing the laws approving permits and selling out how did william wallace die and how did Jesus get crucified it was their own people who plotted with the powers and this is what is happening on Kauai

  14. The Bruce Laymon Gang showed up to testify for the further development of Kealia Kai to represent "the locals". His "locals" work for him and will have jobs building lots for the 1 percent of wealthy. "Its good for the island community" they say.
    Money makes one blind to the bigger picture of what is going on. Perhaps his grandchildren will grow up mowing lawns for the rich and famous too?

    Dr Shibai

    1. Kauai's OG syndicate, follow their connections

  15. Pflueger's criminal trial has been postponed again. There still is no Emergency Action Plan for Kaloko. KICO has no insurance for the Kaloko ditch or their operations. Kaloko still has no spillway,and has an additional ditch inflow (from Moloa`a Stream) built within the Kusaka reign.

    Why does our community still allow this? Why was Kusaka made a Liquor Commissioner after her crimes?

  16. The only locals who are in favor of this are the ones who are to profit from the Kealia Hamptons.


  17. Dr Shibai

    September 14, 2012 7:37 AM

    Right on.

  18. Kauai needs another 180 plus homesites for millionaires that will add 360 plus cars to the gridlock on Kuhio Highway. Bruce Lameman's typical call out friends and family to shill for the rich assholes at public hearings. Would the project be such a great thing if Bruce wasn't working for these developers?

  19. When was Kusaka made a Liquor Commissioner?

  20. The Mayor was in the background pushing for this, try to convince planning comission members to vote yes. And that is against the law!

    1. That is a ethical violation and should be investigated like the costa and imai debacles.The FEDS was all over that one and had people crying on hoike and saying we need to stick together.

  21. Kusaka, a liquor commissioner?
    Well at least we wonʻt have to worry about her getting bribed with sex. Anything else gors though, cash, new kitchens.

  22. Kauai's OG syndicate, follow their connections

    September 14, 2012 12:43 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The Mayor was in the background pushing for this, try to convince planning comission members to vote yes. And that is against the law!

    September 14, 2012 2:00 PM

    That is interesting. Do you know this for sure?

  23. Bernard is the biggest sell-out right along with his predecessor Kusaka. Surprising his pick Mike Dahlig made the right decision despite pressure from his boss. All ya need to do is throw crumbs to these people and they will sacrife an entire ahupua'a in the name of a few amenities. Hey what's happening with the gas theft investigation Mr. Mayor?

    1. They still stealing gas, just not all of the families and friends can steal this time around.

  24. Mike Dahilig got busted for burning a house but not Mike the planning director. The latter is probably catching cracks from the Big Boss man.

  25. The rest of the OPA and DPA's gets shafted by Shay because they don't support her campaign and dont have a blog supporting her. Now you all see what kind of drama queen the PA is. Charlie and Jake both underqualified attorneys who support Shay gets overpaid while the rest of her staff busts balls and Shay and cpr Kirk goes to New York.

  26. Compared to OPA staff attorneys, what qualifies those appointees making more than $96,000 a year, other than being the mayor's campaign workers? Shay is no different than the mayor and his cronys.

  27. Bernard too? Send him packing. And who wants Kealia developed with homes for the rich? Only the ones working for the developer. Don't we have enough of that already? How is that good for Kauai? Planning Commission, please do the right thing.

  28. That is a ethical violation and should be investigated like the costa and imai debacles.The FEDS was all over that one and had people crying on hoike and saying we need to stick together.
    please explain, what costa and imai debacle? What feds? Please explain as they both still work for the county, and i neva heard nothin why they left planning directors and deputy? Was there an investigation? Concerning what and who ?details please.

    1. Ignorance is not an excuse for your lack of knowledge on what Costa and Imai was involved in. This is how the GOB protects their own and it does not matter what kind of crimes the protected commits. For the sake of the people the serial rapist murderer was protected by the GOB as other murderers living on Kauai. All the unsolved murders have obvious suspects that are protected by their connection and family connection to Kauai's Mafia. The Moore murder is set up for failure because of a powerful militia that is the strong arm of the GOB. These terrorist groups on Kauai needs to be brought to justice by all of the USA federal law enforcement bureaus.

  29. Ask the mayor where the money for the landfill is, $60M already gone and no new landfill.

  30. Mayor and the planning director beefing about this? That kid must have guts to air out Lame-man's dirty laundry likely against Bernard's wishes. No affordable housing? More gentleman farms? 1.3 million for a privately held poi mill and rodeo? Stinks of back room dealing. Isn't it funny how the Oahu kid is standing up for Kauai and the Kauai kamaaina are selling out for peanuts? That is the worst hewa. Auwe!

    1. I commend Mike Dahilig for his actions on the Kealia Hamptons so far but we have to wait and see because many GOB's are to profit from selling out on this one. This is the dangerous make you disappear GOB.

  31. Is the PA and 1st DPA in New Rochelle, New York? if so why are they calling me?

    1. They know my phone is being tap by syndicate cops in KPD and these syndicates opened my mail many times. 1000 percent that they still trying to set me up and plant drugs on me like they did to the innocent people in the book KPD Blue. It's a federal offense you dirt bags and your hired spies are novices at best. Am i gonna end up like Fig Mitchell, who was involved in that cover up?

  32. All right Mike Dahilig. Stand to your principles. Do what is right for Kauai. Shut it down that Kealia project. Don't be bullied by the power-that-be and by Bruce Laymon.

  33. I think the commissioners and the people who support this Kealia project should be investigated financially. Kauai is replicating the New York Mafia era with all this corruption at all levels in government offices.

  34. 11 new Kauai county jobs on Kauai Jobs Indeed, I wonder what family and campaign friends needs welfare checks from the tax payers of Kauai. These people are a waste of a falsely created position, more Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.

  35. Ignorance is not an excuse for your lack of knowledge on what Costa and Imai was involved in;

    So why don;t you enlighten us? How could I know, nothins been public

    1. If you just now started paying attention to the GOB and their evil deeds then you are behind times. The planning department debacle happened around the same time the lihue courthouse scandal occurred, so you might want to google and search for records. Andy parx news had a few blogs about it and you can go to hoike and watch the tear jerking episode.

    2. Island Breath Ea O ka aina-FBI digs into planning department Nov 29,2010.

  36. This is the same tactics that the poipu multi million dollar luxury condons said to the commissioners and people on Kauai. That they wanted to build affordable housing for the locals then when all was said and done there's no housing any locals can afford. They pulled out the affordable housing because they said that they would be losing money. The Kealia gentleman farms is the same scheme as the Kilauea gentleman farms, the marriott multi million dollar luxury condos and the poipu multi million dollar luxury condos.

    These developers are saying to all of Kauai's people to "shut up and be happy to be their slaves" because 2 and 3 jobs is not enough for the hardworking min wagers that will never be able to afford any of those properties.Just wait until you hear about what the prices of the homes that the developers want to build behind hanamaulu elementary school.

  37. So if an investigation was going on in 2010, what happened, and where are the indictments? It does follow that Dahilig 's job is to clean up the mess as legally as he can, or going to the limits of legality.
    But any news of late? Is this part of the reason to get rid of shaylene? Instead of being the GOB, she was investigating the GOB

    1. STOP da BS that Shay is not art of a GOB power group!

      We know that her and her cronies have ties and if they ever release the names of the people in the POHAKU program we will see that these peoples names was in the aresst logs mutiple times and for the same crimes after being in the program. These peoples names are tied to kauai's top officials and thats why they want to keep this secret. They belong to a militia group that has cops, criminals, guards, and a host of people that by law should not be associating with another.

      It's like the cold case unit is BS, she and kpd top brass had all them years to create this unit but only do it months before an election. All the people on Kauai are starting to see the corruption and all who is involved, and the book KPD Blue provided some of the evil powers on Kauai.

      Shay and Jake are apart of the problem and not the solution. How many people went to the PA community outreach meetings? Canceled!

  38. "Is this part of the reason to get rid of shaylene? Instead of being the GOB, she was investigating the GOB"

    That is exactly right. The good ol boys want her out because she does not play ball with them. They are mad as hell that she stood up to Al and Justin Kollar and Marc Guyot when they tried to power play the chief of police. They want her out at all costs. They are doing everything in their power to make that happen.

  39. Oh, right. SO how come the only person Shay went after was Tim who is most definitely NOT a GOB?

  40. Tim is so a GOB. Planning agreed to stop cooperating in his illegal apartment case because they needed his vote on the tvr bill. That will come out if he sues the county. You watch.

  41. There never was an illegal apartment. That is a fantasy. Who thinks a rice cooker makes a family room an illegal apartment? If what Bynum has is an illegal apartment better bust about a thousand people, at least. And Bynum a GOB what a laugh!

  42. Planning never was 'cooperating'. That was all Shay and her crony rogue inspectors.

  43. A rice cooker, no. A kitchen sink, a full size refrigerator, a full counter and kitchen cabinets full of food and food preparation utinsels, yes. The rice cooker myth is dead. Don't try to peddle that crap here.

    We know he was renting that apartment out to tenants too. Who are you trying to BS?

    You are wrong about planning. Those "crony rogue inspectors" are planning.

  44. If you are so certain you should use your name. Orherwise sounds like Shay or Sheila or some blow hard afraid of being sued for libel for smearing Tim. Dare ya

  45. The No Bid contracts goes to Kauai's version of the teamsters. Every contractor on Kauai knows what companies are stuffing their pockets with the dumbest bike path ever know to mankind. They are apart of this power group of corruption on Kauai.

  46. Why come ain't the PA prosecuting the unapproved dwelling behind the red bldg by Kealia store. She tried to prosecute Tim Bynum for a rice cooker, and yet there a homeless person on private property illegally squatting behind Kealia Store. Double standards like the Pohaku program.

  47. Is the PA and 1st DPA in New Rochelle, New York phone number 914 563 5128 if so why would they be calling me?

  48. September 17, 2012 5:28 PM answer the freaking phone you stupid spaz and see who it is.

    1. 5:49PM

      It's yo momma fool, she said she sorry for not plan b ing yo Azz!

    2. Yo momma so stupid she said the best book she read was the phone book because she saw all the names of her customers in it.

    3. Yo momma so dumb she went to KCFCU to buy some fried chicken.

    4. September 17, 2012 "answer the phone you stupid spaz"

      This is what the GOB called Rolf Bieber after he exposed corruption while he was in the Board of Ethics. The GOB got rid of him and retaliated against Rolf in the comments section of TGI calling all kinds of names and trying to make people believe that he was crazy.

      This is how the GOB retaliates against people, they attack and focus on character assassination like what they are doing to Tim Bynum. It's pay back for what Tim Bynum exposed as it was pay back for what Rolf Bieber exposed. They will get you some way or some how and use anyone that they can conspire with to set you up and get you back. If not they will hang people on trees and make it look like suicide to tie up loose ends to keep their not so secret society in check.

  49. From the Garden Island:

    Minatoya said county witnesses would not testify that Bynum’s addition was a second kitchen as designed specifically for use in cooking and preparing food in violation of Section 8-1.5 of the Kaua‘i County Code.

    There was not sufficient testimony to show that a live-in family friend who used the addition had placed Bynum in violation of the dwelling ordinance. The resident testified to using the main kitchen facilities, he said.

    “In my mind it’s clear, and whether I could prove that is the question, when a person is testifying that they used the same kitchen as everybody else,” he said.

  50. "Minatoya said county witnesses would not testify that Bynum’s addition was a second kitchen "

    because they needed his vote on the TVR bill. Any child who looks at the picture of it can tell it's a kitchen.

  51. No everyone in the county knew that Shay was out for pay back against Tim for the OG GOB. Abuse of power

    She threatened KHS if they didn't fire an employee that pissed Shay's family member off when they went to his house for a complaint. Abuse of power

    Shay has 4 EEO complaints in the OPA that has cost the county of kauai hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars. The OPA is a model for a hostile work environment. Abuse of power

    Shay did not follow procurement laws when she contracted a mainland company for the pohaku program. Copying the no bid contracts to kauais version of the teamsters. Abuse of power

    Gravy pplea deals to family and friends to make her prosecuting numbers look good and did not even follow pohaku program standards and let guys get away without doing community service. Abuse of power

  52. "Any child who looks at the picture of it can tell it's a kitchen."

    Is there a stove or other appliance (besides a rice cooker) to cook food? Then it's not a kitchen. You're as smart as Jake.

  53. Was it permitted? Who cares if it looks like a kitchen. WTF cares?


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